: ( Daily Raids and PvP Exercises have different victory conditions. Two ships are guaranteed to get 1.5 - 2 times bonus experience due to being the flagship or MVP of the battle. | 20 / Kbs 2022.02.24. This page was last modified on 28 February 2023, at 22:46. However, it will not cost any oil to attack a node. TorpedoBombers 248 , | / 1203 , | ? 14982 , 5 | Solo 5, (+..?) Eh it's just grinding, and with autoclear now it's really no effort if you put together a good fleet. 959 , 244 : " - , . HunterSkill . Plane Efficient Leveling In Azur Lane When you have upgraded ships and can auto-battle an area, only using three ships in a fleet is the most efficient way to level up. , | .. 123 , | [] , | ! i X ( 1.3 A ship is considered revealed when there is an exclamation point displayed to the side of the gauge, and hidden when there is no exclamation point. StatBonus ) BurnCoefficient The average level of ships used is greater than the required average. 25 [ EnemyDebuff Some sources of flood damage in the game include: It should also be noted that DoT effect damage is not counted on the end-of-battle damage scoreboard. Repair ships have a Limit Break improvement called Team ammo +1 that increases the starting and maximum Ammo capacity to 6 for the fleet they reside in. The rate at which the probability increases is dependent on the Detection stat of your ships. ) i 2.2 Some examples: Divergent Chessboard D-1 has an excellent equipment drop. 2 0.8 Do not forget to tick the box agreeing to . In attack mode, your submarines will actively look for enemies to attack within its Hunting Range. SlotEfficiency 1674 , 29016 : " - "? 11-2: There is a big jump in XP rewarded between 10-4 and 11-1: despite the enemy level only increasing by 2, the XP reward increases by more than a quarter, which means that using a larger fleet in this chapter has a competitive XP per oil ratio with using a 1:1 fleet in an earlier chapter, as well as taking less of your attention. 248 , | [] Sns (2019.08.01//Mbc) 178 , | ! 1 Azur Lane: Crosswave also introduces 2 brand-new playable characters, Shimakaze . ( 0.1 2 Hidden ships will NOT be directly shot at unless revealed. Air Damage Reduction is calculated individually for each ship based on their AA stat: On average they have the worst anti-air power among major factions, and doesn't have specialized AA cruiser. [ + + Season the vanguard with a gold AA . ) Ammo is a game mechanic that allows fleets to dish out 100% of their damage output against enemy fleets when there's available Ammo, but acts as a counter for how many enemy fleets can be sunk before a fleet suffers from reduced DMG output. 1000 4155 , 229 : "bj - [Vietsub + Lyric] 24Kgoldn - Mood (remix) | Music Tik Tok"? Getting a S rank will give 1.2 XP compared to an A rank. Radius 3 Most event maps lack this combination of good blueprint designs, a favorable Siren layout, reasonable Hard Mode fleet requirements, and decent XP for a 1:1 fleet. "? On the other hand, a larger fleet could potentially attack harder enemies, and earn more XP this way. + 1 Harder enemies usually give more XP. For unmodified reload time, go to "Storage" and click on the weapon in question without going through the page of any ship girl. High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans (HECLP) can be used on cleared stages, and they do not consume additional Data Keys. The damage per instance of Anti-Air fire is affected by the AA stat of your ships. This page is currently under construction. ArmorModifier , Reload is the rate at which gun/air raids/torpedoes fire/charge up. Even if you use a 3:3 fleet of 72 oil cost, you can earn up to 128 XP per oil. ) ) Plane = Level increases from DD, CL, CA/CB, to BB guns. + Firepower . The BaseAmbushRate for a fleet is a theoretical value. On Clearing Mode, with only a boss node, it is feasible to use a lightweight fleet to battle the boss and use the other fleet only to fulfill Hard Mode requirements. ] N Refer to specific equipment pages for specific information. {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{DamagePerTick}}&={\text{WeaponBaseDamage}}\times {\text{WeaponCoefficient}}\times {\text{SlotEfficiency}}\\&\times {\dfrac {100+{\text{CorrespondingStat}}\times (1+{\text{FormationBonus}}+{\text{SkillBonus}})}{100}}\times {\text{FloodCoefficient}}+{\text{FloodDamage}}\end{aligned}}}. {\displaystyle T=\mathrm {Oxygen} /10}. Regardless of which control is used, the ships will auto-target and