[Emphasis supplied for previously redacted numbers], In a line-item breakout of costs for FY 2022 attached to the memo, DOJ has now released figures indicating that total income paid to Full Time Permanent personnel, including benefits, was $1,874,193. A tech executive exploited his access to computer data at the White House to find derogatory information about President Donald Trump, a special counsel appointed during the Trump administration said in a court filing Friday. And yet, despite all those photos, I cant find a single video of the man actually speaking. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z. The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) made one thing especially clear this week: This is former President Trump's convention. A spokesperson for special counsel Durhams office said the office declines to comment beyond the court filings and any response will be in future filings with the court. We've received your submission. Thus, pursuant to International law, he was obligated to protect it which he clearly failed to do. Copyright 2019 emptywheel. Click into each one of those videos that shows up and you will find the same thing in each one. The judge ruled, for instance, that Durhams team cannot suggest to the jury that the data provided to the FBI by Sussmann had been improperly obtained or used by Joffe, since prosecutors had failed to provide sufficient evidence showing that Mr. Sussmann had concerns that the data was obtained inappropriately, or that he had any independent knowledge about the data collection beyond whatever he may have learned from Mr. Joffe through privileged communications., Even more significantly, the judge curtailed Durhams ability to present evidence on the question that seems to have been driving the case from the start in particular, whether, as Durham claimed in court filings, there was a wide-ranging conspiracy comprised of officials from the Clinton campaign, the campaigns lawyers, Joffe, Fusion GPS and an assortment of IT professionals to prevent Trumps election by assembling and disseminating the [Alfa Bank] allegations and other derogatory information about Trump to the media and the U.S. government., The court concluded that while Durhams team had proffered some evidence of a collective effort to disseminate the purported link between Trump and Alfa Bank to the press and others, the contours of this venture and its participants are not entirely obvious. The judge went on to observe that it was far from clear that the researchers who were not employed by Mr. Joffe, Fusion GPS, or the Clinton Campaign, and most of whom never communicated with Mr. Sussmann shared in this common goal, and, as a result, ultimately held that Durham had failed to justify what would essentially amount to a second trial on a non-crime.. I dont publish conspiracy theories on this website, but I do publish real journalism. T he media-Democrat complex's main gripe about special counsel John Durham's February 11 motion is the prosecutor's supposedly misleading reference to Internet traffic records . | Please share your thoughts about this article below. Dont you be so crude and feckless 600.8(a)(1). Non-reimbursable costs totaled $2,334,911, for costs such as travel ($457,207), rent ($306,350), and Other Contractual Services ($1,297,054). The result is particularly ironic since many of these same people vocally criticized the coverage of the Mueller investigation on the theory that the media was cherry-picking information and credulously accepting the claims of prosecutors and sympathetic pundits, but they have adopted the same methodology that they once railed against a combination of pseudo-forensic readings of court filings and public documents, politically provocative narratives constructed from largely contextless scraps of information, and a strong, seemingly indestructible confirmation bias against their political adversaries. I miss having bmaz or Rayne tear me a new one, but I had a case of news overload and just had to take a break for a while. When it comes to perpetuating that narrative, whether or not the jury ultimately rules in his favor, Durham has effectively already won. 2019 TIME USA, LLC. Were US Rail Workers Instructed to Bypass Railcar Safety Inspections? He said Ive never met the man, never even talked to him., You have Bull Durham, who is supposed to be the toughest, Trump said over the telephone during the show. You can tell me this guy is a private guy and likes to keep a low profile, but Im sorry I just dont buy that not one single video of the man exists, not even b-roll of him walking into a courthouse or something. Id love to see it, just so I can prove the man actually exists. Mr. Berkowitz noted that Mr. Sussmann had told Mr. Baker that he believed The New York Times planned to publish an article on the Alfa Bank suspicions, which was why he was reaching out. The Department of Justice would ordinarily never bring such a baseless case.. Durham was appointed as Special Counsel in October. Andrew C. McCarthy is a former federal prosecutor. in September 2016, when he relayed suspicions about possible cyberconnections between Mr. Trump and Russia. The Alfa Bank allegations and the Steele dossier were largely tangential to the official investigation into whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. West Coast Conference Men's Basketball Tournament. No video of the trial, not a single press conference or interview or questions from reporters. The FY 2022 budget estimate is, In a line-item breakout of costs for FY 2022 attached to the memo, DOJ has now released figures