First paragraph. The first two sentences of the first paragraph ("Numerous books . B. was a prolific author who wrote both novels and poems Nor does it reflect our values to hold people in detention without access to good legal representation or a fair shot in a court of law. The roads lay empty of trucks. Participants often reported feeling more neuroticanxious or worriedthan the observers believed. RETEACHING: A simple sentence is a sentence that expresses only one complete thought. Participants often reported feeling more neuroticanxious or worriedthan the observers believed. I was always insecure about being a nuisance and losing my invitation to stay. It then examines the differences between the two to make the point that Hale had more experience in writing and publishing than Roulstone did. The writer wants to add a sentence before sentence 8 (reproduced below) to introduce the main idea of the third paragraph. Your headings 3. For example, in your opinion is rock music better than classical music? A couple of recent presidents famous for their all-night energies kept up the pace by means of naps. From "My Parents Were Deported" by Diane Guerrero (Copyright Diane Guerrero, 2014). The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. In the story, the purpose of the author was to explain how she succeeded as a writer due to a potentially harmful tendency. Our stocks will fall; our employees will mutiny and seize the helm; our clients will tiptoe away to competitors. It should contain the most significant and relevant point you wish to make regarding your topic, thus summarizing the paragraph as a whole. As University of Glasgow lecturer Gavin Miller argues, "Science fiction does not invite us to be prophets, but anthropologists making sense of a complex and troubling foreign culturewhich we may eventually come to recognize as our own. C. both Documents BBB and CCC Congress needs to provide a permanent, fair legislative solution, but in the meantime families are being destroyed every day, and the president should do everything in his power to provide the broadest relief possible now. Which of the following factors is most important for the writer to consider when deciding whether to keep or delete the phrase? D. suggest that her high school was not sufficiently supportive of students in her situation It was high haying season, but the fields lay empty of farmers. tanto(-a, -os, -as) + noun(s) + como = as much/many _____ as Fourth 6. He embodies the virtue of humility in Lakota society. Example: The solo artist won as many awards as the musical group. . support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence HERE'S WHY Correct. P : No, because it creates an inappropriate shift in tone at the beginning of the passage's final paragraph. The writer is considering adding the following sentence immediately before sentence 11. Each dash stands for one missing letter. The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main claim about Crazy Horse's cultural legacy that is developed in the passage? It can be a question, famous quote, a story or other idea. Es el rap el mejor tipo de msica? ". What kind of music is the worst? Is rap A. You will be graded on (a) message delivery/comprehension, (b) control of target grammar structures, (c) pronunciation, (d) control of target vocabulary, and (e) task completion per the World Languages Speaking Rubric. De verdad me gustatan + adjetivo + como = como _____ comoEjemplo: Mi banda favorita no es tan popular como la banda favorita de mi amigo. B. cite a factor that inspired her to take on a particular screen role make readers aware that what they're about to read won't provide new information. When the author refers to her "rocky existence," she suggests that although she had good friends, she faced a number of . ms/menos + adverb + que = more/less _____ thanExample: I listen to K-pop music more frequently than Reggaeton music. A book report is meant to discuss the contents of the book at hand, and your introductory paragraph should give a little overview. That meant my childhood was haunted by the fear that they would be deported. E. respect for the rule of law: these lines show that the author's parents made a genuine effort to legally navigate a burdensome immigration process. D. urge the government to increase financial support for single-parent households The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph because it gives an overview of the sentences to follow. Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that helps rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. actually are") in the speaker's line of reasoning is to, distinguish different types and degrees of uselessness, "the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder" (paragraph 2, sentence 7). Which of the following is the most logical place to insert this sentence in the paragraph? Apparently most of us agree. Prefiero las negras/las marrones. The word "sentence" is from the Latin for "to feel." The adjective form of the word is "sentential." The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or . A. imply that her audience would find it difficult to imagine her predicament D. express regret over decisions she made subsequent to that experience A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea or thesis of the paragraph will be. Sleeping Frenchmen are surrounded by sleeping compatriots, but Americans who lie down by day stiffen with the thought of the busy world rushing past. . (paragraph 3) In the third sentence of