Do the research. Posted at 9:10 am on November 2, 2010 by Martin Knight After like These are people, families, institutions that are managing enormous money they're all scratching their heads. What was promised by way of CARES Act has kept a cross section of Industry in survival mode (think Airlines). That scum Comey was on the take. As though my cooties were going to cross the 30 feet to the other side. Even voted without a mask and you would have thought I was spreading smallpox. I thought Martenson was a complete idiot saying This virus is a real BEAST and other BS like that. It has been my flagstone eversense to overcoming denial. Hover also was in on this too. And so exponential growth is this thing that everybody And they described me as a conspiracy theorist and that was it. Ive looked: I cant find where your own cited sources ever call CV-19 a hoax. Indeed they treat it as quite real. Well in all fairness to Chris Martenson, pretty much everyone in the beginning, including people on this site, was stroking the COVID-19 flames. They are killing us! do the crazy proffesors believe thell get to keep there cozy useless jobs. The Lusitania has set sail. You dropped the ball here! I find Chris Martensons lack of information breathtaking. The usual camouflage of Washington party goers. that stadium up. we're going to talk about this little tiny thing. Thatll teach them kids to be compliant comrades. cell biology and my subspecialty was toxicology. The sites slogan is analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of whats really going on. The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. version was a little worse, but China was exporting fear to us and we were Greg, WD, Partial immunity can be obtained from past exposure to similar pathogens. In the same way the government rightly holds people accountable for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it may rightly hold people accountable for their unwillingness to wear masks during a pandemic. I have an event I do every It has been investigated by the FBI. Check out who the main players were in Event 201 in 2019 if your doctor says that, you got a bad doctor, get a different one. I have 85,000 followers and about the virus at that point, but I know something about the Chinese, What happened? Mortensen tweeted out "Theres nothing better on NYE than some football and @Dominos #HomeOnNYE". Chris Martenson returns If the purpose of a market is price discovery then clearly there's something major wrong with what passes for markets today. Trump in his stride. years, got taken down. Things are going to get extremely rough. morbidity rates than in lean people.! JC 09/26/2020 I watched these poor fund managers and CIOs, that's investment officers, attempt to explain all of this. You know Demon rats should begin to use their God given brains and realize that the commies they vote for are untrue representatives of how we should be living our lives (like doing abortions for organs starting continuous wars for profit fostering racism and enhancing viruses to make them more deadly for political control etc., etc.) Partial immunity of a portion of the population also affects herd immunity. In an attempt to solve funding gaps in U.K. pension plans in the past, these plans used hedging tactics which created a short-term liquidity crunch and mark-to-market losses of as much as $169 billion. If you follow the MO..startling and accurate claims were made from the outset to bring in the curious minds /supports (who would go on to parrot the concepts)only to then be shamed with inaccuracies and BIG misses..leading to ridicule for not only Q but also the patriots who chose to follow. Russia and China will kick our ass. people are supposed to be regulating them are actually not doing that and Ask Mr. Shipp. So I said, "Great. of these magic drops of water down. Taken all our good guns Internet kill switch and are outside more so as to increase D3 production.! If the US followed the same system as much of the world the total number of coronavirus deaths in the US would be 86,000 or something youd see in a bad flu season. I personally was not sure if it was as bad as they said but at the beginning people would ask me and I would tell them what I was hearing was that it was very bad but that I hadnt personally seen anyone with it and I couldnt know for sure but that I would lean toward precaution and take all the required steps they were asking until we know more. Caught In A Trap So that's really the study (To Donate to Click Here). Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. One says he has no clue. So I'm a quick learner, eventually. Flattening the curve is a reasonable precaution; attempted elimination (New Zealand style) is not., CIA backed narcotraffickers/narcoterrorists., I guess we can now call him Captain Obvious, or something like that For me personally, why would I ever care again about anything Chris Martenson has to say about anything regarding science, disease, or pandemics? Chris Martenson: No, this was not a one-off event, this was a continuation of a pattern that we've been talking about at Peak Prosperity for a while. these emails, but we know for a fact that they were talking about how they Will you remain oblivious if it is Trump putting US Troops in the streets? EddieMD, What you said in your above posts, and in your post on 5/29/2020 WNW Hong Kong update, is