It is good to testify, in simplicity, and as the Lord leads when it is seemly and glorifying to Him, but it is not for us to try and make it into something. In 1995, he committed his life to Christ and felt God calling him to ministry. Who says that someones new birth experience has to be like a drive up fast food place? A creator, a public speaker, a faith healer, and a Danish Christian evangelist named Torben Sondergaard has stated that God addressed him directly. spread the word! The Jews did not APPROVE of the UNACCEPTABLE AND UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOR of Jesus Christ..therefore did not RECOGNIZE nor BELIEVE WHO HE WAS and did not want Him to be their King. If I and others who believed and prayed and were filled, which christian would rebuke this? Lets be respectful to one another as co-inheritors of the Kingdom and not act in our flesh. I really dont think hes a charlatan, I just think we SERIOUSLY need to consider not doing things that look like trickery. Initially, he was shocked. Thats not biblical. Christ is the strong tower who when we run into we are kept safe! The term Full Gospel (Pentecostalism) does not mean the full gospel of the bible, but the full gospel of all so called Christian faiths mingled into one, including Calvinism this is why its so easy for someone to fall from Pentecostalism into Calvinism (NG Kerk) and Calvinism back into Pentecostalism because the doctrine of ELECTION is present in both movements. Why did God allow Korban to include the scammers an fakes favorite trick as part of this video? He told the story that immediately after he was born again, he read the scripture saying to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. We begged my unbelieving husband to let us pray for him. Unfortunately, not many details about his wife are available on the internet. I was also to understand that the reason people have these emotions for so long, is because they do not understand death, and how LIFE comes from it. The things of God are too precious to be treated as common. It look WAY too much like the Todd Bentleys and the other hucksters of the world. It is the anointing that he wants to transfer onto people. Many have come to Christ, have been delivered, and healed of physical ailments. I recall witnessing two of the greatest miracles where Seymour was greatly used by God. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section. Walking by the Holy Spirit is being FILLED with DIVINE Love, DIVINE Peace, DIVINE Faith, DIVINE Joy, DIVINE Meekness, DIVINE Longsuffering, DIVINE Temperance, DIVINE Gentleness, DIVINE Goodness. The answer to that question is I most certainly try when I feel the Lord speaking to me. Accordingly, I cannot judge your motives or your walk with the Lord, nor can you judge mine. A new Spirit-one that is more interested in making men thrilled and exhilaerated than in making men holy and heavenly minded and a new hope a hope in this world and in this age- where believers will rule and reign in this present dark age rather than the blessed hope the glorious appearing of The Lord Jesus Christ from heaven and the hope in the life to come which declares , if for this life only we have hope we of all men are to be most pitied .. JeffM, I never called anyone a liar, nor did I say these people werent healed. 2:11. : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC, Antonyms Thank you. May we look beyond the instrument and method that Almighty God will choose to use at His discretion and give Him the glory and recognition for His involvement in our individual lives..? He gave specific examples of sharing the Gospel and how the power of God has manifested throughout his time in ministry," a spokesman for his legal team said. None of us are perfect. Mat 21:25 The baptismG908of John,whencewas it? The lawsuit states the belief that Sndergaard's arrest by a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) officerwas based on "anonymous tips" that "originated from (the) Defendant's misinformation.". Andrew J I have been very specific and clear about the problems I have with Bill Johnson. Many genuine Christians will think they are missing out on something special if they dont speak in gibberish that God favours those who speak in tongues more than those who dont. Jonathan, as a born again believer/a Christian, I eagerly await the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ WHO IS returning for me/us/ Christians, to take us to the mansions that He has prepared for us (John 14:2), Paul said ALL sin is ROOTED IN UNBELIEF. At once, the currents of holy power passed through my being, and I knew that it likewise passed through the one who was sick. Dont let him do it to you. Tags: Baptism of the Holy SpiritKundaliniLast ReformationSpeaking in TonguesTorben Sndergaard. Faith, maybe. I mean lets get serious now, how many of you reading this article thought to yourself, why do they get this gift and I dont? The presence of the Holy Spirit makes demons manifest..but if the demons dont come out but rather are allowed to have a field day, then it is the presence of another spirit and not the HOLY Spirit. There are so many trying, Ernie wrote: I am not saying you highlighting false teaching, ChosenJulia. `to go forward into the `true` thing.