He claimed he had no idea who the Kennedys were, but they wanted to meet Williams, and Vidal produced him. And for Lem and Mark Chesmore, there's nothing more they enjoy doing than participating in their chosen sport of boxing. "Early on in their friendship, Lem sent Jack such a note and Jack replied in their usual jocular way, adding in parentheses, 'Please don't write to me on toilet paper any more. JFKs sex life, and his attachments to men, also needs to be better understood for what it reveals about his inner life, and for a moment in United States political history when sex itself was undergoing seismic changes. However, an earlier book by Hollywood writer Lawrence Quirk alleges that Billings was not rebuffed. [4] The non-sectarian, wooded hillside park is located at 4734 Butler Street in the Lawrenceville neighborhood, and bounded by the Bloomfield, Garfield, and Stanton Heights areas. He reportedly never entertained or enjoyed social outings. [30], The press frequently reported on his presence at Kennedy family events, such as the arrival of the Kennedy children in Washington in February 1961. He wanted to be with him, to be a part of whatever he wanted to do to continue Jack's legacy." Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. On school breaks, Jack often brought Billings home with him, sparking Joe Kennedy to complain to his wife, Rose, 'Do we have to have that q***r around all summer?'. Billings had once told Bobby that. [64], Billings' behavior changed drastically in the late 1960s. During the night of May 28, 1981almost two decades after JFK's untimely death 65-year-old Lem Billings died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack. Have a nice one! David Pitts quotes Vidal cruelly calling Billings a lifelong slave, the principal fag at court, and a nurse who helped Jack deal with the pain caused by Addisons disease. COVID-19 became the No. From 1933 to 1946, Billings and JFK exchanged letters, with Jack often antagonizing Lem in the correspondence. JFK also shared women with male friends and relatives, a homoerotic impulse often seen in fraternities or other male organizations where men reinforce intimacy by having sex with the same woman. "[44], Many testify to Billings' wit and ability to help the President relax. Lem Billings (right) was Kennedy's roommate at Choate and Princeton and an usher at his wedding, Spending most weekends at the White House during JFK's presidency, he became known as the "first friend." Although Billings kept his homosexuality private, it wasn't entirely a secret. This was at the end of their final presidential debate at Hofstra University in New York in October, 2008. Ted Sorensen called him "an admirer almost a fawning admirer of his friend. In reference to this relationship, I came across another interview in which JFKs sexuality was discussed and that interviewer defended JFKs relationship with Lem? One reason is that, in retrospect, the Kennedy presidency provides a transition from the years of what historian David K. Johnson calls the lavender scare and the unbuttoned, experimental 1960s that launched the gay rights movement. When JFK was assassinated, he turned his attention to his nephew Bobby Kennedy Jr. He was by all accounts JFK's best friend . (Page 24), Lem and Bobby, Waterville Valley, N.H., circa 1967"'When Bobby joined the political fray, no one was happier than Lem. Still, Billings was viewed by many I interviewed for my biography of RFK Jr. as his gay Svengali who guided and literally tried to control every aspect of Bobby Jr.'s life from the time he was in his mid-teens. 'Haven't heard a word from you,' Jack wrote. Date (s) of Materials: 25 March 1964. Health Insurance data come from Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, 2014 pdf icon; 2014 birth data come from National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. I suppose if you dont do the missionary sex position thing you can call yourself straight and for any other position, it is just experimental straight sex? The president was famously believed to have affairs during their marriage. [44] "Jack made a big difference in my life," Billings said. Once, Alford remembered, Kennedy suggested that she would be doing him a favor if she agreed to help his younger brother, Ted, a newly elected Senator, with his own tensions, while the President watched from across the pool. "[25]:244 Sometimes he stayed for longer periods. She was expected to be constantly available for him, he was inconsiderate and unloving, and she was permitted to tell no one. I am sure the good Lord knows that heaven is Jesus and Lem and Jack and Bobby loving one another.'