If I can survive you being with Wonderboy, I think I can handle a little Team-Foster-Keefe, he answered. #bored It's going to be the best wedding ever!" I just don't feel that way about you.. Thanks for taking the time to do all this. She smiled what she hoped was a convincing grin. Can't he switch with Foster?, You're not even sharing a room with him! Fits reminded him, You're rooming with Dex remember?, That's more like it! Keefe exclaimed and stage whispered, Were going to have to cause some trouble later.. Hope you enjoy!!! Quickly, Sophie changed out of her beach clothes and into the flowy red dress. Because I also answer to Lord Hunkyhair, Keefe smirked and flipped his hair for extra effect as water sprayed out from his tousled blond strands, shining in the sun. Nothing on this trip had gone perfectly so far, but this moment made all the hard things worth it. Second, she doesn't know if Marella is still her friend. Besides, it was getting a little chilled without my second layer, so it worked out.. Why did you get blue raspberry Dex? Marella asked, It doesn't even sound like a real thing.. High above them, a crescent moon glowed, illuminating the water. Yeah, sure, that makes sense. Fitz mumbled as he took several deep breaths to calm himself. Walking closer, Sophie noticed the one large green suitcase hiding behind the mountain of shimmering teal. Actually, he did ask that I made sure you didnt try and follow him, so. Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. Thats Pegasus. In the middle of it all was a single candle glowing with a pulsing light. Im kinda dumb like that sometimes. Fitz stepped forward, staring into Sophies eyes intensely. This doesnt need to go on any longer., Sophie walked quickly back up to him and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to face her. Back in San Diego, even before the fires, the light pollution had made it near impossible to see any stars at all. Sophie sat and flipped through some human magazines, enjoying looking at what had changed in the years since she had left. His hands rested on her hips, sending heat to places it shouldn't have. Unsurprisingly, she had already changed into a cute pink bikini she had bought online with the help of Dex. Sophie laughed, she really liked this girl, I'm always glad to have new friends, my friend Wylie actually did the same thing to us! + Keefe sat, pulling Sophie down with him until she was sprawled in his lap comfortably. Marella lay on the bed next to her, taking a nap after having gotten ready to go. The bright one, above that cluster? "No. Sophie finished quickly, and sat down on her bed, listening to music. He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. Someone started to slow clap, and Sophie realized it was Tam when he spoke up. But as long as we can be together, I dont care at all what the world thinks. Sophie turned her head to see her younger brother and sister, Aurnia and Benji, bounce into the room. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath. *cover image is not mine. Check. Isnt it beautiful here? Woah, Keefe breathed, swallowing the piece of crepe and reaching for more. Ooh, did you take a picture? Biana asked, and Sophie wondered if she was genuinely asking, or if she just wanted to find out what really happened. Keefe gasped under Sophie. And just when she finally figures it all out, her world spins out of control as a new chaos spreads around the Lost Hello! I was a total nervous wreck. Benji rolled his eyes and Aurnia slapped his arm. Is there anything we could do to make it better? she tried one last time to be friendly, but Fitz just wasnt having it. "No wonder the Neverseen captures you so easily. Yeah, just friends. Sophie stuttered, her cheeks suddenly on fire. Ive been a really bad friend recently, and I want to get better at that too., Its gonna take quite some time for you to redeem yourself, but you can do it. Oh. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his head into her neck again, his hair tickling her cheek in the process. And when the news got out that the Ruewen's had twins, Sophie was ecstatic. Sophie Foster is confused. The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. Just be happy Sophie decided to even let you be her friend. In that moment, it was just the two of them. I actually prefer the waffles, so we could switch if you wanted to.. Hey, Dex, where did Keefe go? she called out to her friend, who was lying down on a towel a couple of feet away. What are you getting Biana? Sophie asked, shaking her head. After that, it only took a couple more minutes to get everyone into the hotel to get checked in. Id really like that.. Sophie smiled at him one more time before taking his face into her hands and pressing her lips to his. It felt really warm and safe under that tree. Sophie said, rising up off the desk chair and letting Keefe guide her to the soft chair in the corner of the room. Just thought Id give it a try. Fitz started to walk away, then stopped, turning around again. Thats fine, I was going to talk to him later anyway., Okay, Fitzy, Keefe said as he moved closer to Sophie protectively. You keep saying youre happy for us, but then you go and act like you hate Keefe and I. Were supposed to be Cognates, but I cant remember the last time I felt like I could confide in you without worrying about how you were going to react. Good for you, Keefe. Keefe laughed, You know Foster, always getting flustered and confused with her words, she probably meant Hawaiian candy. I just dont know how I can stay friends with you if you keep bringing this up, he added coldly, and Sophie finally snapped. With that, Sophie walked away, ignoring the strange looks from everyone else in the restaurant. Sophie suspected hed be in for amucheasier discussion than she was. In front of her was a dazzling display of food and finery. Sure they were close and she could open up to him more than other people, but she liked Fitz. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. Keefe sighed in obvious relief, his previous embarrassment disappearing. Sure, Cora giggled, I can show you all the best stores.. Of course. She burst out laughing, clutching her sides as Keefe joined in. I'm going to go help Foster with the candy search now. ! Sophie exclaimed a little too loudly. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? Did something happen?, No, not really. Biana gestured to the stack of dresses on one of the changing room chairs. While everyone else chattered and laughed, she contemplated the events of the day so far, thoughts swirling in her mind. Bye, Keefe said quickly as he ran off. Why wouldnt everything be okay? At least Keefe was stuck . What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. She felt Keefe stiffen in surprise before he relaxed, draping his arm around her shoulders. IDK. Oh, its fine, she assured him, pausing to thank the waiter as her food arrived. Lets be honest shes going to end up borrowing everything I brought for her, Biana laughed. Soon, they reached their gate, and found some seats nearby. As they hopped out of the shuttle, Linh squealed, pointing at something just in view. Just friends? I know its not going to be easy. Cora walked up to the ordering window, and quickly stated her order. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. But what do the elves do now? They grabbed their carry-ons from the overhead storage and, very slowly, made their way to the exit in a single file line. "No worries Foster. Foster here might be willing to give you a second chance, but we have somewhere to be, so spill it.. It makes no sense why not just wear a jacket or no jacket if its too hot?. All I cared about was that you felt okay. But I wouldnt mind having a bite if you wanna try mine. The two of them traded forks, each taking some of the others food. Well, you have to admit 'daughters love interest joins the Neverseen and it goes wrong does sound familiar, Keefe conceded. Ready? she said expectantly, looking around at the group. Sophie twined her arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, until she was almost engulfed into his embrace. He pulled her into a hug and she melted into his arms. The dress was a striking, deep red. Well, they have a lot of farmers markets and fun stores, and fancy restaurants you could go to with your boyfriend, Sophie, Cora said wiggling her eyebrows, Yknow the blonde one, Keefe right?. My names Sophie, whats yours?. Hitch is worried about Marlowe joining the Survey Corps, and made her feelings known while the two were cuddling in bed. "Fine, but only for a couple of minutes, I really should be getting back to my homework." #kotlc There were a lot of trials to come with matchmaking and less difficult, but still incredibly trying, with Grady. I wasnt actually cold, but I could tell you were, and I knew you wouldnt go back to the hotel unless we both needed something. These are some KOTLC One-shot! No, Sophie, she told herself. :). I missed the pasta scene! This is a KOTLC New Generation Fanfiction! That was strange, but something to think about later. UPDATE: Keefes thoughts chapter. How could I forget you? She grabbed Ella out of Keefes hand and ran outside, leaving Keefe standing in the middle of the room. #wattys2019. This is just a ton of short stories of SoKeefe so yeah. Dont worry about us. Shaking her head, Sophie pulled upThe Lady and the Tramp. You sound unhappy. She was surprised that Fitz hadnt told anyone about their argument, not even his own sister. Where is he actually? What will happen to Fitz? Each day I will post a new chapter. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. At least Dex got the chance to try and prove to you that you liked him, he muttered softly. Good. He patted her shoulder as he started away again. #fitzonlycaresaboutthematchlists Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. Lonely (Sokeefe) Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction Follow/Fav Lonely (Sokeefe) By: imgonnafreakyscream After the battle with the Neverseen, Keefe and Sophie confront their feelings. They were sitting right under Callas Panakes tree, right where she thought Fitz was going to-. He was in his bathing suit dancing, obviously not seeing her. Hey, Sophie? He registered Biana and Linh's faces as he slowly realized the predicament he had gotten them into. It tastes just like plain pasta, Sophie replied, a little sheepish for asking. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. Seriously Keefe you really need to keep the near death experiences to a minimum. Oh no. I guess so. Where did you get that scar? Cora asked suspiciously, looking at the stab wound that Dimitar had given Keefe during their spar. You too. Yeah, this is for us. You were out there for twenty minutes, and youre telling us a turtle blocked your path, and it never once occurred to you to take a picture? Fitz snapped, glaring at Keefe. But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he. You have potato chip crumbs on your face, He said as he reached up to brush them off her cheek. So what movie should we watch? Sophie asked, trying to ease away the embarrassment. Constructive criticism welcome, I worked very hard on this. He had gotten a stack of waffles, piled high with fruit and whipped cream. All characters belong to Shannon Messenger. If I wouldve known sooner. Whatever you want Foster. Ill tell you what's wrong with you: absolutely nothing. After finishing, he turned and walked down to the elevators, pausing several feet away to let her catch up. He pulled out seven more identical boxes, tossing them to each one of his friends, even giving one to Tam, and saving one last box for himself. It was small, with a very classy logo indicating something fancy and expensive. Really? This flight is like 6 hours.. Biana just had to find the perfect dress for Sophie, and you know how long that normally takes. Nothing huge, I just wanted to make sure everything between us was okay., Bianas forehead crinkled up, her face confused. But something was missing in this picture. Sophie turned her hair in his direction and inhaled sharply. Yet somehow, despite Sandors loud protests, they were going to Kauai, a beautiful tropical island in the Forbidden Cities. One row behind, Linh stared eagerly out the window, while Tam and Dex inspected their surroundings. Seriously, how did Verdi get that dirty? Do boyfriends and girlfriends hold hands? Sophie felt her mind stretch as she imagined the airport, and the next thing everyone knew, they had landed in a small clearing several blocks away from the entrance. She was positive she knew what she wantedbut that was before she realized she had more than one choice. He quieted down as he dug into the lemon and sugar dusted deliciousness, leaving Sophie grinning at his exuberance. Looking closer, Sophie found that the gem, tucked securely in a lattice of silver bands, was also a diamond. And even if it was your fault, which it isn't in any way, youre worth it Foster. Dex, Marella, and Fitz all ordered single flavors; blue raspberry, root beer, and vanilla respectively. He hadn't been the most understanding the day before, so it would make sense. She'd expected that, but it didn't make it any less intense. Take my jacket shirt thing. Yep, she said nervously, biting her lip to keep from laughing. Hey, were over here! Sophie waved, calling Cora over. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. Sophie leaned into his shoulder, surprised at how normal the motion seemed. Hope you like it!!! Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didnt care. If anything, Im glad you finally stood up for yourself. Thats kind of weird, isnt it? she asked. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. Its okay if you cant right now, but I just have something I wanted to say. Fitz stepped out into the hall, hands fidgeting nervously. He been staring at you a lot, and you guys seemed pretty close on the airplane. It seemed like a thousand fireworks had erupted inside her mind. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. Congrats, Sophie," the doctor said with a smile. Oh, sorry. It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. May 20, 2021; promedica flower hospital npi; inventory management decisions ppt . Yep, Sophie confirmed, amused by her friends reaction. But for now, just be happy. Keefe said, and Sophie nodded, finally letting herself relax for the first time on this vacation. It looked weird but I think I need to watch it! Keefe explained. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. But its best not to question things when the person youre talking to knows how to make your hair turn green. Why do humans wear button down shirts as jackets over other shirts? Inside, she heard a cheesy pop song from her playlist blasting on the radio. That hasnt changed. You look beautiful.. He flushed redder than shed ever seen him blush before. Sophie and her friends sat eating candy while listening to Cora as she went over the plan. They broke apart as Keefe carried her over to sit on the bed. He stretched, waking up from a nap, and looked over in her direction. Hey you know that none of this is your fault. Sophies heart beat faster, rushing with guilt and sadness. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. She was currently sitting at her vanity, getting her hair fixed up by Biana and Linh while Marella, Edaline, and Vertina (yes, she still kept Vertina) did her makeup. Wait here, Biana instructed as she raced off in herdirection. There was obvious annoyance in his gaze, but something else too. I really like it. You guys have to try some.. It was a fine excuse though, as long as you didnt think about it for too long. CONTAINS SPOILERS The title basically tells you everything you need to know, but here are some short and sweet, semi-related SoKeefe stories! I wanted to try and salvage our friendship, but he started talking about being Cognates, and trust, and I just couldnt take it any more. Aurnia said, snapping Sophie back to reality. Keefe shrugged