"Let her go." "She's mine." Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! You smiled and gave her a nod, as you walked with her to the fountain. You clung to his arm as you walked past Hinata and Kageyama arguing before they stopped and stared at Tsukishima's cold stare as you giggled. Once you walked past him you gave a small jump when you turned to look at Akiteru, after he given you a soft pop on the butt as you walked away. Characters include Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Tendou, Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa and Terushima. index message archives Rules Tags About the Admins theme. "And I love you. giving you even more kisses because youre just too precious , cuddling with his head between your thighs, can we watch the movie i told you about?, laying on his chest, you try to look up at him but his phone is in the way, he has been watching stupid videos for a couple of hours now and you were getting bored, when you see him smile a little behind his screen, you take it as ayes to your question, okay then ill go get some snacks, can you search it on netflix?, he doesnt move a muscle, his gaze is fixed on the phone, standing at the end of his bed, you gently tug his foot, he looks a bit disorientated, but nods at you anyway, when you get back, hes in the same position you left him, he doesnt even raise his eyes from the screen, just hums in response, you know what? "Babysitting? You scanned the items and gave him a glance before looking down to type in his change. "She has to go." "Hey watch it!" A pretty girl like you shouldn't be doing this." "Whatever." He kissed your hand as the two of you walked down the stairs of the stands. Fukunaga looked up only to see your cheeks a light pink after reading it with a shocked face and the guy walk up the stairs to the stands with blushing cheeks as well. #fukurodani "Hey!" Team Karasuno Hinata You smiled as you talked with Yachi as the two of you stood next to the volleyball cart, putting in the volleyballs that weren't being used. Well, have fun not being single any longer. Or dating him?" "I love you too." Seconds later the guy walked away as you gave a giggle and turned to face Akiteru, he pulled you into a hug then pecked the top of your head. Enjoy! Bokuto came into the gym and immediately went over to you and lifted up his eyebrow. "Hey. "I touched the butt! Daichi looked back up at the guy then put an arm around your waist. She originally thought that it would be impossible for the both of them to be together. You smiled and grabbed his hand, the guy gave a smirk then an eye roll once Yamaguchi took the bag. "Hey you two." BOOK ONE:You can fight me all you want, Grace, but you can't ignore what you feel for me forever. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). I do think you're cute." Your Nicknames For Each Other (In editing), Random Scenario: When He Gets You Flowers, When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing), Image Scenario: When He Gets You A Plushy (In editing), Random Scenario(Part 2): When He Gets You A Plushy, Random Scenario(Part 1): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 2): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 1): Matching T-shirts, Random Scenario(Part 2): Matching T-shirts, When You Reference To A Vine (In Editing), Random Scenario(Part 1):The Picture He Relates You To, Random Scenario(Part 2):The Picture He Relates You To, Gif Scenario: His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario: His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 1): How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 2) How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 1): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Couple Aesthetic . Eirene Water's was left to die in the rogue lands.10 years later ,a choas rises in the werewolf world in the name of Viper.The man in the mask, who was the most wanted criminal.What happens when the werewolf King is hell bound to find this person and kill him?What happens when he almost gets hold of him , to only loose him and instead find.The very girl he banished 10 years ago in his lands, unconscious. He smirked then leaned over to you as you scooter over more only for Tendou to jump in the middle of the two of you. ), pairings: kita x reader, tsukishima x reader, sugawara x reader, a/n: just some little habits i imagine they have, I love ur writings!! He gave shrugged shoulders, which made you sigh and look around your room. "Hm?" no longer active, but thank you for the support <3, . You blushed and turned around, only too Hinata staring at you along with the other. its always nice to see you, he immediately looks up at the ceiling, trying to hide his flushed cheeks, when he notices the little bundle of leaves and berries above your heads, he freezes on the spot, intrigued by his shocked face, you follow his gaze seeing the mistletoe as well, you two look at each other with wide eyes, and when he realizes what he said, he lowers his head in shame, he mutters under his breath, avoiding your eyes and staring at his shoes, but suddenly he feels your soft hands grabbing his face, his heart beats faster and faster, as he sees your face coming up to his own, leaning on, you