. educated at. President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas 50 years ago, leaving behind a mourning nation and his gay best friend, Lem Billings. [25]:364 According to Kennedy family members, such as Peter Lawford, and others, Billings began using drugs[25]:365 due to the influence of the Kennedy and Lawford boys. She reportedly had a love-hate relationship with her husband's best friend. Pitts' 2007 book helped spur renewed interest in the friendship between President Kennedy and Billings. Billings, for his part, never married and eventually became a marketing executive and worked on the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. It impressed . Lem Billings was a lifelong friend of Kennedy's, beginning from when they were roommates at Choate, continuing til Kennedy's assassination in 1963. By the time he became president, however, that revolution had been launched: the birth control pill, developed in the 1950s, became widely available in the 1960s and, more importantly, in 1964, Life magazine would publish a major photo essay about gay mens bars in San Francisco. His book Jack and Lem: John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship, from which the text of this slideshow is excerpted, was one of The Advocate's five best books of 2007. The first lady, Jackie, had something of a love-hate relationship with Billings. Criticisms from others in the Kennedy orbit insinuate that Jack took advantage of Lems love for him without reciprocating. Billings had been a prep school roommate of John F. Kennedy, an usher at his wedding, and a campaigner for his successful 1960 presidential bid. After Jack Kennedy's election to the presidency, Billings was a constant presence and overnight guest at the White House. Although Jack and Bobby were of different temperaments -- Jack, detached and cerebral, Bobby, intense and emotional -- Lem saw so much of Jack in Bobby. it would not surprise me knowing how most of the Kennedys (including ole Joe!) Their mothers just married the same man. While JFK is legendarily known as a master womanizer who frequently cheated on his first lady, his curious three-decades long intimate friendship with Billings suggests more than a simple bromance. Billings could best be described as Kennedy's "wingman", closest male friend, and boon companion as they moved into adulthood. As they became close, Billings confided that his relationship with Kennedy was, in fact, sexual, to a point. And all the while, Lem Billings was there: waiting, serving, comforting and helping the Kennedy family adjust to the public glare. I really got to know them well. EXCLUSIVE: Head teacher of leading grammar school is sacked for sending parents a list of striking teachers. (Page 4), "When Jack wasn't trying to get Lem to sing on family occasions, he was cajoling him into playing sports -- usually touch football, a game Lem came to loathe. From the time John F. Kennedy and Kirk LeMoyne "Lem" Billings met at Choate, until the President's assassination thirty years later, Jack and Lem remained best friends. I mean, I could have had a wife, and family, but what the hell -- do you think I would have had a better life having been Jack Kennedy's best friend, having been with him during so many moments of his presidency, having had my own room at the White House, having had the best friend anybody ever had, or having been married and settled down and living somewhere." Williams, a handsome gay southerner, had already written seven hit plays. Eventually, the two friends made contact, however, and began exchanging letters just as they had when both were at home." [11], After working on Kennedy's successful campaign for Congress in 1946, Billings toured seven Latin American countries with Robert F. His latest book, The Kardashians: An American Drama, will be published in September. In Jackies absence, Lem managed the Presidents dinner parties, social life and children. I am gay and this relationship was more than relieving sexual tension! (Page 307)Listen to a short phone conversation between the two of them: DAVID PITTS is a longtime journalist whose work has appeared in The Washington Post and other leading newspapers. I was pleased to note that things picked up after your arrival,' referring to Montgomery's battle with Rommel at El Alamein. Billings, he said, "had a natural jealousy. They werent even related. I have one additional comment, probably to be regarded as politically incorrect. Billings was so much a part of the extended Kennedy clan that he was regularly included in family gatherings, and Attorney General Robert Bobby Kennedy named his son Michael LeMoyne Kennedy. [51] Red Fay, a friend of the President from his World War II service, said of Billings: "I didn't see anything overtly gay about him; I think he was neutral. He certainly didn't have the same interest in politics and women that Jack had. They met in 1933 in their sophomore year at Choate Rosemary Hall, the exclusive Connecticut prep school, when both were teenagers, working together on their class's yearbook, and Billings instantly became attracted sexually and otherwise to the handsome scion of America's self-styled royal family. Billings reportedly wrote the future president a love note on a piece of toilet paper (pictured at the Kennedys' Palm Beach estate), JFK was famous for his womanizing habits, but one of his closest relationships was withLem Billings. According to Pitts, Billings never recovered from the death of his friend, suffering from a "deep depression" in the weeks and months after President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. "Because of him," Lem Billings once said of President Kennedy, "I was never lonely" "He never really came out of it. "[21] In September 1961, he accepted an appointment to the board of trustees of the planned National Cultural Center, which later became the Kennedy Center. Billings had once told Bobby that when he died he wanted the pall-bearers to be members of Bobby's circle