I don't find Lipstick A racist at all. r67 I always found the Leo stuff bizarre too. Oh this is precious. Hello and thank you for registering. Oddly, they seem to hate McBongo and he's one of the few who actually does fuck black women (and married a mixed raced one). I think you really have to seek out that kind of insanity at LA. Most of the posters seem to be black women. That's all their is to it. What are your favorite underrated Stevie Wonder songs? But definitely not racist towards whites. I have visited the site a few times. If that is the couple you are referring to, then they need to be read for filth. Well, how is this for irony, Lipstick Alley is white owned. When it comes to trans people, lipstick alley is pretty damn close to white supremacists websites. Poor things dont realize they arent his type in more ways than one R222 Everyone knows that the crazies in the Stan threads are exactly that - crazy. Some celebs are genuinely into it, but overall, I think it's fairly uncommon. Dont fuck with them unless necessary. She comes with a new twist every other day. R174: If we discontinued taxpayer funded Obamaphones, Lipstick Alley would shrivel up & die within 48 hours. I believe as the site accelerated in popularity, ownership changed hands. What decent gossip is there on that site? Someone link to a "whites in the workplace" thread! Is the ohnotheydidnt site a site for black women too? you all treat people in humane but we are that are not human. One of them was turned out by the industry he is now severely addicted to cocaine and turning tricks any and everywhere. R110, fuck your anti-semitism and your sexism, ya DUMMY! R14, if you could trolldar across sites I'd bet anything that those wingnuts are the same delusional freepers who post anti-semitic/MK ultra bullpucky on DL. How to tell my friend I dont want my picture on her boyfriends page, To be a black autistic person has to be the worst kind of hell. What is the deal with him, though? Yeah, that site is definitely obsessed with beyonce. My depression centers around the possibility that I may not get to have a child. Oh and weird how you're all talking about the delusions of lsa fan girls fantasizing about white actors chasing black women. They all appear to hate white people. It is more honest about racism and I appreciate that, it is as an African American thread after all. Chris Evans's reps tried to sue LSA for saying he had an STI. It looks like they fantasize about white movie stars chasing black women. LSA has plenty of tiresome posters but there's also lots of fun stuff. Black women need to be more open to interracial dating,black men have already moved along, why can't they? Ah well, for all intensive purposes. Those who supposedly should know better, because they have been at the receiving end of prejudice, are often the perpetrators of more extreme antipathy. So take your racist post and stick it where the sun ain't shinning OP. Seems like posters at the Alley really believe jayZ is evil. Coupons arent couponing like they used to. Not that he actually fucks his interchangeable blonde beards, but he has never bothered to add a black beard to his collection. For instance, someone spilled that George Clooney was engaged to be married several days before it was officially announced. Uncategorized July 13, 2020 0 wajidi. All supposedly black women. Case in point Jews are known to be historically a victimized people, yet Israel saw fit to sterilize (WITHOUT CONSENT) around 500,000 Ethiopian Jewish women to allow them permanent stay in Israel. It's the usual stereotypes, which is sad because both groups share a common bond. Apart from that, a lot of people on the site are nice, and there's a great deal of juicy gossip over there. We aren't impressed. Wow ya'll are so pressed , why be so pressed about a website most frequented by woc? Disagree. Black people talk about white people. Future appears to throw more shots at Ciara in leaked snippet from upcoming song with Lil Durk. Mix them up etc.? People are accessing the internet with their Bushphones (a more accurate term), R184? 20 Benefits of Lemon Ginger Tea. [quote] Do you don't find the obsessive misogyny on DL demoralizing? Usually while pretending to be against misogyny. Pregnancies and marriages are more common than we think. You've obviously never seen the Michael Fassbender thread there. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn That is gospel over there. Damn about the foundation. [quote]It looks like they fantasize about white movie stars chasing black women. Which thread was this, R31? And they're oblivious to that self-hating drag queen Tyler Perry. Actually, tumblr types love to put the bisexual tag on actors like Evans. It was drilled in my head not to enter either arena. 316. Totally unfathomable. Sadly, the male posters on LSA, who identify themselves as gay are mostly misogynistic assholes with a victim complex. In 2020, another rumour started that Ralph Tresvant may have separated from his wife and started dating the singer and lead singer of DeBarge , El DeBarge's ex Monique DeBarge . But it's the drive-by homophobic posts that rankle, because LSA has a like/groan system, and it's not the ignorant posts that annoy me, it's no one or few groaning the posters for said posts. I want them all to stay in the closet and not ruin it for me. DL doesn't have a lot of room to criticize LSA, but that works both ways: LSA can't really criticize DL, either. So is Gabby tea. I know this post was from a couple of months back, but "cynicalness," R8? Some of them are racist, but most of the posters here on dl are sexist AND racist. But what if they have their palms covered by a comfy sweater as they cradle it, R36? Yes. I'll never go there. Started by Bakhita; Yesterday at 9:44 PM; Replies: 57; Lipstick Alley Bloggers. Yeah, Lipstickalley is pretty xenophobic (esp towards Mexicans), and transphobic. It's beyond out of control. The worst thing you can call black celebs is gay, apparently. I love those bitches; but here's me, just a LSA members can be racist and full of venom for anything other than dark skinned African American women. Happy Birfday to ME! [quote]Greatso now you're dragging Halle into the fray. I don't know why they don't make more movies with scared black people in them! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I love their Real Housewives and Drag Race threads. #1. What's a popular food you don't care for? . There's a whole 'tea' thread (and there's no legit gossip, just a bunch of crazy delusions) about how all of Hollywood are sex slaves and escorts, 'programmed' by MK Ultra, all ultimately controlled by THE JEWS. The (any goodlooking celebrity) thread is the worst, they make up bullshit stories about knowing someone who has had (add the name). R182, I am black and the negativity at LSA makes me extremely uncomfortable. Ooouu havent gotten to these yet.. thanks OP. There were some LSA homophobic assholes that trolled the Aaron Rodgers thread when he was first outed. Value 6. Ethiopian Jews continue to be marginalized, and mistreated by white Jews in the Jewish Motherland. What kind of person likes to post defamatory stuff about other people? It's like the "Black" version of the DL. If you think LSA is homophobic and racist, your head would explode if you read the stuff at my favorite site. Don't spout off the dictionary definition to prove a point, please, because that definition was written by a bunch of old white men and lacks the nuance of the true meaning. But still there are SOME who know what's up, though. Is this some kind of racism against dark skinned women? Besides the few fan girls of white actors, I appreciate the general bluntness regarding discussing white supremacy. They were all over Bill Cosby years ago long before the MSM. Then diss black women that date white men. The posters there have latched into each of these archetypes and become fanatical about it. In the old days, alt.showbiz.gossip and alt.gossip.celebrities were a treasure trove of scandalous celeb gossip. While you're having a nervous breakdown R95, I have a question. It was either on L.A or another similar site that I read a very entertaining 'tea' about Michael Douglas supposedly always having a young, cute, Black mistress on the gosetting them with apartments, cars, flying them around first class/private etc etc. Black womens shouldn't treat hide yella womens like escaped goats. What's a popular food you don't care for? Yeah, because no women at LSA ever act like they know what it's like to be a gay man. He basically said she should suck it up and apologize. Hollywood has always been bisexual. It's not racism. Pointing out that someone is kind of a cunt or that they've fucked men is really not defamatory. To be alone is to be free. Is there a fee like on DL? Hello. LMAO, Milian tea is always believable. I love the "whites in the workplace" threads and have contributed my experiences to those threads. Oddly, they seem to hate McBongo and he's one of the few who actually does fuck black women (and married a mixed raced one). 4. He's raped more boys than the Confederacy. As black people what would linking with Mexicans do for us? Just like she did with Gabby, almost like she's trying to rally some backup. The Alicia Keys thread is how I first discovered LSA. Honest question. Some of the idiots on LSA are also obsessed with the idea that Whitney and MJ were romantically involved with each other. Some refer to white people has devils, kkracka, pig and other derogatory terms. the way they insult white people.. kind of ironic since they always go on about how racist people are to them. Funny that DL believes he's gay and LSA believes he's into black women. Here is someone just finding out Luke Evans is gay: [quote]Girl I don't have any use for him since he is gay. There was a tea account a while back on twitter who spoke Korean but was Canadian-Korean admitted that the tea she spilled and "translated" from Korean websites was just bullshit because she knew fans who didn't speak Korean would be gullible and believe her bc she was Korean lol. Please bless these reptilian psychopath demons who seek to bait the races and keep them at each others throats. - Season 9 - Official Watch/Discussion Thread. When I saw the post about "whites in the workplace" my FIRST thought was, "Is that like all the homo threads about 'fraus' in the workplace" here? She is pressed and just wants to bring it down because SHE is not apart of it. Right now, I'd say Beyonce, Kerry Washington, Rihanna, Naomi Campbell and Lupita Nyong'o ( all representing a different type of black woman) rule that site. That smile of his. Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. That's how I heard about the site in the first place. Yes, that sounds plausible. And Chris Rock's divorce thread has turned into bitter anticipation of his "colorstruck" self revealing his white/becky girlfriend, even though one of his long term mistresses was LisaRaye - and of course his wife is black. Ill post the link if I find it again. Ice Cube son also responded.. You are using an out of date browser. Daz Dillinger from Death Row him and his baby mama was arguing on here. Not only in the US, where I'm assuming (without hesitation) you reside, but all over the world. R221 You should see their Henry Cavill obsession. Once you start clapping back it looks bad and people think the gossip is true. Shonda is known for continually casting an actor she likes in bigger roles if they've previously worked together on her shows! Seems such a nice, unproblematic person. Andy H#ill%*(finger is the biggest perverted human being I have met. 