Im starting to cry to. You drive to the studio while music was playing. Is something the matter? ". You quickly drew the mark on your neck and left the house. He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. You stood up and went to him. The actual request saidAteez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3. Talking. How about you call in sick tomorrow and well have a movie day? He suggests. . Hes another one thats fast af and have you seen his fucking flying 360 neck breaker spin kick? He hums into your bare nape, his hand crept under your shirt and rested on your bare stomach. Woah! 7) What lingerie would Ateez buy you. Woo- You begin. Thats not really help- you know what? you saw him lying on the bed with a harry potter book in his hand. She was scared! After a solid minute, you felt his arms around your waist. He rubbed your back, and keeping your . You pushed the excess hair away from his features. You start mixing ingredients, slightly lost as you follow the slightly difficult instructions. He places another kiss on your forehead and takes the heavy plates off your hands. He looked at you. He spends the afternoon shoving berries in your mouth, making you forget your sorrow. Having a sibling as annoying as jimin is worse. Rather having to suffer the heat than take off your hoodie. His personality just embodies fire. I was joking You say quickly. Arms around you as you just simply talk about the week that quickly flew by. "That's it. As much as ATEEZ's members are known for their performance abilities on-stage, they're also known for giving their . He didnt care if you were there, he cant handle the fact that the people he considered family cant accept his partner. Which he had been doing for the past three hours. The poor boy is pacing back and forth in disbelief, his hand against his forehead as he tries to process your false statement. Even if it had been days since he found out you were both related, he still couldnt believe it. Let's see what sounds you make when you can't walk anymore." Then it hit you, you never told him namjoon was your sibling. What turns him on - Seonghwa. when it accidentally slipped out of your mouth, seonghwa had a look that appeared to be that he was doubting your claim. Eventually, he just pins you to the wall. Hey so, Im meeting up with my brother, wanna tag along? You felt an arm above you so first instinct was to push it away. You saw him vacuuming as usual and lazily stomp your way to him. Babe whats wrong? Which was a mess that even pissed you more but all the kisses he gave made up for it. "Can I come over?" After telling him no repeatedly, not wanting him to see you a crying mess, you hear a knock at the door. Appearing everywhere, every second. You could only sheepishly smile and scoot closer to him. Sorry babe he apologizes before continuing to talk to your belly. Ateez Reaction: getting slightly jealous when you. . Yeah Im *cough* Im fine. Your hands grip his broad shoulders as you grind your soaked core against his solid length, moaning desperately at the friction. When you attended a family gathering and mingi as your plus one, he was nervous as hell. Tonight, mingi couldnt get a wink of sleep. Although it wasnt the best, you still didnt take it off but instead awarded him with kisses. All sorts of thoughts rush through his mind. The first page had an image of you and jungkook when you both were small. Im so stressedNothing just goes in my favour Your voice sore from all the crying. He convinces you while combing your hair with his fingers. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. But the problem was that he was too shy to do it. Something was definitely wrong, you didnt greet him like to usually do, you didnt even look at him. Shit You moan through gritted teeth as he collects your juices on two of his fingers. In today's video Ed and I react to kpop idol group Ateez and their new comeback "Ans. You saw how stressed he was and went behind him. You need him, he is the only one that can save you now. Yah, crying is normal, its actually healthy. WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL WHERE THE REACTIONS ARE AUTHENTIC! The rest of the evening is quiet, cuddly and filled with snores from the both of you shortly after you fall asleep. . I'm going to murder all of you." The next 30 minutes was filled with your cursing and the boys snickered . He spooned you as he massages your belly with one hand. Before you could hear an answer, you felt a whole drumstick shoved in your mouth. His hands remain intact on your waist and pulls you closer to him. The place he likes to kiss you most of all would undoubtedly be your shoulders, more precisely the hollow of them. He would immediately hug you back. He would just rub your belly when he felt like it. Wooyoung always takes such good care of you, times like this make you realise just how much he means to you. Ugh, that girl is so annoying! Why werent you as beautiful as others? Pairing - Boyfriend!Wooyoung x Female!Reader. . Your eyes drooped and eventually, your eyes gave up. Despite it sending chills down your spine, you shrug it off and sit beside seonghwa. ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? Without a word, he spreads open his arms. You chuckled and hug him even tighter. Its the first day of your vacation with your boyfriend San, hes playing games on his phone in the bedroom while he waits for you to change into your swimwear so you can spend the afternoon by the pool together. I just know your gonna be cute. Choi San A/N - I missed my MTL posts so much, Im sorry this isnt a very original idea but Im trying to get my brain working so I can come up with some more creative ideas! If we do end up breaking up, I dont want it to be because of you guys. When you nod, he'll step towards you slowly pressing a kiss to your shoulder, before saying you should just . ATEEZ's Wooyoung Gives Yeosang A Kiss On Stage, And Yeosang's Reaction Is Priceless. You close your eyes at the relaxing feeling of your boyfriend massaging your aching muscles as he watches you, love twinkling in his eyes and his heart swelling at the sight of you. He changed out of his clothes and onto a pair of pajamas. They use them on land at night so humans dont see them You assure him. He held back throughout the whole movie. Posts aim to go up on Wednesdays and Sundays 6:30pm UK time Master List Prompt List Tag List Form Feedback form The biggest part of my work will be labeled as MATURE so if you haven't already please un-filter the mature community labels in your settings or at least have them set to blur, that way my posts will still pop up for you and you can decide if you want to see . Yah, why are you guys like this? Kim Hongjoong #hongjoong He set you on his chest like a dog on his owner. . You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. I feel bad for not writing about yunho. Writing this made me remember how much of a wonderful, loving person our Sannie is. Your hand continues trailing over his face. He was also scared not to mention. We should do something about that, yeah? In terms of strength, this bitch should be at the tippy top, but I believehe wouldnt be that great at fighting. He shrugs it off for a second he takes his shoes off but stops when he heard silent sobs. You didnt answer but hug him. You notice the sudden change in temperature, and hongjoong noticed too. Anyways enjoy! He leaped on the bed as you opened another album. Im getting bored He whines from the bedroom, sprawled out on the bed like a starfish with pouty lips. Now the struggle of turning off the darn alarm became even more difficult. You slowly open your eyes to look at belly. You acknowledged wooyoung first. He pouts, upset that he almost murdered you. For the first time in your life, you were never this thankful that bathtubs were invented. When the members explain why while he just listens with a semi-disgusted face. He knows you love his voice. #songmingi It required a lot of patience and perseverance to wake yunho up. . You roll your eyes. Has it always been like this? Exclusive videos! No, no, no, my whole life has been a lie He whines, on the edge of breaking down completely. You nod happily at his statement before pulling him in, allowing you to peck his plump lips. Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!! He discourages you a bit. Yunho sweetly smiles at you before taking your hand in his. Its okay, love. He says, his coughs calming down. You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. So when you entered the apartment crying, he was lost for a minute. You didnt move this time, you just looked down with a shameful look in your face. See- bleeeh! I see him as a laid back guy so I don't think that he would make you quit as long as you don't cough your lungs out or show other symptoms that it might be bad for you. Of course Ill support you! its funny that he resembles appa a bit. 4) Ateez as boyfriends. . Saying sorry every minute while giving you endless love. Hes also very strong so hed be able to build things, fight etc. After that night, hed be salty and sarcastic around the other members. Hed be worried about hurting the zombie even though my guy is in a literal zombie apocalypse and has to fight for his life. You look up, stopping your rant to see why he stopped. Again these thoughts lingered. I KNEW YOU WERE LYING!. He pouted. Ill carry that, love. kim hongjoong - imme. The smile on his face widens, even more, when he saw your smile. 1 : 36 a.m to be exact. he and seonghwa are both water benders and I chose it for a reason. Mingi tips a pack of dinosaur nuggets onto an oven tray, you walk past and sayDid you know, those are made out of dinosaur meat? he doesnt respond, just stands there, shocked looking at his nuggets. By the time you were done, your hair was already braided in all sorts of ways and directions. this boy is one of the sweetest people to ever exist. #ateez #yunho #jongho #kpop #ateez reactions #ateez imagines #ateez scenarios #ateez angst #ateez mafia # . His nose scrunches up and his eyes screw tighter as he notices the sun peaking through the window sills. In fact, starstruck. He asked. You all should be ashamed. 12) Ateez as Yeosang Gifs. His second attempt was successfull. Do you have any idea? Meeting jungkook will be an even bigger one. He motions you to jump. Jung Wooyoung He wanted to call out each and every one of them right on the spot. 38) When you beat them in an arm wrestle. Seonghwa they keep looking at me. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls away and allows you to take off your shoes before grabbing your handCome, Ill run you a nice bath He says, flashing his pearly teeth and leading you to the bathroom. Its not like I like him less, its just every idea I get fits seonghwa so much,,, guys its been more than a year stop liking my posts my writing was complete shit , masterlist ; unavailable | malsukie | requests ; CLOSED. He asks. He said, words tinted with poison. You scold yourself while continuing to drive. You and your cuddle bunny were simply lying around and doing nothing. His eyes turn into a golden color and he leans down to breath your scent in. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that, - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself, - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard, - "was that a whimper? And everytime you open your eyes he was there to tell you how beautiful or handsome you are. If this what happens if he accidentally hurts you, you decide to go with the flow instead and get showered with love. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. A hiss leaves your boyfriends lips while he watches his cum drip down your ass into the slit of your pussy. Park Seonghwa Crying? Im sorry Ive been slow with requests these days, Ive been trying to sort out my small business. It didnt bother you until you hear it becoming louder. He looks at you, the look that made you feel like you were everything to him. Youll do amazing. Your use of face masks didnt bother him much. You ask while patting his back. No. You softly hum to the song all while thinking. REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! He spoke in a deep satoori accent. Thats because its flat You exclaim, making him jolt with eyes wide. You think over and over again what you should cook for both you and yunho. Resting your head on his shoulder as he embraces you, you close your eyes and take in the sweet scent of your lover. N-no I dont think so? He says, slightly believing what youre saying. He says while eating one. ", - choking (i don't know why but it seems like he has a thing for necks), - unlike hongjoong, he'd want to hear you yell, - won't even wait until both of you are alone; that's how confident and impatient he is, - "if you stay quiet just because the members are in the other room, i'll make sure even our neighbors hear you scream my name. You were craving affection and couldnt wait anymore. ! He yells. Accepting it was an obstacle for him. 11) Ateez as reaction photos. The roasts alone radiate fire bender vibes. #jongho Ive had this idea for a little while and wanted to do something different with a bit of a crack vibe to it haha. Holy shit He chuckles, grabbing you a towel and helping you stand straight. Not in a creepy way of course. You honestly feel really bad because he's so excited but it's funny to see his desperate reaction. P - Preference Every single moment was a build up of stress. He took a glance at you while you pass the kitchen. My job sucks, my boss hates me, customers were rude because I kept getting orders wrong. He usually brings along his skateboard and arrives back thirty minutes later. You too notice how everyone is uncomfortable by your presence. "I love you; it was stupid of me to . Im here see? SHARKS DONT HAVE LEGS! San yells as you try not to laugh at him. The arm that was wrapped around you, pulled you closer into his bare chest. His duality proves it. His leader instincts kicked in. You reply. the moment he saw your eyes with dripping tears, he stopped whatever he was doing and scurried to your side. What are you talking about? Seonghwa replies, confused. He grew more concerned as time passes. All your albums? He only grew angrier at the looks the members sent you. I love your small and cute body! He simply gave Yeosang a little smile before turning back around. he would be cleaning when you suddenly had the urge to hug him. Soon the door opened. He crouched down and sat on the floor. You couldnt refuse a strawberry despite your mood. What was jungkook to you? Seungmin: Obsessed with you, he cannot help it. You okay Y/N? A familiar voice meets your ears and you feel a hand gently rest on your shoulder, its Mingi, your boyfriend. #seonghwa You apologize as you trace the water on his arms. Maybe we can both be world wide handsome! You saw his eyes bright up. hed get sad when he knows that they didnt like you. Seonghwa pulls you into his chest as you cry, stroking your head and rocking you lightly on the cold floor. 10k views 1 month ago #ateez # #paradigm ateez () is an 8 member group under kq entertainment. Masterlist/ Upcoming/About Me/ Upcoming/About Me But once he sees how successful youve become, he cant stop the smile from appearing every time he sees you. Love, its already past noon. So when you recommended that he talks to the baby, his eyes sparkles as he quickly sets you down on the couch. You ruffle your hands through your hair as you slid against the counter and down to the floor. It's like you're begging for him to do something to you. you two were on the bed, you resting your head on his lap as he worked on a song. You had your bed and sleep with you. Before you could take a step, a pair of arms already caught your figure. Sorry babe, I cant help it He smiles. After only a few dates you two had grown really close, you even shared a kiss after he walked you home one night. You implied. You were kind of suffocating at this point. He didnt care if the others were still watching, he stood up, and looked everyone right in the eyes. Hed drown you in all the love hes got to give. You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. You