Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. [247] Going to the Ixion Wheel, Kassandra saved a woman attacked by guards. [70], Going to the Altar of Apollo Maleatas, she was attacked by Cultists, proving the link between Chrysis and the Cult of Kosmos. The reaction between the two Pieces of Eden provoked an explosion sending the orb to the north of the island while depowering the spear. [138] As they needed the key to open it, Kassandra went to the village of the Daughters of Artemis on Chios and recovered the key. They even had Cultists in the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League. As the Magistrate of the village didn't do anything, she helped the healer Timosa who was attacked by the Magistrate's guards. Asking her if she could repair her spear, Aletheia said she couldn't. Biographical information 422 BCE) was the son of the Spartan misthios Kassandra and her partner Natakas. [194], During their time together, Kassandra and Natakas spoke about their son and the impact he had on their lives. Abstergo figured out how to sequence dna more efficiently so they can have anyone do it now with any sample 1 [deleted] 1 yr. ago Play odyssey legacy of the hidden blade and watch last scene 0 While trying to become the new champion of Pephka Arena, she dueled and killed Belos, the Beast of Sparta. Kassandra recovered the treasure. [209] Arriving in Seriphos, Kassandra saved Theras who was captured by the Cult of Kosmos. Finding out he was a Cultist she killed him. When she returned to Aspasia, Perikles' lover tasked her to find Phoibe who was missing after she sent her to find a ferry. In Messara, Ptolemaios hired Kassandra to kill the leader of the region. Arriving in Argos, she met the doctor Hippokrates, who was missing his notes. As they discussed their plan to recover Orontas ships, guards of the Ancients arrived. As Kassandra tried to stop him, he ran away sending guards. Altar Ibn La-Ahad, Ezio Auditore, the Kenways Connor, Haytham and Edward are all related. Following that, Kassandra decided to leave Athens with Aspasia. Each time, she spoke with Alethia who explained her role as Keeper and that she will help the Heir by standing before the tombs. As he wanted to quit the Cult, the Swordfish attacked Kassandra but he was killed. They knocked him and his friends. Kassandra and Darius intervened in their game, finding Natakas and Elpidos. [287] As of January 2019, one-third of Odyssey players have chosen Kassandra as the protagonist. She refused, and slew him instead. 1 Jdmaki1996 1 yr. ago Being related to the Assassin hasn't been a thing since black flag. [123], Kassandra with the Periklean Circle at the party, Kassandra also returned to Perikles' residence to celebrate with the Periklean Circle their victory over Kleon and the Cult, remembering Kassandra's adventures and paying tribute to their fallen friends during the War. Receiving an olive wreath, Kassandra was announced as the Olympic champion. [170] Kassandra hunted the wolves of the Huntsman who attacked civilians near Amphipolis. There, they were ambushed by cursed villagers who spoke in Greek directly to Kassandra. Hades said he never promised that only he will help her fulfill her destiny. For her opposition against the Cult and the Order, Kassandra is considered one of the early precursors to the Assassin Brotherhood.[5]. Kassandra refused, seeing that as an imposed fate to leave her friends. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". After an argument, Kassandra received the Staff which killed Pythagoras instantly due to his age. During her journey through Elysium, Kassandra learned to tap deeper into the spear's power, able to enhance several of her abilities to the level of an Isu as well as briefly summon the Full Power of the Spear of Leonidas. [73] She helped Damalis and Erinna against the Monger's men. Orontas took the blame to protect Kassandra and Kleta. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. After defeating them, Kassandra followed the captain who recovered the treasure, a golden orb, like the prizes of Atlantis. [131] Interrogating the Collector, she learnt that Nikios, the Swordfish and him tried to kill the Minotaur using Theseus' armor for protection. There is both good and bad news about our country's economic outlook. Get Assassin's Creed Valhalla on: Get Assassin's Creed Valhalla On Epic Games After the death of the king, Amorges and Pactyas though that allying with the Ancients could bring peace in Persia while Artabanus decided to kill the young king Artaxerxes I of Persia as he was a puppet of the Ancients. [78] Kassandra began a partnership with Xenia for finding treasures with maps that the pirate gave to her. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. When Kassandra collected the money, Xenia revealed that Myrrine worked for her as a pirate for a time and renamed herself Phoenix. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Nikolaos calmed his son and asked him to lead his men. With the Adrestia, Kassandra destroyed a part of the Tempest's fleet. He gave a part of the armor to protect Kassandra and explained where were the other parts. . As one of them was about to throw a spear at her, Kassandra diverted the weapon with an arrow. Kassandra is one of the newer protagonists to join the franchise, but technically the oldest in terms of history. Before leaving, Kleta revealed to Kassandra that the Tempest was her daughter Phila. Between the 1st century BCE and the 9th century CE, she became acquainted with the Hidden Ones, a group co-founded by her descendant Amunet and her husband Bayek to protect humanity, liberty, and fight the Order of the Ancients by preventing them from using Pieces of Eden. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? Ezio and the Kenways AREN'T related to Altair. Going back to the Natakas's grave to place the charm and the blanket while keeping his bow. Before her mother departure, Kassandra promised to join them in Arkadia. Kassandra killed him destroying the Order of Dominion. Is Lucy a Templar? He explained that he had the key of the Labyrinth but that Ardos stole it. Bayek, Alexios, and Kassandra are all related, however Layla isn't related to them. [205], Kassandra continued to track the Ancients of the Dominion. Kassandra decided to recover the key while her friends went to Korkyra Polis to meet an Herodotos' colleague as he was a professor who could read the Doric. Kassandra offered her help and Kleta sent her to the merchant Orontas. She also asked Barnabas to follow her in her adventures, a proposal he accepted. [213], Kassandra speaking with Hermes at the Fields of Elysium, Unconscious, Kassandra was awaked by a dog. [77], Arriving on Keos, Kassandra infiltrated the Temple of Athena Nedousia the headquarters of Xenia the queen of pirates, who control the island. When she met Kassandra, she understood she could end the Cult. As nothing kept the dead to return to the living realm, Hades tasked Kassandra to find four heroes to watch the gates of the Underworld. But there is no connection between Aya and Ezio. [282], Later, Kassandra returned to the cave, founding it opened by Eivor. Aletheia tasked Kassandra to find Theras as he knew the location of symbols for the Heir. As Kassandra saw that her father turned away from his goal, she tried to convince him to abandon his pride and to save humanity as the Cult of Kosmos could discover the secrets of the Atlantis. He willingly gave back Elpidios to his family. [181], With the note of the Cult, Kassandra collected other pieces of information on the Tempest, learning she kidnapped the civilians of Boura and prepared a weapon for her ship. As she refused, the two fought, leading to Hades' defeat. She killed her ending her plot. Arno is the third of four playable characters not to be related to Desmond Miles, with the first being Aveline de Grandpr, the second being Adwal and the fourth being Shay Cormac. After that, Kassandra spoke to Perikles about the Cult of Kosmos and the threat they represented for Athens. Darius decided to attack the Ancients to give time to the three others to leave. [273], Awakening in the throne room, Kassandra spoke with Aletheia who congratulated her for passing the trials. She revealed that her arrival activated the artifact. In the throne room, Persephone decided Hekate's fate and how Adonis will leave Elysium. [229], Adonis discovered that a traitor among the rebellion gave information to Persephone. [162], During her odyssey, Kassandra received a letter inviting her to go to Potidaia in Makedonia as a huge force attacked civilians. Up to maybe Assassin's Creed Rogue the answer is yes. [264], Exploring Atlantis, Kassandra recovered her Dikastes armor which was stolen by the Atlantean Polemarchs. At the amphitheater, the engineer revealed that his new weapon, the Chimera's Breath, wasn't complete. Arriving there, she discovered that it was Darius who sent the letter. Poseidon agreed with her judgment and explained that she could end Atlantis' cycle forever by using the Staff of Hermes and the prizes of Cerberos and Hekatonchires. Refusing to be found by the Spartans, Kassandra fled out to the open sea in a boat, with an eagle following her. [27] While there, she freed a woman named Odessa that claimed to be one of Odysseus' descendants, in pilgrimage, and scorted her through the ruins, until she had to sail away. She was the older half-sister of Alexios and, through her mother, Myrrine, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I of Sparta. Aspasia said she knew someone named Phoenix on Naxos Island, so they set sail for the island. When she activated its, the records of the Isu were hacked by the Isu Aletheia who spoke about the First Civilization, the Olympos Project, the Human-Isu War and the Great Catastrophe. While she discussed with her brother, Kleon entered and revealed he was the