Thom Hartmann is a talk-show host and author of more than 25 books in print. The eight Senate seats most likely to flip in 2024, George Santos gets two committee assignments. By design, his campaign manager told me. Moreover, Democrats had questions about thousands of votes that had been tossed out because of errors made by poll workers, not voters, that amounted to technicalities (especially important when the margin was almost infinitesimally close). That group of people, I just tell them, when they ask me, Im just, like, Look, yes, there might have been some issues because of Covid, and changing the rules at the last minute and all that but it went to court. speaks at the Republican election night party at The Foundry in Evansville, Ind. The grisly discovery was made in the town of . He is the author ofLandmark Debates in Congress: From the Declaration of Independence to the War in Iraq, andLandmark Legislation: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties 1774-2012. But that isnt what happened, he said. Three Peoria City Council contests intensified in the final weeks before the election. But Shumways job was to be in charge of the counting of the ballots that the task force decided to count. Karamo headlined a rally Tuesday at the Michigan Capitol, where speakers spread disproven voter fraud theories and demanded an Arizona-style election review. Talking about Indiana 8 with its chief combatants even today can feel like joining an argument thats never ended. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system. ", "We had an election that was stolen from us," Trump said from the White House. Is the difference in where they have been physically located sufficient to treat them entirely differently?, These became scrambled when they went to the precincts. Its also the logical conclusion of the path Fox set out on after the 2020 presidential election, when it started preparing for life in a Biden administration. He replaces Coach Sid Edwards, who has been head coach or Athletic Director since 2007. And Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade had at least part of an answer: It was a frustrated electorate who felt they havent had their day in court., Foxs Brian @Kilmeade: This was a culmination of four years of them denying the President won the election and claiming the Russians flipped votes. The unseated McIntyre railed. He replaced Pro-Tem Wade Evans who was elected mayor. His work is also crossposted with permission from Common Dreams. "It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other. Twitter, asked by this news organization Monday about Geller's tweet claiming the election was stolen, said it would look into the matter. He didnt hold back. While its been mostly forgotten by people who arent political nerds and history buffs, the saga of Indiana 8 was a foundational moment in modern politics, animating a battered Republican Party into an angry and cohesive rebellion and steeling and training a cadre of young operatives for a new post-election playbook that would affect myriad recounts to come and indeed the tack and upshot of the most famous one of all the 2000 presidential election in Florida. | A Suffolk University poll released Wednesday found that about 58 percent of registered voters in California say they want Newsom to continue as governor. "We have to have peace. I asked him by how much he figured he would win. The data from The Times shows the time, expressed as UTC, or Uni- versal time, which is Greenwich mean time in England. The most pernicious part of it in my view was when the Democrats here in Washington decided that they didnt trust the outcome, he told me recently, all these years later reciting verbatim some of Wrights most salient words that the counting in Indiana had not to date produced a result on which the House can rely.. Or, at the very least, it could have been stolen. Indiana 8, assessed by then-D.C. Indiana's 8th District ran from the largely liberal university town of Bloomington shown above circa 1987 to the north to the union-heavy, medium-sized industrial city of Evansville in the south with more reliably conservative terrain of small towns and silos in between. They note: Did Governor Jeb Bush, his Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and her Director of Elections, Clayton Roberts, know they had wrongly barred 22,000 Black, Democrat voters before the elections? In this sense, 2020 has been different than any contest since the Civil War, as President Trump continues to claim that President-elect Joe Biden "stole" the election from him even though 538. We will not assume its business as usual. Republicans dont care. The task force audit had made the result even closer and less certain. We simply lack jurisdiction to proceed. Indiana 8, he basically (and, given his role in 2000, ironically) decreed, was not a judicial matter. While the American public was largely unaware of this aspect of the 2000 election, the Florida Supreme Court approved an appeal from Florida Democrats and ordered a recount of that states vote. It depends in large part on Republicans continuing to believe Trumps Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Thats a serious charge, he acknowledged, but its true.. A plaque honoring Kunta Kinte, the enslaved African at the center of Alex Haley's 'Roots,' was stolen two days after it was unveiled at the Annapolis City Dock. Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot and killed in the Capitol Wednesday, appears to have been a QAnon adherent. Ultimately, too, Indiana 8 anticipated the Donald Trump-led talk of Stop the Count and Stop the Steal in 2020 and 2022 that reverberates still heading toward 2024. An outrage industry, Jerry M. Berry of Tufts University writes, that promised immediate and enduring advocacy until Trump was restored as president.Since the 2020 election, we have painfully experienced how democracy can be undermined when there is no shared understanding of basic facts and empirical reality.George Washington in his Farewell Address anticipated a day when political polarization might erode faith in the effectiveness of government and turn our fellow citizens against each other. Senator. There was not one House Republican who didnt feel that this was stolen, Dave Hoppe, who was Kemps chief of staff, told me. Our next congressman! Mary Schenk. It was a political fight. Because voters think the presidential election was stolen. Financial contributions from our readers are a critical part of supporting our resource-intensive work and help us keep our journalism free for all. When it doesnt go their way, they come up with an excuse of why it didnt go their way and say it was stolen.. The nip-and-tuck contest in Illinois in the presidential election of 1960 between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, a different congressional election that same year and ironically also in Indiana that probably was the most similar antecedent to Indiana 8, a Senate race in New Hampshire in 1974 that was so close the upper chamber left the seat vacant and eventually called for a whole new election frustrated Republicans couldnt help but notice these tussles always seemed to end the same way: The Democrat was the one who won. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. Recently, Gableman has tried to downplay his past comments. The presidents tweets come as pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol, sending Congress into recess as they attempted to certify the results of the presidential election in favor of President-elect Joe Biden. Many psychologists believe people filter ambiguous information through an ideological lens, preferring interpretations that favor their political affiliations. When Trump tells his supporters the election was stolen, what else are they to believe?Trump, Oxford University professor Adam IP Smith reminds us, was the first presidential nominee of a major party to make allegations of systemic fraud central to his campaign.Smith believes Trumps willful attacks on the electoral system tapped into the alienation felt by many Americans from their political institutions, and creeping sense that someone somewhere is manipulating the system to cheat the real people of their rightful rule.Trumps claim is persuasive to many because the idea was already part of their DNA. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Let us know!. So consider this a preview of the next four years: A key news resource for much of the country, trying to toe an imaginary line between inciting violence and offering sympathy to the violent. McCloskey, 45, had gotten elected in 1982 with 52 percent of the vote. Im not conceding, McCloskey said to a local reporter a little after midnight. Theres absolutely nothing to be gained by cooperating with the Democrats at this point., In the interest of comity and good relations, it would have been far better, obviously, if McIntyre had won, Panetta said during the last House Administration Committee meeting about Indiana 8. She covers Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. If standard rounding is applied, this means the real ratio could be anything between 0.0005 higher or lower (or 0.05%). In Trump's case, this means his attorneys can only say the election was stolen if they know of actual, credible reports of systematic fraud. Will protest even be possible? Thank you all for being out, being Republicans, supporting the team, supporting me.. This place cannot operate without trusting another members word, Panetta told the New York Times. Although he's right that most polls show a majority of GOP voters agree the election was stolen, fewer than a third of independents agree and only a sliver of Democrats do. | IE 11 is not supported. Lana Harris/AP Photo. Her email is, and you can follow her on Twitter (@schenk). It may seem hard to believe, but there remains a hard-core group of partisans who still insist that a presidential election was stolen and that the victor is "illegitimate.". But the task force Democrats in the House had set into motion effectively ignored this result. The award-winning brand announced the unveiling of a new restaurant prototype the Wildcat which will debut with longtime partner DMBCs newest location that is slated to open []. Theyre setting us up for 2024.. And was this report published by a "European paper" because the rest of the world gets different news? Top: Kathy Willens/AP Photo; Left: Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives; Right: Maureen Keating/CQ Roll Call via AP. Newt went from, he explained, being kind of the bomb-throwing back bencher who was going to remain on the fringe of Republican politics and his ideas kept moving him steadily toward the majoritarian position in the House Republican conference. Pence, before the joint session of Congress began, said he did not believe, under the Constitution, that he had the authority to "unilaterally" accept or reject electoral votes. It took a process that should be ministerial and turned it adversarial., Then-President Donald Trump in Evansville in 2018. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Three times the Democrats out-voted them. Some people, Ill just tell them flat-out, The election was not stolen.. They are truly on the side of our Country. I object, he said, to the oath being administered to the gentleman from Indiana to Rick McIntyre, the Republican who had arrived at the Capitol with a certificate from the Indiana secretary of state saying he had beaten in the 8th district the incumbent Democrat Frank McCloskey, albeit by just 34 votes. So theyre stuck with a tricky balancing act. REPORTER: A vehicle stolen Friday may be linked to multiple crimes in northeast, including the murder of 19-year-old Devin Brewer. He called himself a conservationist instead of an environmentalist. More Republican leaders embracing Trump's 2020 election lies, vowed to unseat Republican Gov. There was an air of not so much excitement as expectation. The nation nearly exploded, wrote Monroe: The feeling of mutual hostility had been greatly intensified by party leaders, orators, and presses. On May 1, 1985, though, not quite four full months after he told McIntyre to sit as he administered the oath of office to the others, Tip ONeill administered the oath to McCloskey. But questions remain about how many . This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute. I can just see us in these crowded little clerks offices, with the throngs of people, and the vote-counting attempting to take place, and all the histrionics., Hand-counting paper ballots and punch-card ballots is a grueling process, Stephen Nix, now the senior director of Eurasia at the International Republican Institute, then the Midwest field director for the NRCC, told me. personale i vor folosi tehnologii precum modulele cookie pentru a afia reclame i coninut personalizat, a msura performana reclamelor i coninutului, a genera statistici despre public i a dezvolta produse. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Note: if reading this fact check makes you want to contact us to complain about bias, please check out our Red feed first. That, he stressed, goes deeper than one day., Things, Michel vowed, will never be the same., I dont think the Democrats should rest on the idea that it ends today, said Rep. Olympia Snowe of Maine. However, as far as Lead Stories was able to determine this exact data was not present on the website of the New York Times. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. They nodded to what was to come. I get asked about it a lot, he said. Republicans, he said, in these close elections, will do anything.. You can also contribute via, Fox News wants its viewers angry enough to watch but not angry enough to riot, This story is part of a group of stories called. ", "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. When placing party loyalty before the common interest of the nation would foster a spirit of revenge, and enable cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.Former vice president Mike Pence was right in refuting Trumps claim that he could have overturned the election and when he stated that there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.. As you can see right away, even with relatively small numbers of votes, the calculated numbers of votes are immediately off by a few compared to the real numbers. Trumps own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud.Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, two-thirds of GOP voters and just over one-third of all voters, now believe the 2020 election was stolen. (Carlson, in his monologue, wondered aloud why Babbitt, who he said looked pretty much like everyone else, would storm the building.). POLITICO Weekend delivers gripping reads, smart analysis and a bit of high-minded fun every Friday. I dont think there was the mistrust in the elections then like there is today, he said. Consider, for a moment, if the tables were reversed: Its 2024 and President Biden and Donald Trump just faced off in the election. Republicans on Capitol Hill aren't outright saying the 2020 election was stolen. Brian Kemp. Trump tweeted. For more than two months, Fox News has been telling its viewers that the presidential election has been stolen. But Fox cant back down now, even after the deadly debacle it helped foment. Speaker Tip ONeill started to swear in the members old and new, and House Majority Leader Jim Wright