Unavailable to proceed the operation, this position is for Futures Brawl. {"side":"buy"}). If the subscription succeeds, the system will send ack messages to you, when the response is set as true. Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access the resource with an invalid method. Reward amounts will be determined based on the type and relevance of the information provided. You can use this field to identify your orders via the public feed. If closeOrder is set to TRUE, the system will close the position and the position size will become 0. For "Position", the default endpoint of this API is /api/v1/position. You can trade via the KuCoin Futures official website: KuCoin Futures Lite , KuCoin Futures Pro, Or via the KuCoin app: Download KuCoin APP. The two parties to the contract will settle at a determined time, the delivery date, and deliver at the price agreed in the contract. KuCoin CEO Johny Lyu refutes all insolvency rumors that the exchange will pause withdrawals or had exposure to LUNA, 3AC.. The USDT-Margined Contracts is scheduled to be launched on March 30, 2020 on KuCoin Futures and the supported types of crypto will be expanded from the original one (XBT) to two (XBT and USDT). The requested data is not real-time. What Are Its Advantages? A perpetual contract is a special type of futures contract, but unlike the traditional form of futures, it doesn't have an expiry date. The maximum size per request is 200. This information is critical to the effective and accurate execution of smart contracts, as the information required exists off-chain and a reliable method for getting the information on chain is necessary. Subscribe this topic to get Level 2 order book data. The change property of Level 2 updates is a string value of "price,size,sequence". Get the position details of a specified position. GET /api/v1/stopOrders This API will return data with 20 or 100 depth. The trade amount indicates the amount of contract to buy or sell, and contract uses the base currency or lot as the trading unit. GET /api/v1/positions. Settled funding fees. Null indicates that automatic settlement is not supported, Fixed taker fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Fixed maker fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Whether quanto or not(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Base currency interest rate symbol (1 minute), Quote currency interest rate symbol (1 minute), Start sequence number (included in the returned data), End sequence number (included in the returned data), Recommended to send ping interval in millisecond. I have been playing around with futures on kucoin and have ended up losing about $100k. withdrawHold.change This is completely nuts and means you need to double your money every year to make any. This means that, unlike margin trades, the trader does not own the underlying cryptocurrency. Deprecate level3 partial message query interface. You will receive success message once the system has received the cancellation request. You may also visit this guide: Futures. The Futures has no expiration date and is designed to closely track the underlying reference Price Index via the Funding Rate mechanism. Binance Futures' COIN-margined perpetual contracts are Bitcoin-margined, which means Bitcoin is used as the base currency. This kind of contract will settle at08:00 on June 25, 2021(UTC). If the size equals to 0, you can update the sequence and remove the price of which the size is 0 out of Level 2. If a limit order cannot be filled immediately, it will be outstanding in the open order book until matched by another order, or canceled by the user. This endpoint can be used to create Futures APIs for sub-accounts. Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Don't feel sorry for me, that's about 1% of my net worth. To prevent the TCP link being disconnected by the server, the client side needs to send ping messages to the server to keep alive the link. Dear KuCoin Futures Users,KuCoin Futures has launched FLOKI(FLOKI), AR(Arweave) and CKB(Nervos Network) USDT-margined perpetual contracts, supporting 1-20x leverage.Click to view more details about the new contractsStart trading the new contracts, and profit more from the market fluctuation!Trade FL. After receiving the websocket Level 2 data flow, cache the data. How to Claim Kucoin New Year 2021 Bonus 1. For API key-V1.0, please pass requests in plaintext. This endpoint can be used to modify sub-account Futures APIs. #### May 13, 2020, Added an interface to get K line data: You can delete specific symbol using query parameters. KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange built with the mission to "facilitate the global free flow of digital value." It claims to have an emphasis on intuitive design, simple registration process and high level of security. KuCoin Review - SignUp Process of KuCoin Step 1: Sign Up Visitors can either sign up using a valid email address or phone number. 