As a single example, the Renault Kangoo ZE van (I think that it is the only battery powered cargo van currently available in Australia) has a 33kWh battery, and, To go further, Kangoo Z.E boasts a Z.E 33 (33kWh) battery, Weve got a system that can be left alone in my opinion, so adding say 6.6kw and a 10kw battery makes good sense but what a task. Some say so you want to replace your system? P/Prated (%) It appears the wire from the inverter is directly connected to my main fuse for the house circuits. It is possible to max out the 10 kW inverter capacity with my Tesla, house load and Heat Pump hot water. driving range of 200km depending on ambient temperature. I have spoken to one installer , but he couldnt really help me . A Decent Battery From sonnen. Is it the 6.66 kW, as the 1.3 overload factor of a 5kW inverter, or, is it the maximum allowed (by the manufacturer) panels generating capacity, for an inverter that is allowed by a state/territory government? going back into the grid with no batteries. But, if you are living in an area where it is required to install a large solar system a situation around half of Australians are in then export limiting can allow a larger system with normally very minor losses of clean solar generation. Of more concern is occasional spikes in consumption which go past the 5kw limit. I am not even sure the inverter would support that, but I fear that sadly up to 25% of the PV energy might be going to waste! But you probably would not recover the cost of the battery within its lifetime. 0000029403 00000 n Actually I made a chart showing the percentage of electricity lines in each state that were SWER but I left it out for the sake of brevity. Hi All. So my understanding of the info above is that my inverter will increase production in unison with demand until it hits 5kw? Its the same with kW and hours of solar electricity production. Finally! So if your home isnt currently drawing power you wont know from looking at the display if its capable of producing the maximum 5 kilowatts or if it cant provide more than 3 kilowatts. Interesting article. Even if you have the Envoy-S, I believe at least on paper there was a Enphase Envoy-S 0000009027 00000 n In a Enphase system, only the Envoy can provide this. Ill upgrade the Endeavour Energy area from Ugly to Bad, since things are clearly not all bad there. Allows installation but has an export limit. 2. First read the section How Export Limiting Works at the top of this thread. 0000029011 00000 n We are in an area where only about 20% of the homes have solar. Unfortunately, the inverters parameters such as Export Limitation are all password protected, and so far I have been unable to even determine who knows this password. Your dedicated meter will inform the inverter, and it will immediately reduce the power, so it doesnt exceed 5 kilowatts1. Put down your weapons.3. Was sure if its been configured correctly or if this is just how it works? Im on a swer line in rural south Australia. The MSO helps us manage and keep our network safe for solar customers. In looking to the future, regardless of whether we like it, in spite of, and, despite, the great efforts of the WA state government, and its parent, the Australian feral LNP/ALP government, battery powered road vehicles will come to Australia, and, displace ICE vehicles. ACTs EvoEnergy Network Area: Covers most homes in the ACT, especially in built-up areas. In most cases, if you had your envoy shut off, the micros would start and work on their own and independently of the envoy, and in fact of each other. If you can export 3kva that means you can have a solar system with up to 4 kilowatts of panels. I was always of the belief that a 5kW inverter limited the total output/ production from my 6.5kW solar system to 5 kW, irrespective of what is being used in the house. How to correctly configure inverter settings. 2. 0000038218 00000 n I think I was partially wrong about how my PV is connected to the home and the meter. you request 5kW and Powercor says you can only export 2.5kW) Set a 'zero export' limit - i.e. Or is the energy produced by the panels but dissipated somehow? Thus if my system is at maximum output, and I am using 2kW, only 3 kW is being exported to the grid. So if an inverter that is export limited to 5 kilowatts is providing 8 kilowatts of power, none of it will go to waste provided the home is consuming at least 3 kilowatts at the time. While losses increase as the solar power system size goes up, even with 10 kilowatts of panels which is twice the export limit, only 13% of generation is lost. But there will often be times when the solar system will produce more power than can be exported, so some energy will be lost3. You could have mentioned that SWER stands for Single Wire Earth Return and why that matters. There may well be a tipping point in battery prices where a drought of mid day solar will be followed by very little evening use and possibly large numbers of households abandoning the grid altogether. South Australia Power Networks (SAPN) area: SAPN is the only distributor in South Australia. We just applied for pre-approval from Powercor and were given a 0kW export approval which is going to make almost anything we choose uneconomical. Powercor is telling