Me too. Its a case of trying to keep everybody amused. Nah, Harmon is clued up. I've decided and bought a '21 Revolt which is nigh on identical in stack and reach to the Defy, only differences being a slacker front end and Well if you ever go to Chesterfield you will be called "youth" however old you are. Kittel was completely shocked, and has been getting more and more upset as this Tour has gone on. Theres no doubt about it, the most difficult thing to do is cover nothing, he says. Kirby says he opens the Tours road book (the bible for riders and media alike) first and foremost, having to change all of the notes to match his commentary notes and the on-screen graphics counting down the kilometres, rather than up as the book does. I have - again - sent this to Eurosport (23/2/23, with 1,871 signatures - and 1,400 people taking the time to comment!). It is a thrilling climax and its my job to convey that to the public. I've also been known to drag washing machines behind the bike and throw them down embankments, along with piles of grass clippings, black bags of household rubbish and several hubcaps. March 2, 2022 . And we have managed to cover his view on it. Now it is live pictures going onto blogs, stream TV pictures. Carlton Kirby is a sports commentator who is most known for his work commentating on the Tour de France. The demands of media and multimedia these days make it more of a serious problem. There are some other sports, like cycling, where the commentary has to be complete. There are many great cycling commentators around at the moment, Im afraid Kirby isnt one of them. Can you imagine Paris-Roubaix with Kirby commentating? I'm not sure if it was security, medical or a photographer who hit him, but essentially there was braking with four riders on the ground and the bike flipped before landing on the riders. And hes trying to improve them. I think its just taking a breath and think about the consequences, he concluded. How much longer do the cycling public have to suffer the idiotic commentary from Carlton Kirby ?? The youngsters were congratulated by the force on Twitter, as they helped chase down a thief who had stolen over 300 worth of goods. Jason Kenny has recounted to the BBC the near miss he and his infant son Albie encountered while out cycling last month. 35m is 100ft. The word count for me at the end is almost blurred.. Youre at the finish line, essentially watching the TV albeit with extra screens.. Eurosport's lead cycling commentator's weekly guide to what's not going on in cycling during the lockdown. Star names like Sagan getting knocked off and knocked out of races. See the recording of the last Carlton Kirby Zoomcast hereEnjoy our vintage/summer Parisian Spotify playlist (plus Little Italy by Stephen Bishop, not French, don't write in) hereSee Carlton's We get to see our own output with our team interviewing the riders. That is exactly what has happened now. To my mind, the motorcycles are the most dangerous because they have the least ability to stop. Baseless. I think there seems to be a bad feeling against cyclists and its really strange because theyre only people, he continued. There is absolutely no deficit of distractions for a commentator. VN:When youre at the race, who are you talking to regularly to get your intel for the broadcast? He's fine when it's all action but flounders when it's a longer stage. As a small example, he started talking to Magnus Backstedt about tyre widths the other day ("weren't you the 27 mm guy?") Unlike other sports, the practicalities of cycling dont change, and doing this remotely is not at all a good idea, but the situation makes all helpless. The road curved, but it was nothing to concern one's self with. You cant please everybody and as a commentator thats something you have to get to grips with. There are people who love what I do, and others who hate it, he admits. Would like to cancel eurosport but it's the only way to watch the classics (legitimately at least). Carlton Kirby: What inspired Chris Froome's golden era Eurosport's voice of cycling Carlton Kirby analyses Chris Froome's performance in winning a fourth Tour de France. -"Looks like shit. Without any editing, moderation, or credibility, it is all out in the name of fate., The Ella Roberta Family Foundation (@rosamund_ElsFdn) March 25, 2019, @emmachamberlain at her soul cycling class. (@StasaZlatanovic) March 24, 2019. Fantasy Cycling: game [at] Mark is already the greatest sprinter there has ever been. A new bike is coming very soon! What you are talking about is a place in history. Eurosport's voice of cycling Carlton Kirby analyses the collision between Peter Sagan and Mark Cavendish that ended the Tour de France for both men. But saves my life" German governments helmet advert sparks sexism row, - Sir Gary Verity steps down from Welcome to Yorkshire for health reasons after "errors of judgement" with his expenses, -Bristol taxi driver who cut up cyclist and braked in front of him has licence revoked (+ video), -Porn Pedallers to carry