What good has been done by Gods permission of wickedness? He left no survivors. 3:3,4) The destructive events in Noahs day and in Lots day point to the error of such ridiculers and to the fact that Jehovah will deliver the righteous.2Pet. Most Biblical scholars believe that it was probably pronounced as "Yah-weh." 24:37-39) Just as they were catering to the selfish desires of the flesh and ignoring Gods warning back there, so it is today. Why should we be encouraged to examine the other important issue raised by Satan? They dropped the vowels of Adonai into the Tetragrammaton, resulting in the pronunciation "Yehowah." No. The Hebrew word for wickedness we find in dozens of Scriptures (e.g. The Bible isnt the easiest to understand and there are so many religions out there; you never know who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie. By the time he was 20, Russell had left both Presbyterianism and Congregationalism because he could not reconcile the idea of an eternal hell with God's mercy. Yehovah/Jehovah did not appear in any Bible until the first Old English William Tyndale 1537 Bible. The Psalmist Asking God to Annihilate His Enemies, While Seeking to . Are riots in the streets, the destruction of property and life and the widespread lawlessness things of which to be proud? But there is the promise of so many more blessings. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. The first two translators were executed then the bibles they translated were printed only after the Vatican made their necessary modifications. In addition, many names that ended in yah were translated iah, which some believe was also done by the Masorites out of fear of people speaking the holy name of God out loud. But destroying them would not have settled matters in the best way. It evolved over time through changes in both traditions and translations of God's Word. Notice how thorough the cleanup that Jehovah will conduct on this earth. Further each year you celebrate the death of the messiah and do not partake in the bread or wine as he asked you pass it off and reject it. It is being made by a Satanist who has no interest in the truth. Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge. It's only temporary though. The Power of Fasting and Praying, Esau is the modern day Caucasian (White Man), From the Tabernacles of EdomEsau.. .the father of the caucasian race also known as Edom and Idumaean. And yes i believe yahweh is the demi-urge and it feeds off of emotions that are not Love but fear please check out my blog for further detail research on the Most High name and His Sons name. All such questions were raised in this attack on Gods sovereignty, on his right to be the only and absolute ruler of humankind. This does not work. Since the days of Jeremiah, the Jews have forgotten their gods name and replaced it with the title Baal or YHVH: The lying prophets Which think to cause my people to forget my [Gods]nameas their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. (Jer 23:27). a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. They claimed that this God is evil, but even they did not make the bogus claim that his name means evil God. Job: Sensor of Jewish Talmud Jehovah-YHWH-tetragrammation-Yahweh-Yahawah-Yahuwah are ALL the fallen angel god of mischief and ruin, the Devil also known as Satan. Just because your bible that the watchtower re wrote to suit their teachings in the 60s around the same time as they joined the UN doesnt make it the truth. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? I meaning, when you speak jehovah what is that meaning to the millions of jews that speak hebrew? Disregard for the rule of law is everywhere evident, in private as well as in public life. Jah - Wikipedia May you be blessed with a new appreciation for the word Jehovahknowing what a precious gift it was between God and His people. Christian Standard Bible He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. A grandson could actually be your grandfather. Jesus Is Jehovah (YHWH) | Religious Studies Center World Premiere: Watch The Water Full Movie, The Most High does NOT Dwell in a Temple Made with Hands According to the Bible. Otherwise he too would have been martyred like our messiah and all of his disciples but one. As Noah resolutely built the ark for the saving of his family, we can imagine the shouts of ridicule and derision of the multitude: It will never come in our day, Noah. She saw some peaches in a market and shouted out the word peaches. Apparently, in Turkish this is a very bad word. Popes and Priests declare they can forgive the sins of men. Judah's Return to Wickedness 2 Kings 21-25 (19-1) Introduction By now it is a familiar theme. No more discussion needed, because this is what God told Moses. Please use caution when repeating what you hear or read. Do you believe that God uses Satan's evil to bring us closer to following Christ? If Adam did, what would happen? Period. Learn how your comment data is processed. What helps us to understand that a loving God would temporarily permit wickedness? As the ark tossed to and fro on the surface of the boundless waters, its