He was unable to focus properly and therefore vulnerable. Home; Uncategorized; how did whitebeard get a hole in his chest Whitebeard was an abnormally large human, roughly three times the size of a normal human. Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard's tenacity. Still, by the end of the war, Crocodile started fighting for Whitebeard's side, as he preferred the Marines to not have a complete win. What is the problem with powering the Mark 42 suit? [132], Besides his formidable power, Whitebeard was a brilliant leader and an incredibly skilled military strategist: a match for former Fleet Admiral Sengoku, one renowned as "The Resourceful General" for his famed acumen on the field of battle. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. If he's able to take Akainu out in two hits after being stabbed by a 20 foot sword and having his sternum and some internal organs charred with half his brain missing, then a Prime Whitebeard would sweep. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. you can see in this pic They first created a prosthetic chest over his real chest and spray tanned it to match his original skin tone. [24] However, for the entire 72 years that he lived, he had never once received a wound on his back because he never ran away from his battles. As Ace's respect for Whitebeard grew, so did his honor as one of the Whitebeard Pirates. [56] After Whitebeard's death, Marco was moved to tears, much like the rest of his crewmates, and made sure to carry out his captain's final order to escort Luffy to safety. This is easy, they showed it on youtube. Just as Roger found his treasure, Whitebeard found his as well. She claims and/or believes herself to have been Whitebeard's lover, and that he is the father of her son, which she believes makes her and Weevil the rightful heirs to Whitebeard's fortune. By striking at the general area with his quake powers, he could cause large earthquakes and, under the right circumstances, massive tsunamis. This was confirmed by pirates and Marines alike. [32] Like Gol D. Roger, Whitebeard believed that a child should not be responsible for their parents' sins. He liberated and protected Fish-Man Island from slavery, an act which touched the hearts of the normally human-distrusting citizens of Ryugu Kingdom and invested the majority of his riches to support his homeland of Sphinx, an once poor, lawless island. If I had to guess it would be something akin to COPD. As you can see he has a scar across his chest, because of this line i always thought it was roger who did that, The wound i got from that guy aches when i look at your face. However, even after taking so much damage in his already weakened state, he died standing, an impressive feat when compared to other characters. In addition, Whitebeard could easily adapt to rapidly changing situations even in the heat of battle, as shown when he bypassed a siege wall impervious to his Devil Fruit powers by having Oars, who was in a near-death state, help carry the paddle ship into the Marineford plaza. [120][121][122] Whitebeard blocked a two-handed downward swing from the giant Vice Admiral John Giant with only one hand on his naginata,[123] extinguished the flames of one of Akainu's molten rocks with just a single breath,[124] and prevented a massive paddle ship from advancing using only one hand. I think Oda forgot that blade. Whitebeard wielded a gigantic naginata called Murakumogiri, one of the 12 Supreme Grade Blades. [104] However, many doubt this claim, and it is unconfirmed whether he actually is Whitebeard's biological son or not. Checking your browser. [14] Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, "Whitebeard". He left the command vacant for a long time also after his departure, since he had not received any news of his death until several years after it happened. However, Kaidou saw an opportunity to eliminate his adversary prior to the impending Summit War of Marineford and did not hesitate to attempt to do so. [153] During the Summit War, Whitebeard successfully inflicted significant damage on Akainu,[154] whereas Marco, Vista, and Jinbehighly skilled Busoshoku Haki users themselvesfailed to do so. Thats all. A close rival of Gol D. Roger, he was powerful enough to contend with the forces of Marineford by himself, staving off the three admirals even despite the early betrayal he suffered from Squard. This is shown during the Marineford arc when he easily parries John Giant's punch and when he easily defeats the giant Lonz. After Whitebeard's death, when the narrator lists all the injuries Whitebeard suffered, swords that have pierced his front and through his body could be seen with the tips protruding from his back. Over the years, Jinbe's respect for Whitebeard had grown to the