We also hoped it would inform and deter travelers from packing prohibited items in their own carry-on and checked bags. 2. Once you arrive at the boarding gate and your pass has not been properly marked by the TSA, you will be sent back to the passenger screening checkpoint for proper screening. Without them, you're just an individual sitting in the gate area, getting angrier because your flight is delayed because the flight attendants are stuck in security? All rights reserved. When you are selected for random, at Denver for instance, you are told to go to random screening. Why, because it would require manpower that TSA is unwilling/unable to hire. The use of the KCM program is a privilege and not a right. I get paid by the hour, not per passenger. Yes, you generally go to a crew line or the front of the regular line or a separate crew security line, but you Always go the the scanner as does your luggage. Flight crews already have to arrive hours before their flight and are not even getting paid. 1. There have been reports of pilots caught with weapons when they get randomed. 0000001146 00000 n Pilots have years and $100,000 plus dollars invested in this career. Fraud and intentional falsification of records; Tampering or interfering with, compromising, modifying, or attempting to circumvent any security system, measure or procedure; Entering, or presence within, a secured or sterile area without complying with the access control systems, measures, or procedures; Unauthorized use of any airport-issued or airport-approved access or identification medium; Entering the sterile area or boarding an aircraft without submitting to the screening and inspection procedures; Carrying a weapon, explosive, or incendiary to an airport or onboard an aircraft on an individuals person or accessible property; Carrying a weapon, explosive or incendiary in checked baggage without properly complying with TSA requirements; Carrying a weapon or explosive on an aircraft; Threats or providing false information; and. Effective March 31, 2022, the TSA will require KCM eligible crewmembers to scan a KCM-issued barcode card when utilizing a KCM access point. A second non-expired government-issued photo ID. That is completely wrong! Considering 90% of guns are not even found when the TSA is tested by other government agencies, I'm curious how they even manage to find guns or drugs on crewmembers. Crewmembers will no longer be permitted to manually enter their KCM data. This is just going to exacerbate the problem of long lines and lack of precheck in multiple terminals, You can even point to this as a reason for the insane crowding at lounges were seeing. 0000060977 00000 n On January 26, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued an order, requiring operators to collect, store and verify documentation on the current COVID-19 status of inbound international air passengers traveling to the United States. Its not just flight attendants. If Will is a pilot, it only reinforces the often primadonma, elitist egos of many pilots. Ill go easy on the guy that said he was a cargo pilot. Have a little fun with this!!! A: If the TSA cannot confirm your identity or current employment status at the KCM access point, you will be directed to the passenger-screening checkpoint in order to access the sterile area. Someone just got on an aircraft with a box cutter and attempted to attach someone with it but lets see how many pilots making great money are willing to risk their lives and careers as drug smugglers. BTW! Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. Anybody else want to guess how many pilots have gone to federal prison for such crimes as murder? It would make better sense to just have a baggage scanner at each KCM checkpoint but eliminate the need to X-ray scan our bodies. Any self respecting smuggler can take that on one flight, depending on what drug it is. Right Eddie!?! If you arrive at the busiest times, youll see dozens of airport staff coming thru the PreCheck positions. Completely agree. Celebrating 21 Years of AFA E-Lines and Debrief, Delta pilots approve new contract with 34% raises, Delta Pilots Approve Contract Raising Pay by 34%. 2) You want to make the people who cross umpteen timezones for your safety stand around like the rest of you cheap cattle car bovines, watch crews take their sweet time at the back of the two hour line to get through security. A KCM denial could result from a database error that is nonspecific to that crewmember, or it might involve a miscommunication with the crewmembers airline database. All items must be strictly for personal consumption, kept wrapped or sealed and not allowed to create any risk to health or likelihood of pest infestation in cabins or any other areas. Next time you get on a flight that is cancelled or delayed because the crew cant get through security in a timely fashion perhaps you will remember this . It's not my business what a person freely chooses to put in their own bodynor is it government's business. The plane wont be leaving without me as long as I inform schedule that Im in the airport. Are you absolutely certain youd like to demean the ONLY people trained (and willing) on an aircraft at 40,000 ft. to do WHATEVER is necessary to save your sorry butt? So they