occupants, Noah and his family, had time to ponder the fact that Gods announced purposes are always carried out. This is an entirely false claim. You might see the Masoretic text referred to in footnotes as MT or M-text. Those who parrot these type of people also show their dangerous susceptibility to believe just about anything they read. There is no evidence in scripture to support theclaim that Adam and Eve were Satan worshippers. Most witnesses are lonely, widowed, suffer from some form of mental illness and are the least educated of all religions they are told never to get answers or listen to anything but what the watchtower governing body says. This statement is extremely harsh. Jehovah is willing, Raymundus Martinis Usage of a Rendition of Jehovah. Around the 3rd century BC, out of their reverence for the command "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), Jewish tradition held that the word YHWY was sacred. The servants of God mean business; they have something to carry, worth carrying. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. Jehovah is god of this world, the destroyer or AbbaDon also cast into the lake. The shocking depths of their depravity reached Jehovahs ears like a loud cry of complaint. The angels sent to rescue Lot and his family delivered the urgent message: Get up! Jesus the [ADAMIC 100% PURE WHITE STOCK] Christ does not descend from a negro~Canaanite Jewish/Muslim moon god named YAHWEY/ALLAH and a negress~Canaanite goddess called the queen of Heaven. Thank you. In addition to these and many other promises to rid the universe of wicked ones, the pattern of action God has followed in his past dealings with evildoers offers some guide to us on how he will deal with them now. Wickedness, Wicked - churchofjesuschrist.org The Bible in Basic English Chapter Parallel Genesis 6:5 (BBE) And the Lord saw that the sin of man was great on the earth, and that all the thoughts of his heart were evil. He commands us to love. El Elyon? However, experts do not all agree on this possibility. names in -iah, -jah.. GOD WARNS AGAINST WICKEDNESS - Psalm - Biblearena Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? YAHWEYS negro~Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian language did not exist until 300 BC. For 1,146 years the true sacred name of The Creator God was in the Parchments. I left them a couple yrs ago shortly after. H962 hayah hah-yaw another form for 1943; ruin:calamity. This is an entirely false claim. Just as the king James version also translated by Martin Luther was allowed because he followed the vaticans orders. YAHOVAH/YEHOVAH/JEHOVAH are all pagan names that originated in Canaanite (negro) Vulcan. (a) How did Satan contradict God? (from 'Days of Elijah'). (LogOut/ (Mark:12:29). The devils trickery, mockery and disrespect are mind blowing. Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop Calling God by That Name -Man Of God. A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device browser. Jehovah is a latinized pronunciation of the Hebrew name for God, most likely pronounced Yahweh, Yehwah or Yehowah in Hebrew. This is not me because I do NOT have any Facebook account. You gotta work out your own soul salvation but let your decision be made from things you know.knowledge is the gathering of facts, wisdom is the application thereof. See for yourself. Another promise of God that he will ease righteously disposed persons of the terrible burden of living indefinitely among the wicked was expressed by the patriarch Enoch. Hence, the Jehovahs Witnesses may in turn have grounds to view most of these people as unbelievers in God, or atheists, or even blasphemers. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. Did the Jews believe Satan never rebelled against God and that he was not evil? But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.Ps. This is the first scriptural explanation I have seen. The meaning of Jehovah would be he who will be, is, and has been. When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. 2:5. Satan does NOT mean truth. Reincarnation, interesting,,,,,,you are your own ancestor! It was one of the first of many expressions of love God showed to His people. Maybe look into your history on this religion before standing up for them. If you have a vowel after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter J sound. This statement is the first statement the Watchtower has made that has some truth. His answers may even exceed what they might expect or hope for. They tell of Jehovahs abhorrence of evildoing, and of his zeal for the eradication of wickedness. The LORD of Heaven and Earth have mercy on you. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? - JW.ORG Exo 6:3 And I appearedH7200 untoH413 Abraham,H85 untoH413 Isaac,H3327 and untoH413 Jacob,H3290 by the name of GodH410 Almighty,H7706 but by my nameH8034 JEHOVAHH3068 was I notH3808 knownH3045 to them. And in most cases they do even today. The answer is yes. Help us seek a deeper connection to You. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Meaning of Ephesians 3:20. You should be a bit more skeptical of such bogus claims. Im on the same planet with you people? Whose way of ruling is best? YAHWEY is to the globe, as JESUS is to the flat earth. Jehovah establishes, English: Jehonadab (Moses 7:22), (Abraham 1:21-31), (Psalms 22:12-18). The fact that any of us is here to tell the story is a tribute to the longsuffering of God! Not only our creators name has been altered so has our messiahs. All their children, including us, have inherited that imperfection, which brought with it sickness, sorrow and death. Rapture is 100% doctrine. (Revelation 20:10). 10 Things You Never Knew About Jehovah S Witnesses Voisin had said that he found the name Jehova (written yehova and yohova) used in 3 of the 4 manuscripts of Pugio. Is he the One to say what is right conduct and what is not? Most Christians are familiar with the word Jehovah. After the fall of Biblical Israel, their texts remained behind, while they were exiled and taken captive. Matthew 18:7. 1. I went to a web site that makes this bogus claim. Eph 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. https://ahayahyashiyaisraelitesunite.wordpress.com/most-high-christ-true-names/jehovah-satan/. Satan is very clever and what better way to mislead 7,000,000 loyal people that follow Gods words as close to what should be under a false Gods name. There was no question that he was stronger than Satan or Adam and Eve. He is the I AM THAT I AM. When you say HalleluYAH or HalleluJAH you are giving your HIGHEST PRAISES to the negro~Canaanite~Edomite moon god YAH. What does Jehovah (more precisely YHWH) mean? We hear preachers use it in sermons,. *THE JEWISH MASORETES INSCRIBED THERE GODS NAMES IN OUR TEXT!! False prophet. As Strongs explains under Jehovah 3068: so God explained the meaning of I am who I am, He spoke to the fathers as YHWH, but the promised deliverance and, therefore, the fuller significance or experienced meaning of His name were unknown to them. So therefore the forefathers knew and used the divine name, however it was at this point that God explained its grand meaning to them. Jehovah permits wickedness because it's an answer to Satan's original challenge. Another Bible writer, Jude, adds his inspired testimony as to the real purpose of the record of the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah: So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [materialized angels] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire. (Jude7) God will not tolerate the wicked indefinitely. Cp. Live in the light. There is nothing loving about him. Since the Hebrew hayah is the root meaning and not the Hebrew hovah the name implies to be, to become, to happen. What I mean to say is that the English part hovah has the Hebrew meaning of hayah and not the Hebrew meaning of hovah. I the Lord.visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me . She reasoned that no longer would she or Adam need to answer to God. This plan takes a look at the meaning of righteousness, God's provision for righteousness, and the way in which we can pursue righteousness so that in the midst of our own sinfulness and brokenness, we, too, can come to know God as Jehovah Tsidkenu. THE MOST HIGH IS TELLING US ABRAHAM, ISSAC AND JACOB DID NOT KNOW HIS NAME. But in any case , I believe the Lord God is good !!!! "Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. In fact, much of the suffering on earth would be prevented if people obeyed Gods laws. Hallelujah was also injected into the scriptures through the Tetragrammaton because Halal is SATAN! 1942, 'HAVVAH', which is translated "calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness." Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get "God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, wickedness and noisome. He knows what it is that keeps them going on in the evil way, and he exposes their erroneous thinking: Because sentence against a bad work has not been executed speedily, that is why the heart of the sons of men has become fully set in them to do bad. (Eccl. 7 Holy Week Prayers to Focus Your Heart on the Passion of Christ, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. 3 It was Satan the Devil who started wickedness on earth. They made the claim that the God of the Old Testament, YHWH, was evil. What Do Your Lies Do To Your People In America? However, this same source also states, " 'Yahweh' is favored by most Hebrew scholars" (ibid). Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. Walk With God in These Turbulent Times Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Discovering the answer can deepen your understanding of God, and enrich your worship. Vatican openly admits it embraces Babylon, Vatican echoes Satans comments in Isaiah 14, Vaticans hatred of 7th day Sabbath (seal of God). Satan did say that God knew Eve would know the difference between Good and Bad when she ate of it, which was a truthful statement. Turn to God or face your enemies alone." Israel heard it and ignored it. 8:11) By their attitude, too, they betray a failure to consider the many positive warnings of Gods purpose to act. Does Genesis 1 & 2 imply that there are two Godsa Father and a Mother God? YAH = moon god. When Moshi(Moses) asked the Most High who should he tell the people sent him, the answer was I am that I AmHebrew translationAhayah Asher Ahayah. Yes, after about 6,000 years of experience in self-rule, and after reaching a peak in scientific progress, humankind is now facing self-destruction! Shalawam Ahch/Ahchwath, Please be advise that I've been getting emails stating that I invited people to join my Facebook account with the name Ahayah Yashiya. The Canaanite/Edomite Jews have corrupted the Old Testament to cause confusion and chaos in the New Testament about the true Biblical name of God The Father, and His Son in these last of the last days before the Rapture. JW Doctrine : r/JehovahsWitnesses - Reddit Psalm 4 Meaning - Verse by Verse Explanation from Bible. Confirming . The 4 LETTERS YHWH ARE NOT HOLY! People on the highest mountains could hear the cries and shrieks of trapped multitudes as the lower heights became engulfed by swirling waters. Charles Taze Russell | American religious leader | Britannica Yet, is it right to reach that conclusion? (LogOut/ It is a moment of celebration and worship. Even if it did, it would do absolutely nothing to prove his point. You must remember Jehovah and Jesus created all things PERFECT which means all creatures would HAVE a PERFECT relationship with Jehovah; there would be no need for the PERFECT Angel to want to be worshiped nor would there be any imperfect thoughts in ADAM and EVE. No, plus wouldnt you wonder why a snake is talking in the first place. For when He revealed it, God sent a clear message about His nature: that He is fully present with His people. Under the direction of Gods holy spirit the apostle Peter was moved to write: By reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes [God] condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come. (2Pet. is this between the Melchizideck priests and the Levites? Those who claim differently are simply making weak or completely bogus arguments. The expectation that God will act to put an end to all wickedness may be grounded upon a knowledge of Gods own qualities. Hebrew: Yehowshaphat 4. 7:17-24. I can understand the YH=yah, but how did you get two syllables from WH? By using these Y names for worship, youre saying THERE ARE 2 LORDS, 2 FAITHS, 2 BAPTISMS, 2 NAMES THAT SAVE. Change). These excerpts from the King James translation give some glimpses into how God stays near and active on our behalf. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? EVE was intelligent to know a Snake couldnt talk and would not of been stupid enough to listen to a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. Hebrew language rules must be taken into consideration to properly translate certain words or names. They were not only evil, they were evil continually. Charles Taze Russell, byname Pastor Russell, (born Feb. 16, 1852, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.died Oct. 31, 1916, Pampa, Texas), founder of the International Bible Students Association, forerunner of the Jehovah's Witnesses. It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. C. Leemans, C. Wessely, A. Dieterich, and F.C. . Neither of the two quoted scriptures support this hypothesis either. Strongs Number H3068 matches the Hebrew (Yhovah),which occurs 6,519 times in 5,521 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV. Click Ok to proceed and accept cookies. Jeremiah Chapter 1 with Meaning - King James Bible So I beseech you to study to show thyself approved.I started researching because I was reading the book of Psalms and I normally use my favorite bible but I had left it in the car, so I used a random I had lying around the house, not knowing it was an authorized King James. Satan never said that God said Evewouldnt die if she ate of the fruit; it was he who said that lie. By his rebellion Satan raised another issue that it has also required time to settle. All rights Reserved. Anyone else that is using this name Ahayah Yashiya there not affiliated with any of my Blogs or YouTube accounts or work. The thinking of principled people makes A man will not be established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous will not be moved. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? But have you often wondered, like I havehow and why it came to be used in this way? Further, some scholars prefer the pronunciation Jehwah over the name Yahweh, feeling that it is seen in the most reliable translations, including the Masoretic MSS, versions of the LXX(Septuagint) and the Samaritan Pentateuch. A great upsurge of violence and vicious crime baffles the sociologists. Jehovah (/ d h o v /) is a Latinization of the Hebrew Yhw, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. (Exodus 3:14), NOT YHVH/YHWH/YAH. She dedicates her website to this assertion, as well as her alleged desire to unite Israelites. After the serpent seed negro~Babylonian invasion of the ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] hidden in their remaining texts was the sacred name, safely guarded and protected by Moses.

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jehovah means god of wickedness