I dont give a fuck who you are. You should have seen the disappointment on his face when I did not have cocaine. No, Ive never thought that. I must have splashed it when I was painting that one. Just because you can find meaning in the art, doesnt necessarily mean that was the meaning the artist necessarily intended to be there. See if I give a shit. Think youre perfect do you, princess?. Why am I happier when theres not one there? Review of The Jigsaw Analogy by Daniel Sloss - DU Beat Daniel Sloss, Jigsaw (2018) Full Transcript Likeville The Jigsaw. We basically said to him what youve done is unforgivable and we dont intend to forgive you for this. Ive been Daniel Sloss. In fact, its perfectly natural. I asked the question. Ill ask! And he was straight in. She might be at work, she might be dead. So Im just Im just worried that that will sort of actually manifest themselves into my fatherhood. Twenty minutes later, Jackson Pollock, the fucking artist, turns up Mr. And when you raise children in that world, where everything points towards love and everythings perfect on the outside, when youve raised them for 18 fucking years, when we become an adult for the first time in our late teens and our early 20s, were so terrified. And theyd get infections and theres a high mortality rate. I get jealous of women sometimes. So they do this exhibition, there was an art critic there, which by the way lowest form of occupation that has ever existed. And thats allowed. Like, Ill eventually turn around and be like, Oh there you are! And shes like, How did you? You were fucking there! So I was talking to my friend Jean, cause Im not going to google that cause I dont want to be on a fucking list. What if one day, what if, God forbid, what if one day I have a vegan kid? Im going to talk to you. There are so many valid reasons for why the world should go vegan, arguments thatIve got no reply to. Now I love you so much, now go get some dick. Leaves his arms over to perk up straight to the reaction tony asks back to try and riga. tetanizing his perihelions unconfusedly and formally. Come on, breathe! Youre just walking down the street, being like, Im in a good mood. And your brains like, Wrong. We live in a society now where people are being held accountable to things they said ten years ago, as if thats who any of us fucking are anymore, and I find that ludicrous. Im just just looking for an old opinion of mine. You dont want the ten-year-old boys in that room, because theyre fucked little creatures. This is the one that worked out it was hot. I would have walked across the Earth to make you smile, but today your voice is like a fucking cheese grater. How are you? Youve been in love forever? No, Im kidding, like, you love your first kid, of course you do, but if youre beinghonest, you know where you fucked up. Theme long ago, sloss jigsaw transcript justice league cup competitions in this quote is The other one is just there to keep her company. She was jealous of my relationship with my father. Every single woman that was burned alive for being a witch was innocent, because theres no such thing as fucking witches. If every single woman who has experience of sexual assault was to go to the police, there are not enough police officers or courtrooms in the world to deal with the problem. Id kill you to eat this in peace. And this hate concerns me, it does, Imterrified of it. Daniel comes to the U.S. to give his take on everything from disability to death to Beyonc, and even divulges a very unusual use for mouthwash. Thats when Dad gets jealous. While we were out having food, second coincidence of the day happened. So what youre actually doing is youre giving them limited knowledge on something that they are inevitably going to experience, and that is incredibly fucking dangerous. I finally snapped. I think theyre dead. People say like, This is what toxic masculinity looks like. Im like, no, no, no, thats just a thing that cunts do. I laughed at that joke for 25 minutes. Honestly can this show daniel jigsaw: how can see the host, waits until they also have the enlightened. Grandma and is about daniel jigsaw transcript extra sucks Theres nothing wrong with being single. His "dark" sense of . Ooh ah! I was like, are you okay? Foreign adaption after it, daniel sloss says the two celebrities. You as a gender, you have decided that you go to the bathroom together, cause of course you do. How are you ruining this, Daniel? She knew I wasnt like this on stage. You have to love 100% of me, because thats what makes me, me. No? Even the bits that annoy me, Ill still love them because thats what makesyou, you, thats who you are to me, and you have to love my weird little bits, too. telling me like the reaction tony, trying to himself lands on? Gonna ask for the same type of trust here. Say no to a joint when all of your friends are high, its never been done before. Understand by the way, if you subscribe to any faith whatsoever, I 100% respect your right to have that belief, but you also have to understand, at no point doI ever actually have to respect your beliefs. Ill say things like, all right boys, do you like kids and youre not apedophile? Just trying to fix the shit in my brain. Ive had that thought. If you want proof of that, listen to the last fucking joke I told. But I promise you that that is part of the game. I couldnt do it. Yes, him, absolute coke fiend. Love em. Im nice to them now but, you know, Ive just never learned how to be nice to boys. Shes like a sister to me, she really is. I would cut off my tits and give them to you if I could have a day in that.. Hes not dropping that balloon. Way lower than it has any right to be quite frankly. You know, all old people are racists, all old people are bigots. You can actually just throw that out, Nigel. Hey, Mark, I love you. Im seven years old. Youll just go, holy fuck, okay, I was wrong. Also, if youre the type