Rhys turned and leaned his back against the door and sat down on the ground. Honestly, she was going to surprise him tonight after she got another outfit from the underthings store. A tiny crack in her mental shield appeared, allowing me into show at the moment. Feyre peeked over his shoulder to check his progress on his With a wave of her hand, a nail appeared on the wall at the end, and Please check, he for sure.. He never intended to last long with his mate dressed in the most delectable outfit he had seen in all of Velaris. work, decorated every square inch of the place with them. I understand my actions and I should have thought it through before I did it. He was prepared for her to leave for a week. She tucked herself against him once more, sighing in content when his hands trailed her skin softly. Rhys's lips curled up into a smirk, his starry eyes alit with anticipation. Rhys glared at the male fae that was dancing with Feyre from his corner booth at Ritas. accept their reasoning, but I just wanted to look in her beautiful blue eyes Anonymous asked: Feyre, was all he managed to say before she ran up the stairs. He Feyre buried her face into his chest, his unharmed chest, before kissing it there softly. Theyd be happy if you let them shoulder the burden., The same way you rely Feyre buried her face in her hands. When she learns a shocking truth . Id finally made a friend, and now he would be too bubbled from my lips, which quickly turned into a hearty laugh. If I knew getting injured would lead to this, Id do it more.. Please, take your time if you need to. My lips twitched upward at his unabashed curiosity and Desperate to save her ailing mother's life, Feyre strikes a bargain with ringmaster-witch doctor Amarantha. They have never had a female that is above them, to put them in their rightful place. Remember last year when Not every day that you witness a High Lord and Lady her drink. sons arm. Feyre sighed, frustrated that she couldnt go out today. Stop it, he A bit louder, I added, I guess Ill tell them all to go back to the males do when they think no ones watching? I stiffened at the words. I sighed, knowing that Cass wouldnt even remember this in She felt her heart ache from her idiocy, the things she said were out of hand. seats. Hey, darling. Youre so stupid, Rhysand. She rested her head on his chest once more. Who said I was hurt? He smiled softly, pressing his lips looked at me. And you always will be. As our giggles died down, I spotted the two dark skinned Fae By some miracle, we managed to find our way to Rhys. Rhyss eyes stayed widened at the view of his mate. Please, Feyre. straight through her arm. His face was full of guilt. I was going to die. It looked too good on her that he wanted this image ingrained in his mind for the rest of his life. There were two straps around her hips that circled all the way up to her waist to hold the lace together. Get some rest, my love. She murmured Her mind was shielded by a wall of solid onyx stone, not a with a dagger at his throat. about some pillows, Rhys?. would. checking the closet and under the desk. What? He sighed, leaning his forehead against their intertwined hands and falling asleep. He felt the same way when Nesta was dunked into the Cauldron with him helpless and his wings shredded. Youre my equal, Feyre. Food and drink on the High Lord and Lady!. Right. If you want to leave, Feyre, nothing is holding you back. By Keir? He scoffed, his jet back wings unfurling behind I utterly hate this dress, she sent an apologetic look to the shopkeeper who only laughed in return,But it was worth it to see your face.. Hey guys, Cassian said, sneaking around the two towards the Rhys just stared at her as if shes a whole other person. I promise. Thank you for giving me another chance, Feyre., Feyre reached up and rested her left hand on his right cheek, I was never going to leave you, Rhys. Are you hurt? Rhys scanned his tiny form for injury, setting have been; the battles and victories we wouldnt get to share. that was where she hung Rhys masterpiece. antique to crash to the floor. and grate on his last nerve. Oh by the Mother, Nes, I cant believe you actually said He flinched at his full name leaving her lips,Of course, Feyre.. Send me a prompt to help celebrate reaching 800 followers! I She shook her head, burying her face into his chest,Im so sorry. I searched around for a note, perhaps indicating that they had decided to leave to do so.. Im so sorry for overreacting too. She felt Rhys kiss her head softly before pulling the halter neck outfit off of her. I gasped loudly, feigning amazement. I walked slowly along the avenue, admiring the city. Feyres musical laugh echoed through the trees, but I Feyre. Feyre followed my own body, I touched my bicep, fingers coming away wet. Sorry, he mumbled exhaustedly, scratching the back of his neck. Rhys trailed his hands up her sides and back down to cup her butt. "That may be a factor.". 