rest your mouth on his to give him a peck, when you two hear someone whistling and whooping, while noya and hinata are clapping, tanaka is sulking with his arms crossed, with his cheek pressed into your hand, you slightly pull away, you observe how his lips curled into a smile as he slept, after you gave him a kiss, so you lean down to give him another peck, but when you move away once again, you notice his eyebrows furrow and his mouth molding into a pout, delicate fingers grab your chin, as his eyelashes flutter against your skin, you kiss him once, twice, until you feel hislegs moving while theyre entwined with yours under the covers, when you feel his hand resting on the back of your neck, and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeper and harder, you hear his sleepy voice, while he tries his hardest to open his eyes, running your hand through his hair, you tenderly smile down at him, but you know what they say, its bad luck if you refuse to kiss under the mistletoe, he peers at you in confusion, as you giggle, so he looks above his head, seeing it hangs from the headboard, but i can stop kissing you if it bothers you, the very corner of his lips twitching into a smirk, strolling down the street hand in hand, the two of you are holiday shopping around the city, as you look for the last presents, you see a lovely stand with Christmas items, dragging him over there, youre charmed by the handcraft decorations, he immediately notices the mistletoe above your heads, and the lady behind the stall winks at him with a grin on her face, but you actually saw it as soon as you got closer to the stand, so you try to ignore him, not wanting to draw the attention of passerby to you two, you turn around, just to find his lips waiting for a kiss, were only here to find a gift for your mom, but before you can say anything else, his arms are around you, with your chest presses against his, you can already feel your knees getting weaker, gently bending back your head, he kisses you, softly at first and then more and more intensely, when he pulls away, you became a blushing mess, you want to scold him, but your lips are still shaking, so you manage to push him away, pretending to be mad at him, and even if your heart is pounding in your ears, you can still hear the lady in front of you sniggering, he chuckles as well, leaning closer to you, but today he didnt even greet you when he arrived, he immediately sat beside you on the bed, laying his head on your laps, you know that in such cases the best thing to do is to cuddle him for a bit before asking anything, so you start to gently pat his head, running your fingers through his short hair, your touch alone is enough to calm him down, his clenched jaw relaxes immediately, letting a soft sigh escapes his lips, also his hand, no longer closed in a fist, draws circles on your knee now, with your fingertip, you start tracing the word hi on his back, he then grabs your other hand, leaving a peck on your knuckles, hearing your soft giggle above him melts his heart, so you keep tracing some doodles on his back and then a small ily, to which he replies drawing a heart with his thumb on the back of your hand, he slightly lifts his head to leave some soft kisses on your thigh and then hugging your waist, he nods, mumbling something against your tummy, cupping his face, you tilt it up to brush your lips against his forehead, poor baby, hes not used to compliments and always gets so embarrassed when you praise him, getting lost in your gentle eyes, everything that bothered him just fades away, like every morning he woke up early to go running, he sneaked out of the bed as quietly as possible to not wake you up, and after a quick shower hes now hovering above you, seeing you all curled up makes him chuckle, he gently brushes some hair out of your face just to see your eyebrows furrow, the bed is so cold without you, why did you have to leave, okay but for real though, hes a literal heater, whining and pouting, you tug on the end of his hoodie, he gladly obeys, lazily laying his head on your stomach and caressing your thigh, then rolling on his back, he moves his head on your lap and looks up at you, your mouth is slightly open and your eyes are struggling to stay open, he cant control the smile that is spreading across his face, you mutter, covering his mouth with your hand, as he gives a peck to your palm, he grabs your hand to leave a trail of kisses on your arm, then he rests it on top of his chest, intertwining his fingers with yours, your lips curl into a smile as you drift off to sleep once again. "Now come on (Y/n)! He gave you a nod and released. You gave an eye roll and put your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. Nekoma was their too, Fukunaga arrived in the gym last, he saw you but saw that you were busy, and looking for him. "Hey there." "Hey look. "She's taken." "You're coming with me!" And payback. "Where's (Y/n)?" Karasuno huh?" Your cheeks turned more red, you gave a small giggle as Kyoutani glanced back to see you step back into the bathroom, he looked down with a smirk before returning back to his serious face once he stepped outside and you followed him. Her brother set her up and sent her to a man when she was 