point where he was ready to declare himself as an adversary to anyone or anything with ill intent upon the Emperor's life, which is why he immediately engaged in battle against Ace on their first encounter, since Ace was out to assassinate Whitebeard at that time. Don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but I'm wondering how they created the hole in Robert Downey Jr.'s chest so they can put the reactor there? Whitebeard was one of the most powerful pirates in history. Their friendship stemmed from when they first drank together, and Whitebeard protected Fish-Man Island from slavery due to this friendship. [40] However, he was willing to go against his personal code under certain circumstances, if he felt the risk would not be worth the safety of his crew.[41][42]. [149] Whitebeard could also utilize the advanced technique of projecting Haki out from his blade; this was shown during his fight with Roger where the duo's weapons met in a powerful clash without even making contact.[109]. [19], As a child, he wore a light-colored sleeveless shirt with the word "Power" (, Chikara?) [80] Whitebeard went as far as assigning his top commander, Marco, to act as Luffy's bodyguard during the war and "would not have forgiven him" if Luffy had died. It is a well-known fact that Whitebeard was renowned across the oceans as the Strongest Man in the World. Even then, it didn't matter that he got skewered. Also, you're missing the point in that part paragraph. Blowing off half of Whitebeard's face and opening a huge hole in his chest, Akainu dealt the most damaging blows to him. Two decades ago in his prime, he was shown clashing evenly with the samurai Kozuki Oden who was a powerful Busoshoku Haki user in his own right. Not long before his death, Roger met with Whitebeard on an island to have what seemed to be an entirely cordial drinking session, with Roger even offering to give the location of Laugh Tale to Whitebeard, and when Whitebeard asked Roger about the Will of D., Roger willingly told him about it. This was down to the fact that Sphinx island couldn't afford to ally themselves with the World Government as they lacked the funds to pay the Heavenly Tribute. Though it is unknown how they became friends, it is known that they had been friends for quite some time, as Neptune helped Whitebeard out a lot during his younger days. Whitebeard's bounty remained unknown for the majority of the One Piece series until Chapter 957, 'ULTIMATE' dropped earlier this year. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Whitebeard respected both Monkey D. Garp and Sengoku, a respect which was mutual. Whitebeard infusing Murakumogiri with Haoshoku Haki. Nika high diff 25%. Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, was one of the greatest known pirates in the world of One Piece. rev2023.3.3.43278. This also marks the first time that Whitebeard called him by his name, Straw Hat Luffy, instead of "brat", proving that Whitebeard came to acknowledge him and his strength through the course of the war. Pretty sure they literally said right after he got stabbed that he used to be able to do that sort of thing but can't because of his old age and sickness. [36] In addition, Whitebeard took full responsibility for the actions of his crew and kept a stern outward appearance for non-crew members, falsely claiming to outsiders that he ordered Ace to hunt down Blackbeard. According to Marco, Whitebeard's share of treasure always went back to Sphinx island since the people there lived a poor quality of life. How is it possible that he was standing there during the war and had completely deactivated his observation haki, which was the most important ability to have constantly on during a fight (especially that battle). During this occasion, Whitebeard and Roger held a casual conversation with Kozuki Oden joining in, showing both captains were comfortable with each other's presence. Prior to his death, we got to see a flashback of him on his former crew where he expressed his intention of having a great family. This was seen in his encounters with Shanks,[47] Gol D. Roger,[48] and Shiki; still, this did not guarantee complete cooperation from him, judging from the nature of these conversations.[15][49]. He was suffering from heart attacks because he took off his life-support system prematurely. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! This ultimately became the primary reason for him to recruit orphans on his crew and create a family like no other. [61][10] He was even able to sense and counter Ace (when he was still new on the ship and was attempting to kill Newgate) while sleeping. Later, in Episode 507, when Usopp dropped a newspaper covering the aftermath of the war, Whitebeard's body was shown to match the manga's depiction as opposed to the anime's censorships: his torso had swords sticking out, he was posed to make it looks like a portion of his head was torn off, and the gaping hole on his stomach that Akainu inflicted on him in the anime was missing, leaving only the hole in his upper chest. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [16][17][18] Like all of his men, he had his own Jolly Roger tattooed on his back. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Even if he did accept doing so, it was reluctantly and while showing much annoyance.[37]. Even being the strongest for over twenty years and getting old, his physical powers were still far superior to a giant. Name: Edward Newgate Alias: Strongest Man in the World, Man closest to One Piece Age: 74 Classification . [100], In the past, they used to be part of the Rocks Pirates. How did they film the nuke explosion in Broken Arrow? This strong Haki of his, when coupled with his Devil Fruit ability, made him the most fearsome pirate on the oceans, especially if his family was harmed. Whitebeard was a brief member of the Rocks Pirates for a certain period of his life, specifically until the God Valley Incident, when the crew met its downfall. Akainu didn't come until WB was killed lol. After Ace's death, Whitebeard tried to stop Akainu but was attacked by Kizaru. White beard was introduced before the haki system was 100% established. He also wore shorts and a white bandanna. Regardless of his poor health at the time, Whitebeard liked drinking, to the point that bringing and sharing a drink with him (preferably of high quality and very expensive) was viewed as enough of a respectful gesture to engage a conversation. When not in battle, he was always surrounded by nurses, used oxygen tubes, and was hooked up to intravenous tubes and life support systems; despite this, he used to literally drink sake by the barrel. It is also revealed . Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. A distinguishing feature of Whitebeard's nature was his high moral standards: he never forgave the death of a crewmate by another and believed that a man could not live without some form of honor code. He was the Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the mightiest crews in the series. In the anime, there were no swords at all in his body. Whitebeard's eyes are colored brown on the cover of Volume 57. [66], Izou eventually grew fond of his new group and became a full-fledged member, preferring to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates when Oden decided to join the Roger Pirates. It also shows his back with no scars. In the American Shonen Jump, his laugh is changed to "Gu ha ha ha ha". His pants were also left hanging over his boots in his first appearance in the anime and during one of the scenes of his meeting with Shanks; in the manga, his pants were always tucked inside his boots. However, we were only treated to his silhouette, so that doesn't count as a proper debut in the series. He stopped a giant Galleon with one hand while it was racing, so he easily managed to take the giants by force. He used the Rocks Pirates as a reason for dismissing Oden joining the Whitebeard Pirates, citing the daimyo's wild, rebellious nature as being difficult to control and equating it to the other members of Rocks. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. (note now he could actually be talking about roger for other wounds but it CANNOT . [130], During the Summit War, Whitebeard sustained 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds, and 46 wounds from cannonballs, and got a portion of his head blasted off, resulting in 465 injuries in total. A full view of Newgate when he was a young pirate. It doesnt bug me though. He just received an injury that reached his back, but he didn't get it from running away, which is the point. @JohnO many film-makers prefer physical effects, even if it's for mainly emotional reasons, and on a film with a budget like Iron Man's this kind of stuff is a drop in an ocean. Many people argue that since he could send tremors through the air and thus had to have awakened it but the biggest counterargument to that is that everything that he did at Marineford, Blackbeard cou. This is further authenticated by the fact that his bounty was the highest of the rest of the three Yonko's bounties. He was a member of the Four Emperors that ruled over the New World until his death during the First Battle of Dressrosa. When Whitebeard proved otherwise, Squard broke down in tears at his mistake. Most notably, Newgate was one of the few people able to "infuse" his attacks with Haoshoku Haki, which exponentially increased his attack power, with his naginata being shown emitting streams of lightning-like energy which caused their