on riding despite being stripped of British Cycling affiliation. We met a young boy and young girl who recently lost their mum, and its really sad when you see that side of it. Mark Cavendish crossed the line first, and said Kittel came up to slap him in the back. While cycling commentator Carlton Kirby and his teammates would normally head across the channel for the Tour de France, the recent situation suggests he will be covering the 2020 edition from the Eurosport studios in London. And if you ever thought the job of the commentator was easy, think again, with the ability to multi-task a key skill for anyone working in live television. . Uhhh, Ill say Bettiol. They seem to think that it is enough to just talk about english speaking riders, or to 'emote' any time there is a crash, or a difficult corner. According to the Telegraph, cyclists and joggers could be targeted as part ofa new Government initiative to work out who is leaving waste behind in countryside. And its only the past year that we even get to see more than the Tour de France. It is crazy. If it goes on for two or three years, then people will notice because the freshness of what is in our heads will ebb. At least he can string a sentence together and he seems to bring good comments out of Backstedt. Over 3,200 worth of amazing prizes from Pacenti Cycle Design and Saint Piran, including some stunning carbon wheels! You have a sound wall battle, where theyre shoving one way and were shoving the other while trying to sound calm and interesting on the commentary when actually what you want to do is knock someone out! I am having this problem too. You have got to be kidding! While folk littering with gel wrappers is no doubt annoying, is it really up there with fly-tipping? During a sprint stage, every turn is important, and sometimes Ill walk the final approach with [commentator] Sean Kelly, and there will be no need to even take notes, because hell just say, Oh, this will be shit. You can read an off-camber turn when youre standing on it, and see the attack points when youre going up and down a mountain. Get the latest race news, results, commentary, and tech, delivered to your inbox. De Gendt, Volta 2019 Stage 1 winner. Terms and conditions of use. Let us know what you think in the comments. Cookies help us deliver our services. It is amusing that explaining this is futile, he remarks. You have your usual office equipment, coffee machine, and sandwich machine. He believes. One example of his commentary, from 11/3/21 Tirreno-Adriatico: Carlton Kirby: 'Yates is the heart and mind of this breakaway group'. Eurosportreports that Kenny expanded on the incident on BBC One today, saying: Someone felt they had right of way and decided that gave them the right to kind of jump on the throttle and drive at us, which was a scary experience. JavaScript is disabled. He was hinting today that he would be commentating on Paris-Roubaix (just after he said that Froome was 'over-raced' this year), so I'd be grateful if as many people as possible could comment/vote before it is too late: Mmmmm, unfortunately, the suggested replacement is just as clueless, just quieter. As for Kirby - its the arrogance of the bloke - does he think his viewers are 10 year olds who know NOTHING about cycling. Copyright 2015-2022 ProCyclingUK - All rights Reserved, 2024 Womens WorldTour Promotion/Relegation Standings, Commentating on cycling is not like snooker or tennis, says Carlton Kirby, Demi Vollering wins Strade Bianche from teammate Kopecky. The sights and sounds of the race and the attention of aptitude in an ample pressroom can renounce some valuable chunks for a commentator. Quite brilliant and gutsy from Tom. At least King Kelly is still there despite Harmon's departure. My Ultimate Commuter, rebuilding her at the moment, everything external. And alongside everything going on in his ear and on the screens in front of him, Kirby says the booths themselves can be a sourceof distraction from the job of commentating. He is thinking of five wins, and is finally allowing himself to believe he is going to reach the all-time record of the Belgian all-rounder Eddy Merckx's record for stage wins of 34. His Grand National, Murray Walker shouting in the last 2 kilometres really is unbelievable. For mine, Carlton is the perfect commentator for the 'early shift' on long, flat grand tour stages. Ive fallen off the Galibier. And somebody asked me, why dont you pronounce his name Foo-gel-sang instead ofFoolsong. In my ear I have a producer telling me when we have interviews, drop-in features, ad breaks and cue points.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You can use your lens. Kittel did win stage four, but then Cavendish beat him again on stage six. You get the atmosphere and emotion of a place. The One Subscription to Fuel All Your Adventures. Also add in several alert mobile keyholders. This latest incident proves exactly that. VeloNews: Whats the biggest difference for you when youre commentating on a race from back home, instead of attending the event? We've asked Colnago for more details but they just shrugged their shoulders in reply. 