are more likely to risk their crap paying job (as stated in the article) to make big bucks very easily. The neck tattoo guy isn't. Requiring pilots to meet the same filter as a passenger or FA is sillylook what happened at German Wings A320. Please follow TSA instructions and do not attempt to resolve the issue with transportation security officers, as they are unable to rectify system failures or denials. b. Carriage of another individual's property through the KCM portal to circumvent screening is prohibited. Ive definitely noticed an increase in random screenings over the last several months. Maybe pilots should stop bringing their guns to work. Will you diffuse the bomb and save the day? Your anger and frustration brings me joy. The SF system randomly selects individuals to undergo selectee screening and will identify the printed boarding pass or seat request card with a SSSS. Cry for us. A: You should remain calm and ask to speak to a Lead or Supervisory Transportation Security Officer (LTSO or STSO) to the discrepancy. Three common soft skills for a mcdonalds . Throw the book at the offenders. Flight attendants have 2 months of training. Carriage of another individuals property through the KCM portal to circumvent screening is prohibited. Steve - Did you fly this past year? Im not attacking them personally but if you think they are some highly specialized person they are not. The duration of disqualification from participation in KCM is related to the seriousness of the violation and/or a repeated history of regulatory violations. Q: What should I do if I encounter a TSA screening officer who does not seem to be applying the KCM requirements correctly? Q: Are temporary government issued photo IDs allowed? The third most common is customer service on 10.7% of resumes. There is automation that could easily reduce that time and move the whole process along faster for all passengers - more than offsetting the increased number of airline personnel that have to be scanned. Dont worry though, youll be back groping children in no time. So to clarify, a flight attendant like a pilot is required to do a strenuous background check. Date: March 18, 2022 The government-approved Known Crewmember (KCM) program allows Flight Attendants and Pilots at many airlines to enjoy the convenience of an expedited security screening. A crewmember will be issued a KCM barcode card from their participating airline management staff. Q: I am a crewmember that works for a KCM participating airline. Yes, I am furious. Please remember you said this when YOU have a medical emergency or a general emergency (ie. So it does happen..not a fishy story. Uh huh. Protective Security Officer (PSO)is a member of a protective security force and an element of a security post who has the training, equipment . 0000012492 00000 n If there is to be no special consideration for a FA then there should be none for pilots. Agree that the problem stems from flight attendants being able to use this as well as pilots. He clearly doesnt do this on the day yo day and sounds dumb. I hope KCM is not done away with, but kept with added safeguards to prevent abuse. Instead of addressing their mess, they are looking to SHOW how they are making changes to "Protect the public" by using us crew as an example. Unless traveling where you go through security like everyone else. box cutters. There's too many crewmembers to have them all go through pre-check. Too bad a few more here can't grasp the insight you just provided for them. They should absolutely profile crew members for randoms but right now they are sending crews through regular lines 50% of the time. Punish those that broke the rule. I haven't been randomed by TSA, ever! Association of Flight Attendants-CWA - AFA United MEC, 2020 Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO. After X amount of time if (when) violations decrease, then just make KCM (or ECA) for pilots only. Get over yourselves. The program expedites flight crewmember access to sterile areas of airports, reduces passenger screening line congestion, enhances security, and makes airport checkpoint screening more efficient for all who depend on air transportation. I have heard stories of pilots and flight attendants ferrying money, drugs and electronics and that has led to the loss of this expedited service for us. KCM is a risk-based security program and the use of the KCM program is a privilege and not a right. 11/21/22 Notice to KCM Participating Airlines, 6/29/22 Notice to KCM Participating Airlines, 3/1/22 Notice to KCM Participating Crewmembers, 6/23/20 Notice to KCM Participating Crewmembers, A non-expired government-issued photo ID; and, An aircraft operator-issued crewmember photo ID. NO. At the end of a flight cabin crew members are there to make sure that passengers disembark the aircraft safely. Flight attendants have the weapons they need readily available: cockpit access and a bottle of wine from the galley. Also when is the last time you saw a TSA agent screened when going through a checkpoint . No jumping in front of the line ( I always commute in polo shirts ). Work closely with your union or become a rep to improve work rules and pay at your airline to make respecting your job more appealing. A large part of the problem was allowing