clash to disperse the clouds nearby. In order to avenge his two sons (Ace and Thatch), Whitebeard fights Blackbeard. He considered them among the few people that knew the seas from Roger's era who are still alive in the present. Whitebeard's birthday of April 6 was requested because 4/6 can be read as "shi ro", meaning "white". However, in the anime (before the Marineford Arc) and Gigant Battle, his laugh was changed to a regular "Ha ha ha ha ha". He also had extraordinary stamina and vitality despite his great age. Being a Pirate, Whitebeard had a sense of freedom that others simply did not possess. After Whitebeard's death, Blackbeard stole his Devil Fruit powers, conquered his territories, and usurped his post as one of the Four Emperors. If he was introduced post time skip, it would be much more clear he was absolutely still the strongest man alive. needed dozens of needles and treatment to even keep him alive, which he pulled all of them out for the war, thought of every one of his crew as family. [115] Few would dare to challenge him or any of his crew, which makes Ace, Crocodile, Aokiji, Akainu, Blackbeard, Kaidou, and Luffy very brave and powerful people, for just trying. Click the "Allow" button. [149] His Haoshoku Haki was displayed to a far greater extent against his longtime rival, Gol D. Roger, as their clashing Haoshoku Haki cracked the air, creating an effect akin to lightning and generating a shock wave that blew back everything and everyone on and near the island. Knowing he could not obtain the title of Pirate King without military might to challenge the likes of Whitebeard, Crocodile fled back to Paradise, where he settled in Arabasta in order to found Baroque Works and eventually conquer the kingdom, so he could search it for one of the Ancient Weapons, Pluton.[91]. Weevil self-proclaimed himself to be his son and his mother supported this theory by self-proclaiming to be "Newgate's lover". My question is this: How did Whitebeard, the "strongest man in the world" did not see this with his observation haki? [85] The status of Whitebeard's other former territories is currently unknown, but Blackbeard appears to have taken over most of them during his ascent to Four Emperors status, as he has over two decades of experience with the Whitebeard Pirates and thus knows which islands they were protecting.[87]. The time for words was well past. ), as Newgate does not possess an actual beard. Whitebeard was an abnormally large human, roughly three times the size of a normal human. He was shot by 152 bullets and was hit by 46 cannonballs. Whitebeard did not seem to hold his old crew in high regard, rarely talking about his time as a member. [82] Luffy respected Whitebeard as well, believing that anyone whom Ace admires cannot be a bad person, and was willing to intercept an attack from Crocodile aimed at Whitebeard's life before he even met him in person. After Akainu killed Ace, Whitebeard brutally injured the Admiral in retaliation, with the latter being practically helpless in response to Whitebeard's power, temporarily defeating him in a relatively short battle with a mere two hits, causing immense destruction all around. He was an ally of Monkey D. Luffy and a central figure overall during the Marineford Arc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. written on it. When Teach claimed to be an orphan with nowhere else to go, Whitebeard quickly allowed him to join out of sympathy. [63], Whitebeard was well aware of Oden's strength and entrusted him with the command of the second division. Squardo got a hit in because of Whitebeard's condition and age, then Akainu got that chest hit in because of the same thing also. [29] People from every ocean were aware of the Emperor's power and seemingly believed that he could end the world if he so wished. In the manga, after Akainu melted off a portion of his head, Whitebeard lost his left eye and the left side of his mustache (this was changed to just losing the left side of his mustache in the anime) as well as a massive hole in his torso (a second, bigger hole in the stomach was also dealt by Akainu . [102], Even in his old age he was able to effortlessly defeat Ace over a hundred times, even once while he was sleeping. [125] He could jump to great heights to attack large opponents, such as John Giant. After the bounties of the current Yonko were disclosed, Oda revealed the bounties of Whitebeard and Roger to the fans as well. [30], Though he may seem to have an overgrown ego, Whitebeard knew deep down that he was nothing but a single man and was fully aware of his own mortality. [1] However, Marco noted that Whitebeard's health had gotten worse, and he no longer possessed the reflexes to avoid Squard's surprise attack, which was, in the past, something easy