Sage of the Delian League and ordered the murder of Perikles. [206], As she recovered all the Image of the Ancients, Kassandra reached a blacksmith in Phokis who repaired Amorges' sword using the adamantine in the medallions. At last, Hermes revealed that Kassandra could empower his staff through the Perceptions of Hermes, unlocking new capacities. [195], The next day, Kassandra and Darius buried Natakas in their house. [205], Going to the island, Kassandra and Darius met Elpidios' caretaker, Prince Darius, son of Artaxerxes I. Died She reflected with Darius on the peaceful life they had. [63][64] She was tasked by Kleon to find two of his men Heremos and Onomakles. When she killed him, she discovered that the Ghost was a woman via the Cultist's note. He also spoke about the Ancient Dimokrates who tried to negotiate reinforcement with the Cult of Kosmos. As Archidamos was furious against Myrrine and Kassandra after what happened on Mount Taygetos, Pausanias proposed that the misthios proved her loyalty. [175] After killing Agis of the North, Gaia the Fist, and Theos the Stargazer, Kassandra returned to see Ide. View Kassandra Desmond's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. She didn't find them but as the pirates stocked marbles, she went to the close quarry to investigate the place. As an Athenian soldier died before he could fight the Spartans, Kassandra dueled him to permit him to enter Elysium. They bid farewell and Kassandra promised to fight back the Ancients if they tracked her. In his affairs, she found a letter of the Ghost which explained that they wanted to create a new era. [9], Kassandra negotiating the family's fate with the priest, Afterward Kassandra returned to Markos, who then laid out his plan to repay the Cyclops by stealing his obsidian eye. [215], Later, Kassandra met Adonis, a living human forced to stay in Elysium as Persephone fell in love with him. for instance, Is Kassandra related to Ezio? Kassandra was able to competently wield a variety of weapon types, including swords, bows, spears, and axes. Near a cliff, Natakas showed Kassandra a charm that his mother gave him to protect him. [197], Kassandra and Darius observing the meeting, Joining Darius, Kassandra began to track Dimokrates. [149] That night the island celebrated their liberation, Kyra also gave her father a proper send-off. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. For that, they needed to seal the Atlantis with four artifacts which were hidden around Greece. Arriving in Naxos, her mother decided to return in Lakonia and fought the Cult. Chrysis explained that she rose Alexios as her son and tortured him into becoming the weapon of the Cult. [1] [105] She killed Drakon[106] and Nesaia. Kassandra Remembering she died in Athens, the young girl explained that she was in Elysium but went into the underworld to find her parents. Which assassin are related to Desmond? [96] In Olympia, she discovered that the champion Kallias was the Cultist who poisoned Alkibiades. As Gergis was dead, Kassandra found a letter from Gaspar indicating she found a strange gate and allied with the Followers of Ares. As the Athenians were slaughtered by the Order, Darius attacked them while Kassandra went to the mine. [8] At one point, Myrrine later met and married the Spartan general Nikolaos who, despite Kassandra not being his own flesh and blood, raised her as one of his own. The Ancient flew in a cave where Kassandra tracked him and mortally wounding him. They said that they thought to use Kassandra as a template for their hybrids but seeing her as too human, they created the Hekatonchires and released it to suppress any future rebellion. Kassandra fought the creature and killed it before taking a snake on its head which was in fact the Prize of the Medusa. A master of stealth, Kassandra was able to silently assassinate her targets undetected and was also able to utilize the foliage of bushes to remain hidden from her enemies. She explained to Kassandra that she was angered that the Order hired mercenaries who patrolled around her drinking spot. With Rhode and the children, they were blocked by the commander Harpagos. Previously, Kassandra was a Registered Nu rse at South Shore Stars and also held positions at Laser MD Med Spa, ULTA, Regent Bond, Room To Grow, Bellezza, Oracle, MaineGeneral Health, Osteria La Civetta, Thayer, Her Campus, Adams Street . When she rescued Kyros, as an old friend of Pythagoras, he revealed to her that he secretly worked for the human rebellion. [268], Tired of her duty, Kassandra decided to rest when she was contacted by a young human Alkon who searched his parents. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? When Kassandra asked if they were real in the simulations, Aletheia only said they were always with her. But in tandem, without Chaos, another group will impose Order without freedom. Following him, she found a tree with the hanging corpses of the men she killed in Potidaia. The Polo family also interacted with both Altair and Ezio's families, inducting Ezio's Great-Grandfather (and probably his father too) into the the brotherhood, and giving him the codex. Probably something like Kassandras (10x)great granddaughter. [44], Going to the Sanctuary of Delphi to question the Pythia about her family, Kassandra met his companion again, who presented to her the historian Herodotos who seemed to have knowledge about the Spear of Leonidas. [249] After killing once again the Cyclops, Kassandra said one last time goodbye to her friend who went to Elysium to reunite with her family. As Kleon was the new ruler of the city and ordered that no one leave the city, Kassandra fought her way to the Port of Piraeus. After the meeting, Brasidas informed Kassandra that he had a lead on a Cultist in Arkadia. [46] Kassandra then went to the fort the woman had pointed to be Elpenor's hiding place, but ended up killing his decoy. After mocking the Cyclops by sticking his obsidian eye up a goat's backside and then killing him, Kassandra rescued Barnabas, captain of the Adrestia, who agreed to transport her to Megaris. Kassandra boarded them but found that they weren't pirates but Persians. She explained that she lost control of the Cult over Deimos and that she was against the goals of the other members as the War began to be out of control. After killing them, Kassandra met Elpenor, the first cultist she assassinated. [62] She also helped the general Demosthenes and Kleon to fight the Spartans who were camped around Athens. [269] Kassandra investigated, interrogating the Isu Harbormaster and discovering that the Isu Xarios took Alkon's mother for the Project Olympos. Finding a camp, she freed a woman who informed Kassandra that her young son worked for Natakas but was captured by the Ancients. To find the traitor, he tested the members with the Pyramid: his hand on one face, the accused's on another. Darius reproached Kassandra to break her promise to protect their family. [25], Kassandra then went to an abandoned house the bandits Maykos had spoke off were squatting in and killed them all. Tired of reasoning with him and resentful of his actions towards her friends and family, Kassandra realized that her brother was beyond saving. Phidias told her to find the others on three other statues in Kythera Island, Samos, and Thasos. [9] Kassandra later helped Drucilla to deal with her stolen lumber problem[22] in exchange for having her bow fixed. As Natakas wanted to help the people of Achaia, Darius accepted to fight the Ancients which could permit them to leave the Greek world. After the battle, Kassandra was attacked by Brasidias who, once defeated, remembered they were allies. The fight finished when Natakas interposed, as the hooded man was his father and told him that Kassandra was the Eagle Bearer. If I am not mistaken, the devs said she use her animus on a skeleton from Alexios or Kassandra. Finding a note in his belongings, she discovered his true hideout, finally fighting and killing him. Meeting him at the Lair of the Sphinx, he informed her that his apprentice Pibos had the other half of the medallion but he was missing. Is Ezio related to Kassandra? [114] Together with Aristophanes, Alkibiades, Herodotos and Hippokrates they formed the Periklean Circle, a group dedicated to dimish the power of Kleon and bring back Democracy in Athens. She found a letter from the Ghost of Kosmos, the leader of the Cult, saying they planned to trick the misthios to believe that Archidamos was the Sage of the Peloponnesian League and ask to Pausanias to unite the Greek poleis under their command. Joined by Sokrates and Hippokrates, she decided to go to the Parthenon to speak with Aspasia. While Natakas decided to stay with the civilians, Kassandra tracked the masked man. [39], After some time, Kassandra eventually succeded in killing the Athenian leader[40] and, subsequently, defeated the Athenian army in a battle, becoming know as the "misthios with the broken spear". Is Kassandra a Templar? [256], Later, Kassandra met Atlas, Poseidon's elder son and Archon of Atlantis. [223] Later, Kassandra had to choose between helping Hermes kill the leaders of the rebellion or breaking her alliance with the Isu. Taking the empty house in Dyme as home, they formed some kind of family, Kassandra and Natakas having a son, Elpidios. Kassandra was forced to fight her friend who used the orb's powers. save. As Darius was about to be killed by the Immortals, Kassandra intervened saving Darius and killing the two Ancients. Fearing for her quartermaster's life, Kassandra went to the crash site of the artifact. [156], Traveling around Greece, Kassandra tracked the members of the Worshippers of the Bloodline. She later opposed the Order of the Ancients, who sought to hunt her down, due in part to her nature as a "Tainted One", and also for her allying herself with Darius. Kassandra saved her and learnt that it was the plan of Melite, a Cultist. After killing him, Kassandra approached the orb with her spear. As she didn't trust Hekate, Persephone tasked Kassandra to spy on her during a secret meeting. After that, Kassandra thanked Eivor to invite her as she didn't do this for a long time. As she asked her information, the pirate demanded a payment. Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day. She was a Spartan mercenary who fought during the Peloponnesian War. She also met Phidias who was target by the Cult. [240], Searching heroes to keep the gates of the underworld, Kassandra defeated Perseus, Herakles, Agamemnon and Achilles, who accepted their new roles. [92] Arriving in the Sanctuary of Olympia, Kassandra participated in the rituals of Olympic Games with Barnabas. He said that the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus could but that he needed to learn all the knowledge of the Isu to change the World. Kassandra was greatly affected when Anais had to leave Kephallonia. As Kassandra told about the trials, Hermes said that the only way to leave Elysium was through Persephone. Entering in the Great Library, she placed Herodotos' manuscript among other works on the shelves, preserving his stories amongst the city's residents. During their conversation, she learned that the key to the gate of the Underworld was the collar of Persephone's dog, Ros. After leaving the church through a cave, the two warriors were attacked by mad villagers who accused Kassandra to have provoked the curse. After they left, she was contacted by Aletheia who asked her to go to the Tomb of Phaiax. According to both Phoibe[81] and herself, she was rather immune to illness.[166]. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. [193], Returning to Achaia after a contract, Kassandra slain boars to protect Dyme and used the meat for Darius' gathering. [280], After departing from Greece, Kassandra travelled to her first destination of Egypt. After fighting soldiers of the Ancients, Kassandra and Darius joined Natakas and Elpidios. When it was Kassandra's turn, the artifact showed them memories of their childhood. As the priestess of Hera kidnapped another baby, Kassandra confronted her. [61] She found another member of the Cult in Attika, the Master, who mistreated his slaves. A duel between the two Tainted Ones occurred, resulting in Kassandra killing Phila and ending the Order of the Storm. As the bride thanked them, the groom recognized them as the ones who stopped the curse. Kassandra travelled to the place, encountering the family of Phoibe's friend ready to be executed by a local priest, who was afraid that they would infect the whole island. Entering Perikles' Residence, she met Phoibe, who had left Kephallonia, working now for Aspasia, Perikles' lover. No, Layla Hassan and Desmond Miles are not related to each other by blood. Later, Kassandra met again in Darius' hideout where she saw the old man and his son prepared their leaving as they knew that Amorges will track them after the death of Pactyas. It revealed that there was a secret room in the Stronghold of Lemnos. [260], After helping the three Archons, Kassandra returned to Atlas. Myrrine wanted him dead while Brasidas suspected that the Cult had forced Lagos' hand. Although the outcome of the latter couple of objectives is yet to be understood, the inevitable end of Kassandra is predestined. Going down the hill, Kassandra witnessed Darius making peace with a dying Amorges. [204], Reaching the Temple of Zeus, Kassandra confronted Amorges to get back her son. After giving Darius' letter, the General accepted to help Kassandra against the Order if she sank the Spartan fleet near Messenia. Searching him, Kassandra found Pibos dead, devoured by a lion. He explained to her that she was in the Fields of Elysium which was ruled by Persephone, Hades' wife. While admiring an island near the coast of Messenia, he proposed to tell her how Natakas die and even let her decide if she could kill him or not. [217], Arriving at Pheraphassa Point, Kassandra met Persephone who apologized to have sent her soldier against her. Chrysis, the priestess of Hera forced Mydon to cut out his tongue to prevent him to speak about the Spartan woman and her child. After defeating them, Kassandra explained to Eivor that the artifact was left by old gods but hid the fact she inadvertently activated it. for instance, Is Kassandra related to Ezio? There she saw a hologram of the Isu. Wanting to rejoin his lover Aphrodite, Adonis led the human rebellion against Persephone. [86], During a symposium, Aspasia warned Myrrine that men were sent to kill her. Wondering why he wasn't in Elysium, Brasidias explained that Hades wanted him to fight his greatest enemy. The slave spoke for Mydon, explaining that the priest met Myrrine who tried to heal her son, but that the priests failed to save him.

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