3. Null means it will never expire, Settlement date. If the returned value is null, it means that the requested token has no memo. If you bought into a market 100 times at 50x you should statistically double your money half the time and go broke half the time. While there are topic messages generated, the system will send the corresponding messages to the client side. The login session and the API key in the sandbox environment are completely separated from the production environment. Your identity information/IP/phone number shows you're at a country/region that is restricted from this service. The result of the adjustment can be achieved by WebSocket information: Adjustment Result, POST /api/v1/position/risk-limit-level/change. If the interface call is successful, the system will return the code and data fields. A linear contract, which is a USDT-margined contract, uses USDT to make contract transactions with cryptocurrencies, and the underlying prices rise and fall linearly with revenue. KuCoinFutures has currently launched more than 60 perpetual contract products, such as the USDT-margined, . Reward amounts will be determined based on the type and relevance of the information provided. Topic:/contractMarket/tradeOrders:{symbol}, "error.createOrder.accountBalanceInsufficient", 'https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/position?symbol=XBTUSDM', #Example for create deposit addresses in python, 'https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/deposit-address', # specifying content type or using json=data in request, "KC-API-PASSPHRASE:QWIxMjM0NTY3OCkoKiZeJSQjQA", "KC-API-SIGN:7QP/oM0ykidMdrfNEUmng8eZjg/ZvPafjIqmxiVfYu4=", "bc1q466dvmharut0uhycdqu9nlmwcw5gec4p8wt22j", "vYNlCtbz4XNJ1QncwWilJnBtmmfe4geLQDUA62kKJsDChc6I4bRDQc73JfIrlFaVYIAE0Gv2--MROnLAgjVsWkcDq_MuG7qV7EktfCEIphiqnlfpQn4Ybg==.IoORVxR2LmKV7_maOR9xOg==", "wss://push.kucoin.com/endpoint?token=xxx&[connectId=xxxxx]", marginChangepositionChangeliquidationautoAppendMarginStatusChangeadl, Transfer Funds to KuCoin-Main Account or KuCoin-TRADE Account, General Logic for Message Judgement in Client Side, Message channel for the 5 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, Message channel for the 50 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, POST /v1/position/risk-limit-level/change, Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. This endpoint requires the Trade permission. /contractMarket/level2), privateChannel is available. If not specified, all the limit orders will be deleted. The new interface is added a currency (currency) parameter to specify the transfer-out currency (XBT/USDT). After you logged into your account, copy your account id. all public market data), please make request as follows to obtain the server list and temporary public token: For private channels and messages (e.g. For some specific public topics (e.g. This is quite in line with the global industry average BTC-withdrawal fee, being 0.0004599 BTC according to our most recent empirical study . GET /api/v2/level3/snapshot, Added private message channel: /contractMarket/tradeOrders, Added message channel for the 5 best ask/bid full data of Level 2: /contractMarket/level2Depth5:{symbol}, Added message channel for the 50 best ask/bid full data of Level 2: /contractMarket/level2Depth50:{symbol}, Brand upgrade and change domain name to KuCoin Futures, Added an interface to get service status Compared with BTC-margined contracts, USDT-margined contracts are quite simple, risk averse, and not very volatile. GET /api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT. account balance notice), please make request as follows after authorization to obtain the server list and authorized token. This endpoint can be used to delete sub-account Futures APIs. Once the transfer arrives your KuCoin-Main Account, the endpoint will respond and return the applyId. You could judge the message type via topic. Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Get a single order by order id (including a stop order). For POST and PUT requests, all queried parameters need to be included in the request body in JSON format. This endpoint requires the General permission. stopPriceType: There are three types of stop prices for contract, including: TP for trade price, MP for mark price, and IP for index price. Orders placed via API with the same clientOId are now working as well. These fees are paid to the market in order to keep your position open.At KuCoin Futures, funding occurs every 8 hours at 04:00 UTC, 12:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC. All markets have these issues but KuCoins general lack of liquidity in small markets compounds this. When placing an iceberg order, you need to set the visible size. Visit registration page Click Here 2. The Hidden and iceberg Orders are two options in advanced settings (note: the iceberg order is a special form of the hidden order). This ID can be used to cancel the withdrawal, A unique ID generated by the user, to ensure the operation is processed by the system only once. Subscribe this topic to get the realtime push of BBO changes. (e.g. Please do your own risk assessment when deciding how to invest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. You can check the orders in any status. Official Software Development Kit (SDK) of KuCoin Futures. In the returned data, the sell side is sorted low to high by price and the buy side is sorted high to low by price. New field settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades) will be added to the subject: availableBalance.change Request frequency of Level-3 order book via GET /api/v2/level3/snapshot is restricted to: 1 request/minute for each IP. Level 2 order book includes all bids and asks (aggregated by price). Generate an API Key or Generate an API Key in Sandbox and enable it. Discard the feed data of sequence that is below or equals to 16, and apply playback the sequence [17,18] to update the snapshot of the order book. Time in force is a special instruction used when placing an order to indicate how long an order will remain active before it is executed or expires. Judge message type. Today's Highest APR +251.12% Min Investment 200 USDT Futures Grid BTC PERP/USDT 23,431 0% 2. No funds need to be frozen when closeOrder is set to TRUE, or when reduceOnly is set to TRUE. If order type is not specified, the order will be a limit order by default. Orders may be execute either partially or fully. Please stay tuned. When you query orders in active status, there is no time limit. When the process is completed, the function will be restored automatically. A successful order will be assigned an order id. If not, the order can only be one to reduce the position. Benefits include deep liquidity, low fees (crypto 5-15 bps; gold/silver 1/2 bps; forex 1/2 bps), and 23 fully on-chain perps markets. The order placing/cancellation is currently not available. Dear KuCoin Futures Users, KuCoin Futures will be launching USDT-Margined Tron (TRX) Perpetual Futures at 16:00:00 on November 26, 2020 (UTC+8), supporting 1-50x leverage. DELETE /api/v1/cancel/transfer-out?applyId=5cd53be30c19fc3754b60928. There are two main differences between perpetual and delivery contracts: First, the biggest difference between perpetual contracts and quarterly contracts is that the highest leverages are different. Read Get Fills to learn more. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You are suggested to use UUID, Status:APPLYPROCESSINGPENDING_APPROVALAPPROVEDREJECTEDPENDING_CANCELCANCELSUCCESS, Transfer ID (Initiate to cancel the transfer-out request), Unique order id created by users to identify their orders, e.g. GET /api/v1/orders/byClientOid?clientOid=eresc138b21023a909e5ad59 (get order by clientOid). The query scope for Level 2 cannot exceed xxx, Too many requests in a short period of time, please retry later--kucoin business layer request frequency limit, block 10s, The query scope for Level 3 cannot exceed xxx, Active order quantity limit exceeded (limit: xxx, current: xxx). Get a snapshot of aggregated open orders for a symbol. Get the API server time. If you need to get your recent traded order history with low latency, you may query this endpoint. Pagination allows for fetching results with the current page and is well suited for real time data. KuCoin Futures charges a withdrawal fee amounting to 0.0005 BTC when you withdraw BTC. Please try again later. Users can now enjoy the synergies between the two markets, perpetual and quarterly. Users can continue to hold perpetual contract positions until they are closed or forced to liquidate due to insufficient margins. If multiple orders are matched at the same time, only the last matching event will be pushed. This script solves this issue by giving you an exit price based on a given entry price, a base margin, and a target profit %. This is discouraging as I need the price to be the same between KuCoin and my technical analysis. Note that when an API has a specific rate limit, please refer to the specific limit. KC-API-TIMESTAMP Invalid -- Time differs from server time by more than 5 seconds, Signature error -- Please check your signature, The IP address is not in the API whitelist, Access Denied -- Your API key does not have sufficient permissions to access the URI, Parameter Error -- You tried to access the resource with invalid parameters, URL Not Found -- The requested resource could not be found, User is frozen -- Please contact us via support center, Too Many Requests -- Trigger the total traffic limit of this interface of KuCoin server, you can retry the request. For Example, enter command below to open bt1 multiple tunnel : The hack on Binance chain hardly did anything. /contractMarket/level3:{symbol} will no longer support the contracts released after February 7, 2021 (UTC), please upgrade the interface to /contractMarket/level3v2:{symbol}. Suppose we get the data as following: Thus, the current order book is as following: After subscribing you will receive change message as following: In the beginning, the sequence of the order book is 16. Dont be me. The trade amount must be no less than 1 lot for the contract and no larger than the maxOrderQty. Second, Perpetual Contracts have funding, with no expiry or settlement, which Delivery Contract doesnt have funding with expiry date and settlement fee. If you only specified the start time, the system will automatically calculate the end time (end time = start time + 24 hours). ), Permissions(Only "General" and "Trade" permissions can be set, such as "General, Trade". Address tag. Only numbers, characters, underline(_) and separator(-) are allowed. Expiration date. Base URL: https://api-futures.kucoin.com (https://api.kumex.com has been Deprecated). For some specific topics (e.g. Add channelType field: public(public channel, default), private(private channel), session(session channel) for Websocket. GET /api/v1/kline/query. BNBPERP. GET /api/v1/level2/depth100, GET /api/v1/level2/depth100?symbol=XBTUSDM. Dear KuCoin Futures Users,KuCoin Futures has launched STX(Stacks), COCOS(Cocos-BCX) and SSV(SSV.network) USDT-margined perpetual contracts. 1 lot of XBTUSDTM is 0.001 Bitcoin, while 1 lot of XBTUSDM is 1 USD. GET /api/v1/transfer-list?currentPage=1&pageSize=50&status=PROCESSING. In a matching event, the visible portion of an iceberg order will be executed first, and another visible portion will pop up until the order is fully filled. The post-only flag ensures that the trader always pays the maker fee and provides liquidity to the order book. If you want to trade Ethereum contracts, you must do the same with Ethereum. {"id": "1JpoPamgFM", "type": "message", "topic": "/market/ticker:KCS-BTC", "subject": "trade.ticker", "tunnelId": "bt1", "data": {}}, To close the tunnel, you could enter command below: Security Aside from that, KuCoin cares greatly about the security of its users. New private channel (topic: /contractMarket/advancedOrders, subject: stopOrder) is added for stop orders. KuCoin attempts to screen all tokens before they come to market, however, even with the best due diligence, there are still risks when investing. To maintain up-to-date Order Book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 2 snapshot. Target Price for KuCoin Futures. The original interface POST /api/v1/transfer-out is still available but needs to be upgraded to support the transfer of USDT. users, they can choose to invest in perpetual contracts or delivery contracts according to their own investment habits and preferences. GET /api/v1/orders/{order-id}?clientOid={client-order-id}, GET /api/v1/orders/5cdfc138b21023a909e5ad55 (get order by orderId), $500 Altcoin Giveaway after 5K Subs! Slide direction. Despite the name, the platform is not officially associated with the KuCoin exchange, nor is it being built by any of its core team members. The leverage parameter is used to calculate the margin to be frozen for the order. The limit strategy of private endpoints will restrict account by userid. To adjust the level will cancel the open order, the response can only indicate whether the submit of the adjustment request is successful or not. Open orders will remain open until they are either filled or canceled. Price field is not required for market orders. Register to Kucoin if you are a new user or login to your existing account. If the time period of the queried data exceeds one week (time range from the start time to end time exceeded 24*7 hours), the system will prompt to remind you that you have exceeded the time limit. The house is KuCoin here. If the total amount of these orders exceeds the position size, the system will cancel the extra no-fund-frozen orders to ensure they wont be executed. AUDIOUSDTPERP. Judge messages by topic. This is the Unix timestamp. down: Triggers when the price reaches or goes below the stopPrice. If the server has not received the ping from the client for 60 seconds , the connection will be disconnected. Chainlink (LINK) is a decentralized network that provides information (oracles) to smart contracts. Rewards will be provided to users who inform us of the above. Here's Margin Tradingguide. Note:API key can only be generated after logging in. Remove 3988.61 (Sequence 18). GET /api/v1/deposit-list The HTTP Request will respond when an order is either rejected (insufficient funds, invalid parameters, etc) or received (accepted by the matching engine). The transaction statistics will be pushed to users every 5 seconds. If you need to get your recent trade history with low latency, you may query the endpoint Get List of Orders Completed in 24h. If you specify the end time only, the system will automatically calculate the start time as end time minus 24 hours, and vice versa. And this is through the right exchange, where traders and investors can benefit from the possibility of achieving high gains while reducing the risks of their investments, by choosing the Best crypto . contract traders who will choose the contract type based on their judgments on market trends. Each interface has its own endpoint, which is provided under the HTTP REQUEST module. If the returned HTTP status code is not 200, the error code will be included in the returned results. Please do not send a repeated client_oid. This is completely nuts and means you need to . To subscribe channel messages from a certain server, the client side should send subscription message to the server. Cancel all open orders (excluding stop orders). This price can be found in the latest match message. The default value of privateChannel is False. Market order, however, provides a way to buy or sell specific size of contract without having to specify the price. If the sequence of the newly pushed message does not line up to the sequence of the last message, you could pull through REST. Rewards will be provided to users who inform us of the above. Futures are like the crap tables in Vegas. KuCoin Futures will be launching USDT-Margined Chainlink (LINK) Perpetual Futures. Messages with userId are private messages, messages without userId are common messages. If the order can not be canceled (already filled or previously canceled, etc), then an error response will indicate the reason in the message field. If the response code is 200, it means the transfer is successful, otherwise it means failure. The granularity (granularity parameter of K-line) represents the number of minutes, the available granularity scope is: 1,5,15,30,60,120,240,480,720,1440,10080. e.g. Topic:/contractMarket/level2Depth50:{symbol}. Institutional and professional investors often choose perpetual contracts and delivery contracts simultaneously, using a combination of the two products to form an even more complex investment strategy to minimize risk and improve efficiency of fund usage. The total supply of KCS was set at 200 million, and there is a planned buyback and. If the response is set as ture, the system would return the ack messages after the unsubscription succeed. The USDT-Margined contracts cover from the DEFI to NFT field and still keep adding more down the way. Cancel all untriggered stop orders. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you have no position in KuCoin, then this use case could be more helpful. Proof of the trading volume in the last 30 days or VIP level on any exchanges. Aug 24, 2022 $1,000 GIVEAWAY #KuCoinFutures is giving away $1,000 to celebrate the 3rd anniversary! Unless otherwise specified, all timestamps from API are returned in Unix time milliseconds(e.g. The ticker channel provides real-time price updates whenever a match happens. Any of KC-API-KEY, KC-API-SIGN, KC-API-TIMESTAMP, KC-API-PASSPHRASE is missing in your request header. 3 4 BTC Update and Trade Preparation BTCPERP , 60 Obscure_Trading Pro Mar 1 Let's start this with a BTC chart as we always should. Use a halfwidth comma to each IP), API expiration time; Never expire(default). Order placement/cancellation suspended, please try again later. A maker order, on the contrary, stays on the exchange order book and awaits to be matched. GET /api/v1/funding-rate/{symbol}/current.

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kucoin perpetual futures