for him to achieve. From their first meeting and their brief fight, Whitebeard understood how crazy and strong Oden was. He didn't need time to do jack shit, he was put out of action, screaming, bleeding and coughing up blood. And, here are 10 things you didn't know about him. Oct 16, 2020. How are bullet impacts in concrete walls created? [21] This also proves that Whitebeard possessed enormous amounts of stamina and endurance; no matter how much damage he took throughout the battle, Whitebeard continued to press forward and fight, only stopping once almost all of the Blackbeard Pirates collectively shot and brutally stabbed him to death at point-blank range. [141], He had the power to send incredibly powerful shockwaves through the air, creating cracks in the air itself in the process. As mentioned above, Whitebeard was orphaned very early in his childhood. [98] After Whitebeard's death, Shanks saved Whitebeard's crew and their other subordinate crews,[99] and gave Whitebeard and Ace a proper burial. As such, Whitebeard dedicated a majority of his riches for humanitarian aid towards Sphinx, having built a peaceful village for the locals to live in. Whitebeard was mostly annoyed with Shiki's ramblings at the time, but seemingly knew he had something planned, being familiar with the Golden Lion's penchant for schemes. Is it possible to create a concave light. Marco says that even if WBs guard was down, he should have been able to react that attack. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? This cautiousness mainly stemmed from his time as a member of the Rocks Pirates, as the violent and poor relationship among the members of that crew left a negative impact on Whitebeard. Contrary to the tyrannical Kaidou and Charlotte Linlin, Whitebeard used his power and influence as one of the Four Emperors for humanitarian purposes. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The first one was set by him on his crew and according to this rule, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were forbidden from ever killing another crew member (a rule that Blackbeard broke). [39] When confronted by Blackbeard, he intended to avenge Thatch, despite being close to death at the time. [2], Several action figures of Edward Newgate have been produced. After easily defeating him, Whitebeard eventually revealed himself to be a magnanimous man to Ace and his crew, giving him the chance to join his family as his son. Ironically, this couldn't be further from the truth as he never wanted the One Piece, to begin with, as his only treasure was his family. This was down to the fact that Sphinx island couldn't afford to ally themselves with the World Government as they lacked the funds to pay the Heavenly Tribute. [59] After Ace was freed from the execution platform, Whitebeard asked him if he had been a good father to him and felt satisfied once Ace stated that he was a good father. [68] Whitebeard treated all of his long-time subordinate crews just like his own crew, as though they were his own sons, though some of them were originally from the main crew before becoming captains of their own crews. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [31] He knew that the youth were the keys to the future, and that their lives were far more important than his own. Also, the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu went on longer, with Whitebeard launching more vicious attacks against the Admiral. [76] When Jinbe arrived at Marineford with the other escapees from Impel Down, the first thing he did was announce his formal resignation from the Warlords to Sengoku. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? [7][110] As a testament to this Whitebeard held not only the highest bounty among his peers, but the second highest in recorded history, at over 5 billion (only behind Roger's own). He could also jump very high despite his size and weight. Even in death, his body did not fall. At the time of the war, he was in bad health. [53] However, Whitebeard did not force commanders to hunt down wayward crew members if he had an uneasy feeling about the situation; in the case of Blackbeard, Whitebeard tried to make an exception and stop Ace from hunting him down, but Ace did so anyway for the sake of Whitebeard's honor. This is something thats been bugging me for a while, This is whitebeard. Oda didnt have everything 100% down yet at that point in time. Like other characters in One Piece, he had a unique laugh, which was "Gu ra ra ra ra". The Blackbeard Pirates" is the 485th episode of the One Piece anime. Teach ultimately became Whitebeard's greatest enemy for killing Thatch and enabling Ace's capture and execution.

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how did whitebeard get a hole in his chest