indicating that total income paid to Full Time Permanent personnel, including benefits, was, Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update. "), (Read "The U.S. Prison for Iraq's Worst. Responding to a reporter's inquiry about the Boston mafia probe. (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). They love our country., We caught them all, Trump said. This case represents the opposite of everything the Department of Justice is supposed to stand for. This is largely due to a series of rulings in recent weeks from the presiding judge as part of standard pre-trial litigation about what evidence will be permitted at trial. Durhams investigation indicates that Danchenko lied to the FBI multiple times, falsehoods that should have been easy for the nations flagship federal investigative agency to run down. According to Durham - a holdover from the Trump administration who was appointed special counsel by then-Attorney General William Barr to review allegations that those investigating Donald. The Trump forces, [] Ill keep watching the comments below and see if anyone can find a video. on behalf of the campaign or Mr. Joffe. And the more you look, the more weird you realize it is. I have come to know and discover that John Durham did not exist prior to 2018. Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws. Monday, December 9, 2019 Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham "I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. But once he fixes on a target, the veteran lawyer usually catches his prey. A federal judge late Thursday ordered Fusion GPS, the research firm tapped by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to gin up dirt on former President Trump, to turn over nearly two dozen emails to . Ill wait patiently over here but I know you cant. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. is something that was inconsistent with what they would have wanted before there was any press, Mr. Berkowitz said. Durham was appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice on October 19, 2020: The Special Counsel is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, Ill. Hey, its Noah and I want to make sure were connected on Twitter. David X. Sullivan, a longtime federal prosecutor who's now running for Congress, joined the U.S. attorney's office in New Haven in 1989 and worked alongside Durham for years. Thank you! Durham released an official announcement saying he would resign effective at midnight Sunday. [Emphasis supplied for previously redacted numbers], Special Counsel Durham has spent millions in tax dollars to investigate the worst government corruption scandal in American history the abuse of Trump to little good end, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. Upon identifying DNS queries from Russian-made Yota phones in proximity to the Trump campaign and the EOP, respected cyber-security researchers were deeply concerned about the anomalies they found in the data and prepared a report of their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA.. Trump and his allies said the disclosure was proof that Trump was under surveillance while he was in office. Cybersecurity expert Rob Graham told NBC News that what Joffe appeared to have been doing was a search for domain names and addresses to which a computer had tried to connect. Thank you! Graduated from Colgate University in 1972 with a degree in political science. He also told Mr. Elias about it, and Clinton campaign officials were apparently aware that he was trying to get reporters to write about it. The photos from above show the man giving press conferences, so where is the video? In fact, Durham came nowhere close to making this claim. Although the Special Counsel implies that in Mr. Sussmanns February 9, 2017 meeting, he provided Agency-2 with EOP data from after Mr. Trump took office, said the attorney, the Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President.. To support the emptywheel site, choose the option below that works best for you. Three days ago, I asked my Telegram Channel to see if anyone in there could find a video actually showing John Durham moving, talkingbeing a real person. BEST OF: Left Targets Elon Musk, FBI Investigated Fauci Agency, CA Court Vi BEST OF: Twitter Changed Rules to Ban Trump! Jeff Head has no business being an umpire. That summer, as suspicions escalated about Mr. Trumps relationship with Moscow, a group of data scientists identified odd internet data that appeared to link servers for the Trump Organization to Alfa Bank. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A LINK TO GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS OR BING VIDEO SEARCH RESULTS SEARCHING FOR JOHN DURHAM. While as President, Trump is free to abrogate the bilateral agreement, there is no indication that this was his intent. Reverse the situation. Seeking a meeting with the F.B.I. For now, we have to hope that Durhams final report will answer that question. What they're saying: "While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury's decision and thank them for their service," Durham said in a statement. The indictment, however, was rife with allegations suggesting though never outright claiming that the technical analysis was intentionally designed to smear Trump, and that Sussmann willfully participated in an effort to deceive the government in order to help Clinton get elected. Sussmanns attorneys told the court, This is not the first time in this case that the Special Counsel has sought to include allegations about uncharged conduct in public filings and done so