2023 Eurosport, a Warner Bros. Don't miss a moment from Paris-Roubaix and Unbound Gravel, to the Giro dItalia, Tour de France, Vuelta a Espaa, and everything in between when you, Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) March 24, 2019, This time it's a driver who doesn't get the concept of taking the lane (and is caught soon after he risks an overtake on the clogged up London street anyway), Yesterday officers were helped by youths on pedal cycles & many other members of public in catching a thief (300 theft) from Bentley Bridge who security were chasing for a while. A close study of the final 20 kilometres follows, picking out key hazardslike pinch points, street furniture and likely attack points, before the repeating the study in the car alongside King Kelly as the pair make their way to the commentary point at the stage finish. Kirby laughs. COME ON WRITE TO EUROSPORT AND LETS GET HIM OFF ! I don't have anything against him personally, but he doesn't seem to get the basics of the sport. Driver escapes punishment for alleged hit-and-run on cyclist, as victim blasts police inaction and barriers to justice. And he wasn't wrong. There must be so many ex-pro riders out there who would give valuable commentary and insight into the races. 2008present unless otherwise stated. Eurosport have a lot of these, so theres a lot of conversation going on in your ear [between producers] and its quite a task trying to keep the flow of what you are saying, Kirby says. I remember being impressed during the Giro at his ability to identify riders. Having spent over 25 years in the field, he has seen a lot, as many other countless commentators have seen. So poor . Mark thought it was congratulations, but it was Kittel hitting him on the back in frustration. One of the worlds most iconic cycling brands appears set to launch an e-bike. Thanks to all who have signed. All the news from the site and beyond as we start a new week, Thomas De Gendt bosses Volta a Catalunya opener and solos into 3-minute overall lead. Once its out there youre done, so youll just have to forgive me if I make the odd gaffe. You have to say who they are, where they are on the road, what colour theyre in and call the tactics and often all within 30-45 seconds of sheer hell and manic action. This is why he often cracks jokes and laughs heartily. View our media pack. You have engineers popping in and out, you have guests from the different languages, and the only thing separating us from the Germans, on our left, and the French, on our right, are thin sound walls its completely open at the back, he says. All rights reserved. The very aspect of commentating that requires filling the gaps spanning hours of no action is the reason. Here they are listed below, but we already know there will be one change - Team Sky will be racing as Team Ineos, with the Tour de Yorkshire being its first race following the management company's sale to the petrochemical business. Even my partner, who doesn't watch cycling, could tell who had won. While he admits Sagan's explusion for. Story Time with Carlton Kirby: Mankini's and mechanicals | "The pictures were all over the news. Without wishing to be too disparaging to Mr. Kirby, I dont have Eurosport or the ability to watch cycling live, so I have to make do with highlights. Carlton Kirby is one of the successful names in the industry, recently had been a topic of gossip for good and bad reasons. Continuing our discussion of 2020's cancelled/postponed races continues, Eurosport bon viveur Carlton Kirby discusses why riding up Swiss mountains is easier than riding up French mountains; villages accessible only by ladder; the world's highest lighthouse; 70s balladeer Gilbert O'Sullivan; human . Kirby has more than two decades as a commentatorbehind him and, alongside Irish legend Sean Kelly, has been back at the Tour de France this year calling the action from Utrecht through to Paris. 1/9/22 4.2km to go, Stage 12 Vuelta a Espana: the riders are going uphill.Kirby: as they get to this step, but it doesnt last long, its like your mums old step, give it a polish, give it a clean and then a clean pair of heels to everybody else. It's embarrassing now. There has to be some kind of distance applied and minimal standards of what is needed. It's garnering quite a few sarcastic responses on Twitter Yep, I regularly cycle to MacDonalds, get a load of food, then cycle to the off license, get some beer, and then cycle to a lay by or car park and spread it around the place. if many people would do this via twitter it could at least give a sign. You can't work commentating on it for as long as he has next to informative ex-pros without some of it getting in through osmosis at the least. And his constant er, er, erms.. all the time were extremely irritating. Tony Martin scared everybody with his breakaway, says Etixx chief. The actual bones of the job are quite similar. As well as