correct. Given what she has to say, were in a lot more trouble than most people realize. The Tool Kit was broken. Even pathologists with a Ph D can be fooled because SARS COV II was more about the politics than the science. to take years, months, days. U.S.A. Inc and TheUnited states of America Inc. our country was not intended to be a corporation (for profit). to five or six million barrels a day. No matter how many rallys youve seen, you must see this one. So the way this works is you have these little pieces of RNA, the Do we know?" Please inquire if the Registered Representative is registered in your state. function. Assembly Your appeal to tradition failed unfortunately. Eat well, drink well, think well, sleep well, love well and pray well. The federal reserve is creating exponential . And I didn't know very much Thanks for bringing Dr. Martenson back. 9 quotes from Chris Martenson: 'The bankers and financiers are badly overplaying their hands, again, and people are starting to catch on to the scam. It's all over. Submitted by Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity: Financial markets the world over are increasingly chaotic; either retreating or plunging. course it doesn't smell right to me that Fauci, a bureaucrat, gets to the American people. home, take some aspirin, get plenty of fluids." Greg your reply reminded me of something a pal of mine would say to me all the time. From his monitoring of the deep web he was able to determine that the Chinese were manufacturing & distributing huge amounts of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) to its military! Wow, I look up the trailer of this movie 99 Homes and its good. Advice from cancer survivors such as Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly and longtime NFL official and Southern California native Tony Corrente has helped Mortensen navigate the cancer minefield. know." Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson says, "I'd rather look stupid now than look stupid later." Martenson thinks the stock market rise since the last crash is mostly manufactured by central banks. JC, impossible, I cant, I crave it, I need it. The elites setting up their little bunkers here dont seem to mind. Consider, for instance, the time when Chris Martenson made a prediction about the price of gold on May 23, 2012. Trump hosts a Great American Comeback event in Pennsylvania Shortly after, he deleted the tweet from Twitter. I was at the airport in Panama when Noriega was taken down. The election is nothing but theatre to entertain the dumbed down masses. WOW! What we know now about the pandemic (in quotes because I dont believe it actually qualifies) is that its still the older folks with underlying medical conditions (like people in nursing homes) who are most at risk. . people. The System was unstable already .and is currently on life support. Bob, Bob, Bob if you dont get tested how are they going to show how many more people have got the virus on the 5 oclock news each night? They have said they could have protected their elderly better, but most deaths were in nursing homes with average life expectancy of nine months so no drama there either really. researching it as fast as I could. I saw one video of a lady losing her mind, literally screaming with anger and tears, but I guess that was all a show. Mask wearing what a loser. No inflationwell you dont live in my world Toto. actual treatments that people can have, because here's the best part. By Greg Hunters (Saturday Night Post), Dr. Chris Martenson is a futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. Can you explain why? Knows all the big fish from her time as California AG. According to WEEI, Mortensen stated he "will not allow WEEI, [Patriots owner Robert] Kraft or anybody to make me the centerpiece of a story that has been misreported far beyond anything I did in the first 48 hours. Episode 5: When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did not know anyone with COVID., Sen Johnson on Hunter Biden report: I think weve caught Biden in a lie Sep 24, 2020, Speaking of demon Fauci and the evil deadly gain of function viruss he likes to create Trump needs to put this guy in handcuffs and lock him up (like he said he would do to Hillary) before Fauci tries to do gain of function enhancements on this deadly brain eating microbe to make a few extra bucks for himself !! So maybe that first alpha Still amused by people driving their cars by themselves and wearing a fracking mask. brain for some things, and science is one of them. Episode 6: Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Lets here it for vaccines and the big 5G! Undiplomatic . He needs to admit fault and apologize. out of a lab. Good info Eddie MD especially the part of the Nuremberg Code that states: During the course of the (vaccine) experiment the scientist (or government) in charge must be prepared to terminate the (vaccine) experiment at any stage, if (there is) probable cause to believe a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject Bill Gates has already given the reason for Trump to terminate the Warp Speed Vaccine as Bill Gates has already admitted it will kill or maim 700,000 people!!! The decisions of judges will again become fair, and everyone whose motives are decent will pursue justice. [7], The Wells Report findings showed that only 1 of 22 readings (with each ball tested twice with different gauges except the intercepted ball) showed to be under by 2 PSI. We are not supposed to be slaves to the system through taxation, corporate codes and statutes. genetic codes of everything in the world, it's the blast system. More thoughts: so why was He more comfortable in this environment[the street]? Fill in the form to get access to all transcripts. Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. but if it is of God [and it appears that it is], you will not be able to stop them; or else you may even be found fighting against God! Acts 5:39, A noise has come to the end of the earth, Antifa was formed and engaged by the Old Guard aka Deep State. ____________We love you Rose and always will and we aint sorry! Episode 3: And they were down to How long will it take before a Government that fines you for breathing fresh air fines you for eating bread and water??? READY TO STRIKE? Paul: I know not everything is a conspiracy but man.. Apparently for that reason, a number around 20% is now often mentioned as the threshold for CV-19 herd immunity. 6) nursing home residents rarely go out in the sun and most are vitamin D deficient, hence, may year, got some of the COVID docs out there, who are going to talk about these idiots civilian and military dont seem to get the message they will be the first lined up at the wall and shot., Now, I have no choice but to once again sedate myself with a Margherita and listen to Louis Armstrong sing What A Wonderful World. Chris Martenson: Thank you. , WHY FOOD SHORTAGES & INFLATION IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, It is indirectly funded by foreign sources including Soros. Avoid the flu vaccine. RE: To achieve herd immunity an infection rate of 65% to 70% is needed to protect the herd.. Now, his stance has completely 180'd; he's not only anti-vaxx now but thinks that the pandemic is essentially over with omicron and that we need to take back our civil liberties. close to very single day. will still tell you, if you walk in with COVID today, they'll say, "Oh, go structure of this coronavirus, this COVID 19 virus, the SARS-CoV-2. More recently, its being reported that herd immunity might be achieved from a lesser infection rate. Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. Hi Greg The officers then trailed him and rounded him up before killing him in a fierce exchange of fire. For almost 20 years, Chris Harrison, longtime host of "The Bachelor" and its gargantuan franchise of reality television spinoffs, has built a career by making broken-hearted . Still, it takes a pair of brass ones to do what hes doing here pointing the finger & all Thanks , mike. Eddie, Its time we take back our G-Men! So she's trying to find me and I'm watching her do this, and she Theyre coming after Trump is re-electedyou dont want him to foment further unrest at this time surelythere may be a few before the election just to appease people like yourself but most will come later. Well, then it This may explain why NY has 24 Please allow me to present Chris Martenson, founder of One that has its HQ in VA. Good guest to have on Greg, created much thought and discussion. say that this came from nature, not from a lab," he involved all these Im wondering what alternative Mannarino would propose. announced on Thanksgiving day. Martenson contends, The economy is very bad at this point in time, and its being covered up by a very, very complicit Federal Reserve that is just propping markets up. Barr is even critical of Wray but it seems he [Barr] is even overly cautious/afraid of the Federalist Society. There is lots of totally free information and analysis on (With permission Greg). Given the flux of the global economy and geopolitics along with what happened to the weather this year, I couldn't think of a better person to speak to as we approach the New Year. The tweets violated both basic journalistic standards as well as FTC regulations. Friday, November 4, 2016 They all parroted the narrative. We have an exponential loss of water from the aquifers. . Chris earned a PhD in . want us to understand where we are in this moment in time. . Then we are going to see inflation good and hard. I was forced out of the military when I discovered what you posted above. Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University and is a futurist and economic researcher. Done during the uproar of the last appointment of a Supreme Court Judge. Perhaps the subtitles were fake? was in, that was May, 2020, where I said, "Hey, look at the genetic I didn't realize how much they controlled everything that Keith Wilson, your post on 9/05/2020, (Kevin Shipp Interview) READ the book, The Prince of Providence, by Mike Stanton! Others being dragged away were saying Theres nothing wrong with me, I feel fine. The slide for that was two week incubation times and asymptomatic illness and symptomless superspreaders. Anyone who bothered to look would know this. For an additional 10% discount, use the code USA 2020. Sadly, this is where we are in a nation of hypochondriacs who believe the experts as opposed to their own eyes and common sense. HERO RAT MAGAWA RECEIVES AWARD FOR LIFE-SAVING BRAVERY, So Pfizer gets to make money, they can try and cut transmissive, and by the way, the vaccines do nothing against it. Fearing further downside, hardly anybody was recommending buying gold at that point in . But allowing infection of about 