explain. lets go for a walk along the river, itll be nice, Hed walk with his hand on your lower back, rubbing it every now and then if you start to feel achey, This baby would be so soft and gentle with you, He would watch movies on the couch with you and massage your feet, Hes not a huge fan of physical affection but hed give you lots of kisses on the top of your head and caress you when you need it, He would give you lots of hugs and back rubs, Hed totally give you a back hug and rub your tummy as he asks if youre feeling okay, Always checking up on you even if hes not around, texting you asking if you need him to bring you anything, He would bring you flowers all the time to see you smile, Youd ask him to sing you to sleep and hed pull you into his chest as he sings to you, Jongho would let you wear his clothes because you look adorable, If youre feeling down hed do his best to make you laugh, Either breaking apples and various fruits, Or playing games with you on the computer, letting you win occasionally to make you feel better, He 100% would bring you breakfast in bed on your bad days, helping you out of bed and turning the shower on for you, I dont see him being an amazing cook but hed cook you some of his favourite ramen and itd taste great (just because he made it hehe), Hed stop by a cafe on his way home from practice and buy you a bunch of different sweet treats and desserts, He sees you as the sweetest human ever so he cant help but think of you when passing by, Cheesecake, cupcakes, donuts, muffins, cookies - you name it, hes gonna get it, Hed pick up some iced coffee for you both, Tea or a smoothie if you dont like coffee, He would really try his best to look after you and hes the absolute sweetest little cherub uwu. You chatting with your friend to kill time. It was a habit at this point to talk to your unborn child. "yunho, baby you're heavy get off." you whines but he whined back, mumbling that . Anyways, thanks for reading! There was always this weird feeling of uncertainty from the boys whenever youd be there. He coos. Im sorry love, I was just talking to this little bean. Do I need to fight someone? You had to stay late because your boss needed to do something and you had to be there. Hed smile and give you a peck before you help him before he starts a tantrum. #seonghwa giving them the kind of Y/N moment that we all wish we could have with our favorite K-Pop idol. Firstly Id like to point out that this should in no way be taken seriously nor should it be seen as an accurate representation of the boys, it is 100% a joke and just a bit of banter. You tussle and turn, the sheets shifting. He listened closely and hear the cries come from the kitchen. Not a smile, but a smirk Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight It's like you're begging for him to do something to you Sometimes you smirk on purpose just to get a reaction out of him After a minute, he takes you by the hand and walks you to his room Locks the door and kisses your neck and shoulder Looks at you with lust in his eyes "That smirk is going to be the death of me, kitten. You didnt hesitate for a second and kissed him back, his hands found itself on your waist and pulled you onto his lap. You realize it was yunho. O-oh my fuck- San groans, pulling out of your pussy and quickly pumping himself, releasing hot strings of cum over your lower back and your butt. Jongho comes third because hed remain sensible throughout, although hed be scared, he knows its important to stay in the right frame of mind to make good decisions. Wooyoung heard the whole thing from behind you and speaks upYah, you know Y/N is only kidding right? Before the lad woke up, you took a small look at the clock and see it was already past noon. 15) Another . When he saw your selcas with jungkook, he grew curious and confused. Mans moving mad. you and wooyoung recently began dating. Your lips clashed onto his. You shake your head, not in the mood at the moment. wooyoung found the idea of talking to the baby cute and adorable. He would only get confused as to why. Was all you said. Anyways, Its been a while sinceIve written something absurd like this so please enjoy :3, Tag List - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @woowommy @yunhospuppy @ateezinmymind @jonghoisbabie @224-12, A/N - Hi, I hope you enjoy this little headcanon and I hope it lives up to the expectations of the Anon that requested this! The stress creeps up on you again. Youve never seen someone hug you as fast as yunho. . Its stricter and different, but I guess I cant stop you. He casually places a kiss on your head and proceeds to talk. There you stood, in the dressing room with him ( not in that way you little shit- ) Y/n, do you like this dress? He said slightly blushing. Then, he continued speaking, "Next, I think we should analyse the story itself and look at the characters, style . Shit Im crying over san. Looking up at the stunned boy, it appears the soul has drained from his body so you tell him youre kidding. ", - won't talk to you until it's time to punish you, - likes to make you gag with his length; doesn't want to do any work, - he'll make you ride him since he'd rather be receiving the pleasure, but he decides the pace, - his savage persona is still there so degrading (?)

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ateez reaction to you turning them on