`. Acknowledge means to yada/know Him intimately. The doctor in charge was an atheist and so outraged by it all that he destroyed the medical files and even the record of the man being admitted. Nonethe less Chritian literally transliterated is Christ one or one of Christ Just like Jesus did with his own disciples. I would ask any of you to go back and read your posts and if you feel convicted that you were acting in your flesh, to repent and seek Gods forgiveness for doing so. Jesus said heal the sick, raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind. You cannot use this passage to validate water baptism. This is Elijah against the the 450 prophets of baal. (2 Co 11:3-4), From my experience people who blindly follow Torben and the Last Reformation tend to be shallow, immature very rude and judgmental if you dont exclusively follow all their teachings like water baptism as a requirement for salvation and that everything is a demon that needs to be cast out. Finally, and most importantly, I never saw anyone who was healed, truly repent and declare Jesus as Lord. Years ago The Lord said there would be no more one man doing all the ministry but the sheep ministering to the sheep, one on one! Multitudes of people have written to me expressing this. Submitted by escamp on August 31, 2015 - 3:04pm. Officials found nothing wrong. The apostles did and signs/wonders followed. Evangelist Torben Sondergaard As a national threat for bringing firearms into the country, Torben Sondergaard was detained. concerning the different parts of the body, in particular 1 Cor. Its easier to do real miracles, but The harder ministry is the message of REPENTANCE and Remission of sins. Lets compare this to what Torben is doing. I know of a man whose leg was 1.5 shorter than the other. Who originated each miracle an who copied? But let Gods people yield to Jesus and let their Jesus light shine out of them and the world will begin to hate Gods people, will begin to respect Gods people, will begone to fear Gods people and multitudes will begin to LISTEN TO GODS PEOPLE for the lost sheep will begin hear the voice of the Shepherd IN HIS PEOPLE AND WILL FOLLOW HIM. Thats why the only way is to flee temptation, flee the limelight. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. Sndergaard has been held in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) jail, the Baker County Facility, in MacClenny, Florida, since the arrest. 2)God can do what HE SAID HE CAN DO Keep standing strong in the Lord and preaching and demonstrating the Truth in these last days. 12..mainly that people try to put their brothers and sisters into a box, a box made in their own image. Discerning the World 2008 - 2022. Sndergaard's immigration trial has been set for December 13. The fact that He never did such things was not simply that He wanted to make his followers honest and sincere, but also because He was communicating Life, and building a kingdom not of this world or according to its principles. Trending. And we are not of weak faith when we weep and plead with the Father on somebodys behalf or stick our neck out to warn. The whole leg lengthening thing at the start would have caused me to delete it and chalk it up to a fraud In all honesty, my reaction from the first video is I dont believe it. In this case, I dont know if Toben is an elder or not as that fact is not made clear. God is new every morning and so is His Holy Spirit leading. What you said is correct. This move of God will be marked by love, unselfconscious holiness, fullness of joy and deep loyalty to Jesus and to each other . Thats what I said..manifesting His tangible Presence AND HIS NATURE. But they sought God in prayer and fasting and rose up believing. I am currently looking for people who got involved in The Last Reformation or with Torben Sondergaard (its leader). Exd 4:6 KJV And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. He is SUPERNATURAL AND MYSTERIOUS. Kan jy asb 'n skakel plaas na die, 24 December, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 20 December, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 19 December, 2022 by Deborah (Discerning the World), 18 December, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World). 1) to fear, revere, be afraid 1 (e.g. Torben Sndergaard hijacks you on the spot, does a willy nilly prayer with you, lays hands on you in the street, or dunks you under water at a baptism, a demon manifests (but does not actually leave), and then he lays hands on you again and forces that Spirit of FIRE into you until you speak in tongues, which according toTorben Sndergaard proves you are now truly saved. 2. After all thats what the miracles are meant to confirm. Are you married? Jesus teleported a whole BOAT FULL of Himself and the disciples across the sea. Torben in that instance yes, because their baptism was a baptism unto repentance, now they had to be baptised by the Holy Spirit into believing in Christ Jesus. I dont even have the right words for the understanding that I do have, or think I have. As of about 2022, Lene is now 46 years old and born on April 5, 1976. I am so excited to watch this, to see how Torbin is excited ,not about himself but about what God is doing. Torben told CBN News the documentary ruined his reputation in Denmark. Wheres the beef in WIERDSVILLE ? And immediately her flow of blood stopped. I believed that I had been healed by God. We should let the Lord direct people in their belief. Paul was always on guard for the church and admonishing and warning constantly with the help of the Holy Spirit, and with good reason. This man needs to work and he needs to be able to pay his tithe. I too have been badly wounded and burned by previous fakes and deceptions- thats no excuse for cynicism. ( Am I EVER glad I didnt judge her for eating too much!!!!) And there also those who embrace every wind of doctrine, and all signs and wonders, regardless of their source. Sure there will be people who say Lord did we not cast out demons, heal the sick etc. Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1. 3.Arent all the epistles (Rom to Rev) written to baptized(fully immersed) communities who started taking up their cross to follow Jesus pattern1Ti 1:16? Some fall into the ditch We dont have to obey the law because the Father himself now tells us what is right and what is wrong. 2) to stand in awe of, be awed 3) to fear, reverence, honour, respect cynics, skeptics, squashers of joy, etc.). 1Co 6:11 OFFICIAL UPDATE ON TORBEN SONDERGAARD: January 17, 2023 : Those who have reverence for the Lord live.. USA: 210 Democrats vote against bill requiring.. OFFICIAL UPDATE ON TORBEN SONDERGAARD: January 17, 2023 . He has regard for all. Absolutely not! Andthey reasonedwiththemselves,saying,Ifwe shall say,Fromheaven;he will sayunto us,Whydid yenotthenbelievehim? OFFICIAL UPDATE ON TORBEN SONDERGAARD: January 17, 2023. weird, eerie, uncanny mean mysteriously strange or fantastic. His legal team told us they have filed an administrative request for release with ICE Detention officer Alan Young, who has the power to order Torben released from custody pending his asylum trial. it was very common in the early church and i just studed Jude , one chapter . They all responded that truly God has come to Israel.. Since all we have available to us is what is on the video, lets use that and test the spirit we see in the video. signs/wonders (using the gifts given us) will follow and subsequently souls saved for the Kingdom. That is a very big issue, in my view. All the false ministers being mentioned started out in simplicity with the spiritual gifts that they had been given. EVERY sin and iniquity can be traced back to NOT BELIEVING 1 or any number of these 5 statements below. What I have seen is that all kinds of problems arise when we tear out an entire chapter of the bible (and more!) I know his Now you go and dunk yourself in a swimming pool, a bath tub? You see, people have been so in the habit of putting Jesus in a class by Himself that they have failed to recognize that He has made provision for the same living Spirit of God that dwelt in His own life, and of which He Himself was a living manifestation, to inhabit your being and mine, just as the Spirit inhabited the being of Jesus or Paul. Upon his arrival in the U.S. in 2019, Sndergaard immediately applied for asylum and set up his residence in California while he grew his ministry. Correction (Matthew 3:11-12) John the Baptist says: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance:but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: 12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. `in His hand is a sacred censer.`, This shows the regenerative ability of the entitled Son of Man in His Creatorship & Judgeship. I am having such a hard time accepting that the word WEIRD only applies to the demonic. I just found out this is free today on Wigglesworth: 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. God is not complicated when it comes to His name and the power that is In it. We sang no actuall worship song that I ever heard of. My thoughts are this, it is absolutely a wonderful thing and most important to see this taking place in the world in which we live. Subtley shifting the focus away from the divine purpose of revival from repentance and faith in Jesus alone towards centralizing and making WIRRDSVILLE the main objective of revival. Torben Sondergaard is a Danish pastor who is facing extraordinary persecution for exercising his Christian faith. b) of those struck with amazement God plants us as good seed WHERE HE WANTS US IN HIS FIELD- then we simply let Jesus shine out from us and people in the fields around us come running. Andsuchweresome of you:butye are washed,butye are sanctified,butye are justifiedinthe nameof the LordJesus,andbythe Spiritof ourGod. That LIST of what is acceptable behavior for God is what got the Jews CUT OFF of the Vine. Yes! Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? TLR is a classic cult and Torben Sondergaard is a classic cult leader. Jesus had His disciples with him for a year or more, probably every day, before sending them out. You must be part of the deception then because this stuff is of the occult, demonic manifestations , false signs meant to deceive. There is a Danish Pastor called Torben Sndergaard doing the rounds and Ive been asked 3 times now what I think of him. . you begged and pleaded for because you refuse to repent. The early church emphasised the objective teaching of the apostles over subjective feelings, and that teaching is contained in the whole of the New Testament, including pre and post Acts. This is nothing but human sorcery at its worst . Yet is happy to come on here calling Torben a trickster. Read and KNOW the scriptures people, for the sake of the Kingdom of God and for the sake of your own selves and your families. Are you serious? Ample scriptures indicate that they will appear as ministers of the gospel, not ministers of the enemy. Luk 9:50 KJV And Jesus said unto him, FORBID HIM NOT: for he that is not against us IS FOR US. 3) to fear (i.e. He does not require us to do anything for Him, but on the contrary, works through us to do His will, and pleasure. Or, perhaps do we read in the OT and NT that we ARE NOT to mimic the heathen, or their ways? (2 Corinthians 5:19 NASB), O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Marilyn. 3 And he said to them, To what then were you baptized? Jhn 17:19 NASB For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. Actually it was the Pharisees that were always questioning Jesus trying to nitpick all the wrong things He was doing. Read this article: Look at the FAITH shown in His Prayer of John 17. Yet, there are millions who say to his face, Sorry Jesus, but you neither fulfilled the law of circumcision nor water baptism. Jesus also gave the great commission, in Mat 28:18-20 saying All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. The One True God of the bible is NOT NORMAL NOR NATURAL. Marilyn. When I have worked in our garden the whole day, my body picks up dirt, mud and muck and do not need to go to Jesus to ask Him to cleanse me. John the Baptists baptism in water was a baptism of repentance, but when Jesus Came, you are to be spiritually baptised into the One and only Baptism of Jesus Christ. Sometimes God TESTS peoples faith in HIM, the LIVING Word of God. ISBN: 9783955783815 | Portofrei bestellen bei Bcher Lthy. I have no problem with that. What I will do differently than what I saw in the first video is to not make a big deal about what happened if God heals them. I am limiting my comments to the specific issue raised above of whether Bill Johnson believes in the Divinity of Christ which he does which makes him our brother in the Lord , I am not going there with respect to your previous question about your friend . Yes, the Todd Bentley type situation has made people skeptical in a more overt sense, however the discomfort with many issues rooted in spiritual deception in the practice and structure of christianity, already existed. He chose twelve disciples to preach the Kingdom of God, not to create a sect. Again something inside me drive me to ask if she was related to someone who had a 275 pound tumor. mania in recent times, it is very easy to become cynical about Knowing how His whole being, His whole nature, radiated that wondrous, blessed life of God of which He was Himself the living manifestation, she said within herself, If I can but touch His garment, I shall be healed. (See Matthew 9:21; Mark 5:28.) Faith is rising in my heart that God can use any of his children to minister to the sick. The man removed the wooden leg and stood before Seymour standing on his one good leg. They also said Torben has lost at least 30 pounds since being jailed, but told CBN News, "It is very clear that God is providing him with supernatural strength and peace. Sorry, but Torben is so real and sincere.. They believe in the Divinity, they must be our brother/sister, right? The staff of Moses that he had in his hand turned into a snake as a sign to the Egyptians, we do not read of this miracle occurring later outside of think about what it was speaking to them. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Yes, Jesus is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. The only way to know what is of God is for God to show you in some way, and all the people that do not live a life of obedience are unable to hear from God about some things . And yet He said, But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! (Luke 12:50). Are you sure what the difference is between washing with water and washing by blood? All I was doing was pointing out that the video evidence alone doesnt prove what it purports to prove. Torben Sondergaard is paired with his delightful wife, Lene Sondergaard. I hear you Lightning Storm. Ive been porn and masturbation free from that very day. And God really isnt interested whether you like what He is doing or not. How do you know it was not the Lords followers who called each other Christian since the text doesnt say???) FEAR NOT is listed in the King James version144 times. The gangrene is gone; you are healed. Mental facilities will be empty because everyone will be given a sound mind, just like the man with the legion of demons in him. It is the primary activity of the ekklesias, it is our goal as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is how the world will be reached with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. i would be interested in your comments on Isaiah Saldivar who has miracles happening on the streets, in his home and in church. Thank you for letting the power of God be shown . He can also STOP anytime He wants to. It might seem like a small thing but faith is built in little steps. I asked her if me and my apprentice could pray for her. All of us instantly felt heat like a fire go through us all. He carries the burden of a broken heart. ship. He has been the focus of several stories on national TV news, that even included a live interview. Torben Sondergaard Prison Updates the Truth shall make you free 68.7K subscribers Subscribe 33 3.7K views 3 weeks ago Con-Artist Torben Sondergaard Official Jail Update. Just because you believe it doesnt make it true. Torben is the founder of The Last Reformation, a worldwide movement that seeks to return Christianity to the Book of Acts. Just quietly go about the Lords work without regard to the attention it brings to you personally. However, when I have sinned and defiled my soul, I MUST go to Jesus and plead with Him to wash me with his blood. Acts 14:10-15 Im just given minimal paying jobs and I barely make enough money to even eat. It also tells us to test the spirits that claim to act in the Lords name. He is excited to share with others what GOD is doing. Person will mostly manifest a demon (Satan has to put on a show after all). And indeed we must maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. How he heals is also a choice made by each believer because many think different on this also. Jesus Himself came back to give us this message in Rev 7:14 These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washedtheirrobes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.. They would not exercise faith and do works of the Spirit to glorify God, but rather prevent unbelievers from entering in. This genuine move pf God will be marked by a sincer and genuine acceptance of sinners where they are and with all their irreligious lifestyle. Share on pocket. Marie, i agree, there are people like what you describe. I would have liked to post what God showed me about Emma the angel being a demon. Jesus hasnt changed! 5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. This is not the shekinah glory of God in this video, saying you believe in Jesus and not knowing a demonic false sign is a result of making self your god. The male, with a recorded age of 45 was arrested for suspicion of the below crimes: Bail has been set to $0 for Soendergaard which is listed as a white male. God I totally disagree with his position. Finally a few good religious folk got ahold of him, and told him he couldnt do that. the pros and cons on this website -just get out there and listen to what the HS tells you whilst out and do it. Since the whole of the scriptures CONDEMNS BEING FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND WORRIED, then I would have to say that Paul was of weak faith when it came to the letter he was writing. HOW NOT TO GAIN ENTRANCE THROUGH HEAVENS GATES? Of course not. Can we not stick to Gods word as the ultimate authority? 2.Where did Jesus say that? What flesh can resist that over time! Miss his blogs. Thank you Lord. We are merely obeying God who commands us to test the spirits to see whether they are from God because MANY false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1). Thedude said, (Mark 9:14, 16-18 NASB). She did not speak but apparently was amazed at the effect in her body. The Transfiguration was either TELEPORTING or GHOSTS APPEARING..which the bible condemns calling up spirits of the dead. There are four visions of the Son of Man as He is known in the heavenly realm & each vision in turn carries through to completion one aspect of the fourfold ministry which He exercised when on earth. I believe we are moving In a Direction where everyone is going to say Truly God has visited us! I believe we will see believers so full of Gods spirit walk into a Veterans hospital and heal every amputee and solider who has lost a limb or body part. If Bill truly is of God, he has a lot of very strange and new age things he is allowing to take place in his church. Any time anyone brings up her concerns she says in essence: Torben warns that we will be persecuted for our faith-you are the persecutors.

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