using inflammatory and prejudicial rhetoric., In a statement, a spokesperson for Joffe said, Contrary to the allegations in [the special counsels] recentfiling, Mr. Joffe is an apolitical internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked fora political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP)., Joffes spokesperson said that under the terms of his contract, the data could be accessed to identify and analyze any security breaches or threats., As a result of the hacks of EOP and [Democratic National Committee] servers in 2015 and 2016, respectively, there were serious and legitimate national security concerns about Russian attempts to infiltrate the 2016 election, the spokesperson said. texas congressman louie gohmert says at a press conference with freedom caucus members calling . Attached is the John Durham Special Counsel Office Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 budget plan. Ive been asking for 3 days and so far no one has risen to the challenge. His appointment came on the heels of a newly released Justice Department report indicating interrogators abused prisoners by, among other things, threatening to kill one man's family and choking another man to the point of unconsciousness. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! Judicial Watch On Issue: The Battle for Election Integrity, Judicial Watch On Issue: Leading the Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border, Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite. Douglass Mackey Allegedly Aimed to Depress Black Turnout in Pennsylvania, Release the Kraken: Fox News Revolving Sidney Powell Conspiracy Theory Door. Mr. Baker has testified that the F.B.I. Durham is a longtime federal prosecutor in Connecticut known for leading organized crime and public corruption cases. An observant Catholic and avid Red Sox fan. And not the face he is reportedly staying on as Special Counsel. Allegedly, he was on the team of prosecutors for the Whitey Bulger case, yet, you will not find his name mentioned anywhere from 2013 when the case was prosecuted. This enterprise included substantial reliance by the FBI on the bogus Steele dossier in obtaining spying authorization from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) on sworn representations that the bureau believed Trump was in a conspiracy of cooperation with Vladimir Putins anti-American regime. 600.8(a)(1). Under the circumstances, Durham has, in a perverse sense, already won that second trial of a non-crime that he wont be presenting this week. One person did some great detective work and determined that even the 4-5 photos look rigged: A couple of you both sent me this message, which is very weird: Up above you can see I posted a video by an actor (comedian?) No charge. But hes happy to help his buddy Donald out. SICK: Here Is That Perverted Sex Ed Video Teaching First Graders To Masturbate, Pfizer Makes Stunning Admission On COVID-19 Jab Clinical Trials. Prosecutors contend he concealed that a technology executive and the Hillary Clinton campaign were his clients to make the allegations seem more credible. We now know that the so-called dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was a Clinton campaign production. Updated 10/18/2022 07:43 PM EDT. "). According to prosecutors, Sussmann gave the data to an unnamed federal agency at a meeting on Feb. 9, 2017, 20 days into the Trump administration, and said the data demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.. The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Mars Hackers Tied to Chinas Govt. The FY 2022 budget estimate is $4,463,525 which, after Office of Management and Budget technical adjustments for the mandatory sequester, totals $4,209,104 in available operational funds. We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. John Durham, appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2020 to probe the origins of the FBIs investigation of Russian election interference, said Tech Executive-1, not named in the filing but first identified by The New York Times as Rodney Joffe, used his access to domain name system, or DNS, data to compile information about which computers and servers the White House servers were communicating with. ht[BREAK]tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEK9oK02D1M. 23d. Special counsel John Durham, the U.S. attorney appointed to investigate the origins of the Russia collusion and election interference probe, abruptly announced Friday that he would resign from the U.S. Attorney's office. If Durham really were on the verge of exposing the Clinton campaign and vindicating Trump, the trial of Sussmann would seem to provide the long-awaited opportunity to bring all this to a head. At the same hearing, a defense lawyer, Sean Berkowitz, said that he would not contest that Mr. Sussmann represented the Clinton campaign in telling reporters about those allegations. ABOUT | CONTACT | SUPPORT | COMMENT POLICY | PRIVACY POLICY | LOGIN. The first case developed by the special counsel, John Durham, involves a lawyer who is accused of lying when he shared a tip with the F.B.I. Monitoring such traffic reveals only that one computer or server is trying to reach another, he said, not the contents of a persons screen or messages. That way, an audio file can be archived with the 302, so that when conflicts occasionally arise about what was actually said, theres a tape of what was actually said. I could still be wrong, maybe some Internet sleuth out there will find the video for me. Heres How (and When) To Watch President Trump At CPAC! Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To? Special counsel John Durham says he's not responsible for how the media covered last weekend's allegation that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign was linked to tech experts spying on former . I have no idea what constitutes an open thread, so pardon the O/T re Giuliani & Covid (The Specials): Stop your messing around (ah-ah-ah) By JOSH GERSTEIN. That we had to file a federal lawsuit to get basic budget information about this historic investigation speaks volumes. Polk County Sheriff's OfficeA "self-proclaimed" Florida rapper has been charged with murder after detectives tied him to a killing using his own lyrics and music video, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Thursday, as he skewered the "stupid" singer at a press conference.La'Darion Chandler, 19, started "crying like a baby that lost his pacifier" when he got slapped with murder . . The trial centers on whether Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer with ties to Democrats, lied to the F.B.I. Please share your thoughts about this article below. Durhams office originally indicted Sussmann in September. And not the face he is reportedly staying on as Special Counsel. (Hartford Courant, January 28, 2001), "He's Fitzgerald with a sense of humor." But Mr. Durhams team obtained law firm billing records showing that Mr. Sussmann had logged time working on the Alfa Bank suspicions to the Clinton campaign. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-content-wrap{padding-bottom:0!important;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Instead, it has become increasingly clear that the proceeding is unlikely to offer any sort of definitive resolution to the most politically consequential questions at issue. I continue to find that extremely strange! I posted that challenge in my Telegram Channel earlier tonight and so far no one has been able to find a real video of the man speaking. The investigation helped inspire the Martin Scorsese film The Departed. Its safe again and were having a lot of fun over there. F.B.I. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! All rights reserved. about some of his sources. Former President Trump and his allies said the disclosure was proof that Trump was under surveillance while he was in office. Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images. Hugh Keefe, a Connecticut defense lawyer, comparing Durham to Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who led the investigation into the leaked identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame (Washington Post, January 3, 2008). Will try to stay more engaged. Today I got another HUGE confirmation that President Trump reads this site when he posted a press release about John Durham. AP Photo/Jon Elswick, The trial beginning this week was supposed to be the culmination of an otherwise spotty and languorous investigation, now entering its fourth year. Last year he was named by Attorney General Michael Mukasey to head the ongoing investigation into the destruction of CIA interrogation videotapes. [Side comment: I bet theyd love to Cancel that guy right about now, huh? Best done in very small increments! | Updated Aug 14, 2020, 12:54 PM. The Department of Justice initially produced budget records responsive to the Judicial Watch lawsuit on June 3, 2022, but redacted the actual budget numbers. Andrew Harnik/AP. He was born on November 13, 1958 in Durham, CT the son . Is this all John Durham has? Hes won it in the court of conservative public opinion. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. A strong conspiracy case usually involves the testimony of a key insider who can verify the governments theory and narrate events from within the group explaining how various, ostensibly distinct pieces of evidence fit into a coherent whole and how the disparate actions of participants served a singular objective. Last year, Durham indicted him on five counts of lying to the FBI. The FBI, for some reason, is at least 15 years behind, technologically speaking. Yet, far from alerting the FISC judges that there was significant reason to disbelieve the information from Steele about Trump who was by then the incumbent president the FBI continued to rely on that suspect information in sworn surveillance applications in April and June 2017, based on which the FISC granted additional spying warrants. Within the U.S., we have elected to utilize the classification system to protect such shared information. The strategy, as the government will argue at trial, was to create news stories about this issue, about the Alfa Bank issue, Andrew DeFilippis, a prosecutor for Mr. Durham, said at a recent hearing. Some details of that matter remain murky. Warren T. Bamford, special agent in charge of the FBI's Boston office. So what happened? The only people who seem to be following the story are YouTube prankers. Well, Erik D. Kirk must read WeLoveTrump or someone is forwarding him my articles because he has picked up on the story Ive been covering and realized hes getting some fame! Progressives' hateful push for hard-left New York Court of A university finally stands up to woke virtue signaling, Biden's WHO pandemic treaty would kill Americans in the name of 'equity', Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, Murdaugh son collapsed outside court after sitting stone-faced through dad's 6-week murder trial: source, Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce. ET):A previous version of this article incorrectly specified a time period in special counsel Durhams Feb. 11 filing when internet data