Eventually meshing with Avengers and gang. a.k.a the typical fieldtrip trope. Drawing them into politics, creature rights, experimental magic and her blended chosen family. But will Hermione's fresh start be enough to heal her wounded soul or will her new opportunity drag her even further into conflict and shatter the peace of mind she's fought so hard to regain? When everything went wrong, Andromeda Tonks helps Hermione and Draco to make everything right -by sending them to another time.Also posted in fanfiction . WARNING: Contains; Violence, Strong language, child abuse All one shots, can be a few parts though A surprisingly unknown relationship is revealed at the signing of the accords leaving two sets of friends and coworkers shocked on how they went years without knowing. First book in the GAUNT TRILOGY! If you want to request, request on the first page. And tonight, she had had enough. "No tengo miedo de un Lord cado que parasita un cuerpo para atacar.". Steve knows exactly how to make Hermione feel better about herself. One is too righteous, the other too dangerous. Probably not what you mean, but linkffn(The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie) sort of, kind of has this. Ahora, despus de diecisis aos la encuentran y resulta ser nada menos que Hermione "Jane Granger", cmo le sentar a Hermione ser una sangre limpia y pertenecer a una de las familias ms influyentes en el mundo mgico? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (21), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (10), James "Bucky" Barnes/Hermione Granger/Steve Rogers (11), James "Bucky" Barnes/Hermione Granger (8), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (6), past Hermione Granger/Harry Potter - Relationship, Hermione Granger/Steve Rogers (possibly someday), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, James "Bucky" Barnes/Hermione Granger/Steve Rogers, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Im not naming every Marvel character cause its a lot, no beta we die like Steves MCU characterization, Additional triggering tags will be at the start of each chapter, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Marvelously Magical Fanfiction's Love You To Death Bloody Valentine Fic Fest 2022, Multifandom crossover { Savage } Cross Time Team, : | Major Grom: Plague Doctor (2021), Ultron (Marvel) & Voldemort (Harry Potter), Loki (Marvel)/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Chumnoy Doctor | Plague Doctor | Sergey Razumovsky, featuring Tony and Pepper as background characters. But then two people show up at her doorstep and she finds that all that she was didn't really exist. Son mis padres. Its the blood of a virgin Mudblood. Ele correu at a lixeira e perdeu seu caf da manh. AU, manipulative!Dumbledore, DE's, Voldy, but no horcruxes. #16 in peter parker Now living together, the pair get along well. Please consider turning it on! I saw a few stories where Harry is adopted by thr Grangers. It also includes secrets and reveals that will be of big importance over the course of the book series and some awesome insight to some of the main characters. When Tony Stark is kidnapped, things are put into motion that will change history. Isabel. The war is finally over and Hermione needs an escape. Press J to jump to the feed. TS/fem!HP, Officially abandoned but up for adoption if anyone is willing? Peter 'Junior' Parker Antonio Potts-Stark was your unfairly attractive, snarky, genius son of Tony and Pepper Potts-Stark and younger brother to the adopted Wanda Maximoff-Stark. She'll ruin their lives, just like they tried to do to hers. Hermione is Tony Stark's Adopted Sister This is slow like very slow Stabbing Implied/Referenced Child Abuse When the battle is over, Hermione runs to the closest thing she still has to family: Tony Stark. Even if Remus and Sirius moved back to England, Hermione may stay in the States. Yet, for my world, nothing has." Tony is surprised to see a familiar face when he attends a wedding halfway around the world. She is thrown into the midst of a chaotic world that does not deal in her neat boxes of black and white absolutes, but includes all the shades of grey, blurring the lines she had so clearly established for her life and moral compass. The one time she decides to relax, have fun, and not take control and this is what happens. Chapters may or may not exist in the same Universe and/or timeline. Information comes to light about who she really is, or rather who she was born as. Is a civil war really the place to catch feelings? The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. Nada es mo. {played by Tom Holland} So why is it she feels the urge to follow them despite the warnings. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Under an unexpected time constraint, Dumbledore gives Hermione an untested contingency plan to use in the event Voldemort looks set to win the war. You are an absolute lifesaver, thank you!!! This is about an assassin, who goes by the name of every girl's favourite witch, Hermione. Hermione gets to know on her 18th birthday that she isn't a muggleborn, she isn't even a Granger. Rather, through a characteristic manner. Starts with a lot of context for the story, it won't be so expositional in the later chapters.**. Can he survive the humility and torture the Avengers will throw at him every step of the way? Hermione stared down at the newspaper in her hands. With the Winter Soldier now faded into the crowd, no one knows wher (Discontinued) Surrounded by Death Eaters, can she convince Draco Malfoy to help? Was setting her up to be bound for eternity with men she didn't truly know, nor even like, somehow BETTER than the others? Hermione was not the type to descend anywhere, or into anything, without her research and bullet-pointed, color-coded reasons. After the 'Battle Of Hogwarts' all students have returned to Hogwarts, Voldemort wasn't defeated, but he is in hiding after nearly being killed by Harry Potter, all students must be resorted, what happens when golden girl- Gryffindor Hermione gets a letter from Snape. He becomes her protector, and everything changes. Stranded in the 1940's, in an alternate universe with no Hogwarts, and no way to get home, Hermione must navigate a world with a growing S.H.I.E.L.D., World War II, and new feelings for a Man-With-A-Plan from Brooklyn. See how the IronWidow family handles a kid alongside avenger work. i'm just kinda winging it :) What if everything you had believed in was a made up story for you to believe in? The Battle of New York reveals more than one new surprise to Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. So long. And a subset of those fics have purebloods sponsor Muggleborns to educate them in Magical culture and etiquette. Or, how Tony accidentally acquires two teenaged sorcerers as children and they decide to keep him. What he finds changes any preconceived notions he might have had about the Boy-Who-Lived. Hermione Jean Granger o Hermione Neoma Lestrange Nyx? Bare with me i promise it gets better as you go through A triad? this will be a bunch of one-shots about Peter Parker and the avengers!!! -Irondad and Spiderson Press J to jump to the feed. Everyone was moving on, and she was stuck in the past. Unspeakable Hermione Granger gets distracted from her original mission by a surprise discovery and a handsome stranger. Her best friend's faces were the last she saw before the tell-tale, nauseating tug behind her navel swept her away to a new life. Language: English Words: 165,348 Chapters: 46 /? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Good girls are always the ones to go Bad. Being Tony Starks personal intern wasn't the only big change after Civil War. Secrets reveal - Straight From The Author. Maps of the heavens must mirror maps of the seas; where creatures lie in constellations they lie hidden beneath the murky depths, and they are hungry. Holly Maria Stark is an extraordinary young lady with a unique gift. -FUNNY DISCLAIMERS {im British so there might be different spellings sorry}. [REWRITE VERSION AVAILABLE]Name - home is where the heart is (and you hold mine). -no smut Everyone lives/no war AU that takes place in seventh year. Multiple chapters. tacuache o tlacuache; quali sono i nomi alterati; tractor supply puppy shots schedule; great barrier reef intrinsic value AUs Hermione decides to prank Draco. After ten years though, life has gotten away from her. Hermione Granger has always been the Mudblood, the insufferable know-it-all, part of the Golden Trio, and the Brightest Witch of the Age. If she wanted to play in the lab, she could. But what happens when they have the wrong savior Everyone is coming back to Redo their 7th year. This will be one-shots (maybe two or three shots) about the main man, Spider-Man, (hey that rhymed) or Peter Parker. Returning to Hogwarts to complete her 7th year again because of the war, she comes back in her tru Hermione Granger is a muggle born right not she is a pureblood princess she is th richest pureblood ever dramione fanfiction. i can do angst, but i dont write it super often. Ranked # 1 fo A Betrayal from those who he thought were loyal to him and a rescue from those who hated him. cover is not mine. More importantly, why would she want to? Nothing. As with all plans in this universe, nothing quite goes the way they expected it to. Marcados pela guerra, eles ganharam tempo para caar as Horcruxes. In his several millennia of existence Loki Odinson, God of Mischief and Lies, had been many things; he had been a liar, a warrior, and a trickster, just to name a few, but never before had he been a loving father, he'd never been given the chance. I literally just finished reading this like two weeks ago! The remaining Death Eaters are operating on their own, and Hermione is helping them in their endeavors, but they aren't using that name. Looking up at Steve, she continued, "You keep saying how when you woke up, everything had changed. Will include: Hermione Granger did the Wizarding World a service she didn't have to do. Hermione's sixth year is just as busy as her fifth without the evil teacher unless you count Snape. She saved Sirius Black; she saved Fred and George Weasley; she saved Severus Snape. But when the Weasel fucks up leaving the Golden Trio fragmented how could either Slytherin avoid getting sucked into her gravitational pull. Liliah grew up around superhero's and extraordinary people her whole life. No, that's not how this works. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He emerges from a cave wearing the Mark I suit, a miniature arc reactor in his chest, and a new mission for himself and Stark Industries. En medio de la Batalla de Hogwarts, Hermione Granger es golpeada por un hechizo por Bellatriz Lestrange justo antes de que esta sea asesinada por Molly Weasley. The story of how Hermione Granger became Hermione Malfoy, starts from before first year, hermione granger/antonin dolohov pairing. Hermione and Steve try to figure out a place to spend the holidays without being recognized. So they were either not as bad as they are portrayed in canon, or Hermione wasn't as lightsided as in canon. Draco attends his final year at Hogwarts after a falling out with his parents, hoping that Hermione will finally notice him. M. HG/DM A Serpent in Lion's Clothing by Blackfirm (Rated M) = 12 The Golden Trio returns to Hogwarts for their 7th year. Now that Tony knows about magic and a little more about Hermiones background and experience as a witch, she figures its a good time to introduce him to the magical world in London. In which gentleman and America's hero, Steve Rogers, falls in love with the Avengers' newest recrui She wasn't looking for redemption. Fanfic de Harry Potter. Now that Peter is 15 and in high school, its getting harder to keep his life a secret. The problem? "When I disappeared from Malfoy Manor, my world was at war. Hermione regretted ever opening that door to Narcissa Malfoy because falling in love hurt, especially when she knew the marriage wasn't built to last forever. Edit* I've decided to just make this one shots, not just field trip ones. We'll have to see Bosque de Palabras Various fics about what would happen if Peter's class was to take a field trip to Stark Industries :), Story is not mine. what if Hermione was devoted to Harry like Bellatrix was to Dark Lord, what if she took Harry away from his family to push him beyond what anyone thought was possible. Snakes and sneaky Gryffindors galore as we look in to what would have happened if we would have gotten a bad witch.. His Lordship Orion Black, of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, cordially invites one Miss Hermione Jean Granger-Potter of House Potter to the Spring Equinox Ball, to be held at Black Manor - no. Un fanfiction inspirado en "The Winter Witch", donde Hermione es alcanzada por la maldicin asesina y, en vez de morir, despierta en un bosque de Poniente, donde es encontrada por el hijo del seor de Invernalia, Robb Stark. The Horcrux hunt was cut short when Ron left. She also has some interesting news that her Mum and Dad have just given her. Hermione and Harry need to hide a very important secret. Steve and Hermione bond over their personal struggles.#LoveFest2023 #TeamLilith. Why wouldn't a shy, awkward, abused little boy think anything else of the force of nature that adopted all the other shy, awkward, abused little kids? Hermione was accidentally cursed by Harry Potter who placed a spell on her and only her brother can undo the curse. Please help! It's Nobody Cared by etherian linkffn(5756718). JE FAIT EN SORTE QUE TOM RIDDLE AS VOLDEMORT SOIT NE EN MME TEMPS QUE JAMES ET LILY POTTER. As new millennium dawns, long-rooted tensions and ideas are brought forth to the world, threatening the stability of current order. Will she and her brother learn to get along or will they go on hating each other. Collections: 11 737 Kudos: 1702 Hermione Granger Tony Stark Harry Potter Ron Weasley Original Child Character (s) Light Angst One Night Stands Unplanned Pregnancy Friendship Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Hermione paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. What happens when high school really comes too close to home? I may be putting a few not field trip one shots because I feel like it but most will be field trip. Taking over one universe isn't enough, so Voldemort sends war prisoners Hermione, Ginny, and Luna to Dimension 3261 in order to breed magical superhumans with HYDRA's prize supersoldier. WARNING: MATURITY RATING VARIES FROM CHAPTER TO CHAPTER. Vivendo em guerra, Steve nunca sonhou em ser pai. Hermione Granger plans to take over the Ministry, leading the ex-Death Eaters as their new Dark Lady. I unfortunately can't remember if this is the main storyline or if there's more things happening at the same time.. Will they fall in love or kill each other before they are rescued? Hermione wasn't letting up until the day he died. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Semi-frizzy haired and always had a book in her hand. When Hermione's parents are killed during the summer of before her seventh year, Hermione does everything she possibly can to figure out which Death Eaters are responsible, so she could cash in on the eye for an eye ideology. She is now also a S.H.I.E.L.D ag 'I'm not going to sit here and say that being the daughter of a millionaire is awful since I never First book of "Acceptance Siries" Snape is sent to find out why. In order for Hermione's application to the Department of Mysteries to be accepted, she has to be proficient in ritual magic. Death is unhappy with this future and tasks the two with going back to fix it. After the Battle, the Wizarding World has declined into chaos despite Voldemort's defeat. He finds a new family and a new home that drastically changes his life for the better, if not crazier. Draconis Malfoy "nacida de la tormenta" es una Slytherin hecha de fuego y agua.La hija de los dragones y la reina del mar y actualmente la mejor amiga Slytherin que el tro de oro puede pedir. Any guesses on who matched all the criteria, Mudblood?. This is the know-how of every character, place, and myth that fuels the story. Throughout it all, Neville and Harry are irresistibly drawn to one another - but can love survive in a dawning era of violence, necromancy, and power? I FINALLY MADE THE COVER!! She doubted they would understand. -Peter gets to prove to Flash that he is not lying about the internship. This is the world and characters of J. K. Rowling. Nada es mo. (sorry, I still love Sally!) They pop up all the time. , , , - , . Now hailed as the lost daughter of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, secretly dating the Scion of a Sacred House while once again betrothed to the Scion of another, Hermione must navigate a war where both sides yearn for her power and influence. the links, incorporated lawsuit. After being driven out from the wizard world, Hermione comes back with a surprise. Ideally, a witch born in mid-September, right between the Dark Lord's birthday, on 31st December, and his Death, on 2nd May. Never saw one where Hermione is adopted by the Potters. 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England. Summer was going great for Hermione. One with actual Nazis, super soldiers, and an insane amount of futuristic technology for the 1940s. I dimly remember that Hermiones parents were killed, she was very distraught and Harry & his sister taken her as their adopted sister (not sure, whether formally). Not by the tone of voice or the way you pronounce the sounds. -He has a relationship with Michelle/MJ, Shuri, Wade or Wanda as OTP's and BROTP's (So this boo first oneshot book! She learned how to harness these abilities at such a young age thanks to her paternal grandparents, Howard and Maria Stark, introducing her to their Alma Mater, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Steve no pde evitar. , , , ' ., , , ' . And which makes him think how much else he has forgotten. A chance encounter between Steve and Hermione offers the battle-scarred young woman the opportunity to heal away from the toxic environment of the magical world back home. and what chaos ensues for the youngest stark. but does fuck or the dark lord will return count as a tag? or the one where Hermione is eventually declared Diamond of her season, and The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black demands only the best brides for their sons. You'd be a perfect Slytherin if it weren't for your blood. She always knew who she was and never tried to be anything else; that was the beauty of her. Harry Potter has always been hated. Hermione returns to New York City to see Tony and officially meet his partner and friends. -Negligible angst Hermione Granger is 28 years old, working as an Unspeakable for the Ministry after the War when an UES (Unidentified Energy Source), only nick-named by other professionals in her area of work as 'the tesseract', quite literally rips her away from her world and deposits her unwillingly into a new one. A collection of one-shots, short series, and otherwise unrelated stories to the already too-many series I have running. Except he doesnt die and a few months later the kids he thought he dreamt up are in his living room scolding him about his decisions and healing the god of mischief of his well-deserved injuries.

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hermione is adopted by the avengers fanfiction