He was arrested in Mexico City on 19 March 2009 and extradited to the United States in February 2010 to stand trial on narcotraffickingrelated charges. Theres a need to incentivize other criminals out there who engage in serious drug trafficking who are thinking about engaging with the government, she said, adding that Zambada was one of the most cooperative individuals Ive worked with.. And little by little, I started getting involved in my fathers business, he said. Zambadas closeness to his father put him at the center of some of the most violent feuds that led to the breakup of alliances between the Sinaloa Cartel and the other narco crews that once made up the all-powerful Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s. Vicente Zambada Niebla se encuentra preso en Estados Unidos, pero en dos aos ms cumplir su condena luego de que su testimonio fue contundente en el juicio contra Joaqun el Chapo Guzmn . La heredera del capo mexicano es una de los seis hijos que procre El Mayo Zambada junto con Rosario Niebla; sus hermanos son Midiam Patricia, Mnica del Rosario, Modesta, Vicente y Serafn Zambada, este ltimo retirado del mundo del narco. Derechos Reservados 2020 | Noticias Puerto Vallarta | NoticiasPV, Esposa, hijas y nuera: las mujeres que protegen los millones del Mayo Zambada, Ante omisin de la Fiscala de Jalisco, una mujer investiga para localizar a su hija Sofa, Cuando Caldern se rob la presidencia no pas nada: AMLO ante crticas por plagio de Esquivel, Este es el cereal para bebs que Profeco solicit retirar del mercado, Congreso de EEUU investiga si el dinero de los contribuyentes era usado por Genaro Garca Luna a travs de la DEA y el FBI, Astrnomos observan raro fenmeno csmico en sistemas estelares binarios, Dlar llega a su menor nivel en 5 aos; cotiza a 17.99 pesos, Continan los Operativos Mixtos por la seguridad de Puerto Vallarta, Medio Maratn y Carrera Recreativa de SEAPAL sern un evento con causa, La transformacin tambin se hace presente en el Coapinole, Recibe Puerto Vallarta el Concurso Estatal de Prototipos y Proyectos, El Profe Michel cumple un compromiso ms con la educacin, El Grupo Especial Policial Contina con sus Operativos de Vigilancia, Beb falleci calcinado cuando ardi el colchn en el que lo dejaron sus paps para ir de compras, As respondi Lorenzo Crdova a AMLO, quien llam cinicazos a integrantes del INE, SeMujeres lanza plan para capacitar a estudiantes sobre prevencin de violencia en el noviazgo, Diputados de Morena intentan exhibir a La Limn pero le pegan a Layda Sansores, Alumno de la UANL denunci que fue vctima de abuso sexual durante novatada, Puebla aprob la Ley cida: ataques qumicos sern considerados como tentativa de feminicidio, Se esperaba un auto nuevo, pero Elon Musk present otra cosa: en qu consiste el revolucionario Plan Maestro de Tesla, Quines eran los hombres asesinados por militares en Nuevo Laredo. Vicente Zambada Niebla, Son of El Chapo Cartel Partner El Mayo, Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison, Inside the Mind of El Chapo With Narcos: Mexico Star Alejandro Edda, Inside Drug Kingpin El Chapos Secret 1998 Meeting With the DEA, Alex Murdaugh Juror Says Cellphone Video, 'Big Liar' Testimony Led to Guilty Verdict, She Used the Bathroom And Became a Target of the Culture War, Here's How LaRussell and Intuit are Helping Independent Artists Understand How to Achieve Their Financial Ambitions, Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Wife and Son, Alex Murdaugh Found Guilty of Murdering Wife and Son, Netflixs Sex/Life Is Back to Satisfy Your Softcore Desires, The National Stay Up Late to Perform 'Tropic Morning News' on Fallon, David Lindley, Multi-Instrumentalist Who Shaped the Sound of Soft Rock, Dead at 78. The 15-year sentence issued by Castillo includes credit for time served, including the 11 months Zambada spent in Mexican prisons prior to his extradition,so Zambada is likely to be reunited with his wife and children as a free man in as little as five years. Pero para lograrlo,El Mayo cuenta con el apoyo de seis mujeres, quienes han construido una especie de blindaje social, financiero y jurdico que han logrado que el capo nunca haya pisado la crcel. Resuelve los ltimos Crucigramas de Mambrino, Juega a nuestros Sudoku para Expertos y mejora da a da tu nivel, Juega a las nuevas Sopas de letras clsicas y temticas de EL PAS. In one hair-raising anecdote, Zambada told how as a young man, he had gone to Tijuana with Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a