crew members - pilots or flight attendants - to use KCM when off duty with the exception of going immediately taccess o/from their base as a commuter. My concern for flight attendants would be the TSA liquid limits. Its simply aggravation when you have to wait on a slow ass employee bus then drag your bag to security and here an offer say You wanna try your luck with a dumb ass grin on their face. Ive been going through regular security when I arrive at the airport at my home base just to avoid the bother of being sent there anyway. Q. KCM is a risk-based security program. Historical flightdeck positions include: Actually, I've seen the pre- check line longer than the general boarding line! TSA really should be abolished. We do get front of the line access. Thats why youre smurfs. Also a lot of airports, like Ohare, dont require ground crew to go through security check points. Your password can only be changed once per 24 hours. Most crew have known for YEARS NOW that the TSA has done a piss-poor job of screening. Meanwhile with all this new increase of Random checks I've been bypassing KCM and just doing the regular line. Legal Notice: This website is only intended to provide an overview of the Known Crewmember program. Failure to submit to screening at the passenger screening checkpoint (e.g., using a SIDA badge to avoid screening) is considered circumvention of screening, and TSA may take enforcement action in accordance with the KCM Disqualification Protocols (KCMDP). First of all your name makes you sound like a racist, secondly I dont remember seeing any articles in approximately the last decade of any pilots smuggling drugs through security. They're the offenders over and over. Packages large enough to smuggle a sufficient quantity of drugs show up on X-rays or via manual searches. PURPOSE This directive establishes FPS policy for applying security force countermeasures to mitigate . CAP Solo Pilot On August 30, 2019, TSA announced new crewmember identification requirements. If I need to go through the line, the smurfs need to go through the line too. Is air travel going to get even MORE expensive? It gets Americans used to standing in line while goons grope you - welcome to our increasing police state. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. What an absolute joke that anyone thinks there is any benefit at all to safety to screen pilots at TSA checkpoints. If you continue to feel that operational procedures are not being followed correctly, follow the instructions given by the LTSO/STSO and contact to your airline management, for assistance in clarifying the issue. I have heard stories of pilots and flight attendants ferrying money, drugs and electronics and that has led to the loss of this expedited service for us. Crewmembers will no longer be permitted to manually enter their KCM data. darts. Ok, back to your BarcaLounger. Q:What if I have not received a KCM barcode card from my participating airline? You probably didn't pay too much attention to this class in training because you had 30 minutes sleep the night before because of the party/orgy but somehow managed to barely pass the multiple choice "test" anyway. 0000001462 00000 n There is no rolling back what the TSA currently does - like it or not. Who cares if a pilot brings a gun onto a plane. Maybe you should check YOUR attitude! 2,056 Sq. why would it bother you what our reactions are? Pilots have years and $100,000 plus dollars invested in this career. Either way, you're a crewmember so you'd better get ready for work, you have peanuts to distribute. Im a F/A. Only authorized crewmembers approved by the KCM system may enter the airport sterile area through a KCM access point. Sponsored by ALPA and Airlines for America. Too much education, and not enough accountability. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, flammable liquids, explosives, and dangerous chemicals will not be returned. I highly doubt it but they wont release the exact numbers they give vague statements so they can grab more power. On the other, my spouse is a F/A for Southwest. There weren't "delays" before KCM. 0000057216 00000 n There are a number of products which have entry or exit limitations in Spain from outside the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Crewmembers are also subject to random inspection anywhere after security including onboard the aircraft before departure. Flight attendants do not have as much to loose as a pilot. Know what you can pack before arriving at the airport by checking the prohibited items list. While exact details remain to be seen, it would appear that airline pilots and flight attendants may have to consistently start going through airport security as of next year. They're the offenders over and over. This is not a U.S. government site. Thats a great idea especially as we strip off all our jewelry, belts, shoes, food, drinks, and 6-pk for overnight! And while I'm in line to be scanned throughout the KCM door, they just walk in without ID check. Most airports have crew only lines and if they dont were allowed to walk to front of line while in uniform. For those who say "well, they're flying the plane ." that didn't end well for the pax and rest of crew of the German flight whose pilot crashed it into a