Maybe they have aroused too much observation there. An illustration of two photographs. Were you a believer of God before you met Lacerta? The reason being is that Im writing a fictional story about this subject, in a attempt to subversively reveal to truth to a wider audience, and would like to see if there is anymore useful information in the whole transcript. Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. They evolved slowly during the next millions of years and they divided into various species and shapes, some of them larger, some of them smaller. We have artificial sun-rooms in the underground but this is not the same for us like the real sun. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. K.: The meeting began with an appraisal of diverse questions and opinions which I had gotten from readers of the first transcript in anonymous fashion through distribution from my trustworthy friends. The reason these files are on the internet is because of me since for a very long time BVW was the only website that carried this interview. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. Post author By ; stumpsquall hydra explained Post date July 1, 2022; chevy avalanche soft topper . There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; its even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions which can be used for example tohow should I express this to yougenerate antigravity. Nevertheless, you have permission to make drawings of my look and of my equipment I can show you later. Have a few questions for the next interview, if possible, please pass on: 1) Can she be at least more specific regarding where to find their cave Entrance (Australia for example, which part approximately?) Los reptilianos sienten el amor pero en su naturaleza son algo fros emocionalmente, son ms mentales. I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. I am no historian, I am studying only your current behavior, so my knowledge about those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. I feel, with growing suspicion, that there is one in my neighborhood right now, and they have been here for some time. Normally, there are only three ships there its a small depot. Go through your world with open eyes and you will see or maybe not. How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. Now let's look at evolved, what does evolved mean? Of course you dont. The cavern was organized as a colony about 3000 years ago; a major portion of the ceiling structure is artificially integrated into the rock and the form was remodeled into an almost elegantly proportioned and very flat dome with an oval ground plan. Any clues I can find to locate her and meet her. That is to say, it can be interacted with solid matter as well as with mind or mental information, wherewith we can achieve everything that is generally designated as telekinesis and telepathy. You would call it maybe another dimension, but this is not the right word to describe it correctly (by the way, the term dimension is generally wrong in the way you understand it.) Is there a second sun inside our planet? Those flames apparently do not go out and they burn the body right down to its last constituents. The oldest religions in the world dont even worship beings, they simply try to point you to the true nature of your own consciousness. Quizs se escondieron bajo tierra para protegerse de las hordas Anunnaki, reptilianas renegadas y de las luciferinas (los ngeles cados de la Rebelin Luciferina). You know, never kiss a frog or youll get warts. Im so glad I reread this interview recently as Im seeing fascinating corroboration in another book by Dolores Cannon. We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. I believe this is a crucial step towards her kind communicating safety with our kind. Its nothing new mostly because reality consciousness Samsara is projected into is also part of core consciousness in every human being, a consciousness which is not ego or personality. It's just I try so desperately to talk to her. Lacerta tells us, our species were barely alive were it not for an advanced alien species who took it upon themselves to pick us up, mutilate our DNA so we would be vulnerable to other advanced species, because we can't close off our mind because of this puts us back on earth and sit back and see what happens. But that's just me, and maybe some of you who read this feel the same way, maybe most of you do. You people have believed from time immemorial what you are supposed to believewhat was foreseen for you to believe by your creators. Isnt that doing the same thing as the elites and dark forces you constantly criticize? The reason for the shifting of the date and time of the second meeting was a possible observation and surveillance of my own person after the publication of the first transcript. I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm. Our lips are shaped like yours (those of females a little bit larger than those of males) but of a pale brown colour and our teeth are very white and strong and a little bit longer and sharper than your soft mammal teeth. But they are true, if you believe it or not. Both ships crashed as a result; one of them fell near the collision point, the other a hundred of your kilometers or so distant. No leading questions nor a desire to endanger you. Question: No, please continue. I think we should get rid of old the thinking patterns. Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world? Maybe there is hope for your kind. Question: Have both sexes these abilities? The other buildings of the colony are, for the most part, concentrically ordered in oval circles around the main supporting column, and they are without exception much flatter; generally only between 3 and 20 meters tall. Check out also the BVW Facebook wall, join it to post info and comments there and ask questions. The Lacerta Files Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus' Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. Our language is very different from yours, but my name is I will try to say it smoother by use of your human letters something like Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh with a very, very strong pronunciation of the sh and k sounds. No one visibly had touched that pencil.]. He tells us that the kaloo had flying machines used in war and that this war raged far and wide culminating in a catastrophe that killed almost everything. I try to find her for 2 or 3 years. What is publicly available about antigravity technology informs us that a ship within a sufficiently powerful magnetic field could travel from one end of our solar system to the other in a relatively short time, its occupants unaffected by velocity. (The one in 1953, as I remember, even had an intact drive core. That pleased me. Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, Im not a human being like you and to be honest Im no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) Their survival depends on remaining hidden from view. Answer: Yes. That is difficult to explain and for you to understand. We are native terrans. I am not always one to be paranoid or think about ETs or what came before us Im not that philosophical usually but this had me thinking. Dont overestimate my knowledge, Im no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. This is extraordinary and a completely captivating dialogue. The Bible is hardly the oldest religious book. Finalmente, nosotros no somos responsables de estar aqu y es muy triste que nos usen de esa manera como lo estn haciendo en este momento unos cuantos (los Iluminati). Firstly THANK YOU! This sounds very unbelievable to me. This have various reasons, which I want not to discuss with you further, but one of the reasons is the keeping up of the secrecy of our existence, another reason is more religious. They were MRIed. Our young are not so large as your babies when they were born, they are between 30 and 35 of your centimeters tall, the egg is around 40 centimeters tall (this is because our vagina is smaller than a human one) but we grow to a normal size of 1,60 to 1,80 meters. [Comment by Ole. If this is not real, whoever wrote the interview is a genius. Typical missunderstandings and false leaders! Lol. You asked me last time whether you people have the opportunity to protect yourselves against this influence, and I told you that only an awake and concentrated mind had any kind of a chance to withstand it. Both species wanted to have the copper of Planet Earth and for this reason they fought a not very long war in space and orbit. Yes. If you look at our skeleton, there is only a small rounded bone at the end of our spine behind the pelvis. The way that lacerta pronounces her name emulates these voices. Part of the pronunciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which family (I must use the word, because you havent the right one in your vocabulary) you belong. Youve mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. Answer: Yes, you have. These things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you believe it or not. gold rush supreme second chance winners; texas rangers golf club; lacerta files part 3. I wont even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there have been certain occurrences in the past which I dont personally welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. So, not only is our DNA mutilated to leave us defenseless. Mientras no cambiemos interiormente tendremos ms Illuminati dirigiendo las instituciones y afectando nuestras vidas en sentido equivocado. For now, we need the Dark Forces to be removed. For me it is OK to have this opinion. Lacerta is supposed to be some kind of sociologist yet her depiction of humanity shows a very base understanding. S, hay ms que hubiera sido bueno hubiera preguntado el entrevistador. I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab. I do believe Lacerta, her knowledge is vast and extremely interesting. You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. Your opinion is intelligent and I personally would think likewise. Do you want to say a last sentence or message? How does that make us as a species? [Comment by Ole K.: She considered the pictures respectively for only a couple of seconds and then sorted out photos 1, 3 and 5.]. One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. With one of those kinds of unstable field structures as your photo indicates I consider it somewhat improbable that that ship is capable of making a flight of that length over the ocean. It doesnt have to be anything special! I received a translation English-to-Spanish of the files through a newsletter in my email. During the time from 4,900 years ago to today, many other alien species arrived the planet (some of them used the old teaching and programming of your mind and played again God for you) but the Illojim themselves never came back. It is not the human race or your family that is not helping you; it is the System that is not designed to help people but to enslave them. If you see one of that symbols on a cylindrical craft Ive described in my previous answer or on some underground installation, this thing or place belongs definitely to us (and I would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible.). We have lost most of this ability, but we can still feel temperature much better with this organ. Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. This photo comes from Belgium. Maybe no alien species will come and give us a helping hand, but maybe it's for the best, maybe that is the only way we will learn to stand as One. I would appreciate it if you dont try to say my real name with your human tongue. Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate scheme of generalizations. If you cant circumvent these powers, then youre better off not attempting it. I'm in fact insistent to the interview, and though it leaves a lot of questions, like why would they hide in caves. Another ship had crashed in 1946, but it was destroyed beyond usability. Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Thank you for publishing this for public use, without it I would have never found the truth. When I met E.F. the first time, he saw me also as a normal human woman and I remember that he was very frightened and shocked when I revealed him my real appearance. Any chance of getting the full version of the interview and a look at the drawings done by the interviewer during the interview, as Lacerta said we can look at the drawings we just cant take photos? Question: Youve mentioned skeletons of your kind. Even the amplitude equalizations among genuine matter can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and the distance from the plane of the field are high enough. There will be a new meeting between me and her (again in the same house in Sweden) on April 23 2000 and she promised me to give me maybe some evidence for her existence. Lacerta would state that because they "usually live beneath the surface of the planet", they would measure time against the "periodically returning cycles in the Earth magnetic field". Answer: The last time I saw really no necessity in overburdening you with facts of that kind (and now you are obviously overburdened). Maybe she gives me permission to reveal more of the missing parts in that transcript and about the coming war. It can also