close ally of Zambadas father, to see about brokering a peace between the two cartels. Segn le dijo a Scherer, Zambada tena en el 2010 una "esposa, cinco mujeres, quince nietos y un bisnieto". Sus hijos hombres tambin formaron parte de su red de operadores en el negocio de las drogas. Nuevo curso 'online', Maestra en Ciencias Ambientales presencial en Benito Jurez, Licenciatura en Administracin de Empresas presencial en Benito Jurez, Maestra a distancia en Lingstica Aplicada a la Enseanza del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera, Licenciatura Ejecutiva en Psicologa Semipresencial. He scolded me because I was supposed to be in school, Zambada said. Like other so-called narco juniors, he grew up far removed from the dirt-poor childhood of his father, appearing more like a high-society playboy than a cold-blooded cartel boss. Adems, sus declaraciones implicaron a un . Eduardo Verdugo (AP) When Vicente Zambada Niebla was in prison, what he most liked to draw were superheroes.In the narrow confines of his cell in a federal prison in Chicago, the 46-year-old would draw pictures of Batman, Spider-Man and Superman like a child in a bedroom. Ellas, las seis, estn aqu, en los ranchos, son hijas del monte como yo. When it was the defense teams turn to cross examine Zambada, El Chapos attorney, Eduardo Balarezo, zeroed in on a familiar theme, trying to cast El Mayo as the supreme boss of the Sinaloa Cartel, senior to Guzmn. El Chapo, who was extradited from Mexico to New York in January 2017, was convicted on 10 counts in February 2019. Serafn es producto de la relacin entre Ismael Zambada y Leticia Ortiz Hernndez, psicloga de profesin, 15 aos menor que l y originaria de El Salado, un poblado cercano a El lamo, de donde es el Mayo. "Vicente Zambada Niebla y Jess Zambada Garca (su to) no estn bajo la custodia del Departamento de Prisiones", seal Emery Nelson, portavoz del BOP a la cadena Univision. Rompieron vidrios y puertas y lo detuvieron. He is considered a top potential witness against "El Chapo. When Guzmn was finally free, Zambada said his father was eager to help his old friend get back on his feet, offering him 50 percent of every kilo that passed through El Mayos smuggling routes. Related Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla[3][4] (Culiacn, Sinaloa 23 de marzo de 1975) tambin conocido como El Vicentillo,[5] es un exnarcotraficante del Crtel de Sinaloa. Vicente Zambada Niebla is the subject of the book El Traidor by Anabel Hernndez.[4]. De acuerdo con los registros de laOficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) del Departamento del Tesoro en Estados Unidos, ocho de las 10 empresas que han fundado las hijas de El Mayo se encuentran en su base de datos. A son of Sinaloa cartel kingpin Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada has been sentenced in San Diego federal court to nine years in prison for his role helping lead the Mexico . Zambada-Niebla was arrested in Mexico in 2009, and he was extradited to the United . Las Ms Ledas Amanecen mantas frente a Palacio con mensajes similares del Aveo There is no end in sight yet for the trial, which began in early November, but Zambadas testimony functioned as something of a capstone to much of the evidence that the government has presented so far, backing up claims by earlier witnesses, connecting dots between different aspects of the cartels activities, and shining light on the close relationship between his father and El Chapo. Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. A cambio, logr una pena de 14 aos de prisin y no la cadena perpetua habitual para la cantidad de delitos de narcotrfico que enfrentaba. I have often complained to prosecutors that we have the wrong people, that we need to go higher up the chain, and you are one of the highest people they have ever sent me since Ive been on the bench, Castillo said. . . He appears to have done so for the right reasons. His aunt and uncle are Agueda Zambada Garcia and Jesus Zambada. Zambada y otros utilizaron aviones privados, submarinos y lanchas rpidas para contrabandear las drogas de Colombia a Mxico y luego a los Estados Unidos. Pero para lograrlo, el Mayo cuenta con el apoyo de seis mujeres, quienes han construido una especie de blindaje social, financiero y jurdico que han logrado que el capo nunca haya pisado la crcel. While other witnesses were able to give insight into portions of the cartels activities, Zambadas presence at his fathers side gave jurors a first-hand look at nearly every significant smuggling operation and internecine feud of the years he spent as a messenger, mediator and right-hand man to the cartels leadership. El contenido est disponible bajo la licencia. Adems de Chayito (hoy de 73 aos de edad) y Lety, el Mayo tuvo otras mujeres: Rosalinda Daz Garca, Dora Alicia Beltrn Corrales, Mara del Refugio Sicairos Aispuro, Alicia Lara Camberos y Margarita Imperial Lpez. He also said the current president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernndez, and his brother, Juan Antonio Hernndez, were bribed with a $1 million in exchange for allowing the Sinaloa Cartel to operate in the Central American country. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time Tambin dio informacin clave para detener a otros lderes de crteles contrarios al de Sinaloa. Advertisement 21 das de prueba gratuita de nuestro curso de francs online, Mejore su ingls con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas, Mejore su italiano con EL PAS con 15 minutos al da, Las mejores oportunidades hablan alemn. Rancho Ganadero Las nimas, S.A de C.V; Zarka de Occidente S.A de C.V; y Zarka de Mxico S.A de C.V, fundadas por Zynthia Borboa, tampoco aparecen en la lista de las autoridades estadounidenses. Y que, debido a que los lderes del Cartel de Sinaloa proporcionaron a los agentes federales informacin sobre las pandillas rivales de la droga, debera salir en libertad. [1] 30, 2021 10:38 PM PT. Frizaza S.A. de C.V. fundada en 2002 por Mnica del Rosario y Marco Antonio Zazueta Osuna, est fuera de la lista. Suscrbase aqu a la newsletter de EL PAS Mxico y reciba todas las claves informativas de la actualidad de este pas, Es redactora de la seccin de Madrid. After having him there for a few days and extracting that information from him, he was murdered.. These included having Zambada and his family be allowed to remain permanently in the United States. After about a year in custody, he began cooperating with U.S. authorities, and once the dam broke, he proved to be a nearly bottomless well of information about smuggling routes, narco alliances, and other factors that helped the government seize drugs, catch capos, and build cases. El mayor, Vicente Zambada Niebla, a quien llaman El Vicentillo, actualmente espera condena en una corte de Chicago, luego de que se declar culpable de conspiracin para poseer e intentar distribuir droga en territorio estadunidense entre 2005 y 2008. El Vicentillo fue detenido en la Ciudad de Mxico el 19 de marzo de 2009 en la colonia Fuentes del Pedregal, una zona exclusiva del sur de la capital. . Serafn Zambada Ortiz, fue arrestado y sentenciado a 58 meses de prisin por parte de las autoridades norteamericanas. Zambada, quien ya era un capo cuando Guzmn Loera apenas ascenda en la estructura de las drogas, tiene cerca de 70 aos y es el narcotraficante ms veterano de las cabezas del crimen . But their decision to turn on infamous drug lord El Chapo - full name Joaquin Guzman - means they will likely have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives to escape revenge from Guzman's associates, many of whom remain loyal to the fallen cartel boss. Vicente Zambada Niebla, also of the Sinaloa Cartel, was released by U.S. authorities as a collaborating witness to testify against other drug traffickers. June 28, 2022 1:59 PM PT. Nel 2009 venne inserito dalle autorit federali messicane nell'elenco dei . He has been freed from a US prison, but a spokesman refused to say whether . Vicente 'El Vicentillo' Zambada was recently freed early from a 15-year sentence handed out a Chicago judge in May 2019. 50 Cent to Host Podcast About Twin Brothers Who Took Down El Chapo According to Zambada, he first met Guzmn who he referred to almost exclusively as my compadre Chapo in the late 1980s through his father, prior to El Chapos first arrest in 1993. Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla, alias "El Vicentillo," was extradited in 2010 and was sentenced to 15 years in 2019, after testifying in the The 100 Best Albums of 2022, By the early 2000s, Zambada had become a top leader in the cartel, and was responsible for coordinating drug shipments from South America, working out of an office in Sinaloa to receive drugs from abroad and send them north to distributors in the United States. We want to hear it. Adems de ser el lder del Crtel de Sinaloa, el cual lleg a expandirse a al menos 51 pases de los cinco continentes, Ismael el Mayo Zambada tambin es un acaudalado empresario ganadero y agricultor. Despite his ongoing cooperation with investigators, the decision to testify against Guzmn did not come easy to Zambada, who feared the potential wrath of the drug traffickers he was turning against, according to defense attorney Frank Perez. The narco scion was arrested in Mexico in 2009 and later extradited to the United States, where he has pleaded guilty to several different drug-trafficking indictments most recently in November and offered his cooperation in the hopes of avoiding spending the rest of his life in federal lockup. Directed by Paul Moreira, the series' first episode primarily focuses on Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada Garcia, the head of the Sinaloa cartel, and chronicles the events that made . On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Asked repeatedly how he knew what he knew, Zambada replied: "Because I was in the cartel." El Mayo's son, Vicente Zambada Niebla - known as Vincentillo - also testified. Vicente Zambada Niebla, que ha detallado los entresijos de los negocios del narco . Un hombre que a los 33 aos haba decidido retirarse de la vida criminal y vivir en paz con su familia. Ismael Zambada Imperial El Mayito Gordo tambin fue detenido y extraditado a los Estados Unidos a finales del ao pasado. The federal jury found him guilty of drug trafficking, murder conspiracy, use of a gun in crimes involving drugs and money laundering. Al amparo de los negocios del Crtel de Sinaloa, El Mayo se convirti en un prspero empresario. Born March 24th, 1975, Zambada was groomed into his fathers empire from an early age, and spent years coordinating drug shipments and acting as his fathers surrogate. Adems de ser el lder del Crtel de Sinaloa, el cual lleg a expandirse a al menos 51 pases de los cinco continentes,Ismael El Mayo Zambadatambin es un acaudalado empresario ganadero y agricultor. Associated With. They were partners in drug trafficking, Zambada told jurors. After handling that first shipment, Zambada said he stuck close to his father. Despus de su captura cre su propia fama de arrepentido del narco. By He was met with a glare from Benjamin Arellano Felx, who screamed in his face and demanded to know what Zambada was doing there, and promised revenge against Sinaloa, Zambada said. Vicente Zambada Niebla, the son of one of Mexico 's most powerful drug lords, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Thursday morning, but could be a free . A written plea agreement with the defendant, Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, was made public today in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. "With the information we have available at this time, we can tell you that Vicente Zambada-Niebla is not in the custody [] Rompieron vidrios y puertas y lo detuvieron. Ninguno de los hijos varones de El Mayo aparece como dueo de alguna empresa. De acuerdo con los registros de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) del Departamento del Tesoro en Estados Unidos, ocho de las diez empresas que han fundado las hijas del Mayo se encuentran en su base de datos. La hemos perdido () En lo que a mi respecta, usted no vendio al Chapo. Someone in Washington D.C. I dont want to say his name said flipping should be outlawed. 19:21 EST 03 May 2021. [9] Desde que naci estuvo en un ambiente criminal, rodeado de traficantes de drogas, lavadores de dinero, sicarios e inclusive de una masa poltica de corrupcin. I am the first to admit that if there is a so-called drug war, we have lost it, Castillo said. El Mayo contina en la lista de los ms buscados de la DEA y, a diferencia de la mayora de sus socios, nunca ha sido detenido. En 2019 se declar culpable y fue sentenciado por el magistrado Rubn Castillo a 15 aos de crcel. Of particular interest to Balarezo who derisively referred to the elder Zambada as Papa Mayo was Zambadas claim that his father helped set up El Chapos comeback following his escape from prison in 2001, and his offer of half of every kilo of cocaine coming from Colmbia. He is the son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of Mexico's most-wanted drug lords. Vicente Zambada Niebla, son of El Chapo's partner El Mayo, gave jurors a first-hand look into the inner workings of the Sinaloa Cartel. Mara Teresa Zambada Niebla, hija del narcotraficante Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada, es una de los seis hijos de el lder del Crtel de Sinaloay Rosario Niebla Cardoza.

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