spoke up to stop him. We have people who are running explicitly on the platform that the election results would have turned out different if they were in power in 2020, and I think its going to be up to the voters in the place where they do elect their election officials to say, regardless of party, its not acceptable to politicize the elections, Larry Norden, director of the election reform program at the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice, said. There's Culp, who's now running for Congress in Central Washington's 4th . Twitter's " civic integrity policy " says it will. Our . This, not the decision by Simcox, Halloran said, was the most important turning point. Reporter. I asked about his expectation for McCormicks portion of the vote. Kansas voters sided with abortion rights in August. And it starts to matter, and matter a lot, not only who voted and how but who is doing the counting and why. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. The Democrats did have reasons for their reservations about the accuracy of the results. Ohios Republican Congressman James Monroe (not related to the president of generations earlier of the same name) wrote the definitive summary of that election and how it played out in Congress, a narrative he published inthe Atlanticin October 1893. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute. Nor is Fox the only media outlet or movement encouraging the lies. Brooke Singman is a Fox News Digital politics reporter. Rick McIntyre (bottom center), though, showed himself to be a formidable foe two years later. This threatens beyond anything that has ever happened before in the House of Representatives the relationship of the two parties, said Jack Kemp, the conference chair. Oregon has its fair share of candidates who questioned the 2020 election as well. I dont think weve ever seen anything like this.. He would be a Supreme Court justice by the end of the month. Kahn's reports can be heard on NPR's award-winning news programs including All Things Considered, Morning Edition and Weekend Edition, and on Former Detroit Police Chief and potential GOP gubernatorial candidate James Craig declined to say Monday whether he believes false claims by former President Donald Trump that the 2020 presidential. Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more Fox News politics content. My question is: So what? Thomas said. A recanvass (the quicker, initial review of the results ahead of a potential recount) was done by the middle of the month and flipped it back to McCloskey again by fewer than 100 votes. | And I think it was a big mistake, Bucshon said. Now he was talking like Gingrich. Here in a district thats sometimes synonymous with an election Republicans say was stolen, the current Republican member of Congress talked about the consequences of a loss of faith in elections. January 12, 2023 0 Comments, ByWoody Jenkins Editor Clerk of Court Doug Welborn swore in Central Mayor Wade Evans, Police Chief Roger Corcoran, and four members of the Central City Council in ceremonies Friday, Dec. 30, 2022, at Kristenwood conference center, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd. Not because we had lost a hard-fought election contest. Only one county had reported the results of its recount on Dec. 13 when Simcox certified the election for McIntyre and sent it to the Republican governor for his signature. Its why hes still a potent political force in America and around the world. Under the 12th Amendment, as John Eastman pointed out in his 2020 memo to Trump (and echoed by Jenna Ellis and Mark Meadows), that throws the election to the House of Representatives, where each state has one single vote, that vote being decided by each states legislature back home. It lasted a minute and a half. In some of our cities it took all the terrors of the police court to keep Democrats and Republicans from breaking the peace., The 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, had a simple solution to the problem of neither candidate winning a majority of electoral votes. Republicans at the time had been in the minority for the previous 30 years and all but two of the 20 before that. That afternoon going on four decades ago at the Capitol, Republicans raged at what they were unable to stop. And the Supreme Court may again play an illegitimate role in it all. And I base this, Wright went on, upon facts and statements which I consider to be reliable. There would be plenty of time, hours and then days, weeks and then months, to debate the facts as well as their relative reliability. Multiple rightwing media outlets, however, including 1,500 rightwing English-language radio stations, several hundred Spanish-language rightwing radio stations, and three rightwing television networks, picked up Trumps claim of a stolen election and echoed and amplified it as if it were true. They didnt have the votes but that didnt mean they couldnt wreak havoc. That bitter first half of 1985 did not, of course, by itself create inter-party strife. Everybody else, though? By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. As we said in our earlier reporting about the Edison