carry out a multiplicity of tasks, as for example, causing massive flying objects to be levitated and maneuvered. I believe the experiments with DMT are proof we are one consciousness and can tap into a Universal knowledge to gain truth. It was E.F. Actually, I had no permission for contact with another species, but by the same token I had set in place my mimicry capability quite successfully prior to thiseven with larger groups of you (I had never ever come across a human being when I was alone). You remember them as normal humans or grey dwarfs or even extremely bizarre animals because they want you to remember that or sometimes they want you to completely forget anything about a meeting with them. I would love to learn more of Lacertas race as well as the many others. Did it have anything to do with the Roswell Incident?. Taken from The other species about which we know not so much was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. I understand you want to japanize the name. Some new tunnel systems are operated from alien races (including hostile races). After so many years, can Ole give us readers a clue, of the things that were deleted? Show more Reviews Question: That is fascinating. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence nothing more, nothing less. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Nosotros vivimos en un planeta prisin controlado desde adentro por las hordas anteriores y al frente por los Illuminati quienes controlan a los polticos, a las corporaciones y a las instituciones bancarias y financieras. From nature? Remember, your early mammal ancestors developed together with dinosaurs and they survived the bomb like us. Answer: Yes. Is this shocking for you? Or worse, don't think twice about it. Answer: Generally not. Thank you!! The fact she said only they could get in contact with us, that if we come near one of their entrances we are stuck, and that this interview was conducted over 10 years ago, leaves us in a pretty bad situation. Of course, the opportunity will come. None of these occurrences have happened in the last 200 years of your time scale. Up until this time, I usually regarded people who believed that they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. Now, I understand your guidelines for this site, no disrespect and such, but it seems to me youve possibly been intentionally omitting comments you simply see as unfit, or those that contrast your beliefs. More about that later.) Thanks. Only have in mind that NASA is a channel of misinformation and more like a movie company that edits the videos and photographs captured by solar satellites to hide UFO phenomena and provides information to the movie industry for their sci-fi movies. Its why he had to create a literary device to respond to some of the scientific and philosophical questions, yet chose to keep the answers superficial enough to not betray his own attempt at a convincing story. What effect has this to your organism? According to her statements the seventh "test series" of humans created by the Illojim were deposited roughly 5000 years ago. Do you mean something like a hollow Earth with this? Where do these military UFOs come from? To have a glimpse of the future read the book Brother Veritus Community Plan in The future of our planet is already known. How do you feel about humankind and what are the steps necessary to dig deeper into the universe and its secrets? In return, I can offer only respective acceptance and a calm spirit. Another comment I have is about you. This means that can make themselves look like anything they want. Nevertheless, this little humanoid-like dinosaur evolved during the following 30 million years (as I have said earlier, a species need generally more time to evolve than you think, if the evolution is not artificially induced like in your case) from an animal to a more or less thinking being. This interview with this Lacerta had me at the edge of my seat. Cheers all. Thank you to Lacerta we peaceful humans appreciate you and your species and I speak on behalf of all humanity and I hope you accept our most sincere apology, it is your planet and I feel its unfair that you hide away. In the one picture, it certainly seems to me that a real existing ship of an alien species was adapted for a small model here. 11 from this universe, 2 from another bubble and 1 very advanced from a very different plain. Obviously its a viewpoint formed by how youre being treated by that species. If she will contact me, for me will be something extraordinary. You are, after all, free spirits. My eyes are a little bit larger than human eyes (for this reason, we can see better in the darkness) and usually dominated from the large black pupils, which are surrounded from a small bright-green iris (males have a dark-green iris). I understand if they don't care. In the meantime I collect questions which I will ask her then. Read David Icke and the Reptilian Agenda. Further are the same number on both sides? When I talk about our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. But now I have begun to revise my ideas on that since events in January. In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. I am. The interview tells the story of the first alien war between two advanced alien species 65 million years ago. The following is generally valid: the stronger the paranormal abilities of a species, the simpler the adaptation and the access. Step 5: When the conversion is completed, click "DOWNLOAD" button to save the file Additionally I would be interested if any addtional information from this interviews was released meanwhile, or new information is available. Please read above the reply to Dale about the navet of most people with superior education on these unusual topics. To me this seems 100% real and I can comprehend this easily. 50 million years after the war and after the end of Dinosaurs, only three (now also technological) advanced reptilian species were remaining on this planet together with all the other lower animals. Lets look it that way. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con,,,, Eveil Homme Laffaire Lacerta : Entretien avec une Reptilienne lintgralit des pisodes,, Brother Veritus Community is exactly the opposite to a cult since everybody is entitiled to have their own opinion and study and believe what he likes, obviously with exceptions in the community, like we do not accept atheists and fanatical extremists or people with bad attitudes towards others, who reject good spiritual principles. My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. She sounds very smart. If you read a report about a sighting of a metallic bright-gray cigar-shaped cylindrical object with a length of there are different types let me say between 20 and 260 of your meters and if this object had made a very deep humming sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metallic surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) then its likely that someone of you have seen one of our ships and this means that it was either partly defect or that someone of us was not careful enough. So-called wise men from India and from the Asian mountains have described our species many times in writings, together with other wise men from the African continent. Theres absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is for real. The best is to post information and make comments voicing your opinion on every subject using the internet and social networks. Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures aboard. Actually, he was predestined for contact: he was open-minded, honest, intelligent, not religiously inclined or conditioned; he lived alone and isolated, and no one would believe him, should he decide to go public with his story. If she wanted to warn us she would need to address the society in a way that her warning would be understood and accepted. The interview and the message that I understand was to get up to reality and to prepare for what will follow. One's heart often hopes toward the well-being of others, even those we do not really know. Lets just say, I find myself in the position now to arrange this permission without having to take into account any consequences. Question: This is the end of the interview. As I have said Im not very good in these things. I have a few comments on the above. It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. ), Luis, you seem to be good at replying, I dont know you and your activities, but do you have a clue on what specie the Mummies Mary and of Nazca, Peru, discovered recently, belong two? Actually, the seven stars are planets and moons and they are a symbol for our former seven colonies in the solar system. I find it fascinating and very beautiful that Lacerta sent this message to awaken peoples consciences to the truth. Watch in YouTube the testimony of Randy Cramer, a super-soldier. Well, its not easy to tell what is the true or lies, these days :/ But, lets say that Im not closing the door completly for it. Official science is a fundamentalist religion that protects the Establishment at any cost. I believe we are the only two species that have a chance of not being passive, and instead being honest with each other. Do you think that these other malevolent species do the same to each other? baseball font with tail generator Maybe, someday we can all come together and eventually learn from each other. Do you mean your family? The humans of your series were very frightened when they observed our battles and they wrote it down in form of religious myths (their mind was not able to understand what was really going on.) Look at the history we do know, human beings have enacted atrocities upon their own species some of the most horrific things that one can possibly imagine and even worse things that you cant imagine. You must have been looking for some sort of answers. Do you lay eggs? Finally I have done research about the Illojim aliens and have seen there names translated to something in the Hebrew bible as God. Our civilization is in danger. Some existing questions were partially shortened or amended. You really ought to be intelligent enough not to fall for a mix-up like that. Everything bad is basically based on fears. The Essene studied and gathered knowledge to uphold this mission. Beware of the snake worshipers. The (field of influence) our people have a word for this (FIRMAMENT). I was really very curious about your species and as soon as I was allowed to come to the surface, I attempted to assemble more information immediately; above all, it was expressly forbidden for me to commence direct contact with humans because in my position at that time, there existed no necessity for doing so. Some of them especially those in the oceans were able to survive for the next 200 to 300 years even in this changed world, but these species also died, because the climate had changed. Apr 28 2021 Length: 1 hr and 41 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary In 1999, Swedish men Ole K. and E.F. managed to score an interview with a Reptilian alien. I have never met Lacerta in person. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. Climate change. Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. This species used an alignment technology in their ships, with which the field locked into place all points of the Earths magnetic field. You've mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. Were there any more interviews? They are able to appear in your mind and memory as whatever they want and this induced image has nothing to do with their real appearance. Incredible. Please, read them and you're welcome to make comments on them. :/, Somehow she is kind of Cute too. Probably the oldest known human writing that weve translated is from Sumer. Answer: The Illojim came from this universe, from the solar system you call Aldebaran in your maps. For you, the theory for a controlled transformation or an elevation of the frequency of matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate condition of matter is not very common, or it exists at a very primitive level. The embryo inside this hull is completely autarky from the mothers body and it has every substance it needs to develop inside this chalk hull. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. One of the main colonies in Inner Asia has as an example 9 of those kinds of supports, but that colony is also over 25 of your kilometers in size. Your current civilization doesnt know anything about your real origin, about your real past, about your real world and universe and you know very little about us and our past. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street once again. By the way, one result of the fusion bomb was the fall-out of different elements and materials created in the burning process and one of those materials was Iridium. The structure of our brain is a little bit different to yours and our hypothesis is larger and more active than yours especially when we are in sunlight. Would you mind to open these documents in Japan? Again, how evolved is that? His language was not quite yet common at that time for me, but its not all that hard to learn a new language when one can read the information in the consciousness/awareness of the opposite individual.

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lacerta files part 3