in acceptance as the whole group groaned. "Keefe, I have something to say to you," Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, " I. Keefe nodded sleepily, snuggling closer into her warm touch against the cool of the night air. Thanks for reading, enjoy! She liked Keefe, she really did, and she didnt want to hide their relationship. Countering with yet another star, they went back and forth several times, until Sophie found an opportunity to win. Could you fold these clothes? I dont want any of your pity. Thank you so much., Dex, Keefe continued, your ring is made of tanzanite, since it was the closest to periwinkle I could find., Dex grinned, You got them to match our eye color! Everything will be fine.". Keefe swiftly nodded as people looked away again. Can I talk to you? She had just gotten into a light, blush pink ball gown dress with a sweetheart neckline. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. The candle Keefe had set on the overturned barrel flickered softly in the evening light. After eating their shave ice, the group had split up, the boys exploring the shops while the girls, especially Biana, bought clothes. I decided to get everyone rings, since we all have plenty of other jewelry, and I still wanted to get something to remember this awesome trip, Keefe started, walking closer to his friends, Biana, Fitz and your rings are amazonite, which is teal. They stayed like that for a long time, sitting quietly in the calm before Sophie felt her snuggle-induced drowsiness overtake her and could feel her eyelids drooping by the second. Together, they walked to the jetway and boarded, ready to start a new adventure. I got everything together by myself, but I couldnt have gotten away for so long without Dexs help. Everything went smoothly, though Biana did receive some odd looks from the cashier when she set down all of her clothes. Several hours passed, and when Sophie opened her eyes again, Keefe was nowhere in sight. You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. The next day, Sophie and Keefe sat together at breakfast, their friend group sprawled out over several tables at the hotels restaurant. Keefe grinned a warm and slightly relieved smile. "How are you feeling, Soph?" Why did you choose mine? she asked. It was good, you were right. Arent you forgetting something? He asked, waving a bright blue elephant in a Hawaiian shirt in the air. It was filled with millions of stars, almost as many as she was able to see from Havenfield. I can accept that. #sokeefe She didnt want to do anything to risk her already shaky relationship with Fitz. Right now though, its you. The human girl smiledwith a small laugh. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. Dex was tinkering, Linh was watching a movie about mermaids, and Tam was asleep, a few girls openly staring at him as he snored. How did your talk with Fitzy go? Keefe asked in response. She took a deep breath, gathering strength for the next few minutes. Ive come to realize that whenever I get angry, I tend to take it out on you, and thats not okay. She gulped, hyperventilating a little, her heart pounding so loud she wouldnt have been surprised if all of Kauai could hear it. Sophie lay back down, but she was once again too plagued with questions and worries to actually rest. She doesn't know who to pick, Fitz or Keefe. She was trying to figure out what to say next when Keefe strode up next to her. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. She and Keefe had been dating for three months now, and almost every day since then he had made it his personal mission to distract her whenever possible, especially when she was doing homework. Well, hope you enjoy this random KotLC stuff! Never forget that. Keefe snorted in background as Sophie flushed and awkwardly looked away. She pulled him away from their friends, who were starting to walk back to the hotel. For Day 4 of HitchLowe Week 2023; Cuddling/Comfort. Sophie lay in the soft white sand, relaxing to the sound of the crystal blue waves crashing against the shore. He jumped back, dropping the comb. Are we having another one of these conversations Foster? Keefe said, raising his eyebrows. Even though this homework was from her Polyglot class, which normally came easy to her because of her special ability, she still took the homework very seriously. I saw a movie that looked kinda good, it had two dogs eating pasta on the front! This is a fanfiction (Sokeefe) written by DressChimera and Luna. Its supposed to be a flying horse, but, Thats supposed to be a pegasus? Keefe reached over their makeshift table, identical to the one from the movie scene he had not so subtly recreated. It had been next to impossible to convince the council to let them go, and even harder to convince Grady. The gentle shade of a palm tree loomed over Sophie and Biana, who were sitting on the beach near their hotel. I'm sorry I brought that up, Keefe said softly, That wasn't fair of me. She was sick and tired of Fitz acting this way, and she needed him to know that. Lady Cadence was one of her toughest mentors yet, and she had made it clear from their first meeting that she wasn't exactly Sophie's biggest fan. The love of her life. Sophie should have been angry with him for making her worry like that, but she was too relieved to even think about it. Dyou remember what I told