increasing numbers of households looking to install new systems in this area they will have a zero export limit. Weve seen a rapid growth in rooftop solar systems.With each installation, were facilitating rapid growth in the amount of solar capacity on our network. I realise that all the political parties in the the WA state parliament and especially, the Synergy/Western Power conglomerate, that controls approvals of domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems connected to the SWIS grid, are opposed to domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems (even though we stabilise and sustain the grid), but, I am wondering whether any reason has ever been given by the oppressive authorities, for banning export limited inverters in WA. The installer has been able to get the system through WP in the past as the inverter can limit the export to grid to 3kva. 0000004622 00000 n The majority of customers are approved for the export level they request. In writing I was advised: Select the AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Australia A setting. What Happens to the Surplus Power That Can't Be Exported to the Grid? 1. There are versions without this consumption monitoring (old Non -s version of Envoy and even the Envoy-S without consumption monitoring). The loss figures above are for Sydney and are affected by the climate. 0000008043 00000 n I dont quite understand how the DC energy from the inverter can go to my home circuits first, before any excess current is fed into the grid. You could contact Powercor and explain your situation, but I suspect theyll say you need to be an installer to check if an increase in export capability is available. Please confirm the maximum export limit in the relevant section of this application.. There are profiles that still conform the microinverters to AS4777.2:2015, but can disable Volt-Var/Volt-Watt, change the power factor to 0.9 (some grid operators require this), turn off export altogether or set specific maximum export levels like 1kW, 3kW etc., or configure to satisfy specific grid network requirements. Means that it caps the amount you can reduce your bills for power used outside of daylight hours? The word first can be confusing. Wouldnt it be better for the inverter to display its total actual potential output under current conditions? So, if a contractor or tradesman, using one of these during the day, or, another type of worker, gets home after work, and, plugs one of these in to charge, an immediate drain of 7 kW (I believe that it is actually 7.4 kW), and immediate significant drain is imposed on the grid, for several hours, during peak demand. Why my Power Limit is set to ON with the % whereas her Power Limit is set to OFF and she has been exporting. "Some of these customers may have received approval to export since, due to network improvements made since their connection." If at any moment in time you are generating more solar electricity than you need, the excess is exported to the grid. The ideal way to measure the power flow in and out of your house would be to ask your existing electricity meter. Still, few people will want more than the 13.33 kilowatts of panel capacity single phase homes can generally install: The Bad: Homes with single-phase power on the main grid can have up to 5 kilowatts of inverter capacity but can usually get around this limit by installing an export limited solar inverter of up to 10 kilowatts. The daily export limit is averaged across your billing period (calculated by multiplying the number of days in your billing period by your daily export limit of 14 kWh). Nobody wants to see solar energy . 207 No active system controls whether you use inverter of imported power. I also dont know if my meter has limiting but suspect not as it is a pretty dumb device. In an Enphase system, that is with the Envoy-S with consumption monitoring. Australian Rooftop Solar Powers Rise Astounding, But.. Australias Emissions: Electricity Down, Transport Up, Compare Feed-In Tariffs And Electricity Plans, Solar Export Limiting What It Is & Why Its Useful. Assume positive intention.4. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since. A condition of this basic connection offer is that all inverter energy systems must have the volt-watt and volt-var response modes enabled with the following settings: I think is is utter madness that the VIC government is handing out generous rebates of $1850.00 and 4 year interest free loans of up to $1850.00 and Powercor has zero feed in capacity for excess solar power. That can raise the voltage to a level dangerous to appliances. 0% If your pumping needs are large enough this can pay for itself, but it will be expensive to set up. Ronald ) As the LG Chem battery charges using DC current from the panels it is possible to go over the 10 kW inverter limit by charging the LG Chem battery in the middle of the day. and only supply me with power from the grid After a major works program involving more than 500 different network alterations and other activities across nine key regions among the most constrained parts of the network, Powercor's new solar connections export approval rate of just over 60% at the start of the year has increased to above 90%. And for this reasons, I have increasingly seen that it is more challenging to run micros without the envoy which would no doubt be extra code required in later versions of the envoy to enforce implementation of various AS4777 and export limiting requirements that cant be done in the micros alone. 