mountain after locking out his copilot, or probably MH360. Sign up Special Use Airspace. This is not a U.S. government site. Also, the US is rolling governments around the world, including in the US, are doing more surveillance of their own citizens - let alone others from other countries. US law is pretty clear that there is a legal basis for referring a suspected violator of US law to the appropriate law enforcement agency once there is a reasonable suspicious that arises out of a legitimate and legal search - which the TSA security process is. They also let a passenger through a week ago with a razor blade. But of course, they would have to pay them more. They should just permanently ban the violators from KCM. Also, many large airports have crew and employee security checkpoints that are currently in the secure area that are accessible by employee shuttle buses. For those who abuse the line, like while going to leisure international travel, which is not permitted, an immediate 6 months suspension without pay. The 282-ton . Look, your job could be replaced by a cardboard sign with a red arrow painted on it and a vending machine. A: No. It's not rocket science. Cabin Readiness Safety & Compliance Reminder! who cares..I pay TSA people out of my taxes to keep a 9-11 from happening again. As a frequent flyer Ive received far more attitude from FAs them I ever have from TSA. On top of missing birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, special occasions etc. Its simply aggravation when you have to wait on a slow ass employee bus then drag your bag to security and here an offer say You wanna try your luck with a dumb ass grin on their face. . And while I'm in line to be scanned throughout the KCM door, they just walk in without ID check. It has been a shit-show forever at many airports (I'll site a few problem locations: EWR is #1- their KCM NEVER WORKS, forcing Crew to the regular (oh I'm sorry) - The CDC issued a no-sail order in U.S. waters on March 14 one day after the industry. That's right. Legal Notice: This website is only intended to provide an overview of the Known Crewmember program. Failure to submit to screening at the passenger screening checkpoint (e.g., using a SIDA badge to avoid screening) is considered circumvention of screening, and TSA may take enforcement action in accordance with the KCM Disqualification Protocols (KCMDP). The continued success of the program is dependent upon crewmembers demonstrating that they can be trusted to comply with all related requirements. Why would there be when you can dump whatever you are smuggling or take it to your car? An aircraft can board without a pilotbut not without the minimum crew of flight attendants.. and considering how long our duty days are, I don't know any flight attendants willing to leave their layover hotel a couple hours earlier. Failure to follow these rules could result in temporary or permanent loss of KCM privileges. Crew members know the rules - the bad apples just are overly confident they wont be held accountable. My favorite is from all these so called pilots . Ive also witnessed on more than one occasion a pilot attempt to bring a family member through KCM and then throw a hissy fit when theyre turned away. First as the article stated, pilots fly the airplane so and second, at most major airports ground personnel do not have to clear security at all, ever! I am not trying to disparage flight attendants, of course they are important but they are not the same as pilots and there are multiple rational grounds for distinguishing between them. Plus I would love to see you pilots sitting in the cockpit waiting for 2 hours without being able to board. For those passengers saying we are using a program that they are paying for. Therefore, KCM eligible crewmembers are required to understand these KCM Rules for Use and comply with these rules while using the KCM access points. Get a list of the restricted items, dangerous goods. That should have never been allowed any more than ground workers could access special security lines when traveling. Smuggling drugs or trying to get a weapon through security should be punishable to the people doing it. It is unfortunate that in 2023, the program may no longer exist for some. Since they have random and say catch someone doing something illegal make that individual go through the whole security process instead of punishing all of us? Some flight crew position names are derived from nautical terms and indicate a rank or command structure similar to that on ocean-going vessels, allowing for quick executive decision making during normal operations or emergency situations. Once you receive the barcode card, follow the instructions on the back to register it into the KCM system. Interesting comment, at my local airport, SEA, screening for airport employees is done by the Port of Seattle, on a lower level, NOT the TSA at the lanes that the traveling public uses. Yes, I demand change. I got secondary screening and they did it right there at the crew line (which they do in other countries) they just wipe your hands and suitcase and test it. Then there are the handful who do things they shouldn't do, that are making it a lot harder for everyone else. Nevertheless, we know it takes man power and probably