12 stories for the 12 days leading up to Solstice (December 21). features. The movement Flame danced at her fingertips as she gently opened the As High Lady of the Night Court, I hereby banish you from @eternallyautumnal @mydarlingwhitethorn @spegetty @marabarrow@photofeesh @districtsimonlewis @kybaeza @andreywasnthere@bookaholic1012 @a-court-of-ruin@xsannesmitx @starzablaze@thereitisthatfamousscowl @tog-trash@highlady-of-slytherin @tntwme@queen-archeron @rkjar1646 @howtotameyourillyrian@urbisie @acourtofstoriesandthings @thelaughingzeebra @my-ships-will-never-be-sank @keladrym99thefangirl @stopthisrightnow12345 @feysans4life@missing-merlin @fandoms-everywhere-united @avap12 @vilya1 @ignite-my-love @emilyshi101emu@aelinashgalathynius @heyyitsangie @filthycorrade@mywritingbox @longlivetheweird @youngsweetonlyseventeen@alicethelonerabbit @emily10501 @princesslysandra @limeie02 @eli-ong-hello @fanwhore99 @panicatendovier @rhysand-darling @mickle-the-pickle@jennifer2430 @nerdy-stuff @heyheyheylemonade @kingrowangalathynius@feysandiseternal, @queen-archeron asked: appreciated twig thin males. Hence, girls night was born. his violet eyes. Dont listen to them. were but shadows of what she was enduring. If he was talking, he was unharmed. I turned to drag my idiot home, but not before I noticed Leave it alone. It was covered in paint, dripping to the floor. either argue or agree, but I cut him off. Y-You dont need to explain. I think I need someone to be soft with me. Cassian had been a hardass Im sure hes awake by now.. Visit. stairway as they made their way back out into the night. I landed as quietly as I could down the street from the I justtheres all this work with the other High Lords. before. She smiled, leaning up and kissing his lips like always. anymore! Being wrapped in his warmth never failed to make her drowsy. It was a halter neck and two sheer cups covered her breasts but exposed her nipples. Doubt started creeping into her soul like never before. They thought, she paused, her voice turning into a whisper,They thought I would be unfit to be a High Lady from my short time in the Fae Realm and my young age.. Dont think about it. You shouldve thought it through. Rhyss hand squeezed her butt tightly before letting go. Oryn, just what do you think youre doing?. The commander (who had been droning on about something less shook my head as I faced him. He squeezed her hand, "But he . And I kept my wings on full display for the rest No! Oryn squeaked, magically reappearing. She stared out into the afternoon Velaris sky while sitting on the small couch on her balcony. Its lovely. She pecked his paint-speckled cheek and Go wherever your heart desires. What was the big crash we heard?. Rhysand! Please dont leave me, was all he said, his voice hoarse and his eyes pleading. Cut it out, @staff. I told you after the war that youre stuck with me for the rest of eternity so you have nowhere to go. males wings unfurled as he stretched. weight of their stares. honey-colored locks and let out a breezy laugh. of the day, too, lest she forget it. last time. suit, doubling over and clutching her stomach. That was one of the many things she was His hands shot out and pulled his mate against him. probably taking note of his stance and any possible weaknesses. My gaze dipped to his lips, then back up to pools of violet arent done discussing this! She called after Oryn, but he was much too busy His Rhys smiled at her with a look of awe before he reached up and pulled the bow that was holding her robe together. Jan 04, 2018. cxbrakai1972 liked this She peered inside, scanning the room for threats. Great. Feyre, please, darling, she heard Rhys beg behind her, grabbing her left arm which caused her to turn. He gasped from the feeling, the hand on her waist tightening further. He straightened, stepping into the kitchen with his wife hot on his heels. She stopped walking all together and walked over to Rhys before wrapping her arms around his waist. I replayed the moment over and over in my mind. Rhys, Oryns not She's saying something that Feyre dismisses as nonsense but for some reason she can't stop thinking about it. It quickly turned into a smile. That was the only indication that she was alive, that she was recovering. Feyre nodded, a smile forming on her face. Just leave me ALONE. for some feysand angst, 56 feysand feyre badly injured in battle x, Look at me - just breathe, okay? Feysand, Feysand + "Don't listen to them. Lets just see what happens.. seen, but it was his, and that made and she threw her head back and laughed. But it was something at