fire at enemy ships within their range. + ) Airspace is considered Empty when both Ally ACV and effective Enemy ACV 150. On the plus side, they require much less of your attention. (Currently broken does NOT raise affinity at all) Putting her in the Dorm might cause her to display a heart icon. ) } 100 AmmoTypeModifier AmbushAvoidanceRate Added options for stage run count, stage completion check intervals, stage completion timeout, and high efficiency combat logistics plan usage (2x oil/reward. Players can help improve their fleets' odds at winning by equipping their fleet ships with Auxiliary equipment, guns, and planes. ) TotalAlliedAA 126 , Additionally, Commanders can freely switch between which PR1 ship they would prefer to have the Catch-Up system to be used on. {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{FinalDamage}}&=\sum _{\mathrm {for\ each\ ship} }\left(\sum _{\mathrm {for\ each\ gun} }{\left({\text{EquipmentDamage}}\times {\text{SlotEfficiency}}\right)}\times {\dfrac {100+{\text{AA}}(1+{\text{FormationBonus}}+{\text{StatBonus}})}{100}}\right)\end{aligned}}}. 1898 , 250 : " - ? EnemyShipLevel ) FinalDamage ( 0.5 Objectives Only Explorable and Secured/Safe Zones will count towards Exploration Rewards. ) ) + KakumiA () 728 17 . i Other skills are generally probability based, except for a few special skills that trigger based on special conditions. TotalEvasion r Most fires don't stack but they can be replaced or refreshed. . azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use Use all the top 3 foods; using all 3 at once means a combined +15% boost overall. The reload of air raids is similar to that of guns, except that it's dependent on all the planes equipped on the CV/CVL. 3537 , : " - - "? ) High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plan 135. The reason for this is the game rounding up to the next multiple of 5, while the wiki calculation rounds up to the next integer. . + For example, bombs from Hornet's "Doolittle Airstrike" and torpedoes from Ark Royal's "Swordfishes, Strike!". o ( + ! The current Ammo count of the fleet determines the Ammo bonus effect, if any, that applies, which are shown below: Some shipgirls have abilities, or abilities produced by items, that reduce the damage penalty inflicted by the Out of Ammo debuff. After the upcoming maintenance, new missions will be added for Rookie Training related to PR1. Note that the HP reduction to a node is capped at 3% minimum and at 20% maximum. 70/80/90/100~125 depending on limit break, cognitive awakening or EXP hard cap) will still contribute EXP to PR EXP objectives, even if it displays +0 EXP in the combat results. . + . The effectiveness of ships rises rapidly with level due to level advantage bonus, stat increases, and limit breaks. . } Loss of the player's Flagship or entire Vanguard (frontline) fleet will result in a loss. EnemyDebuff They are listed in their respective equipment pages. . 2 + , = It can be accessed by clicking the red button in the lower left of the stage select screen. For example, U-81 would inflict flood damage based on Torpedo stat while Saratoga inflicts damage based on Airpower stat. = 4611 , 13706 : "jw - 157,000 jw "? ( + This accuracy (probability of hitting) is determined by two factors: Accuracy However: If a D-rank defeat occurs, the losing fleet will retreat from the map, and the enemy node will remain intact. The ordnance are dropped in a specific order and pattern when launching an airstrike. + + , 10 !"? 0.3 Using shipgirls in battle (except Exercises or Operation Siren) will raise their affinity by 0.0625 (0.125 if MVP) per battle. Special barrages may have their own levels. MapSurveyValue SlotEfficiency This works out to a rate of 90 XP per oil. . + Therefore, in many cases, the minimum-size 1:1 fleet is the best choice, especially when farming event maps that dont require a larger fleet to finish. The Rec. ) Loss of the player's Flagship or entire Vanguard (frontline) fleet will result in a loss. 3548 , 227 . Before entering a mission, you can set up the formation of the fleets you will send to sortie. . i = . ) h = + ( To limit break, first click on the Dock (blue) button on the lower left of the screen, Then click on the ship you would like to limit break. u In those events, movement range will be the following: What is it? There are two types of random encounters: The probability of an encounter occurring increases gradually as your fleet moves around the map. e ( All the bomb loads will distributes evenly in a circle around the target later when being dropped. This means that HE-wielding battleships are in fact even more deadly than they seem to be on the scoreboard. 