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Hawaii 2021 List of Holidays in Hawaii in 2021 Notes Federal government and local banking holidays may differ. var relDataArr = ["dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "preconnect", "preconnect", "preconnect", "preconnect", "preconnect", "preconnect"];
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Maintaining an accurate, timely and permanent record system for title to real property is the responsibility of the Bureau of Conveyances. !/HeadlessChrome/ ["test"](window["navigator"]["userAgent"]) || (0 == navigator["plugins"]["length"] || "" == navigator["languages"]));
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The actual closing date occurs when the transaction officially records with the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances, 2 business days after all mortgage proceeds (if applicable) and home buyer closing funds are deposited and cleared with the escrow company handling the . $(" .nav-container .user-popup").click(function (e) {
8-1) Day Observedin 2021 Official Date Designated in Statute/Constitution . };
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It examines, records, and indexes more than 344,000 land and property documents and maps each year and it issues Land Court Certificates of Title and certifies copies of matters of record. var getOwnPropertyNames = function () {
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The Hawai'i Bureau of Conveyances is the only single statewide recording office in the country. };
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