from the White House was collected. Also spearheaded mob prosecutions of the Gambino, Genovese and Patriarca crime families. knew of the political connection, agents might have treated the matter differently. Watch it till the end before you send it to me.its from a Saturday Night Live skit: Well, some of you have sent me some really interesting ideas! If so, I guess that will solve the mystery. Married with four sons, one of whom is a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, N.Y. Described by the Hartford Courant as frequently appearing "impatient, distracted and privately amused" in court. Considering Challenging Biden In Democrat Primary. (VIDEO) Donald Trump Pitches Agenda 47: Create Freedom Cities. That insinuation also hangs over the other case Mr. Durham has developed, which is set to go to trial later this year. According to the DOJ press release, Durham recommended that a full criminal investigation be . Im happy to be proven wrong, Im not saying this is some huge, massive conspiracyunless it is? Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 26, 2021. August 13, 2020 09:36 PM. And they have suggested that despite his initial statement, Mr. Sussmann was open about having a client in subsequent communications. . But he's supposed to be the smartest and the best, and he works for Bill Barr, who is a great attorney general. The budget also indicates there was one direct position, 11 Reimbursable Detailees and three Non-Reimbursable Investigative Staff, for a total of 15 personnel. At a press conference in October 2000, I asked Durham if he would pursue other compromised FBI agents. individuals, Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia hold a press conference to give an update on the investigation into the Capitol Hill riots on . Though its come to represent much more in the public imagination, the actual charge is quite narrow. Im not talking about videos about a certain topic or recent videos or videos of his personal life. Remember what President Trump said about him? Defense lawyers for Mr. Sussmann have also rejected prosecutors broader insinuations about the constellation of events that led to his indictment, accusing the Durham team of fueling politicized conspiracy theories. Brian R. Maroney, 64, of Silver Creek, NY formerly of Durham, CT passed away unexpectedly on Saturday morning, February 25, 2023 at his home. Shoulda masked for your future (ah-ah-ah) When you type in the name of a website like Google.com, Graham said, DNS will translate it to a specific IP address and a specific group of servers. The real question is, who invented him and why? The document production comes in the March 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch after the DOJ failed to respond to an August 2021, request for records of communication between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland, and all budget records related to the operations of the office of Special Counsel (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. But rather than showing wrongdoing by the F.B.I., it is a case that portrays the bureau as a victim. In fact, it kind of looks like its meant to be a serious take or to confuse people? We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. Since Durhams appointment, however, a clear dynamic has dominated his investigation namely, a palpable desire among right-wing operatives, commentators and media outlets to use Durhams work, no matter how thin or nebulous the underlying evidence may be, to try to vindicate the theory that Trump was grievously victimized by the Democratic Party in an effort to defeat him and later hobble his presidency. | POLITICO. A registered Republican, though he's worked under both parties and associates say he keeps politics out of his work. Foreign leaders do not have the right to unilaterally disclose U.S. classified information that has been shared with their country pursuant to a bilateral agreement. After that, today comes this video from yet another YouTube channel that basically just ripped off Eric D. Kirks video and made it more crappy: Read the comments, so many people are thinking this is surely Durham: A reader sent me this report, which I have NOT been able to independently verify. "I'm not at CPAC. That probe led to the conviction of retired FBI agent John Connolly Jr., sentenced to 10 years in prison for helping the two avoid prosecution. What you start to find are just a bunch of videos of a still picture of him and a voiceover playing. But it gets worse. Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. Beginning Monday morning in Washington, special counsel John Durham the prosecutor who was appointed in 2019 by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia. By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and recurring SMS/MMS messages, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number from the Judicial Watch. "I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case," he added. Read our full Disclosure. Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. Two of the men were released, and later won a $100 million civil judgment against the government. Both of those things are old news. The F.B.I. Durham, 59, is no stranger to top-level governmental investigations. In fact, reports from its investigation claim that in 2008, when he was working at the Brookings Institution (a center-left Washington think tank), Danchenko offered to pay two of his fellow researchers for classified information if they got jobs in the incoming Obama administration.

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