1 WeaponBaseDamage AttackerLuck Aviation 9, | 6 !! Ooo ! ) Health 2 EquipmentRate + 2796 , 13706 : " - ?"? 1 {\displaystyle {\text{ReconValue}}={\sqrt[{3}]{({\text{TotalEvasion}}+{\text{TotalAviation}})^{2}}}=({\text{TotalEvasion}}+{\text{TotalAviation}})^{2/3}}, Ambush Avoidance is a game mechanic part of Encounters that determines the chance for you to avoid an Ambush Fleet you encounter while on a mission. + + a In Exercise battles, the Detection Gauge will not decrease. ( AA Node HP Reduction Percentage ////"? 100 ) 1165 , : " - [] ' ' SNS '' (2019.08.01//MBC)"? The second floor is slightly better for Morale than the first (+6/hour), though it does not grant passive XP. + = Each battle in a sortie consumes 1 Ammo. . AttackerHit ) Operation Siren is a new combat area that is independent from the main story and includes Azur Lane Wiki High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plan, However keep in mind that by using the High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plan will double the oil cost, and deplete your shipgirls morale faster, HQ will also be giving out 60 High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans and 3 Quality Tuning Samples of each type as compensation. = ) The formula for this is as follows: After starting any given map, you have 12 hours to complete it. 2 2 i 0.7 492 , : " - - / "? + Chapter 9: This is roughly the last chapter that can be farmed comfortably by off-meta ships in a 1:1 fleet. 100 . , 7861 , | [] Ep.1) ? , 100 {\displaystyle {\text{AmbushAvoidanceRate}}={\dfrac {({\text{TotalEvasion}})^{2/3}}{({\text{TotalEvasion}})^{2/3}+{\text{MapAvoidanceValue}}}}+{\text{EquipmentRate}}}, Encounter Rate is a game mechanic part of Encounters that determines the increasing rate of encountering Ambush Fleets and Air Raids whenever your fleet moves on the map. Firepower l # l # l #MBCevery1 l EP.203"? They consume 10 oxygen per second underwater. How do High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans work? Click on the second button on the left, boxed in red. ShipLevel Once a ship runs into an encounter, this counter resets to 0. If the player calls their fleet to retreat from a non-boss fleet, their fleet will be removed from the map. + Normal bombs(fighter bombs and bomber bombs) can only be dropped one at a time with the cooldown of 0.1s for each bomb types for each aircraft. , With respect to XP, most commissions give less than a single map run, which means that only the most patient players will want to spend the time hand-picking ships to gain that XP. Menu. {\displaystyle {\text{Radius}}={\dfrac {\sum _{i}^{N}{\text{range}}({\text{AAGun}}_{i})}{\text{NumberOfAAGuns}}}}, Ramming damage is computed as follows: 229 : " - [ 2]"? Rerun characters and skins Close. p 2 Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment current n CriticalModifier Assuming 6 000 total XP per battle, one week of Exercises will give 630 000 XP. To make matters worse, Chapter D has very unfriendly fleet requirements. This skill does not stack. 1 If the player calls their fleet to retreat from a. the hit of the shooter (a hidden stat) and, The maximum probability of hitting is 1.0, but accuracy is floored at 0.1. Equipment Each Commander level increases the player's softcap by 100 and softcap by 600. Investments in construction of medical treatment and preventive care institutions The minimum is one backline and one frontline ship (1:1). LevelAdvantageDamageReduction One of my most asked questions on my channel is "How do I get so many of my ships to level 120"? 0.1 + + The table below shows all sources of armor breaks. 1039 , 198 : " - ? You can take advantage of this and plan your route if needed. {\displaystyle 1} + Attacking a node will cost the sub fleet one ammo. ( TRPSkillBonus Depending on the ship type this will lead to increased damage and/or faster reloading. + 150 Rank is determined by whether the player's fleet won or lost, as well as how many victory conditions were fulfilled. 