She is the creator of the Tarot deck, the giver of life to all living beings. When this card occurs in your Tarot reading, you will be pouring a lot of time into your profession or company, expanding on past performance. Queen cards combine best with Kings. Three Queens Gossip It may not display this or other websites correctly. Therefore, when multiple Kings appear in a reading, this means that many of these individuals will appear in your life. The above example is based on the Court Card representing a person. For example, if you have identified your friend as the Page of Cups because of her or his loving and sensitive nature. Also, the people represented by the Queens will give you very good advice on how you should proceed with regards to your relationship; do not ignore their wisdom. It a Minor Arcana card of being efficient and helping others. She is a good wife and a loving mother as she is emotionally secure and can connect on an emotional level with others. You may have taken on far too many tasks and are trying to keep too many balls in the air when she appears in your Tarot spread. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? Self Love Befits Love Success and Hope Renewed 3 Card Reading-Queen of Wands Mistress of ManifestingHello and welcome to my channel! Two Sixes Contrasts It would be wise at this stage to go back over Lesson I of the Court Cards to revisit the various ways to interpret a Court Card. It's a tongue-in-cheek way of displaying her fearlessness of exploring the unknown, even if this means her own subconscious world and the ways of the occult. All four Queens in the Tarot represent and embody four different types of women, and are classified by the four elements: the Queen of Wands (Fire), Pentacles (Earth), Swords (Air), and Cups (Water). If you are in the middle of a seduction, the Queen card here confirms that your hunches about love are spot on. The Sun 20. Once you do, you will instantly understand their presence in a reading and be able to communicate their message. Two Fives Personal insecurity Tarot meaning of Queens is similar to King meanings. The Queens tap into the feminine energy of nurturing and caring for others, and give way to creating a more sustainable approach to life. Three Fives Personal satisfaction So we can go ahead and smash the patriarchy in two different ways with this court card. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Also different Queens, depending on their suits, can traditionally have different meanings for experienced readers here. Try to take time out to relax together. If you already have a job, then the Two Queens represent career help you will receive from women close to you. The Four Queens Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Thus, the Queen of Wands indicates that you are strong, independent and able to take care of yourself and sustain your own creative vision, even in the face of adversity. For example, business coaches, a mastermind, or mentors could help you in some way. She is therefore a strong leader who is focused on her desires, intending to get what she wants. On a bad day, she can be a tad indulgent and jealousbut ALWAYS endearing, soft, and beautiful. April may feel like a long overdue renewal for you when it comes to love. She is analytical, stoic, and blunt with her words, and often seen as what some might say is a cold, icy bitch, but it is just because she makes decisions strictly with her brain and does not let her emotions get involved. They are multi-faceted and multi-talented. Multiple Queens in a layout can suggest Womens Groups,Support of friends, Gossip, Envy, too much of the feminine influence, lack of opposite sex, being too inwardly focussed. Most often, the card shows that you have an ill-wisher who wants to upset your relationship. The Court Cards can be tricky and do take a lot of practice so dont give up on them to soon. Someone else? Link in Bio. The King is the ruler and the Queen is the heart of the . This card can also indicate delays with or issues with conceiving so it is not a great omen to see if you are planning a baby.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, the Queen of Wands reversed indicates that an older or mature female may try to control you on your spiritual journey. Kings are often associated with people at the top of their industry, so four Kings predict that, in the future, everywhere you look there will be people of power. Queens are just as commanding, authoritative, and strikingly intense in their ruling authority as Kings. In a general context, the Queen of Wands reversed can indicate that you may be feeling pessimistic, temperamental or overwhelmed. These suits match up to star signs . Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. Four Sevens - Similarity. As I know that each of these have Fire and Air elements but when I ask a general question these usually pop up in my reading Four Queens Scandal Unsubscribe at any time. There may be frustration at unexpected challenges or obstacles that is leaving you feeling unmotivated or exhausted when she appears in your Tarot spread. Work on building your confidence and do things that make you feel empowered. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. It means being kind, patient, faithful and nurturing. The Queen reflects majesty and sincerity in all things emotional. If you're single, make sure to take time in picking the perfect partner. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. Spreads range from a basic 1 card layout to larger 3, 9, and even 21 card spreads. Four Threes Hope However, I only recommend products that I personally love. She seems to have exactly the right solution to problems relating to relationships, emotions and feelings. This is because we already know these women. The aspiration of every young princess is to grow up to be adored as the epitome of grace and elegance. The help of others is the key to success, so do not discount input from the outside. Though the card shows a tranquil setting, the Queen's heart might have a different story to tell. Queen Of Wands In Love: If you're single, the Queen of Wands in love readings indicates that you're most likely to find someone by connecting over your interests. Since Pentacles are the suit of the element of . Absence of Queens Being too outwardly focussed, lack of feminine touch, lack of caring or nurturing, too much masculine influence, lack of friends and caring support. Sometimes she can mean that you should wait patiently and not settle for just . You have the right balance of independence, fun and sexiness. Your creative energies are high and you have a good sense of your life direction. Free tarot readings; Tarot spreads. The Queen of Wands is the dominant feminine energy of the element of Fire. The Queen of Wands is the fiery, independent career woman who can take care of herself and others. Alternatively, it can indicate that your partner may be temperamental or suffers from low confidence or low self-esteem. The Queen of Wands in Tarot stands for being attractive, wholehearted, energetic, cheerful, and self-assured. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. The Queen of Cups represents an overflowing bounty of love and acceptance, and yet with a stern and severe commitment to decorum. People will be attracted to you! with three of cups aswell.. could there be othere females he is seeing.. or influencing him with how to treat me.. someone he goes to for advice? This Minor Arcana card reversed can also indicate that you and your partner may be feeling exhausted or overwhelmed which is not good for your relationship. And a Page a blond-haired, blue-eyed person under the age of 25? The Queens in the Tarot represent the Watery part of their Suit. Ace - The beginning of a red-hot, sizzling romance. The type of spread, i.e., the layout of cards depends on the nature of your reading. I once did a reading for a woman who spoke at a very famous mind-body-spirit publishing event; she received four Queens in her career reading. The Queen of Swords, quick minded . Unsubscribe at any time. I read the meaning of tarot cards and drew according to my understanding. We're All Sick of the Objectification of Women. This woman may be a mentor or someone who offers you guidance but becomes overbearing and tries to force her own beliefs or practices on you. And does a Queen really have to be a woman? I didnt exactly use a specific layout i just layed them out but they always come up regarding him.. they are queen of swords, wands, and cups. Four Sixes Unexpected difficulties Do not let emotion get in the way. Just another site As a person, the Queen of Wands a represents mature female or feminine person who is energetic, vivacious, strong, courageous and passionate. ISBN13: 9781801648387. If youd like to be a sponsor, go to the contact page and send me a message. Others may be astounded at the amount of tasks you are able to complete as you juggle many projects at once. She is definitely not going to sugarcoat anything that must be said. One of the most common challenges for those learning Tarot is understanding the Court Cards. The Queen of Pentacles suggests that it is important to you that you are able to live independently, with a stable income and with enough time and space to also nurture your family and loved ones. JavaScript is disabled. She is caring, loving, compassionate and tender. With the general King meaning and historical King interpretations from 19th and 20th century sources in mind, I am going to outline what it means when you receive multiple Kings in your Tarot card reading. Queen of Swords (reversed) in Love. This cards appearance can help you clean out your old hoarded junk, find what is valuable, protect what is sentimental and give you the bold permission to dump the clutter. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. Remember in the Tarot that the Minor Arcana tell you what is happening, The Court Cards tell you who it is happening to and the Major tell us why it is happening.. This card indicates that you're ready to meet someone! This Minor Arcana card can signify that you would do well as a manager as you are in control and efficient. Queen of Wands Tarot Card and its Meaning. Your energy levels may be low when she appears. Vivien N Dhuinn of Truly Teach Me Tarot, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Feel better), or when you feed your soul with art or nature or love. - Wolf Marnell, Images:Rider-Waite Tarot cards, via Wikimedia Commons, How To Read Tarot Cards: Advice From Tarot Readers, How To Use Tarot In Your Self-Care Routine. Also, look at the Court position. Contact us. The Tower 17. Open your heart, third eye, and wild psychic soul and FEEL which card has a message for you. Or is he like pretty much obviously interested in other women ? Does getting two, three, or four Queens at once have any special significance for you? Today, I am going to teach you what the meaning is when you get lots of Queens in your general, love, career, or business reading! The Tarot uses wands to represent creative solutions. Tarot Meaning of Knights as a Person: Pulling a knight in your Tarot reading can represent a specific person in your life. Alternatively, this card can indicate that you have taken on too much and you are failing to deliver. This will give you insight into maturity, balance of power or stage of development. People will be tired just looking at you because you are always on the go! On the contrary these Queens are extremely dynamic in their own way. Also, because they are Court cards when multiple Queens appear in your Tarot reading, this predicts that you will associate with many women in the future. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Empathy or compassion towards others may distract you from the task at hand, so it is important that you think with your head and not with your heart at this particular time. In this video, I'll be d. Be sure to check out our Privacy Policy! Powerful physical and sexual attraction. You are being too controlling, you dont need to do everything yourself for it to be done right, you just think you do! Queens typically express their Suits from the inside. In Tarot, the Queens represent mothering figures, women in power, and (like the Kings) the ultimate maturity of their suit. Dont let anyone else control it. That is, is it a combination of two Pages, or a Page and a King. If you are single, the Queen of Wands can indicate that you will meet someone who embodies the qualities outlined in the above section or you are displaying some of those characteristics yourself in your love life. Three Queens can symbolize the loss of a job due to slander. Some of our sub-personalities will be more prominent than others but it is this vital mix that balances our personalities to create our main personality . The Queen of Pentacles is a very motherly card, expressing practical energy. She expresses her love and interest through creative means, collaborative arts, and sensual delights., To encompass the Empresss power see yourself with a positive self image, indulge in your me time, start a new hobby or form of exercise, dance naked in the Forrest, dive into your creative self, and get your hands into the dirt connecting with the ultimate Mother, our Earth., The Empress corresponds with Venus and carries many of the same associations like love, art, beauty, and pleasure. On a physical level, Queens often represent people aged between 30 and 50 who have a good amount of life experience under their belt. Two Eights - Instability. I do not have anyone right now, though in early 2022 I met what felt like a soulmate connection. Ace of Spades among multiple Hearts Emotional problems Perhaps this should be in Using Tarot Cards sub-forum? This is what multiples mean in Love Tarot readings: 4 Tens Responsibilities are weighing heavily on you or your partner3 Tens Difficult times are coming to an end4 Nines Extreme isolation3 Nines An important relationship lesson is being successfully integrated4 Eights Powerful and rapid changes, usually positive3 Eights You and your beloved are going on a trip4 Sevens A deeply spiritual relationship3 Sevens Good luck4 Sixes A soulmate relationship that goes back many incarnations3 Sixes Great pleasure4 Fives Diversity and flexibility, an ability to go with the flow3 Fives Internal and external conflicts, bad luck4 Fours Lasting stability, possibly after a house move or moving in together3 Fours A house move4 Threes A relationship centred around creative projects and raising children3 Threes Cheating, excessive flirting, lack of commitment4 Twos Life-long commitment3 Twos A wedding4 Aces A complete first, a new type of lover or relationship, starting over3 Aces Extreme luck, pregnancy, Two Tens Ending of a relationship or phase in the relationshipTwo Nines One of you needs to spend time aloneTwo Eights You will receive news that affects the relationshipTwo Sevens Self-confidence issues may cause instability in the relationshipTwo Sixes Issues surrounding equality may affect the relationshipTwo Fives Constant bickering, backstabbing and ill will from others affect the relationshipTwo Fours House repairs or looking to move houseTwo Threes One of you are craving more change and excitementTwo Twos Harmonious changes and communication, the need to make a choiceTwo Aces A new partnership. If the Page of Cups is reversed in the Near Future or Outcome Position you know how devastated they are going to be when things dont work out. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. Fresh Start. We can feel compelled to exude our sexuality in a way that makes us feel controlled and are not shameful to use it and other innate talents, to manipulate any situation at hand to our will. Like many a fairytale, the Queen card in the future position shouts, And they lived happily ever after. This is an indicator that your intuition will produce clear results about a direction that will be taken. Therefore these archetypal Queens will be more familiar to you and easier to incorporate into a reading. The Tarot deck has four suits that are ruled by a royal court. If you see Queen of Wands, then you're in a typical situation of a love relationship: full of color and affection, strong, and healthy. 1. If I was to ask about what a guy is like and I did a three-card spread and got all Queens my first gut instinct would likely be that yes there may be a few women around him. You know what you want and how to get it, and you are masterful at engaging with others to achieve your goals. The Tarot Card Meanings of the Queens. On the flip side, it can indicate that you are being overbearing or sticking your nose where it doesnt belong when it appears. Two Sevens Mutual love What would 3 queens in a love reading signify ? Gossip and bitching. Four Kings Honor and success Any of the Court Card personalities on their own in real life would either be over-powering or un-believable. Yet nostalgia is implied in this card, as the Queen is sitting facing left, the side that represents the past in Tarot. Ace of Hearts among multiple Clubs Generosity Bold, commanding, alluring, magnetic, powerful and cunning, there is nothing that she won't do to achieve her goal. Lofi Vibes - Gentle State. This TikToker Put Her Boyfriend on a Performance Improvement Plan, The Grass Ceiling: Women Are Still Underrepresented in the Budding Cannabis Industry. It could also indicate looming trauma or past burnings.

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3 queens in a love tarot reading