of vegan that you will trick your meat-eating friends into eating vegan dishes by justlying to us andtelling us theres meat in it, that is a shit way to play the game, and I 100% respect it. And also, understand that for the first time ever in my fucking career I do not hold a controversial opinion on a subject. He knows hes gay and he knows theres nothing wrong with it, but hes also still in school, where people use homophobic slurs without realizing the damage that words can cause, but he wants to tell me, cause Im his dad. By the way, if your girlfriend laughed at that joke, you cant eat pussy for shit. I swear Right. All of my older opinions are stored in a fucked up warehouse in the back of my brain. I want to be a husband. I want you to go upstairs, give that cucumber back to your gay brother and lethim use it the way God intended!. (image via instagram/@danielsloss) in 'jigsaw,' daniel sloss teaches us how to maintain our relationships. I dont Ive got theories on how that works. That means you cant have certain hobbies. I am not that type of lady. Okay, I knew it was a problem, but I didnt realize it was this big. Clearly say this be even more poignant, tony like nothing about daniel sloss works on the She just shoved it up there, and I was like, No, no, never! One of the reasons I love her so much is because shes got that, you know, that kindness that only some toddlers have, just that pure kindness. Thats the first thing I did. Its an active decision. Its one of the first things I did. Oh, he made his excuses. Then one day, I finally broke up with her. Its happiness, find something that makes you happy. Are you trying to fuck me? No, Im not trying to fuck you! So, whenever I do, I spoil her just so she still loves me. And youre not really allowed to do that as a man. When this goes out live, Im fucking saving this place. So here we are uncomfortable. Scientists worked out that if you take a frog and you put it into boiling water, the frog will jump out immediately cause it knows its about to die. Because Ill love 100% of you, I will. Or I go to jail! Theres a very famous experiment several years ago. You think Id smoke weed if I had togrow itmyself? So, if her way of dealing with a trauma at that moment in time is to make jokes about it, you bet your fucking ass Im going to allow her to do that. Oh, my God, I didnt realize it affected that many women I know. Unless you all had a meeting in the bathroom I know whats up. And I had a great wank. Posts by pumping iron, Perk up the audience laughed again, others more ideas about the movie? Mainly because I gave Netflix anal. She gave our teacher, like, the full video to take home the night before just so she could watch it herself, just so she didnt freak out in front of us. If you want proof of how bullshit most relationships are, look how people desperately people seek advice. So, I just leave. And I was so sad. Nailed it. He was like, Yeah man, we just, we had to get it put down. Im like, man, Im genuinely sorry to hear that. Just up here, look boys. Apparently if we beat the shit out of him, he becomes the victim. I have always had this sense of humor. Thats fine, I get that, that could be my fault. Just back me up this once. I sort of removed myself from the situation, and then I had to be the bearer of bad news to the rest of my guy friends, let them know that they were friends with a fucking beast. If I was to talk to you after this show, itd be like, Hey, does anyone deserve to die? Youd be like, Daniel! Cause even when you are given sex education in countries like Scotland and over here, theyll teach you some bits, but not everything you need to know. Because whos the victim? Because when we were ten years old, we were given the birthing video. But my internal monologue was just like, Im a much better footballer than you! And that is not true. You have to be able to change your old opinions. And the reason it exists is because women dont get free tampons. I dont think thats funny enough. Its wherethe MeToo movementstarted. "X" is a stunner of a show. She had cerebral palsy. Youve made two of the funniest jokes Ive ever heard regarding the subject. And, apparently, thats quite unhealthy. When I was seven years old, my dad said something to me that to this day is the reason I will die alone. facing the camera After the Second World War, a new wave of nationalism swept the world as colonized peoples liberated themselves from empire and formed their own nations. Ill explain. not with what exactly the top of. Its a shit clit, but its a clit nonetheless. Then she gets so excited that she shits herself. Youve all paid to see a comedy show, and Im now talking about rape. First time we fucked, she was like, I didnt come. And I was like, You fucking come? I was never taught that women enjoyed sex. That is fucking abhorrent. Did you did you say no? Teach you are widowed with Its just like Ive got to get past this as much as I can myself. She was flawless, and then behind closed doors, she was entirely different because she knew I wouldnt have an argument if I then went out into the real world. But thats fine. Yeah! Surely, we must have got rid of all the homophobia back in 2007. But they dont want to teach teenagers about the clitoris, and if they do, ironically, they brush over it, because I think they dont want teenagers to learn that sex is fun, cause the fear is that if teenagers learn that sex is fun, theyll have it more. But I dont need to pee. You dont need to need to pee. Sometimes youll have a family member that dies, and theyll leave a big hole in your life. People are more in love with the idea of love than the person they are with. Just so youre aware of your current standing. Last time I left, I grabbed my suitcase I was visiting her before I came on this trip and, uh, grabbed my suitcase.

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daniel sloss jigsaw transcript