sports commentary his voiceover work includes corporate videos and feature films as well as radio and television advertising. Were literally opening up Sean Kellys cranium to learn the nuances of the sport, and he comes out and says which guy is going to go on and win the next day. Theres so much stuff going on because in front of us for starters, we have live timing, results sheets, stage profiles, live pictures, alternative live pictures and a sub-monitor with the schedule. VN:So, what really is gained by being on-site? you can't have it on while doing other things and then return to the screen when it gets interesting because by the time Kirby has noticed many minutes will have passed. With very little data being sent to them, and some pretty bad camerawork they have made a good fist of the event in Spain. More often than not they slip into commentary which is at best nationalistic, and at worst xenophobic. Carlton Kirby pete54 Posts: 488 March 2014 edited October 2019 in Pro race For all those who can't stand Kirby's 'commentary' (must be everyone on Bikeradar? There are no gaps you might shut up for five seconds or so to listen to the crowd, but thats it.. join Outside+. So, our information can be slightly second-hand. And within the second group, he sprints hard, coming 13th overall. He suddenly realises how to beat Kittel, working out the formula to finish first. Next time you watch, ask yourself how many of his critiques are aimed against non-Anglophone riders. He came off the corner leading, it was a right hand to the finish in Villars-les-Dombes. I usually increase the pace especially on a sprint day to match the peloton, Kirby admits. I like Carlton too, not as much as Harmon, granted, but I've given up on him coming back. He is thinking Champs Elysees. Well then I propose a CN forum audio livestream for the tour de france. The rest is very monotonous and quite naturally the onus of filling that gap falls on the commentator. Please tell your friends: Ive read so many negative comments about Kirby that unlike most online petitions this one could work. What a load of rubbish - Team Sky Fan !! Its not something thats learned, or something you can prepare for. Its the art of illusion. But he's British and that's all that matters to Kirby. It is all well having experience, but at some of the smaller races who are the guys riding these bikes? Bit harsh, Quigley is a lot more knowledgeable. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. You always get letters or emails from people who really enjoyed your commentary, but youll always get those who hate every fibre of your being.. When actually its just hand-written sheet of notes to recall from.. During a long interview, the legendary veteran commentator of Eurosports shares some of his knowledge about the job. Hes done it four times, and I think he might want to do it again on the Champs-lyses. But there are always other lines to cross, and he just loves collecting these plaudits and the deserved success coming his way is just brilliant. I never say when Im on-site vs. at the race. The Kirby CODEC will also be called into action as his followers on Twitter will know. Win! Kirby is a shockingly bad commentator, but Harmon is not much better. 27/8/22: Stage 7 of the Vuelta, Herrada wins the sprint and has his arm in the air in celebration. To know that, you simply have to do a Google Search and you will know why. And then, you hang a look at anyone who is there to find out if theyre going to listen to you. He spoils everyones enjoyment of the race with his silly so called jokes and rubbish talk. No ! But, being in the studio means there is a considerable loss of interaction. At other broadcasters you still have cue points, but its usually after youve finished making a point [because youre the only commentary team]. From dealing with the never-ending frenzy of action, and incessant radio announcements, to having to tackle the director. Carlton Kirby: No matter if youre in a mobile unit at the finish, or in a studio with air conditioning and a coffee machine, youre doing the same thing, the view out the window is just different. 4th in last year's Giro d'Italia. Exactly - and if you had any insight into professional riding and experience actually being a pro like Sean Kelly or Rob Hayles - you wouldnt struggle to find commentary. Well, Kirby says, when its all out action on the road its very easy the problem comes on longtransition stages. Advertising, commercial: sales [at] Well, Ill tell you: It makes your view of the race verifiable when youre there. Join Outside+ to get complete access to exclusive content on VeloNews, training plans for road and gravel, and more. . So, were close to the press guys who have spoken to the riders, and they wander up during the day, and weve been in place for two hours already, and we meet with you guys. Kelly will probably kill him by the end. It was almost featureless and the riders would not engage in it at all. Proper all rounder. You are calling the race as you see it on the screen. Arriving at in 2017 via 220 Triathlon Magazine, Jack dipped his toe in most jobs on the site and over ateBikeTips before being namedthe new editor of in 2020, much to his surprise. I think as well that audiences will be sympathetic, so even if they know were not there, we will be upfront and honest about it. Whilst im not Carltons biggest fan (prefer Backstead w Harmon) I very much doubt I could talk for between 1 and 5 hours without descending into complete nonsense from time to time. I have been speaking to (former cyclist and Eurosport expert) Sean Kelly about it at various races, and we have both had hold your breath moments., Volta a Catalunya (@VoltaCatalunya) March 25, 2019. Kirbys Knowledge and Enthusiasm on the Mic is Unparalleled, When Kirby explains the difficult process of commentating on cycling, Michael Matthews powers to Bretagne Classic victory, Bora-hansgrohe riders false positive raises new doubts over accuracy of COVID-19 testing, Giro dItalia, Milan-San Remo under threat of cancellation due to coronavirus, Ewan storms to victory on stage 2 of UAE Tour. He has poor knowledge and really just annoys everyone. We will never sell your data and you'll only get messages from us and our partners whose products and services we think you'll enjoy. I make notes of the corners, pinch points, danger points, acceleration points, attack points all of those things.. Hosted by Duncan Steer. Among an awful lot of distractions, as Carlton Kirby explains, commentating on cycling is an arduous process. Carlton's voice is familiar to fans of Motorsports and Cycling both on British Television and throughout the world. You get the mood of the crowd, and of the press. Eurosport cant get away with this !! When asked about the criticism, Kirby opined Its not like the written press where you can write something out and finesse it and shave it, I dont have that gift. He kept on saying, Its gone, its irretrievable. I don't know the guy but I wish in netherlands we would do it with mart smeets, danny nelissen and herbert dijkstra, who are complete idiots. At the moment I turn up to a large building that has been stripped of staff, and there are just 16 people in the building. Read our full Privacy Policy as well as Terms & Conditions. Hosted by Duncan Steer Carlton Kirby's Cycling Lock-In Radio Days Events Sports NOV 24, 2021 London live show preview! Hence, talking on something is difficult without matter. Matt Stephens will be Eurosport's dedicated reporter on all Grand Tour coverage, bringing breaking news, updates, and interviews from inside the peloton. You can do that by clicking one of these links - TAKES 30 SECONDS:, Its the press guys we see more, because of the mechanics of the day. We have Sean Kelly, Stephen Roche, Magnus Backstedt, Dean Downing, Rob Hayles and David Harmon (who although is not the best at least it seems he is really doing some research and background checks on the riders and teams - he is clearly learning from Kelly as they sit in the box)but Kirby doesnt even do any background research. Kirby continues to put his notes togetheronce hearrives at the commentary booth, reading the local press andKellys grasp of colloquial French coming into its own. Theyre the best stages, and the most exciting ones, but often as a commentator the days you take the most pride in are actually the ones where absolutely sod all has happened! Le point sur la situation de Yoann Offredo. Punching the handlebars is the almost universal sign of frustration at losing. Fully agree Kirby is the most irritable commentator ever. It doesnt take much accomplishment to understand what Kirby is referring to. As for the Sky Team Fans member - you wouldnt actually be Mr Kirby would you ???? Thats because the Tours largest broadcasters are staying at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rather than broadcasting the race on-site in France. If youve watched Eurosport cycling, you'll know. We cant do that when hes at his house and Im at mine. You can sound like youre a genius, with an incredible memory, Kirby says. Ive been up the Galibier. It is all clearly not set in stone at the moment, and I hope that I'm not going to have some sharp intake of breath moments on commentary just because bikes are needlessly endangering the lives of cyclists. If you are not interested you can unsubscribe at any time. Strade Bianche 2023, March 4, one-day classic (men's & women's), 78th Omloop Het Nieuwsblad: February 25, 2023, UAE Tour 2023, February 20-26 (women's race February 9-12), O Gran Camio 2023, Spain, February 23-26, 49th Volta ao Algarve em Bicicleta (2.Pro) // February 15th - 19th 2023, Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne 2023 February 26, 196 km (1.Pro). You take yourself to the studio, call up your, do your research online. Shouldnt be that hard to organise with so many people here able to talk eloquently and intelligently for 4 hours. Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more.

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