least, and I sobbed with relief. His stomach was bandaged as was his shoulders. I promise our daughter will know how brave, strong, and eyes of the male that thought he-. You know theyre only doing it to spite you. Feyre felt herself tear up from the sight of him. I dont think Ive ever seen another I hope you enjoy! Uh-huh, Rhys said, bouncing on his feet like a giddy eyes were already closed, and Feyre reached over to cover him with an extra I remember screaming for someone, anyone, as she told me she loved me one around me. Her breath us out drinking with Varian that night. Feyre leaned down and kissed his lips before pulling away, All you had to do was stay as you, she mumbled against his lips before kissing him again. Cass growled at Jax, who had paled considerably at the sight Evalin Ashryv. Rhys sat at the bench in front of the dressing room, bored out of his mind. sunrise tomorrow. Raising her voice for all those gathered to hear, she added, But I had to make sure. Give her a break.". He shrugged, "I just like it.". I just wanted to see what you would think of this one.. I need to sprawl out on my back- its the only way Im comfortable Yeah, Feyre and Rhys both sat bolt upright in bed. Feyre shook her head before a smirk formed. the covers for dear life as Feyre attempted to roll him off their king size like it was made of dimpled glass. Most people bled out I thoughtI thought that maybe for once I could lift some of the burden of work from your back so you can breathe a little. pressed the dagger harder to his skin, droplets of scarlet pooling on the She tried to ignore those words, and she did for the entirety of the meeting. to peer at it. "Fey-ruh.". present to those men if I cant do anything without you hovering over me? I A load of cute and fluffy Feysand one shots featuring adgfighfdgdsh RHYSAND :) Wattpad. happened. She made her way back to their corner booth at Ritas and made sure to sit on the other side near Amren. him on the counter to check his legs. Feyres heart lurched, mind instantly creating a thousand possible reasons for She got up and tightened the robe string around her waist, determined to make him realize that she has forgiven him but he should never do what he has done again. Feysand Modern AU, Part 2. Rhys finally declare he was finished. Her conscious flared. The sound drew Feyres voice. Its me, you ass., Oh, uh, right, Cassian said, rubbing his bruise. Rhys standing menacingly in front of Feyre, who shot me a desperate look that Thank you. Now when I open the app, Im on the Stuff For You tab by default. Would you Take an Arrow for Me? The trainer paused for a water break, turning his the wine, but I stroked a finger down his. At only four years old, it was more like a bed barrier, instantly feeling more at ease. Ill make sure to drop by your mothers bakery., His eyes shown with happiness,Thank you so much, High Lady, he glanced to the High Lord who was already glaring straight at him. This is by far a tiny action that has probably killed her inside. Her mate appeared at her side a moment later. Ill explain everything, he called out only to hear their bedroom door slamming shut and locked. Feyres arm lifted up to take it off before Rhys pulled away from the kiss. I take zero credit for them. It was all punching him in the face three years later when he screwed up. tears with a fist. past, but the blood roaring in my ears drowned it out. Rhys entered their bedroom and shut the door with his leg. She cupped his face softly, stroking his cheek with her thumb. Distantly, I recognized a hand over his hair. supposed to be having a girls night? I made quotes with my fingers, taking caught at the sight, tears building once again. Usually, he would always make time to find her as they make decision together but he blanked out at that moment. Please trust me that I blanked out. She was laughing the entire time. But please, darling. Cassian and Azriel cried- actually cried- I irritably tried and failed to shove Cass Darling, I want you to know that you are completely capable, and usually even better, at what you do than I am. She gasped at the cold feel of the paint. meant her body was healing. Hello Rhys, she Slinging an arm around her waist, Rhys regarded the little Rhysand, she tried again louder, hoping hell answer this time. He drank it down in one go, a smile still on his face afterwards. Its bigger than the other stars. He Have I upset High Ladies dont even exist. What he wasnt prepared for was if she left for good. Rhys rested the roller against the cloth covered floor, wiping away the sweat that had been forming on his brow. He was sure his mirrored hers. Fight because you don't know how to die quietly. looking at me, as if I had hung the moon in the sky. thought. He would always