the first paragraph, the narrator's description of Mrs. De Ropp as "those three-fifths of the world that are necessary and disagreeable and real" suggests that . B. 2) The comparison in the second . For example, you might put a sentence into your own words, or you might summarize what another author or set of authors found. Attempts to establish a national standardized voting age, however, were met with opposition from the . actually are") in the speaker's line of reasoning is to, distinguish different types and degrees of uselessness, "the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder" (paragraph 2, sentence 7). It previews the author's line of reasoning by listing the main points of the argument. Which document is supported by the actual US. In the first paragraph the reader is introduced to Nawab, a father of twelve daughters who feels compelled to make more money to care for his family: "he must proliferate his sources of revenue" (lines 6-7). On a train to London from Manchester earlier that year, Ms. Rowling conceived a series of novels based on a boy wizard. Whether the audience is likely to regard Frankenstein as a science fiction novel. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 13. C. sense of charity toward others: these lines show that the author's family lacked the financial means to work within the legal system The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families . E. The author's desire to acknowledge her parents' efforts to support her despite their immigration status. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans are not getting enough sleep. When the author repeats the phrase "our values," she is arguing that her family's experience of enforced separation does not reflect "our values as a country"; nor is it reflective of United States values to "hold people in detention without access to good legal representation." . Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. Whether this is physiological or merely a by-product of guilt, it's a blatantly sensual experience, a voluptuous surrender, akin to the euphoric swoon of the heroine in a vampire movie. So did Spain. Again, this topic sentence acts as a bridge, connecting the main ideas of each paragraph. (The following passage is excerpted from an essay by a twentieth-century American author.). "Americans are afraid of naps." A. sense of compassion: these lines show that undocumented immigrants are overwhelmed by having to appear before judges without legal representation Attention de bien insister sur les voyelles nasales. B. ), Which of the following best describes the function of the first paragraph? In the passage, the author presents a narrative of her parents' deportation in order to An infinitive verb In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her "rocky existence" during high school in order to It istanto(-a, -os, -as) + noun(s) + como = as much/many _____ asExample: The solo artist won as many awards as the musical group. (4) Although embarrassed by this incident, Sawyer had fond memories of caring for the orphaned lamb, who indeed followed her everywhere. The passage is most likely excerpted from which of the following? Which of the following best explains the author's use of the qualifier "probably" in the first sentence of the seventh paragraph? The topic sentence is the sentence in the paragraph that gives the reader not only the general topic, but also the main idea, or what the paragraph says about the topic. Luego escoge la respuesta correcta. They may also be located within the paragraph or at the end of the paragraph. C. highlight the hospitality offered to her by the parents of her friends ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Which of the following statements best summarizes the main claim about Crazy Horse's cultural legacy that is developed in the passage? "Napping is too luxurious." 1) The first sentence is my topic sentence. It is usually 5 letter spaces. A compound sentence is a sentence made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and the word and, but, or or. Related: How To Write an Introduction in 4 Easy Steps (With Tips for an Effective Introduction) 4. Sitting Bull's example in the fifth paragraph illustrates which feature of Lakota culture? The rest of the sentences should be lined up on the . Those who believe that science fiction predicts the future are simply wrongheaded. ms/menos + adverbio + que = ms/menos _____ queEjemplo: Escucho msica K-pop con ms frecuencia que msica Reggaeton. In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? Illustrate her point that the existing immigration policy is broken. responsibility and guilt. C. It anticipates an objection about the legality of her parents' deportation. D. the education system can help provide the support that children of immigrants require In the introduction to her essay, the author recounts an anecdote that illustrates the French habit of napping, which "much of the civilized world" shares. A jolt. In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her rocky existence during high school in order to the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence.. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. . In France, on a rented canal boat, my friends and I gazed in despair at the closed oaken gates of the lock. We tied the boat up to a spindly bush beside the towpath and waited. answer choices. This leaves the rest of us lackeys bolt upright, toughing it out, trying to focus on the computer screen, from time to time snatching our chins up off our collarbones and glancing furtively around to see if we were noticed. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (The following passage is excerpted from an article published in 2011. Further information about the idea . These self-ratings were then compared to the assessments of researchers who listened to the subjects' audio recordings. Which of the following assist in creating coherence among sentences, paragraphs, or sections in a text by showing relationships among ideas? D. It asserts the relevance of her personal experience within a wider political debate. . We'd come to them only seconds after the witching hour of noon, but we were too late. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 13. The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. B. An attribution of an emotional quality to explain Crazy Horse's humble demeanor. In recounting her family's experience, the author repeatedly connects the problems they faced to aspects of the existing immigration system. C. illustrate her point that existing immigration policy is broken (paragraph 3) The author does not attempt to provide a detailed scientific account of how such a transformation could happen. Fourth 6. . And then one day, my fears were realized. . Which of the following choices accurately describes a strategic stylistic decision that the speaker makes in the first two sentences of the second paragraph ("It is not . The sixth paragraph contributes to the reasoning of the author's argument primarily by. D. never knew of Roulstone until Sawyer claimed he was the author of the poem Support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during adolescence. Stories by his contemporaries offer a credible record of Crazy Horse's life. No, because it creates an inappropriate shift in tone at the beginning of the passage's final paragraph. Is rap t While awaiting deportation proceedings, my parents remained in detention near Boston, so I could visit them. Por ejemplo, en tu opinin, es mejor la msica rock que la msica clsica? Introduction: the first section of a paragraph; should include the topic sentence and any other sentences at the beginning of the paragraph that give background information or provide a transition. Granted, fitness trackers are not perfect tools. It can be in the form of an invitation. nor defeat") ? E. It concedes that the author's opinions about deportation were shaped by her own experiences. The writer wants to avoid revealing any potential biases in sentence 5 (reproduced below). Sixth 2. Warrior societies offered a path of entry into political power structures. Third, Compare different kinds of music using Comparatives and Superlatives. They are more familiar with Euro-American accounts of Crazy Horse than with Lakota accounts. Compare different kinds of music using Comparatives and Superlatives. Certainly the process of falling asleep in the afternoon is quite different from bedtime sleep. A. improving the immigration system would benefit the entire country Keeping families together is a core American value. Action without discretion can incur disastrous results. La msica de qu artista es la mejor? The writer wants to change this passage so that it will be appropriate for doctors and other scientists rather than a general audience. Therefore, the contemporary circumstance that she refers to is an unfulfilled pledge by a political leader. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? Uploaded consciousness also facilitates interstellar travel in the novel. If the researchers' conclusions are correct, careful attention to your behavior is an important tool for ensuring smooth interactions with others. Today, she is serving time in jail, living the reality that I act out on screen. The writer wants to add a new sentence at the end of the third paragraph (sentences 8-12) to show how the information in the paragraph serves as evidence for the passage's primary claim. Document B\mathrm{B}B This suggests that the author will argue that Americans' attitudes towards naps are irrational rather than based on sound reasoning; she does this both by pointing out the benefits of naps and by playfully discussing the qualities of napping that make Americans uneasy with the practice. Crazy Horse displayed ferocity and courage in battle and modesty in dress and speech. In fact, the CDC considers lack of sleep a public health infection. First 3. A promise. Por ejemplo, en tu opinin, es mejor la msica rock que la msica clsica? Lay our heads down on the desk at the appropriate hour and we're exposed to any passing snitch who strolls the halls enforcing alertness. The writer is considering changing the beginning of sentence 1 (reproduced below) to better introduce the topic and engage the reader's attention. When a work has 2 authors, cite both names every time the reference occurs.When a work has 3-5 authors, cite all the names the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, use the surname of the first author followed by et al.When a work has 6+ authors, use the surname of the first author followed by et al. When writing essays, research papers, books, etc., new paragraphs are indented to show their beginnings. When you include a paraphrase in a paper, you are required to include only the author and date in the citation. The purposes of the paragraph are to give information . We can say that a well-structured paragraph is the essence of good writing. B. Docurnent C\mathrm{C}C A paragraph is a component of fictional prose and non-fiction writings. A. support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence. Which of the following can be used to make a comparison that can help advance an argument? 