Moon in the 8th individuals have soft eyes. Sun-Moon aspects can bring out the brilliance of the Sun person, and the Moon is yielding, soft, adaptable, and fluid. Not really an observation but Eros and Lilith persona charts can tell you what youre into s*xually. Aspects to the ascendant in synastry, such as the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect are very powerful. * Mars sextile/trine another persons Mars can create a very supportive relationship with a lot of understanding surrounding one anothers goals or ambitions. These two people have a lot in common, which leads to empathy and understanding. They maybe pushovers at first but if you push them hard enough, be prepared to die. These two may encourage one another and may even be successful in achieving common goals. Hello! the way that both parties respond to every day things is very similar. Moon/Chiron aspects: With harmonious aspects this can inidicate the chiron person having the . Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. However, with this placement mastered, a Gemini degree in Venus is both a communicative and intellectual lover. Its also about our relationship with our father or authority figures. Lmao this post talks sm about Libra Mars. Ty in advance and sorry for making this long! Most people start to identify with their Sun after the age of 30. With two people obsessing over these factors, it can be easy to get caught up in appearances. As Jupiter represents expansion, this relationship has an interesting potential for both people to bring out the others adventurous, optimistic side. Therefore, Pisces degrees need to be mindful of how they approach their relationships. Side note- I could see these people utilizing music on dates i.e. It represents the core of your personality. Sun conjunct Neptune in a synastry chart is one of my favorite aspects and the one that I think best represents the twin flame dynamic. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within themselves. The sun person may also feel like they can understand the inner workings of the ascendant person on a deep level. It also warns us of the dangers of over-exerting ourselves and reminds us to rest when we need to. Gemini rising stares are underrated. They may even both share physical qualities such as their build, hair, or eye color. Taurus degrees, you must be mindful of when youre showering your partner with affection and luxuries that theyre going to return it in a way that they know how to. Asteroid Vesta aspecting Saturn may indicate losing your virginity later in life. I know that I have a cancer stellium but how does that energy manifest since the 10th house represents Capricorn? If both individuals are willing to put in the work, this can be a very rewarding and satisfying union. One sibling is very selective about who they wanna date and isnt interested in searching for love meanwhile the other one is on 8 different dating apps LMAO. Read on to learn how these important factors play out in a relationship. For the downsides of Aquarius degrees, since theyre unique and have an unusual approach to love, it maybe hard for them to find people who they feel truly get them. I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry talked about a lot. haven't heard from you in a while, hope to hear from you soon!! Aquarius Eros love to be filmed or love the idea of being filmed while m*sturbating or having s*x. Theyre definitely the type to be able to hide an proposal well, and truly surprise their partner. * When someones Ascendant is in harmonious aspect to your Venus, you may feel initially attracted to them upon meeting them. The Sun is who you really are, your inner self. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Sagittarius degrees might in fact meet someone while traveling. All in all, Pisces degrees are intense and dreamy lovers. They might dissociate or feel disconnected from their body. People with Pluto in the 7th, Saturn in the 7th, an afflicted or unaspected 7th house ruler, and Scorpio in the 7th, Ive noticed tend to get into relationships later in life, i.e. Mercury in the 8th house individuals LOVE to read smut and write their own. This knowledge gives them a great deal of empathy for one another. This however can be their downfall in love, unevolved Cancer Venuses in love can become emotionally attached too quickly and are too emotional in relationships. This can lead to a lack of authenticity if not properly addressed. It is important to note the difference between the ascendant and the Sun. Your confident and positive attitude will leave a strong impression on other people. Majestic creatures. Libra degrees also have the same flair for romance that Taurus degrees have as well, since both degrees are ruled by Venus. Id say Asteroid Aphrodite aspecting ones Venus and/or Ascendant would indicate beauty. If you take advantage of the positive influence of this aspect, the effect can be very powerful. Also she loves kids, and he wants nothing to do with them. It is a supportive and affirming relationship that can help both individuals to reach their potential. They may be motivated to create a life that looks good on the outside or on social media instead of one that is authentic and fulfilling. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. Theyre also the type to show you off to their friends and family and all over social media. You make each other feel appreciated and valued. Sun quincunx the ascendant in synastry can have a similar effect. Those with harsh Moon-Mars and Moon-Venus aspects in their natal chart tend to attract each other like moths to a flame. A strong Sun in the birth chart suggests a strong self-image, self-confidence, vitality. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. They know how to annoy people and push their buttons. I think its because of my Mars in the 7th. Out of sign conjunctions can be more complex, but generally speaking, the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is great. Hi, Ive heard that the asteroid Psyche deals with where our soul feels at home and if it aspects someones Eros in synastry its typically considered a soulmate aspect. there's good communication here! Ex: one person has cancer in Venus the other has a Venus moon. Everyone knows their Sun sign, even people who dont know anything about astrology. With similar views, principles, and missions, they assist each other in accomplishing their dreams. being manipulative. It basically means that the Lilith person is there to bring out the dark side of the north node person and it also gives a lot sexual tension (the two people I had this with couldnt keep their hands off me). If not issues, their father greatly influences their lives for better or for worse. they start dating at a later age. If you want an example, I have this and for my last ex I would make playlists for him, I drew a portrait of him, and I wrote poems for him. When the sun is conjunct your ascendant in your natal chart, you have a bright and warm personality, which gives you charisma and a magnetic effect on others. In the natal chart, the Sun shows how much energy you have. However, if these planets are opposed or square to one another we may see the Suns goals in life challenging the basic rhythm and natural flow of the Moon. Hope this helps! The partner to have when youre not feeling well. Mars Conjunct Pluto showing up in both partners in synastry. Lilith in the 2nd women tend to be s*xualized in addition to Lilith in the 1st women. Libra degrees in love are all about harmony and balance in the relationship. Definitely check @factsrological for more on this! Whereas the Sun is focused on the future, and what is coming andwillunfold. They can help the sun person to feel validated and seen for who they really are. They have to be very mindful of this and not get attached too quickly, and let the attachment grow over time. Im a Sag rising and many of my close friends are Muslim and I was raised Catholic. Water sun/mars + fire moon or vice versa. These people may feel out of sync at times and may struggle to understand each other. Unevolved degrees can also be controlling in love. Mars is an energy that blasts through resistance and cuts to the chase. Like Leo degrees, Capricorn degrees want to show their partner off to everyone they know. Staying grounded in reality helps them to maintain a healthy perspective on their relationship. playlists, art, etc. They carry authority and self confience, usually preferring to make their own path rather than wait for a path to appear. Cancer moons be giving Shakespearian monologues whenever youve made them upset. They can bring out a unique vibrance in one another. The Sun person helps the Ascendant person in practical ways and vice versa. Also I could totally see Virgo degrees wanting to get a pet with their partner! The downsides of Pisces degrees like I said, they can be secretive with certain parts of themselves and can be too intense with their love, perhaps to the point where it drives them crazy or their partners crazy. Lilith Square Mars. Also if youre dating someone with a Pisces degree in their Venus? Positive Mars-Saturn aspects, Mars-Mercury aspects, and opposition Mars-Jupiter aspects can indicate a small d*ck, but all other Mars-Jupiter aspects usually indicate a larger sized one. Moon-Jupiter aspects give big/prominent boobies. For example, if one person is an Aries Sun while the other is an Aries Ascendant, there may be a lot of competitiveness between the two. This is also what I do with every crush I have, the amount of poems Ive written for girls Ive had a crush on, oh my god. Hello. Libra Mars placements are SO moody, but boy do they know how to flirt and charm. I have this with a few people and Ill randomly start thinking about marrying them and Im like nope. Be honest with each other: Transparency is key in this relationship. The attraction can be instant or very noticeable on a profound level. The qualities of the sign where the conjunction occurs feel familiar to both of you. Gemini moons despite being super social and funny, theres still a tinge of awkwardness to them? The Sun is who you really are, your inner self. Each aspect is worth 1 point. Theyre also both very direct people as they are both cardinal signs while sharing asoftness to their words. The Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is a very favorable one. This is usually a positive aspect, but it can also shine a light on issues as if with a magnifying glass. The ascendant changes one degree every four minutes, so you have to know your exact time of birth to calculate it. Hope this helps! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They dont respond well to being bossed around or their partner wanting them to be the boss. Both of you can benefit from this aspect, and each others company helps you maintain a stronger self-image. When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. For example, they wont be ogled in the street or be asked straight up to have s*x, but theyll get to know someone and that person will start saying s*xual stuff to them. hope ure doing good, im so sorry to ask but I hope you can help me out. with Venus and Mars in Scorpio Its as if they can look into each others souls and understand what motivates them. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Disharmonious aspects can cause enduring more emotional abuse. Planets conjunct someones ascendant, especially planets like Venus, the Sun, or the Moon suggest that there is a strong attraction between you. The Ascendant person can help the Sun person to feel more comfortable in their own skin. Virgo degrees in love are allll about acts of service. Thinking about the time my co-worker liked my other co-worker and she tried to flirt with him by asking for a bite of his icecream and he told her to get her own. Capricorn degrees are the CEO type of placements, they want to be in charge. You can learn more about this below. You share many personality traits, but you also have a similar personal style and attitude to life. Here is why. I could also see Gemini degrees wanting to go on educational dates like taking their partner to a bookstore or a library. You can allow a relatively wide orb here, up to 6-7 degrees. Its weird how certain aspects play out. Everyone talks about asteroids conjunct your ascendant, but never talk about the oppositions. Ive noticed sapphic women tend to have Venus-Uranus, Mars-Uranus Mars-Neptune, and/or Venus-Neptune placements. The ascendant is also called the rising sign in astrology. Ive noticed that those with Aquarius, Aries, and Sagittarius placements in their big 6 tend to have more radical and unconventional views about politics than others in their time. Cancer suns and Scorpio suns I just dont dig as a couple and heres why. Its energy is dominant, forthright and focused on conquest, glory and the clearing away of opposing forces. Ive been wondering about a post you made about obsessive and stalking aspects in synastry and one caught my eye, since its one I have with my current crush. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing if they become too codependent on each other and lose their sense of self. Scorpio degrees in love are possessive and secretive. Hi!! The Sun person cannotfeelwhere the Moon is coming from and the Moon cannotseewhere the Sun is heading. They are also natural leaders. Cancer Mercury and Libra Mercury friendships are so underrated imo. Theyll think of fun things for you guys to do for dates, i.e. I just want to start with, I love your blog and really appreciate your posts so thank you so much for all the work you put into your blog!! The Sun person can increase the social status of the ascendant person with this placement. No one can control us or take that away from us. Also Virgo degrees? They literally will love you until the day they d*e. Like the Taurus degree, this degree also deals with wealth. The Sun is in accidental dignity in this house. I was wondering if you were familiar with the Asteriod Psyche. This aspect brings friction between you. The downsides here can be jealousy and possessiveness as well as having a hard time being vulnerable with romantic partners! On the more negative traits of Capricorn degrees, they may have a fear of love and this can make it hard for them to either get into a relationship or be vulnerable in a relationship. Any behaviors that have been lingering beneath the surface will manifest more strongly. He found a significant proportion had Sun conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Moon conjunct Ascendant, and reported his findings in monograph, Synchronicity - An Acausal Connecting principle. For entertainment purposes only Like I said, theyre slow with love and take their time. . A lot of Nessus aspects (3 or more) in the natal chart can make someone s*xually deviant. * Moon trine Mercury is an aspect that makes conversation flow in a relationship. Of course, the ascendant is just as important, as you will see in a minute. This can create a powerful energy that amplifies the qualities of both planets. The Sun person has a great deal of power over the ascendant person. Aquarius Eros, Lilith in the 11th, Mars in the 11th, Mars Square Pluto, and Aquarius Mars are into some k*nky shit bro. a cruise, a restaurant on the water. I dont know Ive just noticed this. They are not afraid to shower their partner in gifts. However, the Sun often takes time to fully bloom. Aries suns are noodges. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. If the Sun is conjunct the ascendant in synastry from the ascendant from the twelfth house, this is a sensitive relationship. Sag placements and Geminiplacements in the big three tend to have the most expressive faces. Make sure to look at the degrees of your Venus itself and the degree of the house it falls into! Dont apologize for asking questions, I try to help you guys as much as I can! You are unaware of the things there, as the twelfth is an unconscious house. Create a shared vision: This is a relationship that is based on collaboration. Sun opposite ascendant in synastry is the same as the Sun conjunct descendant. Its been a while, lol. Ive mistaken Gemini risings for Scorpio risings before. I could also see an unevolved Leo degree still wanting attention from other people, and not wanting to give that up, because lets face it, Leo degrees do love praise. Some celebs w this placement: Marlon Brando, Jessica Chastain, Tiffani Thiessen, James Dean, Kurt Russell, Natalie Wood, and so on. It takes time to get to the Sun. They work well together towards common goals. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. Conjuncts In Synastry - Magnified Intensities Conjuncts in synastry have a reputation for being extremely intense. It will also blend the qualities of the two planets involved. Its not as blatant however, its more hidden. As for marriage and relocating Id have to look at more than what you showed me. Pluto in the 1st all have the death stare. . You get along well, as you have a lot in common. For the most part, these peoples personalities complement each other and they tend to feel comfortable expressing themselves around one another. Virgo Sun Aries Moon Sagittarius Rising Despite being aloof, they are still air signs. Their outward expression is appealing to you and you may desire to know them more personally. In the beginning of your life, most people identify more with their rising sign. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. The seventh house and your descendant show the qualities you cant seem to find in yourself (but they are there!)

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