of young friends, whom he knew well and with whom he had done drugs. Jack, meanwhile, drew on Billings' unerring presence in his life by his side in sickness and on the campaign trail and even at the White House, where Billings had a room (and where there were at least whispers among the staff about the truth of his personal relationships). ', Roommates: JFK and Billings (right) roomed atChoate and again atPrinceton (pictured mid-1930s outside a drugstore with roommate Ralph Horton Jr), JFK's sisterEunice Kennedy Shriver said his relationship with Billingswas a 'complete liberation of the spirit' for Jack (Pictured on their Christmas card with fellow Princeton roommateRalph Horton Jr), While her husband had his qualms about Billings and couldn't stand to have him around, the matriarch Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, had a different take. He sent one letter to Lem's mother addressed to the American Field Service PO Box in New York. The young Kennedys took the casket and carried it around the gravesite before returning it to the burial plot. The Kennedy Curse" Episode 205 -- Pictured: Grant Logan as JFK, Adam Cropper as Lem Billings -- John F. Kennedy, "Dunker" the dog, and Lem Billings at the Hague, during their Europe trip. Claire Potter is professor of history at The New School, and Executive Editor of Public Seminar. Kennedy and Billings remained intimate in part by managing Jacks sex life, his career, and his family, together. But even more than that, the author said that Billings was intimate friends with the Kennedys despite societal norms of the time ingratiating himself with a most powerful family. From there we would helicopter right to his father's front lawn. Jerry Oppenheimer is a New York Times bestselling author who has written two books about the Kennedys. As for Kennedy himself, Vidal asserted that the president 'felt quite comfortable in the company of homosexuals as long as they were smart enough to hold his interest. Jack and Lem, as a reviewer for The New York Daily News put it in 1996, engaged in the kind of sexual experimentation not unknown at all-boys boarding schools.. 0 references. In 1929, Billy's brother, the reclusive, never married Charles Lemp had moved back into the Lemp Mansion with his dog. She had to submit questions in advance. [48] Billings saw the President for the last time when they dined at the White House with Greta Garbo on November 13, 1963, nine days before the President's assassination in Dallas. A different side of JFK: John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings met atChoate Rosemary Hall and became lifelong friends. For example, in Once Upon a Secret (2012), former White House intern Mimi Alford describes a prolonged affair she had with Kennedy, beginning in the summer of 1962 when she was 19 and ending shortly before his assassination on November 22, 1963. 'What the hell have you been doing? Gore Vidal, the writer who claimed he viewed homosexuality as normal as heterosexuality, disparaged the JFK-Billings relationship during the Kennedy administration. "Depending upon where the lung cancer was, her heart could have taken a direct hit," said Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a cardiologist and founder of the Women's Heart Clinic at the Mayo Clinic. At least one of these intimates, Kirk LeMoyne Lem Billings, was one of Jacks cherished body men, and he lived part-time in the White House throughout the three years of Kennedys presidency. (Page 100). [68] He is buried in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[69]. Pamela Long Wiggins, who was convicted of accessory to murder after the fact in connection with the Billings murders, died Thursday in state prison. Allegheny Cemetery is one of the largest and oldest burial grounds in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 'It was very hard for him, but he wanted to do it and he stuck with it,' Lucretia added. While trying to locate the body of a dead CI named Angie Stubbs, Lem stole a brick of heroin from Salvadoran drug dealer Pittario and warned him that he would only give it back once he located the body. However, gay men played another role in Kennedys history that was not overtly sexual: they were part of an avant-garde cultural world that Jackie Kennedy cultivated, as she linked the Kennedy name to national arts, letters and music for the first time. 'People think I'm a joke,' he once acknowledged. But the point of the picture is the grief any couple would feel at the loss of a much-wanted child. The elder Kennedys began to discourage the boys from associating with Billings because of his excessive recreational drug use (including alcohol). The affair was socially isolating for a very young and sexually un-liberated woman, causing her to deceive friends, boyfriends and ultimately her husband and children for most of her adult life. I have been studying human sexuality for 25 years and am a Stanford grad and track athlete. Another shows older daughter Caroline, who became the American Ambassador to Japan under Barack Obama, learning to ride her pony. In its final year, Lennen & Newell had domestic billings of $140 million, and Mr. Toigo had said that the agency was worth between $12 million and $15 million and that he owned about 95 percent of the stock. As we both know, homosexual