you when you first said you were unmatchable?. You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. Her #1 snuggle buddy. I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. Realizing she didnt even know the girls name, she gave a quick wave, motioning for her to sit near them. Dex, you remember our conversation? Its not your fault. It's delicious Keefe, I can't believe you cooked thisall yourself! We should probably get back to our friends now. He turned around and started walking back toward her their friends, and though she wanted to, part of her couldnt just let the conversation end there. Regrouping with Keefe, she felt freer than she had in years. Yes, yes I can. It must be getting pretty late., Why don't we go get some of those human coat things you made us bring, Keefe suggested, In the meantime here. Clothes, swimsuits and souvenirs dotted the windows, drawing people in through the doors. You see that one? Now, I wanna go back to sleep, okay? Dex mumbled, turning back around and falling asleep again. She scooted closer to Biana, making room on the towels they had haphazardly thrown on the ground. She wished this hadn't happened. Well, it hasnt even been that long, it just feels like youre rushing into this. he said, and her heart plummeted. Keefe slowly looked up and met her gaze. And she pretty much packed her entire room. Im just looking out for you guys. That's why I got it. It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. Of course it was. Is this all for us? Sophie was still in shock at the sight of the spread. As a friend though, and I wouldnt want anything to change that. "Foster and the Fitzy!". also all these characters belong to Shannon Messenger the author of kotlc so yeah :) The cover art is Not mine. Im just glad we got out of there before nightfall, Marella replied sarcastically, grinning. Um, maybe not that one, she said, and Biana put it down with a sigh. The cool shave ice sounded perfect for the hot Hawaii climate. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. I guess my clumsiness spread to my brain, Sophie muttered as Keefe laughed. A glimmer of disappointment shined through his eyes. Sophie, weve been doing this for at least two hours, and you havent even gotten a single thing! Biana gestured to Sophies growing pile of rejected clothes, which almost rivaled the stack of dresses Biana had picked. And when the news got out that the Ruewen's had twins, Sophie was ecstatic. You are awesome, and sweet, and a great person. It wasn't good. You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. Do boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each other about personal problems? Yeah, it doesnt look much like a centaur. She, of course, has a person in mind Sophie Foster, and her adoptive cousin, Dexter Dizznee, are about to go to the Academy of Good & Bad. Sophie flushed bright pink in embarrassment. Hi! Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. People aren't who they say they are. She didn't see Keefe yet, so she ducked in more, just to see him styling his hair as he lip synced into his comb. Worries about their friends, their family and anything at all vanished. Im sure we could use the help getting Sophie to buy something, not to mention controlling the guys, Biana said with a dramatic eye-roll. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. (yes, i know bri just posted a wedding oneshot, but this isn't like the one she posted, this is completly different. I dont know exactly where he is, he didnt tell anyone where he was going, just said he had to go get some stuff from in town, he admitted. Another hour had passed, and they still had yet to find anything that worked. Sophie almost snorted as she laughed, nodding her head. Keefe. Well, there arent a whole lot of brown gemstones, at least not at this store, so I got you something else. He explained, but it didnt quite feel like the truth, at least not the whole truth. Or, at least Dex will. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. I have that effect sometimes. Keefe stared off into the distance in a way that was probably supposed to be dramatic, even though he was only wearing swim trunks. She was sure she didn't breathe for at least a minute. When Grady and I got married. Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. So, how did your talk with Biana go? Sophie asked, trying not to think about Fitz anymore. Soon, it became apparent that the pasta wasnt going to stay in just one piece. She decided to pack light for this trip, Fitz remarked with a grin. I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. It's a pretty big surprise, kind of a memento for everyone of this trip. Im worried Im becoming a bad influence on you.. It seemed like a burgundy color. Any suggestions on what to do next? Biana asked. The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings, but I don't like you quite like that. Then, all of a sudden, her bedroom door burst open. Dont worry about him, okay?. I broke up with you for a reason. Sophie replied. This is my first real attempt at a published fanfic, so please check it out! I'm new to fanfic, so this probably won't be very good but I hope you like it!! Linh, Tam, yours are this silver blue aquamarine, and Marella, yours is made of zircon. he finished.

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