By the end of Elizabeths reign, the navy was also playing an important role in settling up an English colony in North America. From 1574, with the help of the Pope, Catholic priests were also being smuggled into England to continue the spread of the Catholic faith. The core of her legitimacy problem centred around the circumstances of her birth by Anne Boleyn. Ridolfis plan was to make Mary queen by first assassinating Elizabeth and then marrying Mary to the Duke of Norfolk. Also, the activities of English pirates', who looted Spanish ships, caused problems between Spain and England. Norfolk was killed in 1572. Learning of the Spanish plans to build an Armada and invade England, Drakes mission was to try and stop this. Describe two threats posed by Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth in 1568 4. This included: 1) the Act of Supremacy which stated that Elizabeth was Head of the Church, 2) the Act of Uniformity which set out expectations for church appearances and church services and 3) Royal Injunctions a set of instructions reinforcing the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity. The English had drastically improved their shipbuilding techniques which gave them several technological advantages. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeths role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. Probably at the core of Elizabeth's decision to remain single was an unwillingness to compromise her power. John White (another leading colonist) sailed back to England to report on the problems being experienced. This plot was supported by the Pope and King Phillip II, who agreed to provide troops for a Spanish invasion. Doodle's Point of View Native American hostility occurred from the start, however. Suitable for the Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) course. [A clear summary of the arguments, once more making the link between Mary, the Pope and Catholic interference.]. James also pledged to help Elizabeth if invaded. However, she was fearful of the presence of Spain in the Netherlands, who were busy putting down the Dutch Revolt from 1566 under the command of the Duke of Alba. The reasons for, and significance of, Mary Queen of Scots execution in 1587. Cecil was a master of Renaissance statecraft, whose talents as a diplomat, politician, and administrator won him high office and . Elizabeth would receive a share of the privateers profits and as Englands financial situation was poor at the time, this proved to be an incredibly important source of income for the Queen. This was due to the actions of her father, Henry VIII, in 1533. Instead, Drakes plan was to attack the port of Cadiz, which wasnt as well defended. France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland was part of the Rising in the North in 1569. At the beginning of her reign, an obvious candidate for Elizabeth to marry was her half sister's widow, Phillip of Spain. Therefore, France controlled the whole of the northern coastline and posed a major threat to England. However, the Privy Council had put huge pressure on Elizabeth to marry and urged her to take a husband in late 1559, which suggests that the Privy Council would have agreed on a suitor had there been someone suitable as they realised the importance of securing a Protestant English throne and the Tudor dynasty, and perhaps it was this lack of a suitable suitor that caused Elizabeth to remain . The features and significance of the Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington plots. Even though a truce was decided, there was still a constant threat from the Scots and French to the English security . Here is an example answer to the following 16-mark question on the problem posed to Elizabeth I upon her accession arising from the question of legitimacy. Describe two features of the threats posed to Elizabeth in 1558 3. She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. In October 1586, Mary was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Instead, her goal was to ensure freedom of worship for Dutch Protestants and protect Englands Military, commercial and strategic interests listed above. 1) In 1557, Mary I took England to war with France to support her husband who was already fighting the French. Spain had become a great military power as Phillip ruled Spain, the Netherlands and parts of Italy. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! The use of fireships by the British exposed this weakness. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st explanation. The plot was uncovered by Sir Francis Walsingham, who intercepted and read Babingtons letters to Mary. Elizabeth had reinstated Protestantism as the official religion of England when she inherited the throne, but that did not mean that there were not still Catholics residing in the country. W ith the first female vice president taking office in the US, and female leaders around the world excelling despite a global crisis, it's hard to imagine why women have been wildly underrepresented in leadership for so long. When Elizabeth I acquired the English throne in 1558, many believed due to the religious decisions of her predecessors, dating back to Henry VIII's reign, Elizabeth had inherited a country that was predominantly Catholic in belief. and reversing the religious settlement. Elizabeths legitimacy becomes a problem because of this marriage. However, the Act also established a national poor rate, made JPs (Justices of the Peace) keep registers of the poor and gave towns and cities the responsibility to find work for the able-bodied poor. The threat of France to Elizabeth's rule Elizabeth had two main problems concerning France: She inherited a bad relationship with France from her predecessor Queen Mary I. France were. Mary served as a permanent reminder at home and abroad that there was a legitimate Catholic heir to the throne and, with the Popes blessing, willing Catholic rebels could convince themselves they were doing Gods work. Surviving colonists abandon Virginia and return to England. She was able to fight off illness, rebellions . Elizabeth lived quietly at her . This was important because it demonstrated the strength of Catholic feeling within England and highlighted how Elizabeth, after 11 years, was still vulnerable to English Catholics. Walsingham had established a large spy network and was able to intercept letters of Catholic conspirators and work with an expert cryptographer to decode them. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. At the start of her reign in 1558, Elizabeth faced many problems it was a very tumultuous time for her. In total, less than 10000 men and half the fleet made it back to Spain. Although he promised to help the conspirators, he rarely followed through on these promises. The loss of ships, weapons and supplies were proving incredibly costly for Spain as these needed to be replaced and obtaining fresh supplies put a strain on Spains finances. This risked provoking King Phillip further and to avoid this, Elizabeth forced Dudley to resign his position immediately. Boston House, The most important reason however was a combination of Marys arrival and the Popes interference. There were several factors that influenced Queen Elizabeths decision to sign the Treaty of Nonsuch including: Elizabeth believed in Divine Right and due to this, she didnt want to remove King Phillip as the ruler of Netherlands. To counter homelessness and the begging/criminal activity that sometimes accompanied this, a law was passed that stated that, if found, vagrants were: 1) to be whipped and have a hole drilled through each ear 2) if found a second time would be imprisoned 3) would be killed if found a third time. [This last point is important and often students dont embrace the anomalies for fear that it will undermine their argument. VAT reg no 816865400. The English army was also poorly equipped and Elizabeth did not provide sufficient funds to pay for the English troops. In 1558, England lost its final possession - the port of Calais - in France. The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. Save. Drake himself described the raid as Singeing the King of Spains beard. She raised an army following her escape from prison but was defeated at Langside (Glasgow). The English also had better tactics that were more effective. Born: 7 September 1533. LS23 6AD Henry himself gave people cause . Elizabeth made England protestant, which caused tension with the rest of Europe as they were heavily catholic (such as Spain and France). Importantly too, at different points these plots were orchestrated or sponsored by the Pope and Spain and were dependent on the support of English Catholics to work, demonstrating the increasing Catholic threat to Elizabeth, internationally and domestically. Foreign Affairs. England and Spain had tried to remain on good terms but a growing rivalry between them led to increased tensions. LS23 6AD No, Francis in Reign does not have a child. Boston Spa, A war would have to involve invasion because after 1558 England had no possessions in mainland Europe (Calais had been lost in 1558). In 1568, a final blow came when some Spanish ships were blown off course into English waters, and the English seized them. Phillip II of Spain was reluctant to destroy his alliance with Elizabeth and therefore his support for the plots were heart-hearted. The Spanish had planned to come alongside their opponents and attempt to board their ships to try to overcome the enemy through hand-to-hand fighting. Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. She was the last monarch of the Tudor period. LS23 6AD The plan was discovered and the Earls feared being executed for treason, so in a desperate attempt to escape punishment, they rebelled against Elizabeth and tried to overthrow her. The rest of the Spanish fleet was forced to sail away from the French coast and into the North Sea with the English fleet on their trail. Queen Elizabeth and King Phillip II were still reluctant to openly declare war with one another however, in 1585, this changed due to dispute over the Netherlands. . The reasons for, and significance of, the Revolt of the Northern Earls, 156970. While a baby is born at various points throughout the show, Francis is not its father. Her first husband, Francis II, had died in December 1560. Elizabeth I inherited a position of war with France, which was declared by Mary in 1556. 1558 -french threat. The Duke of Medina Sidonia sailed up the Channel and anchored at Calais while waiting for reinforcements from the Duke of Parmas troops. By spring 1588, the Spanish Armada was complete and King Phillip was ready to launch his, The Armada was a huge fleet consisting of, The Spanish also had thousands of more soldiers stationed in the Netherlands under the command of the. There are 4 main exam boards which are AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), OCR and How To Revise For GCSE Psychology The ultimate step-by-step guide for students, teachers and private students. Ironically the simple accession of Elizabeth in 1558 made any desire for a settlement so much more difficult. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd explanation. Many of the rebel troops deserted while the two Earls fled to Scotland. From 1566 the Pope had instructed English Catholics to take part in recusancy, and by 1570 a Papal Bull had been issued excommunicating Elizabeth and stating that English Catholics had no need to have loyalty towards their Queen and instead should help overthrow her. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. In 1587, Sir Francis Drake attacked the Spanish port of Cadiz in what would become known as the Singeing of the King of Spains beard. Norfolk was also expected to marry Mary. - navy to firth of Forth. Crucially, when the Spanish ships docked in English ports, the gold was seized by Elizabeth. VAT reg no 816865400. Led by two powerful Catholic landowners, Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and Charles Neville, Earl of Westmorland, this rebellions principal aims included the restoration of Catholicism to England, as well as the installation of Mary as Queen of England. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. There was a very real risk that he could form an alliance with other Catholic powers such as France and Spain and invade England. Can I give a retake in the feb/march if I had given my exams in the may/June series. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeth's role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots' arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. If Elizabeth made England a Protestant country, he could become a dangerous enemy. The Throckmorton plot was a conspiracy to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots in 1583. Tensions in the Netherlands increased greatly between 1576 and 1584. He saw Drake as a pirate and therefore deemed Elizabeths act as deliberately provocative. Mary became the inspiration for frequent revolts and rebellions, as it suddenly appeared possible that Elizabeth could be realistically replaced by a legitimate Catholic heir. There was also a fear that France and Scotland, alongside Spain, could launch an invasion of England as part of a greater Catholic crusade against the rogue English Protestant nation. France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. West Yorkshire, This focused on dividing the poor into the able-bodied and the impotent. The defeat of the Northern Earls showed there was little appetite for a Catholic revolution. To her credit, when Elizabeth died in 1603, the nation was only in debt to the tune of 350,000 - 123,000 more than in 1558, but spread over the duration of her reign, this represented just under 3,000 a year. Mary was forced to flee following her unsuccessful attempt to win back her Scottish throne. The aim was to rid France of heresy (Protestantism). One was debt. LS23 6AD

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why was france a threat to elizabeth in 1558