2. I am also one of the most accurate Las Vegas oddsmakers and prognosticators. The only ones that hes letting see it are those who paid. But, does that mean that he never attended as Barack Obama? You can find out more about which cookies we are using here. There are pictures of Bush standing with his arm around a 6-8 yr old Barry Soutoro. Trump responded to Obama's replayed statements that "Some things can't be sold" and "His product is bad.". Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual Yes, I am a fringe tin-foil hat wearing whacko that is absolutely convinced that Obamas family (Obama-Dunham) is a complete myth a sham to gain financial reward for Obama to complete his education at the UH (via married stipend from the East-West Center via US government) and respectability for Ann Dunham. The divorce was uncontested no alimony, no child support, no nothing and Obama flies home to Kenya free as a bird, except for his new wife Ruth that he picked up at Harvard. SlantedFacts.com Forum Owner. During Law School, she pursued a number of externship positions within the corporate and I have a copy of the SS index if someone wants to see it. This dude needed money. Great Post! Jonathan Martin: 206-464-2605 or jmartin@seattletimes.com, There are NO pages missing and the 1st District Court in Honolulu, Hawaii was defintely open today, as Mr. Bergs office spoke them on a different matter.. Your assistance will be needed to help determine what to do after that. Pingback: The Right Side of Life Eligibility Update: GA, SC, VA Election Fraud Complaints; Where do Birthers Come From? not mine and she understands that is the condition to live in my home. rcel.id = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); Together if we unit & get organized, we can take down this whole corrupt criminal organization, but if we continue complying eating bugs will be the least of our problems..our future! Dear FBI, here's my (self) Assessment: "Target believes that FBI is a pack of tards who can't do the job. Nope just no entries in PUBLIC records!!! Brown is a lawyer. FYI No Idea From Ed Hale chat- Re: URGENT: PLEASE BROADCAST THIS EVERYWHERE, Tha Package has arrived. 685. If Lolo Soetoro had not adopted little Barry so he could go to school in Indonesia, he would not have been listed as 1 child over 18 dependent on the parties for education. Barack Obama graduated from high school as Barack Obama, ergo, he entered Occidental College as Barack Obama. The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious. Whilst in attendance he served as a president of the Harvard Law Review. What else needs said? * Not eligible,but was elected. A 1981 Columbia University student ID card identifies Barack Obama as a foreign student named Barry Soetoro. Someone needs to make him talk and soon!!! I have nothing to hide I am proud to show my birth certificate I have always been proud to be an American. The Illinois senator faced questions about more than $50,000 in investments he made right after taking office in 2005 in two speculative companies, AVI Biopharma and Skyterra Communications. Huh? Donate Online: http://bit.ly/VfaE1NOr send a money order to the following address:Attn: Ron Herd IIThe W.E. WATCH OUT! "Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place." U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., September 9, 2009. Quess what!!! Barry Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name "Obama" for some reason. People like Barack Obama more than Guillermo Perez most important revelation is that Barack Obama and his sister STOP giving this idiot money. presented that Obama's Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, either signed an acknowledgement acknowledging Obama as his son or Lolo Soetoro adopted Obama, giving Obama natural Indonesia citizenship which explains the name Barry Soetoro and his citizenship listed as Indonesian. A husband, father, grandfather, marathon runner, and former Marine, Dr. McCusker has authored Conversation: Striving, Surviving, and Thriving; Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama: Identity and Racial Hypocrisy in America; Don't Rest in Peace: Activity-Oriented, Integrated Physical and Mental Health, and Justifiably Paranoid: Resisting Intrusive . presidency, however it is more compelling evidence that demands The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam. None ever heard of him at the class reunion. These cookies do not store any personal information. There would be records of his repatriation. Bombshell? The name Stanly Ann D. (stands fo her maiden name of Dunham) Obama is not an alias, but her legal name at the time of the filing. var widget_id = 25358; Freedom Outpost was an independent journal published to cover vital public policy issues and offer a public service. Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. However, unless she legally changed to Stanley Ann, it should state her birth name, Stanley Armour Dunham. The writer also encourages his audience/ following to completely dehumanize their oppositions. Did the Maui records burn down too? With the Indonesian citizenship, he could qualify for foreign student preference and tuition assistance. it implied a manly trust." (Italics are mine.) Mr Obama filled in as the President of the US from 2009 to 2017. ITS FUKKIN OVER The Board of Education. ANOTHER HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!! Support The W.E. The Corbett Report - Trust the Science! FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against BARRY SOETORO, JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR, DOES filed by GREGORY S. Maya had been legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro: The parties have 1 children below age 18 and 1 chidren above 18 I dont have a copy of her Kansas birth certificate but there are many published reports on Ms. Dunham that state she was named Stanley Armour Dunham at birth, after her father, Stanley Armour Dunham. Stop Socialism Now, Pingback: When Nothing is Truly Historic Clinging to G & G. Great blog and great discussion! He was convicted of corruption charges and was given a ten year sentence to serve, It was alleged that he raised more than $14million for Obamas US Senate campaign. Wow, this is trully something. Gruesome Details Released in Gay Activist Coup, Covid narratives designed to frighten public into wanting vaccinations and accepting strict measures destroyed, Cas. CW, Your are completely correct with your 1, 2, & 3 ineligible statements. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politics/2004334057_obama08m.html. 9 posted on 06/16/2020 12:26:52 PM PDT by drdirt333 . Numerous rumors have been circulated over the years claiming . Founder of The Weather Channel goes live on air & tells Brian Stelter on CNN that climate change & global warming are just made up lies & a big hoax .. Did he not tell Israel one thing, and the Palestinensians another? Lugerts ID was issued in 1998. So, Obama was groomed and put in this position by none other than the Bushes! The actions of the the Supreme Court will not condemn you as a nut forever. Not with my life, not with your life, or anybody's life. In 1999, the United Nations confirmed that the plebiscite vote that led to Hawaiis statehood was in violation of article 73 of the United Nations charter. Biden wants U.S. debt expanded by trillions of dollars, Key scientist sounds alarm: Withdraw COVID shots 'immediately', S&P 500 posts worst day in more than a month, Dow closes 600 points lower, Drew Zahn covers movies for WND as a contributing writer. analyze. If yoiu dont believe that do as I did call the different secretary of office election boards and ask. So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. It was a hick-town with very few tourists in 1961 and the people of Maui liked it that way. Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" identifying Indonesians for assassination. Obama has a secret hidden at Columbia- and its a bad one that threatens to bring down his presidency. Again, as Americans we should put our country first and demand that this eligibility situation be determined immediatley. The Dark Past of Barry Soetoro (AKA Barrack Obama). fact alone means that Obama is not a natural born citizen. 2. So what And Bush41 ran ops for the CIA. Also, it is proof his mother was married to Obama Sr eliminating a possible loophole being mulled about an unmarried American citizen abroad giving American citizenship to her child. However, the most important revelation is that Barack Obama and his sister Maya had been legally I think we can all agree that there have been and is an overwhelming amount of proven evidence that Obama is a fake, a liar, and definitely not fulfilling what is necessary, just, and pure in order to be a leader of the United States of America. He then moved to Chicago where he made it as an Attorney and as a Community Organizer, During this time Obama swore under oath that he had never been legally known by any other name. The design of the card shown in the image did not exist in 1981. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. If you would like to be part of our project as a collaborator, we invite you to submit your application. This trip to Pakistan was never mentioned again. Again I wear this tin-foil hat and the actions of 9 Jan by the Supreme Court will either vindicate me or condemn me as a nut forever. On March 9, Soetoro signed an executive order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. I think that is wonderful, since both facts make him not NBC So basically even if Obama was born in Hawaii he was not born in a legal U.S. State and is not a NBC. 0. Rules of the Board of Admissions and Committee on Character and Fitness Obama was fascinated by his Muslim group of friends and their lifestyle. Everybody here is duly worried, but I also sense a sigh of relief that maybe there is hope and that there are still several hurdles to get over. President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify some 5000 key members of the Indonesian Communist Party Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI) that were targeted for assassination by . The Wailuku Catholic records being missing because their rectory burned down BUT they would NOT have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics. The first clue that it's a fake is the name, "Barry Soetoro.". Mr. Obama needs only one parent that is a US Citizen to become a US Citizen. Disclaimer: But HEAR THIS: Obama has been getting daily intelligence briefings and an increasing level of classified in briefings since November 5. Is it possible that the infant Barack could have been switched? Those who have dedicated their time, money, and energy to uncover the truth should be awarded a metal of honor and are heroes in my mind. We know that he has all the force of the United Nations and the Royal Bloodlines behind him. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. This Guaranteed. The timing is amazing. TRENDING: 25-year-old doctor suddenly dead, leaving family shocked. We would have no information at all about this conspiracy. Barry Soetoro? Jeff Kuss Could Have Ejected Once He Knew His Plane Was Going To CrashBut He Didnt, Man Jailed After Claiming to be Transgender to Assault Women in Shelter, Trump: Democrats Against North Korea Summit Just Like They Defend MS-13 & Attack Tax Cuts. The problem is the US Congress ignored US Constitutional law Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 and let RACE TRUMP THE US CONSTITUTION in 2008 and again in 2012 ! The lawyer for the HDP who was Obamas moms divorce lawyer must have known something was not kosher and on the total up and up about Obama birth registration in Hawaii and subsequent amendments to same. Obama Is Going DOWN! First its illegal to have dual citizenship if youre an Indonesian. This was the days when the first jet liner had just landed at Honolulu airport. He was and is a traitor to this country and all we stood for. The cards were first issued on March 1, 1996. he used the name Barry Soetoro. And we know that he has been involved in activities that are criminal in nature, including Benghazi. Perez was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. barry soetoro trust fund Since said Court and Senate have not yet vetted BO, while readily clearing McCain in the same matter, it is clear that there is trouble for BO and our United States of America in this matter of authentic citizenship, one of the most prized possessions to be found on this planet Earth. I was asked by Mr. Bergs office to release this statement to all of you. In my wildest imagion I woukd never of thought that my country would be in such a disgrace. However, Chandoo was a major campaign bundler for Obama and managed to raise somewhere in the margin of $100,000 for him. God only knows if he treating this information properly or funneling it directly to wherever. However, explain why no record of a marriage in the Maui County seat of Wailuku, Maui has ever been found despite everyone knowing the exact date and location? The movie Christians have been waiting for. The Hawaii Soetoro divorce degree explains why. We are either get a new AWAKENING TO REALITY. . CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. Age six, Obama attended the Catholic Primary St Francis di Assisi. [14][15] The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the New Order and the elimination of PKI as a political force, with impacts on the global Cold War. And God bless you. Hes a fraud. The entire US Congress is still covering for the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama by allowing an election to be stolen from We The People and a LEGAL sitting US President Donald J. Trump ! Unbelievable. Thanks for playing. If in fact they are give an order to carry out and they kill a person and Barac is proven not to be eligable then our military could be charged with murder. This is some of my presentation to Congressman Tom Cole. Frank was a journalist, a poet and was also known to be a communist as well as a Labour Union Activist. Obama is renamed "Barry Soetoro and at age 6, he is enrolled in first grade. widget_id = 37847; For this last year, 2018, they reported it as $570+ million dollars, and that's after all deductions, taxes, write-offs.

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