Research data found on the New York Times website: The important factor Lead Stories found is that the graphics-friendly ratios in the scraped data only appear to have at most three decimals so the biggest change they can register is 0.001 (or 0.1%). | TRUMP SLAMS PENCE, SAYS HE 'DIDN'T HAVE THE COURAGE' TO DECERTIFY ELECTION RESULTS. For now, though, ONeill, the liberal kingpin from Massachusetts, simply directed McIntyre to stay seated and silent as the more than 430 other congressmen and women stood to swear to support and defend the Constitution.. More than 900 people have been charged with federal crimes related to Jan. 6. That may not seem like much but when you are dealing with hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of votes, it adds up. Mandel, a former state treasurer, also has called for 2020 election reviews in all 50 states, including Republican-controlled Ohio, which Trump won by 8 points. McIntyre, though, was a formidable foe. JUANA SUMMERS, HOST: Authorities in Brazil have detained more than 1,000 people after yesterday's violent assault on the country's government buildings - the riots led by supporters of the country's former far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro. Thank you!" Election officials lowered the bar for participation below what the law allows, and they did so to ensure the election of the candidate of their choice. Now, facing the fatal consequence . They conduct "elections" in New Orleans at the same time the rest of us do and their "votes" count too. And apparently it wasnt important thatScalias son worked for a law firm that was defending George W. Bushbefore the high court (with no Scalia recusal). Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. A carbon copy, Mike Vandeveer, the mayor of Evansville in 84 and 85, told me recently, of those images out of Palm Beach County., Broward County canvassing board member Judge Robert Rosenberg uses a magnifying glass to examine a disputed election ballot in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on Nov. 24, 2000. Donald Trump drives it. The Stop the Steal, narrative has also been used as justification for making voting harder and rolling back access to voting across the country. Im hopeful that he doesnt run. And Bucshon is hopeful Trump doesnt run because Trump still hasnt accepted that he lost. Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing and changing us. He was captured on the store's security cameras exiting the store after making the purchase. On his website I couldnt even find the word Democrat. Ron Edmonds/AP Photo. The president spoke earlier in the day in Washington D.C., to supporters, who later marched to the Capitol, and mounted further pressure on Vice President Mike Pence to act on his own to decertify the results of the election and send them back to the states for recertification. Thats just scratching the surface. Will it be enough to stay in the United States? A party-line vote said both men would be paid until the dispute was resolved and empaneled the three-person task force headed by Panetta, a Democrat from California who had started his political career as a Republican before switching parties in 1971 and was considered by many of his colleagues to be markedly even-handed; Clay, a Democrat and the first Black representative from Missouri and one of the founding members of the Congressional Black Caucus; and Bill Thomas, a Republican from California who later would be a Ways and Means committee chair. Now Republicans hold seven of the states nine House slots. If we fail, history may repeat itself and this time the result will be far worse than Bushs lying us into two wars and privatizing Medicare. Trump himself has fed this uncertainty, raising doubts without evidence about whether future elections will be conducted fairly and sending mixed messages about whether Republicans should bother casting ballots. Now, they should tell viewers it wasn't stolen. I asked him about Indiana 8. It will have to continue telling millions of Americans that theyre right to think the election was stolen from them. A few minutes later, Mike Duckworth, the county GOP chair, got on the mic at the front of the room. Their candidate had appeared to be the winner after the initial tabulation (although that seemed to have been a byproduct of a double-count in a single precinct). Local and national operatives did the same to monitor their ballot-inspecting efforts. Everyone who lives in objective reality understands that Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. Its legacy lives on in Trumps stop the steal rhetoric. If the media chooses their 2020 course, Biden may prevail. Click here, for more. Trump's own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud. I try, he said, to promote confidence in our electoral process. On the other side, Democrats in Congress charged that Union soldiers had intimidated Southern Democratic voters, suppressing their vote. THE FACTS: To be clear, no widespread corruption was found and no election was stolen from Trump. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes.

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