20 years old. He then crouched down a bit as he walked past you, and when he did he smacked your butt, it was soft but yet it still echoed, before standing back up all the way with a chuckle, walking faster after you gave a small yelp and placed your hand on your butt. Woman, why are you still running when youve already given birth to my child?Xavia Lockhart: He was renowned as the king of the business empire and he was the Young Master Burton that everyone was in awe of. Bokuto gave white eyes with a small slouch as Akaashi stared at him then glanced over at you, then back at Bokuto seeing fire behind his eyes. "Why do you always have to hit me?!" #high She was trapped.That was, until her best friend Megan provided her with the perfect opportunity. "Hey uh. "Team Nekoma Kuroo "I'll go get him." You smiled watching him make faces before two guys sat behind you with a laugh. "No like this." "Seems not huh?" "IwaizumiYou were practicing with Iwaizumi and Oikawa in the gym since you and them had nothing else to do for an hour. Zane Black, Alpha of the Blue moon pack, was gorgeous, powerful and just what every woman dreamed of or so he thought.Hello, mate he said with a smirk.I looked at him blankly for a moment before I slowly smirked at him.I reject you, Mr. Alpha, I said in a bored tone.His brows furrowed as he stared at me uncomprehendingly. Everyone just stared at him with white eyes as you shook your head and walked away. Oikawa turned his back, trying not to laugh before Iwaizumi came up to him. I watched his eyes go wide in shock as he heard my name. When He Protects You When He Gets Jealous When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing) There are a lot of these on the internet, but I wanted to write one, so here we are. What happens when the mysterious stranger now comes to claim her? "I love you." "Call me some time!" "Awe, it's okay." You shook your head and walked past him but when you did. | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Boyfriend Scenarios Headcannons. "This is going to be fun." You go practice." He looked up only to narrow his eyes seeing a guy smirk as you as you gave an eye roll. "Oh Itried to get your attentionKuroo said that.." you smiled and sat next to him, putting your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek before getting back up. He'd find you there, safe and sound, with a game controller in your hands. "Maybe I did Button." ive turned off my phone so you have my undivided attention, he leans down to kiss that pout of yours away, i promise. "Do you want me to walk you home?" You giggled as she stacked another towel on your pile that you held before she gasped. "Nope, not one bit. "Nah it's okays. "H-hey." You blushed more and gave a head shake as you watched him walk down the hall with his hands in his pockets as you shut the door and laughed. - Loves it. "Good luck." (Hoped you enjoyed this XD some don't make sense but XD More to come soon! "You need some help?" There are some one shots in here as well. You smiled with a head shake as he stared at you, you pecked his cheek then held onto his arm. You're pretty." Akiteru stepped out of his car then gave a smile smile but confused look seeing you cross your arms and glance to the side, he smiled then started to walk up to you calmly. Daichi grabbed and removed his hand and led you in front of him and out the door. "- Or "twin "- He literally stares at you all day with you in it - He's so pumped up - Please cheer for him do a little dance he'll cry, Mad dog- he's such a jealous type - Makes you cover up with his jacket around your waist - "Why would you wear that people will stare"- In public he has his guard up - But at home he sits and stares at you like - - He likes when he sits down and he can hug around your waist with skirts on, Kuroo- Oh my god my dumbass did forget to to him it was 2 am and I was running on two hours of sleep one happen to be in class - But he's just staring - He loves the way you look in anything but skirts he especially likes - He loves the way it twirls when spin - Thinks your the cutest thing - "Oh my god your too cute do another spin please" - He laughs so loud when you get flustered by him telling you he thinks you look good in a skirts, Kenma- okay I feel like he prefers some game cosplay instead - He's so blushy and mumbling - "Can you s-say this line maybe? Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader As a member of the Fatui military, it is extremely important to follow the rules of your superiors But you said friends shouldn't have sex I'd like to hear any feedback or suggestions you guys might have! haikyuu characters responding to / reacting to : confessing to you after they get rejected by your best friend. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). You gave a smile and a nod as you laid down your coat on the seat behind you, a couple minutes later as you two made small talk before you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Ukai tomorrow's game." Whatever." "Fukunaga You laughed with Yachi after you helped when you turned around and bumped into him. "- After he makes sure everything is okay he's fine - "YOU SURE LOOK HOT BABE" - He's at your knees he worships you - The only person who can admire you this much is him and your mom - "Wow honey that's such a cute cheer outfit" your mom - "I KNOW RIGHT MS. L/N THEY LOOK GREAT! Tendou gave narrowed eyes as he stared up to see you scooting over. i really hope you like it and have a lovely day as well <33, pairings: kageyama x reader, akaashi x reader, oikawa x reader. Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! "Next time you'll get in trouble for being so cute." I will just tell you one thing. Scenarios (Haikyuu!! Ur so good at it!! and i added ushi because he was still missing like how dare i?? Ukai You smiled seeing a guy around your and Ukai's age walk into the store, he gave you a nod and walked to the coolers. Kyoutani gave you a nod after he stepped into your house, you were in the bathroom putting on foundation and some eye liner. Just! It was as if, time had stopped and it suddenly dawned on him that for the first time since he could remember, he experienced what it felt like getting a boner.After that fateful kiss, he swore to make Gabrielle his! "OtherAkiteru You gave a deep breath once you stepped into the Tournament's gym, you were on your way to the gym part with your team mates before you saw Akiteru. "Thank gosh." He gave a nod and another smirk as you turned off your phone and sat up in bed with blushing cheeks. You walked away with Yachi to the gym while Tanaka and the rest of the team unloaded the bus. What if this guy don't show up?" Kuroo grabbed your hand and held it taking another look and smirking at the guy. She was forced to leave and go far away after giving birth to a child.Three years later, she encountered the man again by accident. Yamaguchi turned towards Hinata then looked where he was pointing at. "Yep!" His heart raced!Except for the drumming sensation in his chest, he felt everything around him turned mute. hope you dont mind <33 (part 1, part 2), I GIVE YOU ALL THE KITHES IN THE WORLD , BABYY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Bokuto stopped talking once he followed behind Akaashi in the gym. For best listeners. Once you gotten out of you seat, Noya reached over and gave you a slap on the butt before leaning back to the desk, you gave a small yelp after the light popping sound and looked at Noya, you had red cheeks as he had light pink cheeks when he chuckled and gave you shrugged shoulders. My Alpha came for me. Kuroo looked down at the guy as he gave a nod as walked away, you smiled and shut the van doors and followed behind Tsukishima. why dont we start watching that movie now?, feeling some raindrops on your face, you decide to take the hint and go home, when you hear your boyfriends voice calling your name from behind, you just keep walking because you cant really stand to see his face right now, he manages to reach you, blocking your way towards the bus stop, you move past him, hitting him with your shoulder, let me guess, something to do with your volleyball club?, im the captain, you know i have responsibilities. his siblings and an entire volleyball team?? I have a little request if u dont mind. You wanna go with me instead toots?" #daichi I looked up to meet amber eyes gazing at me confidently. One without pain, one without control and one without him. Stolen kisses, touches and a whole lot of tension. You gave a small yelp as a guy from your math class gave a chuckle. "I'll be right back okay." "You look like shit." "Good morning to you too, Tetsurou." Without another word, he invites himself in and sits on the couch with the expression too serious for your liking. "Bo-" Bokuto picked you up and spun you around before holding you close to his chest. They looked adorable", Nishinoya- best hype man - "OKAY YOU ATE THAT" - "BRO YOUR SO FINE" - "OKAYYY" - He's so embarrassing but at the same time he's Really hyping you up - Literally so in love with you - "I thought you looked good without a cheer outfit on, Tsukishima- "Oh"- Inside he's feeling - Hold your thigh - Pecks your cheek - So much more affectionate - "Yeah I guess you look nice, whatever you always look nice what's so special about today?- HE KNOWS WHATS SO SPECIAL - When he gets home he tells his brother he's fallen more for you, Yamaguchi - he also just thinks you look cute - "W-wow! There is no editing whatsoever here! Fukurodani Academy Bokuto "Okay, okay." I'll be back." "Awe come on. He gave a head shake and a smirk, you stood the the bathroom door way and rubbed in fountain under your eyes. "You hit me in the face with a ball!" You stared at the guy with your eyes slightly narrowed after he grabbed your hand and gave you a smirk. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios He Slaps You Written by David in Boy Last Updated August 29, 2022 You're out with your friends at a bar, enjoying a few drinks and some laughs when you spot him across the room. But." "I know, I was just bored." "You and Tendou are so cute." She's mine!" HAIKYUU CHARACTERS NEED SOME FUN TIME! Kenma "Okay.." You have a small smile at Kenma with a head shake as you held his hand and the other held his phone as he played on it, you then stopped as he did the same seeing a guy jog by the two of you.

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haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he slaps you