0000022631 00000 n I just dont understand it. Its moderately cheaper and the solar feed-in tariff youll receive will lower your electricity bills and increase the amount of clean energy available for others to use. The solar PV system is connected to the network via an inverter. All is explained here:, ( 5kW per hour is a non-sensical unit unless you want to describe an acceleration of energy! Solar Analytics confirms in this scenario its only exporting up to the limit; 3kw. I was really keen for this system with a battery as most of my power is used at night and I like the idea of power during blackouts, which do happen quite a lot here. The solar installer or customer must have sought and received pre-approval from us for the requested capacity of the generator. Our Solar & Battery Calculator can give an idea of if its likely to pay: On the main grid, single-phase properties can have 5 kilowatts of solar inverter capacity, and three-phase properties can have 15 kilowatts. We installed solar power in November last year and were refused export (zero export). Surely the distributors capping what you can export to the grid is a bad thing? Tasmania: Under 1% of Tasmanians are on SWER lines, so the generous export limit should often be available. But still the solar companies keep trying to sell it to me.. Some manufacturers may have this pre-selected. While export limiting is possible its not always approved. Generation sources can be, but are not limited to solar, wind and batteries. And doing so potentially puts you running in a non compliant state. I have seen my panels producing over 13 kW of power when the battery is drawing 3 kW DC power and the battery, house and car 10 kW of AC power. This seems to be becoming a big problem at least locally. Hello. 0000009573 00000 n 0000004059 00000 n . With permission export limiting can be used to install larger systems. Theyd be higher for a sunnier location such as Perth and lower for cloudier places such as Melbourne or Hobart. South Australian solar panel owners can currently export 5 kilowatts of electricity to the grid but under Flexible Exports, they could export double that amount 10kW. As a side issue for you, if you (like lots of people) have high voltages issue causing shutdown / throttling, I am not a big fan of the Volt-watt modes, as often these modes will also lower the voltages at which the throttling kicks in. A Decent Battery From sonnen. But I can tell you a few things that might help with some of your pondering :- 1. 0000006578 00000 n Just last week, Powercor (Western Victoria) advised that they now have more room in the grid for export. When it comes to the limiting imposed by the electricity companies feed-in regulations, it means that, at any one time, not more than 5kW (100L) maybe be output to the grid (hose), it has nothing to do with the total over a certain period of time. This is done for three main reasons: In this article, Ill give a broad outline of how export limiting works and why it can be a good idea. Off the main grid, rural properties can have 3 kilowatts of inverter capacity. . 5kW times the number of hours is the total production over that time. Swearing revenge, he began his lifelong quest to reduce the harm the environment could cause. But, if you are really keen, I suppose you could use a site such as PV Institutes Live PV Map to see how other solar systems in your general area are performing: Note that patchy cloud can produce a lot of variation in output. Im trying to get some unbiased advice on whether or not we should add more solar. For any amount above the daily export, you will receive our standard retailer feed-in tariff of 5 . The good news is, if you had a total of 6.6 kilowatts of solar youd probably loose very little due to export limiting if you consume half the output of a 3 kilowatt system and can export 3 kilowatts. Thanks Ron. Very true AL0126. The distributor deals with that by putting the voltage slightly up at the sending end. Sorry if dumb question. Australian network service providers (including CitiPower) use solar export limits to keep voltage levels in transmission lines operating within safe . I suspect that it is likely, that that they are all signaled equally, not in truth I dont know for sure. Assume positive intention.4. Thank you. In my mind though the Smart meter at the box would adjust the export limit in line with what the house is consuming? To me it does not quite make sense as no system can produce 100% of its capacity meaning my existing 3.5kW will never produce full 3.5kW (on a good day, I am lucky to get 2.5kW). Sometimes Powercor can reduce that to a lower figure, or even set a zero-export limit. So basically the whole local industry is going to be cactus until this is resolved. Why on earth would I do that if I can help it. The whole system of domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems, needs to be reviewed; by both the legislatures and regulators, and, by the components (especially the inverters) manufacturers. 0000007057 00000 n the system is set to export the maximum amount of power approved in our Solar Export Pre-Approval to you your obligations as the owner and operator of an 'embedded generator' exporting . 0000017636 00000 n Does anyone know how the limiter works in this scenario with 2 inverters? Of course the manufacturers dont want this to be public knowledge and pretend that once you paid for a system you are set for life (yours, not that of the system). The new home didnt have solar. My guess is that when the Envoy-S sees it needs to throttle due to export limits, it does this by sending the same instruction to all micros to throttle the same amount (but dont know for sure). 4. The naming of zones may differ between manufacturers but may appear as: Australia A - applies to the configuration of inverter settings in Victoria and all Eastern . Generally however, I can advise that Powercor intends to upgrade the network over the next 5 years, starting in January, however, the specifics of where upgrades are happening and the order has not been decided. ARTICLE WRITES: Queenslands Energex area: South East Queensland. If they want a big solar system with an inverter larger than 5 kW, they must export limit the inverter. If the transformer capacity is limited, you could install solar initially with a low export limit (eg 1 kW) and then have your export limit increased when the transformer was . This seems technically impossible, because theres only a wire going from the inverter to the meter (the export or feed in to the grid) and a wire going from the meter to my homes main fuse. 253 What I find is installers dont seem to like it when I tell them my plan. Whats the logical and practical way forward? 0000038562 00000 n Im surprised this hasnt hit the mainstream media yet. No-one seems to have replied Dirk, so I will try. 306 47 At times MPPT1 is at 600 odd watts while MPPT2 is at 2500 odd watts. Is this perhaps one of the well-kept secrets about the reality of residential solar production in Western Australia, one that neither the solar installers or inverter manufacturers, let alone Synergy or Western Power want to be publicly known? The Ugly: In these areas export limiting may not be allowed at all. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Download the first chapter of The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, FREE! This could be important, given that we have a state parliamentary election due in a couple of months. 0000037764 00000 n And yes 5kW export limit applies May I suggest an extra fact check to polish the valuable story above? Export limiting does limit the inverter output, but only as needed to keep the export power below the limit. 0000038030 00000 n But you will probably find that there is another setting that it will shutdown when 10 minute average voltage is a measly 255v. We do not prevent customers from installing solar for their own self-consumption. JackD 1 year ago. If you are in the solar industry - try to get to the truth, not the sale.5. On a related note, we mentioned yesterday that over the border in South Australia, SA Power Networks is readying to ramp up flexible solar exports in an effort to support more solar installations and its pretty clever stuff. I did get on the FiT in the early days for the 66cpkWh, but installed a separate system (which I have since incorporated into my stand-alone system. 0 Because you dont see the rather obvious shutdowns (or see them less), you might not notice your solar might be throttled back on a regular basis. 3. 260 Instead the home can benefit from a small system, as I explain here: Ah yes I see. If that is the case it seems counter intuitive to me as I dont know if demand will outstrip production until I actually turn the appliance (eg A/C) on and check the display. Here at SolarQuotes, we had been hearing quite a few complaints about Powercors zero export limits. This is sufficient to charge a battery, although larger solar systems generally improve the return from batteries. Its also worth taking a look in case you shied away from installing solar panels in the past because of the situation now might be the time to revisit the idea. If you are export limited, the only way to implement that is with some sort of meter as Ronald says. Contracts and resources for connection agreement, Vegetation clearing requirements for new powerlines, Registered Electrical Contractor resources, Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (REFCL), Endorsement for wholesale demand response. However they have been advised that this wont be allowed anymore. So an Enphase setup, without a continuously operating Envoy with not be providing this functionality and likely to raise some concerns in the AS4777.2015 certification process if they did not take steps to make sure these functions are always guaranteed to be implemented. Does anyone have similar experience with powercor? No unfortunately. In contrast, most other network distributors set a strict upper limit on the size solar panel system you can install, typically 10kW for single-phase properties. So what goes throgh the meter, in either direction, is the difference between what you generate and what you use.

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