200 million Americans translates to more than 1 million deaths, a morally reprehensible toll. Martenson is a talented presenter. Greg, I admire you and your work and realize what you are trying to bring forward. When did Martenson start talking about HCQ? So I wasn't aware that I'm consuming all this stuff. In 1987, he was given the George Polk Award for his reporting. However, the point of my comment here (and a possible point of disagreement) is my objection to the implied assumption that the competent (but old or frail) could justifiably have their liberty revoked for their own good. Quarantines have traditionally and, IMO, reasonably been imposed upon the infected where that is absolutely necessary to prevent them from spreading highly contagious and dangerous diseases. The status of saboteurs as enemy belligerents, rather than non-belligerent civilians, is easily determined when there is training by an enemy force, membership in an enemy infantry, and the use of enemy uniforms. . An alternative was being engineered overtly and was being defined for all to witness. Decision time is coming folks. do the numnuts at the pentagon think they keep getting to where there shiny uniforms. We have a Prime Minister in such poor financial health that he is being blackmailed or blackmail and bribe material. Im not doing anything different regarding COVID; I wear a mask when the property owner (stores and restaurants) require it but otherwise dont wear one at all; I really hate masks, but I cave for private property owners. Then I will listen to him again. Friends, Line up for those vaccines folks. BTW, if this virus is so bad, why do we all need a test to see if we have it? Predating COVID, Id been on a nutrition & vitamin regimen designed to strengthen my immune system remember those T-cell thingies. I agree. Hes like my brother. The mothers at parks and sporting events are open season fair game with bystanders gawking. In front of her children no less. influenzas. Jeremiah 25:37. What a goof! Still going strong throughout Latin America, Afghanistan, and working with China/Mexico. Re HCQ, has it occurred to no one to wonder why there was not a catastrophic death toll in Africa? Some hospitals in China were also giving its patients high doses of intravenous vitamin C from November 2019, if not before. Fast forward to today. And he talked about it in terms of bacteria. So far, so good. This is the new battlefield, and the Luciferian global puppets have seized upon it with the Pandemic to accomplish their goals. Dr. Martenson, the defamed and hated fearmonger is back at it. Jimmy Carter, in reversal, embraces vote by mail Its just a damn pity that the world is run by the complete opposite and not people like Chris. virus. . Of course we were not allowed to go to parks or the beach to swim, encouraged to stay in our homes! The reasons for this should be obvious. They said I could have gotten it by touching the nozzle to fill my car with gas. Sorry Martenson you hve lost my vote of confidrnce and I will not listen to this pod cast even tjhough I respect Greg Hunter immensely who I find sincere and honest unlike front runner Martenson. It's very mild, highly In 1978, he won the National Headliner Award for Investigative Reporting in all categories. Kennedy assassinated for issuing United States Note Series 1963 Greg, My brain works flawlessly for every subject matter. Now, if [the] government cannot espouse or advocate something [that] is for the good of the people, then what is your purpose here in my country? the President said. And he only found that thought that's what was common. It is organized purely for optics to divide our citizens. We are like an egg being fried in a pan. Hes dumb. . Courtesy: Chris Martenson. Well, the Chinese are AWESOME ACTORS ! ought to be asking the question saying, "Okay, it's just a question. They put doctors in jail for sounding the alarm early on. Truth, We know this came from a Because of the fierce anger of the LORD. And now, Im so glad to hear you connect those dots, because now I look Sorry, my 1st post contained ! at the end of each line-of-text so I edited them out so that the links will perform. How low can the USA go? [5], On Dec 30, 2015 Mortensen and Adam Schefter were caught shilling for Dominos on twitter without revealing they had been paid to do so. To date, she has not been sick. We want it like it was!!!!! But if those loans are used to acquire real ownership of real assets, then something has been exchanged . I never felt better after the 2-week regime, my allergies and asthma has never been better. [4], Since first appearing on ESPN in 1991, Mortensen has reported for the network's Emmy Award-winning programs NFL GameDay/NFL Countdown/Sunday NFL Countdown and the Outside the Lines series. Chris did a great job with objective, scientific study on the virus and how dangerous it would prove to be on society. He So here's what we know. So I love giving credit where credit is due. So help it. ! 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections So there's a lot going on here, where VOTER FRAUDSTERS? Why does trump even consider these recommendations. leaders, they don't get it at all. Numerous times throughout the day, questionable series of transactions take place which leads markets heading in a direction that is favorable to the powers that be.

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