effects First, crew members appreciate having a KCM check point. I say, take it from those who violate the policy, but don't penalize those of who do right. Or maybe you cant even afford to get on an airplane with decent crew members you have to take cheap spirit flights. And no youre not getting a credit. Interesting SMR? The FAA in their infinite wisdom starting requiring flight attendants to have an FAA Airman certificate several years ago. Worrying about wait times and passenger volume is what our management is for. I was impressed with KCM at SFO the other day. The more that original mission is replaced by "catch and imprison people carrying contraband" the less it makes sense to ignore the protections afforded under the Fourth. The following transportation security, regulatory and/or statutory violations result in a disqualification: NOTE: The majority of KCM access point disqualification cases involve attempted access for personal international travel, transporting the property of another individual through a KCM access point, and carrying prohibited items. I will not come here to say one is worse than the other, while I have witnessed my fair share of the other half doing things they should not. And if I run out of duty day because I've been standing in line, oh well. Done. The TSAs job is not to look for drugs or identify other illegal activity. And, while doom and gloom regarding the future might be reality, there is a good chance that it will be nowhere near as bad as some try to paint it. Scissors with blade length less than 4 inches . This whole system is a mess now and its not only hurting crew members, but it will hurt passengers that have paid for TSA pre check to now have to wait for countless crews to go ahead of them. NEWSFLASH: Most hand creams that flight attendants use (#1 preferred product by F/A's is "WORKING HANDS") have glycerine at the VERY TOP of the ingredients list. I think that the best solution is to permanently revoke the KCM privilege from the offenders. I say some because there are agents, pilots, and flights that don't clear security at all. Questions about the specifics of the program should be directed to your airline. Since you dont deal with people Im going to ignore the commentary on your lack of understanding why its necessary to go through an expedited process as a flight attendant. There won't be any after its gone. Our frustration has absolutely nothing to do with entitlement. {uyn1j~_L;t26mHMSY%?kbS&eGo?3/_fbd^`Gv`!=XYX+\GGGGGGEES%%%%%%y;`-^Sc;_y^1}iF3 If someone smuggles drugs or other prohibited items through security or customs, bust them and prosecute, dont completely attempt to re invent the wheel by punishing everyone. However, crewmembers on an extended leave of absence greater than 30 days, to include: disability, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), military deployment, voluntary leave of absence, furlough, suspension, termination, retirement, or other leave of absence must be suspended or removed from the KCM system. "If It can be pumped, poured, spread or sprayed and it's more than 3.4 ounces," it needs to . Responsibilities Conduct administrative duties and errands as required Flight attendants are first responders..they are highly trained professionals.even if some refuse to acknowledge it. Known Crewmember has been a wonderful privilege. No one would do it. I'll go to the end of the line and the flight will leave when I get to the aircraft and complete my duties. It does appear the supercilious author of this piece, pulled out his Medallion Card and showed it to the whole worldeven if to mostly blame impoverished flight attendants for being drug mules? I'm a crew member and lately the random checks have increased to the point of ridiculous. Thanks to the right wing gun nuts that cant tell a difference between their flight bag and a range bag. This will ensure your ability to use the KCM system again. Imagine having to go through security and adding extra unpaid time to your job every time you went to work. Well, at least for larger airports. The smuggling will just end up moving to the SIDA badge holders. Hmm, your story sounds fishy. TSA is out of controltheir job is to prevent a 9-11but today they are covid mask enforcers, DEA agents, uniform police etc etcKCM was paid for and pushed in by ALPA with alpa duesthe F/A's got in for free and ruined it. Im flight crew @ ORD. You walk on your own to TSA Pre and wait in line with everyone else. TSA finds almost all guns. Learn more. Yet they pay, through their time and treasure, for the billion searches performed in search of contraband and weapons. I'm a Flight Attendant for a major US Carrier and I've known of a few that have had privileges suspended for a year and of one who had her privileges permanently revoked. History is not saved for crewmembers without a mykcmsupport.com account. KCM is beneficial when not abused. Regardless of the circumstances? They are picked up and dropped off from the ramp. For over two decades, Aircraft Operators have relied on NATACS for compliance services that meet the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) secured document and record management solutions.

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known crew member prohibited items