1 1 WeaponCoefficient ( {\displaystyle {\text{EffectiveEnemyACV}}={\text{InitialEnemyACV}}\times {\dfrac {8000}{{\text{TotalAlliedAA}}+8000}}}, Since the effects of airspace control are based on the ratio of your ACV to your enemy's effective ACV, this effect of is equivalent to an increase of your own Air Supremacy by 1% per 80 points of outside of the low-airpower exceptions below: The higher it is, the slower the rate of increase. ) When you start a normal Story mode stage that has clearing mode enabled there's a button to "select item" to the left of the GO button when you select which fleets to use. 100 On the other hand, the TBM Avenger has higher DPS, and has an effectl that improves damage against BB, BC, and BBV. Compared to a small fleet ( ), a medium fleet ( ) gives +10% XP, and a large fleet ( ) gives +20% XP. Intralogistics & Supply Chain Collaboration. 8000 = Source: Sitemap: The last two objectives for each zone will be hidden until either they or the first three objectives are completed. 0 None of these are particularly good at combat, so they work best when supporting two stronger shipgirls of their type. The eHP in the formula refers to the target's eHP. + + ] High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans (HECLP) can be used on cleared stages, and they do not consume additional Data Keys. ArmorModifier ReloadTime . + AllyACV . l ( 166 , | ! AirPower Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. % g + ) ( ReconValue . You can lower the enemy's effective Airspace Control by increasing your total AA stat. + 3 Furthermore, leveling ships can benefit your entire fleet through research. + , , Vs . azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan, Combat Logistics Plan.exe, Combat Logistics Plan.exe | azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan, Usb | ! FormationBonus ) Though it has no effect appearance-wise, each formation applies different buffs to certain stats. ( f By completing these missions, Commanders can receive a new item, Combat Data Pack Series 1. . 1 This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. ) The biggest factor that affects this gauge is the enemys proximity to your Main Fleet, which is decided by their distance from the Detection Line. # # #"? ) For example, if there is a ship that can dodge 50% of the time and has 2000 HP, another ship that dodges 0% of the time and has 4000 HP will have the same survivability on average. The possibility of getting gold SG Radar design drops are helpful as well. 1 Usb Wifi Usb Wifi () ! . EquipmentDamage !? n 2 mrtori3 4 If a C-Rank defeat occurs, the losing fleet will remain engaged with the enemy fleet and the player will have the option to rearrange ships, reselect formation, repair, and try again. EffectiveEnemyACV ) ( . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\text{FinalDamage}}&=\left[{\text{WeaponBaseDamage}}\times {\text{WeaponCoefficient}}\times {\text{SlotEfficiency}}\times \left(1+{\frac {\color {Red}{\text{Firepower}}}{100}}\times (1+{\text{FormationBonus}}+{\text{FPSkillBonus}})\right)+{\text{random}}(\{0,1,2\})\right]\\&\times {\text{ArmorModifier}}\times {\text{LevelAdvantageDamageBonus}}\times (1+{\text{AmmoBuff}}+{\text{DamageBonus}})\\&\times (1+{\text{AmmoTypeModifier}})\times (1+{\text{EnemyDebuff}})\times (1+{\text{HunterSkill}})\times (1+{\text{ManualBit}}\times (0.2+{\text{ManualModifier}}))\\&\times \left(1+{\text{CriticalBit}}\times (0.5+{\text{CriticalModifier}})\right)\end{aligned}}}, Torpedoes - Similar to guns, but instead of depending on the firepower of your ships, it depends on the (torpedo) of your ship. Extra experience will not be stored. LevelAdvantageDamageBonus ( h MaximumThreatLevel It can be disregarded in the calculation. ( EnemyDefenseBuff 198 , Mit | Mit (Gpa, , , , ) 267, Led | Led ? + 128 , | | | 5 15 | English With Friends S5E15 \RossS New Apartment\ , 3 | 3 Q\U0026A L ? The first "Skill bonus" refers to skills that specifically mention "Increases/Reduces Fire damage". FinalDamage Ships in the Backyard or Tactical Training may not participate in the classroom. Guns - The final damage you deal to an enemy is affected by the Firepower of your ships. Tapping it will increase her affinity by 0.1 to 0.3 points. AirPower + . YouTube azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan . This is a tutorial about the affinity mechanic in Azur Lane. min ( If your ships are very low-level and cant challenge harder stages, this can be a good place to spend some time. ) 0 ) A fire started from a same or higher level gun will only have its duration refreshed. 36 + {

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azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use