relationships in English boarding schools were put down to adolescent hijinks and men *grew out of them*. Indeed, it often seems that Kennedy did treat people who loved him for granted. We might even attach the adjectives exclusive and romantic to this youthful friendship. ", Last edited on 24 December 2022, at 15:36, "JFK's Best Friend Lem: Transcript | JFK Library", Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2018 Art and Archaeology, 1926-2018, Alfred E. Clark, "Adolph Toigo, Ex-Chairman of Advertising Agency Dies," January 1, 1982, "End Comes at Lennen & Newell," April 12, 1972, "Miss Jean Ann Kennedy Married," May 20, 1956, "Kennedy Names Friend," September 20, 1961, "U.S. Board Formed to Advise on Fair," January 12, 1962, "Choate Unveils Kennedy's Portrait," May 5, 1963, "Prayer for Nation Joined by Kennedy," January 2, 1961, "Caroline Learns Father Isn't Much of a Kite Pilot," July 7, 1963, "Caroline's 2 Hamsters Hunted in White House," March 5, 1961, "2 Kennedy Sisters in Poland for Visit," September 2, 1961, "Huntington Hartford Weds Diane Brown in New Jersey," October 8, 1962, Luther Turmelle, "Book details JFK's friendship with gay man," May 16, 2007, "Friend of Kennedy Named To Head Memorial Group," July 8, 1964, "Humphreys Attend a Gala Ballet Premiere," January 19, 1966, Nan Robertson, "Glittering Audience Attends Kennedy Center's Opening," September 9, 1971, Michael C. Jensen, "Managing the Kennedy Millions," June 12, 1977, Doris Kearns Goodwin, "Fitzgeralds and Kennedys," March 8, 1987, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lem_Billings&oldid=1129296144, This page was last edited on 24 December 2022, at 15:36. During that time, he told researchers, "All the kids came over to see me. But even before then, Billings was a Kennedy fixture. "[Billings] was a witness to so much of what was going on. Still, the Kennedy clan accepted even welcomed Lem Billings into their exclusive inner-circle, practically adopting him, and he became a part of the family. [68] His dying wish was for the young Kennedy men to carry his casket to its final resting place. "He needed Lem Billings to get around better than a trained nurse" that would have made his political career impossible. [12], From 1946 to 1948, Billings attended Harvard Business School and earned an MBA. Naval Reserve and served in the South Pacific until being discharged in 1946. (Note my reply) I think the interview I have reference to is less than a year ago! Featuring interviews with Ben Bradlee, Gore Vidal, Ted Sorenson, friends, family, and many others, award -- winning journalist David Pitts begins the story with the early friendship between the men. They soon began spiraling toward their eventual demise. He didn't want to share his friendship with Jack. Vidal, the author of a best-selling gay World War II novel, published in 1947 at a time when most queer books were ruled obscene and evidence of homosexual acts could bring a prison term, was unabashedly public about his affairs with men. He had clearly been adopted into the larger Kennedy clan, and Jackie drew him into her family circle as well. He was a beautiful baby," he ducked into a boiler room and wept. When Jack discovered that Billings was gay once declining an amorous overture from Billings the friendship is thought to have gone on unharmed. In many ways, Kennedy was also enjoying the kind of sex life that would later characterize the gay mens party of the 1970s. Jack & Lem: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship, John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings by David Pitts Carroll & Graf. ', White House visitor: Billings often spent the night at the White House, which upset Jackie Kennedy. Jacqueline Bouvier would have the same problem, using every possible excuse to avoid the game, after she and Jack were married in 1953." As Billings' biographer David Pitts told me, 'Once JFK decided that Billings was his best friend like it or leave, everybody in the family sort of fell in line with that. JFK's Best Friend Lem: Transcript. [24], Billings visited the White House for most weekends during the Kennedy Administration. His mother was a Mayflower descendant and his great-grandfather Francis Julius LeMoyne was a prominent abolitionist linked to the underground railroad who helped establish what is today known as LeMoyne-Owen College. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive selections from new issues of Public Seminar. It contained scores of photographs of himself and Jack in Europe, as well as a handwritten narrative. "The agency, which was the 13th largest in the United States in 1971, went bankrupt the following year, listing almost $11 million in liabilities. Why should a historian care about Kennedys sex life at all? This essay was originally published at OutHistory.orgon November 22, 2013; it has been updated and re-edited. Kirk Lem Lemoyne Billings (15 Apr 1916 - 28 May 1981) 0 references . During the night of May 28, 1981-almost two decades after JFK's untimely death - 65-year-old Lem Billings died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack. "[27] Billings never had a White House pass and said: "Jack and Jackie were so nice about this that I didn't even have to tell them whether I was coming or going. In 1958, her cousin Gore Vidal brought playwright