'Can you identify a body with broken teeth? EVER. [quote] I would be awful doing such a terrible thing. Only a few of them do and Leo ain't one of them. Generally, IMO it's a hot mess, but also has really good threads and can be a good platform to find black female support / comedy. All I see is stuff about rappers (about whom a shit I do not give) and their Leo Di Caprio fan club where they fantasize he is a heterosexual who likes black beards. If the whining hypersensitives would take some responsibility for their community's being loaded with lazy, dishonest, irresponsible, stupid cruds who are lousy parents and who embrace a sick culture of violence and true self-loathing, maybe the rest of us could get a break from phony pride and constant pathetic self-congratulation. But they love when a white celebrity male dates a black woman. They also have a strong dislike for iggy Azalea. The site is filled with homophobia and antiwhite hate. No way no how. Very racist thread. Take a look at I can say the same thing about the Datalounge. Get over yourselves. What is more common than people realize, however, is hip white celebs with a hard-on for "urban culture" trying to pull girls with cache in the black entertainment/sports world. They exist, but in name only. Other than that, I agree, there aren't really any others supplying good information. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. One piece of tea that was spilled is that Sandra Bullock adopted a second child (light skinned African American little boy). So when I got older I attempted to be in the industry. Who is the owner? Anonymous posting allows the racists to get themselves off. And saying Barack married Michelle for political convenience shows you know nothing about what black men find attractive. . Lance LaSalle said: . Edited once, last by Heartnadia ( Oct 27th . ITS SOOOO MUCH!!! Meet Renaldo Webb. It's annoying and you do it all the time. Whites always have to be where blacks are. Not Sandra Rose, Bossip or MTO. They know he's family, if that's what you mean. If anyone wants to PM me I'll give alley buxs. Not all of them are like this, but they still seem to be the minority. We both fucking know why you fucking racist cunt. These are some of my personal favorites aside from the ones already mentioned You must log in or register to reply here. Posters feel strongly about the thread's topic and reply without noticing the date. Blacks and gays historically were the most inclusive groups but exclusivism has become a thing I'd say in the past 20 years. STAN Fair . Do you believe that dead relatives can reach out to you in your dreams? hes on cloud nine nowadays tho, giving rs advice, recommending/composing romantic songs. J0se is on Twitter now going through it. It's the same with black female celebs. Newsflash to a whole bunch of dum-dums - the human mind seeks patterns to learn, and can't move forward without generalizations.. You certainly share her bigoted views which only widen the girth between the races. Farewell. [quote]Does she not understand what "blackballed" means?? BTS do have many idol friends but Seventeen and Got7 are the closest and genuine friendships they have. I don't see why he's being critized for his looks. 169 votes, 1.1K comments. For the rest of you intelligent men and women, I would like to direct your attention, specially you theater types, to the brilliant, 10 minute play by this beautiful sister, Aleksys K Taylor. Now if anyone mentions the owner is white, they will get banned from threads, and then banned from the site altogether. Most posters, are of course straight women. Log in Register What's newSearch Search EverywhereThreadsThis forumThis thread Search only containers Search titles only By: Happy holidays to all! Never heard anything like that. 1. Black women are devalued in their community, no question. Sometimes I'll see what looks like it could be an interesting thread but I just don't have the patience to wade through it all to make sense of it. Not that he actually fucks his interchangeable blonde beards, but he has never bothered to add a black beard to his collection. They also appear to have issues with light-skinned black women or biracial people. 'Can you identify a body with broken teeth? They were tearing her apart. Azealia Banks) or action (e.g. DL is mild in comparison to lipstick alley. !, the Bruce watch party will be fun tonight!! The founder of PetPlate. They don't their idols to be gay or bisexual. Absolutely, R228, but I was just wondering why the bumper (Defacto, I'm assuming) was so riled up this morning. The OFFICIAL BTS Tea thread | Page 111 | Lipstick Alley Jokes aside, Armys are truly dense if Taehyung's money hungry ways have not diminished his appeal to them. Oct 27th 2021. Thank you for the early Christmas gift 😜 this'll keep me sane for the rest of the week. 50. R97 you didn't answer the question. Do people who do such things lack basic morals, a conscience, or basic fear of God? But stillyou will NEVER be the same. R222 clearly you aren't hanging out in the right threads. Unless you're aiming that at people who make things up and/or accuse people of being rapists and child molesters. O.o " http://www.lipstickalley.com/member.php/189042-Salem, ht tp://w ww.lips tickalley.com / member .php / 189042-Salem, "Oh and weird how you're all talking about the delusions of lsa fan girls fantasizing about white actors chasing black women.". It does not believe what it posts. DL is mild in comparison to lipstick alley. His shimmy is corny. Some of them have learned that they should just let that shit go. Im always blown away at how naive they are on LSA.

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