treat her as an equal like he did since day one. it was me. Someone you can actually ask for help from since I do run this court with you, dont I?. From my own personal coffers, he spat, disgust coating his This is my bed too! Feyre, come back to She drank it quickly before setting it aside. Suddenly, she felt a slap on her underside and paint dripping down her left leg. Off, off, off! Feyre pushed against her mates chest, She snorted, "You just like the nickname we both know you would give him.". Truth be told, Rhys painting was nowhere near the best shed ever I understand if you need to go to Mor and stay there for a week. Umm, nothing, he said, smiling innocently as he withdrew Rhys. Feeling inferior and oblivious to everything isnt how I want to live ever again, Rhysand. Rhys has never mistreated her before and she was confident, entirely confident he would never do this intentionally. jostled the arrow, twisting it and exposing me to more of the splintering ash, because she was dying, slipping further and further away with each passing Im done for now. Wild, senseless hope flared in my someone new and not have them hit on I cant imagine how youre feeling after what I have done. He kissed her like he had never before, like she had been taken away to the Spring Court once more for months. Gee, I wonder what thats for.. Darling, I never meant to left you. You know what? I whispered, leaning in close as if it was the She carefully brushed them off as Rhys nuzzled his face into her hand. You check the other rooms. Rhys nodded, wrapping himself in a sheath She first kissed the right corner of his lips then the other. Feyre tilts her head to give him better access, tangling her fingers in his hair. pointed a finger upwards, to the brightest star in the sky. Feyre didnt know how to start. Oh, the look Keir gave her could have frozen the Summer This is for @jessdoodlesthings :) I hope you like it! Illyrians, she grumbled, shooting the High Lord a glare as Rhys paced Feyres room in the House of Wind. her freckled cheek and held out a hand. Feyre slammed open the tall, wooden doors of the House of Wid, the Velaris air rushing inside the mansion as her tense figure stood on the threshold. But she couldnt care less. mother and I used to get into a lot of trouble., Oh, really? I The noon sun warmed the thin membrane of my wings, and I sighed blissfully. We reached the edge of the pit, which was more of a gently Her face contorted, mouth open in He didnt answer her, barely acknowledging her as he kept walking forward. Itll injured-. Well, come on then, and lets look at them., He crawled over his mother with a long sigh and a roll of Sort by: Hot . There is nothing to forgive., She shook her head,I refuse to accept that answer. I dont know what youre talking about, she said, batting a trainer- not Az, I noted- sparring off to one side. beat of her heart. How could she ever think that he would end up like Tamlin for the rest of their lives? Feyre pulled away to lean her forehead against his. Stop it. Hiiiiii Can you write a feysand pregnancy fluff or where Rhys comforts a very pregnant Feyre I love your fics, Anonymous asked: She was seven months pregnant at this point and easily tired, so she opted to stay home when Rhys invited her to meet a couple of their allies. She was his High Lady after all. A . Goodnight, Feyre darling, I purred as she rested her head Kill me, kill me, kill me-. courageous her mother was. So why are you doing this now?. raven hair, laying her head next to his. She felt a smile form on Rhyss face before her let go of her and handed her another roller. Well, Rhysand, he flinched from his full name, I thought I was your High Lady. I felt the shaft of the ashwood arrow protruding from the flesh. I plunged into the black abyss, never expecting to return. How Feyre squealed as she was about to run away. Oh, Gods, Ill never forget the look on Tarquins face when he saw a dagger to his throat! Feyre's Birthday Flight (Feysand) Summary: Another trip around the sun, and Feyre reflects on her life. touching. Dont make them She couldnt help but tear up at the words. potential thanks to his uncles. Feyre felt her heart ache from his actions. I didnt Her lips never left his lips as she kissed every exposed piece of skin she could find. Come now, he murmured, running his fingers through her terrified to ever talk to me again. What do you think?. Feyre cupped his face and made him face her. We dont have all day.. man? Feyre laughed then, knowing that the sound would further instigate Keir the seventh month of her pregnancy, she had unconsciously raked her nails down Rhys shot up from his position, his back straight and his swollen eyes staring at his mate.

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