Tennessee Williams to the Kennedy home in Palm Beach, FL. But above all, Bobby was very important to Lem personally. Billings was a prep school roommate of Kennedy, an usher at his wedding and a campaigner for his successful 1960 presidential bid. One of the most credible accounts of the Kennedy-Billings relationship was told by David Pitts, who I interviewed extensively for my book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.And The Dark Side Of The Dream, because the strapping, bespectacled Billings, with a high-pitched, effeminate voice, would later become the fawning surrogate father and fellow drug user of JFK's nephew, Bobby Kennedy Jr., with whom Billings also had intense romantic feelings. Later Years. "Jack and Lem: John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship" Kennedy knew Billings was in love with him (Billings declared his love and was rejected by Kennedy) and Kennedy liked that, the attention and knowing the power he has over billings also his wife Jackie Kennedy hated Billings and hated that he and . [28] He sat with the President's family at the Kennedy inauguration and walked not far behind his widow at the Kennedy funeral. [56] Charles L. Bartlett, a journalist who introduced Kennedy to Jacqueline Bouvier[57] and friend of both Billings and Kennedy, described their relationship: "Lem was a stable presence for Jack. ', The Kennedy patriarch, Joe, a noted philanderer himself, was suspicious of Billings' sexual preference from the start of his son's close friendship with him. In 1965, Mrs. Kennedy invited Billings to accompany her and her children to England for the unveiling of a memorial to Kennedy at Runnymede. The Depression had hurt the Billings family financially, and Lem Billings was at Choate on scholarship. Vessey paid Masters with meth and a vehicle in exchange for the death of Billings. Perhaps, however, Billings simply chose not to come out for his own reasons, devoting much of the rest of his life to preserving the memory of the man he loved. 0 references. "[41] At the same time, he admitted that no one ever expressed the idea aloud during Kennedy's White House years. Lem's sister, Lucretia, who knew Jack as well, said, 'I think he had to do something because Jack was doing so much.' In a third, the President is walking on the beach with the late Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, as they grieved the death of their premature son Patrick. Bobby's decision to pick up Jack's torch was important to Lem as well. Billings was a prep school roommate of Kennedy, an usher at his wedding and a campaigner for his successful 1960 presidential bid. . The comments below have been moderated in advance. Because of him, I was never lonely. Lem had caught a cold in July by swimming in the Loire River at Chenonceau and Jack developed his own problems in Southampton on August 27 while saying goodbye to his mother and siblings Joe and Kick as they departed for America. were sexual animals, and its hard for me to believe that a guy like Lem who loved JFK, would stand by and let himself be used and be rebuffed by JFK! Quirk had met Billings in the mid-Forties when both were volunteers in Jack Kennedy's first congressional campaign. ', One of Jack's five sisters, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, found it hard to describe her brother's relationship with Billings, once stating, 'It was a complete liberation of the spirit' for Jack, and that her brother was a 'complete liberated man when he was with Lem. Jack Kennedy and Lem Billings met at Choate and remained friends until the Dallas gunfire that ended Kennedy's life thirty years later. Published: 16:57 GMT, 9 June 2017 | Updated: 19:00 GMT, 9 June 2017. She needed Billings to keep the President company while she went horseback riding. The bond between Billings and John F. Kennedy continues to be of interest to many, with a new wave of attention cresting on social media apps like TikTok, where users have pored back over candid photos of the young men together. Not just any member, either, he was an assassin and the leader of a Viet Cong death squad who had been targeting and killing South Vietnamese National Police officers and their families. Click to browse the Lem Billings Personal Papers KLBPP-001-003-p0015. When the boy died at 4:19 a.m. Kennedy was clutching his little fingers. cause of death. Having been given special access to the Billings papers by Robert Kennedy, Jr., Pitts was either unable to verify a sexual relationship, or he was unwilling to cite his source. After the assassination of RFK in 1968, the flamboyant Billings transferred his obsessive affection for Jack, to handsome teenager Bobby Jr. David Pitts, the author of 'Jack and Lem: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship,' told me, 'Lem was a gay man and he had a 14-year-old, good-looking kid living in his house with him and there had been rumors because of that. Claire Potteris professor of history at The New School, and Executive Editor of Public Seminar. That he is believed to have been gay at a time when homosexuality was still illegal even being somewhat open about his sexuality, including within the powerful Kennedy clan sheds light on the strength of his ties to the family.

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lem billings cause of death