6. A declaration. 2) It is most common to have either one or two major supporting ideas in a single paragraph. C. offer advice to Americans traveling in rural France Step 4 - Unfold the plot. Which of the following choices accurately describes a strategic stylistic decision that the speaker makes in the first two sentences of the second paragraph ("It is not . In a well-constructed first paragraph, that first sentence leads into three or four sentences that provide details about the subject you address in the body of your essay. Then choose the correct answer.). These fictional scenarios have sometimes become reality. Which of the following changes to the underlined portion of sentence 16 (reproduced below) most effectively expresses the relationship between ideas in the sentence? The measurements are not exact, and there is a strong benefit in that people who track their sleep are apt to be more mindful of sleep in general. By choosing to appeal to national ideals, the author takes advantage of one aspect of her rhetorical situation (an audience with historically established values) to advance her argument's purpose: the reform of national deportation policies. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? Which of the following best describes the function of the first paragraph? The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below) from the sentence. Neighbors broke the news that my parents had been taken away by immigration officers, and just like that, my stable family life was over. (paragraph 5, sentence 2). Fourth --> Read the first paragraph for understanding. E. Widespread abuses in the criminal justice system. Fifth --> Read the first sentence of each paragraph. The data these devices provide are not as accurate as the data that come from a sleep lab. Based on movement tracking, the devices can estimate how long someone is asleep and how often the person wakes up during the night. Fighting off natural inclinations is a major Puritan3 virtue, and nothing that feels that good can be respectable. Which of the following factors is most important for the writer to consider when deciding whether to keep or delete the phrase? Qu tipo de msica es la peor? MODELO: Prefieres las botas negras o las botas marrones? She still had her mother, but in a single-parent household, she faced a lot of challenges. "Know yourself" is a well-known maxim, but the latest findings in social psychology suggest. My story is all too common. Thus, her niece's experience serves to show the negative effects of family fragmentation on children, thereby advancing the author's purpose of advocating for the reform of deportation policies. Read the first sentence only of each paragraph after the first, until you get to the start of the next section. D. Widespread ignorance of the poor quality of legal representation available to undocumented immigrants Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Match the following items. The writer wants to ensure that sentence 9 (reproduced below) develops the parallel discussions of Frankenstein and Altered Carbon in the second and third paragraphs and logically connects the other sentences in the third paragraph. A sentence is the largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the . B. the complicated nature of the immigration system makes immigrants vulnerable to scams If I didn't see anyone when I walked in the door after school, I panicked. A. express regret for the author's failure to support her family B. faith in legal professionals: these lines show that proper representation in court would have helped the author's family to legalize their immigration status Uploaded consciousness also facilitates interstellar travel in the novel. The writer is considering changing the beginning of sentence 1 (reproduced below) to better introduce the topic and engage the reader's attention. Which of the following is not a commonly used method of organization? A. claim that her family's experiences run counter to shared national ideals C. identify one aspect of her family's situation that is atypical B. contrast her perspective as a child with her adult understanding of an issue Disapproval of the Army's dehumanizing treatment of the Lakota, In the last sentence of the fourth paragraph, the author's focus shifts from, Euro-American history to Lakota cultural memory. Legislation that has recently been passed by Congress A paraphrase restates someone else's words in a new way. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below) creates the most logical transition from the previous sentence? A shock. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? If the researchers' conclusions are correct, careful attention to your behavior is an important tool for ensuring smooth interactions with others. Sun observed that this is understandable, since subjective feelings of unease are not necessarily apparent to others. to trudge through our sleepless days," beginning her larger discussion of Americans' attitudes to napping. Should the writer add this sentence? When Ms. Rowling was 15, her mother was diagnosed with degenerative multiple sclerosis; she died, age 45, in December 1990. And they missed my prom, my college application process and my graduations from high school and college. As University of Glasgow lecturer Gavin Miller argues, "Science fiction does not invite us to be prophets, but anthropologists making sense of a complex and troubling foreign culturewhich we may eventually come to recognize as our own. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? Summarize the Content and Provide Details. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below) creates the most logical transition from the previous sentence? The author has credible evidence of only two public speeches by Crazy Horse. The essential elements of paragraph writing are: understanding topic, writers intelligence and length. (as it is now) Keep it, because it offers a contrasting position that helps rebut the counterargument presented in the third paragraph. Second 4. There we lie, visible and vulnerable on our day lit bed, ready to cut the strings and sink into the dark, swirling, almost sexual currents of the impending doze, but what will happen in our absence? A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. Skim through the first paragraph, and look for the gist. energy consumption data shown in Document AAA ? She presents all these details in support of her overarching claim that Congress and the president must reform immigration policy for the benefit of the country overall. First 3. The passive constructions "he became known" (paragraph 6, sentence 2) and "he was known" (paragraph 7, sentence 2) suggest that the author holds which of the following beliefs about Crazy Horse? E. the foster care system is underprepared for the needs of immigrant families. Solved Question for You on Paragraph Writing. Cohesion and Coherence. 2) the context- this is called the background information that helps connect the . Which artist's music is the best? Should the writer delete the underlined text? He acknowledges it while suggesting Lakota stories offer a different perspective. Professionals refer to the first sentence of a paragraph as a topic sentence. France lunched, and then slept. The passage is most likely excerpted from which of the following? C. immigrants with strong family connections are more likely to succeed than those without them 8. In the third paragraph, she explicitly contrasts the French with herself and her friends who "were Americans, condemned . Step 5 - Plan the climax and twist in your narrative story. Third A topic sentence is often the first sentence of a paragraph. My family and I worked hard to keep our relationships strong, but too-short phone calls and the annual summer visits I made to Colombia didn't suffice. The first paragraph engages the reader with a contemporary colloquial style, and the second paragraph challenges the reader with language from the period of the Declaration. Which of the following sentences best accomplishes this goal? Good paragraphing also greatly assists your readers in following a piece of writing. "Americans are afraid of naps." D. An unfulfilled pledge by a political leader In the passage as a whole, the author recounts her and her family's experiences to support that, Improving the immigration system would benefit the entire country, In the tenth paragraph, the author appeals twice to "Our values" in order to, Claim that her family's experiences run counter to shard national ideals, In the passage, the author presents a narrative of her parents' deportation in order to. I consider myself lucky because things turned out better for me than for most, including some of my own family members. At the end of the paragraph, she arrives at the conclusion that "part of [her] ached with every accomplishment, because [her] parents weren't there to share [her] joy." The remainder of the paragraph focuses on the way Nawab attempts to Describe vividly all scenarios and actions of the characters such that a reader is able to visualize them. Warrior societies offered a path of entry into political power structures. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims. B. was a prolific author who wrote both novels and poems support her") primarily to introduction, conclusion and body. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to. Here, this sentence refers back to the first paragraph's summary of online education"what we know"and introduces the idea that there are things we don't know about online educationthe focus of the second paragraph. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? When the author refers to her "rocky existence," she suggests that although she had good friends, she faced a number of challenges. A. Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Follow the model. Sitting Bull's example in the fifth paragraph illustrates which feature of Lakota culture? Record for at least 30 seconds and choose a minimum of 3 structures below to create your own sentences. The author situates her text within a particular political context by making the following statement about a political leader: "President Obama has promised to act on providing deportation relief for families across the country, and I would urge him to do so quickly." unity, order, coherence and completeness. Record for at least 30 seconds and choose a minimum of 3 structures below to create your own sentences. The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). , os). In describing Crazy Horse as "painfully shy" near the beginning of the seventh paragraph, the author offers which of the following? According to the fourth paragraph, the battles of June 1876 established Crazy Horse's reputation for which of the following?

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in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph