New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-11-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-11-f.png', 'A rustling in a nearby thicket stops you in your tracks. They must be from a large caravan.\n\nSure enough, as you crest a hill, you see a group of four wagons headed down the road in the same direction as you. I\'d hate to think of some giant living creature attacking the city. "\n\nUnlock "Sun Temple" 85 (M-3)', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-61-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-61-f.png', 'By now, the Sun Demons cut a very recognizable portrait against the horizon as they move toward you. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-22-b-a.png', 'Help push out the fortune-tellers wagon. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. The Outpost of Frosthaven's party will still experience events. The demons are caught off guard, but they bounce back with great ferocity. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-53-b-a.png', "You casually move on, wondering how the guards found themselves on the wrong side of the Berserkers rage. Allow me to share some of the spoils with you. "\n\nHe holds up his hand. "I guess she\'s not around anymore. ", 'Rush to the aid of the residents and help put out the fire. We were headed toward the Capital when my drummer said he knew a shortcut. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-38-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-38-f.png', 'You are awakened in your room by a decisive knock at the door. "Please! "', 'The map docs look valuable. ', 'Not fitting in with its own kind or with a city of mostly humans, the Cragheart thought it could depend on a misfit group of mercenaries for friendship. ', 'Attempt to stop the crowd from hanging the Vermling,', "{Spellweaver} {PointyHead} {MusicNote}: You keep a calm demeanor as you try to talk down the mob. Best not to take chances in such situations. An extra turn can change the tides of battle in your favor. They\'ve threatened to kill me if I don\'t pay them off, but, uh, but I simply don\'t have the money. ', "{Cthulu}: The Plagueherald stretches out his arms and the men around him immediately double over in pain. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-25-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-25-f.png', 'While enjoying your customary post-adventure drink at the Sleeping Lion, you notice something weird going on with the lamps in the bar.\n\nYour first thought is that it is your imagination, but after staring at the lamps intently, you see they are flickering in and out. You run away with all haste, but his odor is much harder to escape.\n\nAll start scenario with {Curse}. ', 'You shake your head and direct the boy to go find his mother. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-61-b-a.png', 'Attack the demons and free the Sunkeeper. "It\'s a good thing I ran into you, though. ', 'The guard scratches his head and looks down at his notes.\n\n"Well, that wasn\'t very helpful." Summary of Event types[1]: Gloomhaven Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Eventually the men seem satisfied and move on their way.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: When you try to pay with what few coins you have, the man thinks you are holding out on him and grows angry.\n\nRead outcome A. This is why your heart sinks when you see a mounted group of them ride up to you and surround your party.\n\n"Ah, agents of that wretched monstrosity you call a town," the largest of the Inox says as he looks down at you. the man stutters. "', 'Accept the mysterious job. This is truly a big help to the city. He\'s not the only one capable of cheating, however. "We believe she is behind a number of high profile robberies and demand that you give us any information you have on her whereabouts and activities. "', 'The logging expedition heads to the outskirts of the Corpsewood and begins felling trees and transporting them back to Gloomhaven. "', 'You sigh and agree, warning them that this had better be the last time they ask you for a favor. Still, with the surprise and the commotion, the bear is not all that committed to the fight. The boy points a dirty finger at a decrepit, abandoned building. Wore symbols of the Great Oak. All ability cards are specific to a character class and are acquired when starting a new character or by leveling up. After some back-and-forth, you walk away with a nice sum of gold coins.\n\nGain 30 collective gold. Vermlings are very odd creatures.\n\nNo effect. A woman screams, but you try not to let it faze you. I\'d say you need to return it to its proper home. Many manage to escape, and you find a mysterious gift of thanks waiting on your doorstep when you return to Gloomhaven.\n\nLose 2 reputation.\n\nReputation < -9: Gain 1 collective "Major Power Potion" (Item 041). "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-67-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-67-f.png', "You wake in the middle of the night to the sound of rushing water. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-24-b-a.png', 'You brush off the plight of the Inox tribe, but as you continue to your destination, you begin to feel a certain amount of uncase. It gets a little rough, but it becomes clear the crowd isn't fully into it. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-42-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-42-f.png', "You probably wouldn't normally noticed it, but sometimes nature calls and you need to head off the beaten path to get some privacy.\n\nHidden in the bushes, you come across the smoking wreckage of some crude machine. Anything for an ola friend.\n\nAdd City Event 61 to the deck.\n\nOTHERWISE: You don't have the money to send him the contraption, so you decide just to keep it for yourself.\n\nRead outcome B. It's easy to find a reputable spice merchant, but difficult to get the merchant and the Harrowers to trust each other. Oddly; though, it doesn't appear aggressive.\n\nIt howls once and then slowly and deliberately begins to walk through the trees in front of you, as if expecting you to follow it. Forget I said anything. ', '"Oh, mywell, okay." Writing on it I don\'t understand, but I know it\'s valuable. After a few more questions, he allows you to leave and clean up.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: Attempts to explain yourself just seem to make the situation worse. Unfortunately, there are only a few visible stands around that are not yet packing up for the day.\n\nA robed Savvas catches your eye. ', 'Not wanting to tell the brother that you left the corpse out in the sun to rot, you take the time to dig a hole and give it a proper burial.\n\nWhen you bring the chain back, the brother is understandably distraught, but he thanks you forgiving him closure about what happened.\n\nGain 2 reputation. "\n\nJumping back onto her horse, the Scoundrel looks back at you. "\n\nShe draws out a crude map. The Gloomhaven prosperity is one of key elements in the game. ', '"Ah, yes, that is probably a good idea," he says. You lunge and grab his robe as be falls. The 2020 SXSW event was cancelled in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, . That is until we get to the second half of the card. With all the attacks recently and very little support from the capital the city guard finds itself woefully lacking in both equipment and training for the new recruits. You are considering stopping for a meal when you come across a thicket of bushes covered in red berries.\n\nThe berries look delicious, but you hesitate. After a few minutes, though, the man suddenly bolts around a corner. "Good timing, actually. The merchant says. It\'ll be fun! ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-24-f.png', 'On a trip to the Coin District, you catch sight of an old wiry Valrath carrying a large, intricate vase out his front door.\n\nAs you get closer, the Valrath begins to struggle with the vase, sweat pouring from his brow. You have a head, hands, torso, feet, and pockets. ", 'The Plagueherald recoils at your threat, genuinely concerned that you would attack it.\n\n"But, the cleansingthe city isn\'t ready. ', "The pious man seems incredibly happy you've decided to help the sanctuary. She wordlessly grabs the plans and storms out of the bar.\n\nNo effect. "\n\nThe Savvas slaps you on the back. You move into a defensive position and prepare for battle. Greymane thanks you.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nGain 10 collective gold. Why help others when there is no profit in it for them?\n\nLose 1 reputation. You leave the animal there and continue on your way unharmed.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: Two seconds later, you can't help, but feel this was a terrible idea. In the end, they find common ground through the Plagueherald and make a deal.\n\nGain 1 prosperity.\n\nOTHERWISE: You bring the Harrowers to the market, but even after great effort, you cannot find any merchants willing to deal with them, they depart empty handed.\n\nNo effect. Sure enough, you approach the scene to find a ransacked caravan burned, pillaged, and destroyed by what appears to be Vermlings.\n\nYou find one survivor among the victims who laments that when the Vermlings came upon them, one of the guards, a large Inox, seemed to throw aside his weapon and simply accept his fate.\n\nThat's when you find the body of the Brute, torn and bloody among the wreckage. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-65-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-65-f.png', 'You head back to your rooms for the night when you see the Sawbones sitting in front of your doorstep, looking rather dejected.\n\n"I, uh, well, you see" he stammers. I\'m sure we could make it interesting." I presumed to think that a lesser race would need my help, but I forgot your dedication to growth and learning. ', 'You spend a good hour looking over the area, scouring every bush and divot you can find. This is all I can offer you. "I can\'t trust anyone. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-08-b-a.png', 'Resist the robbery, killing as many thieves as you can. "', 'You pull your arm away from her filthy grasp and step away, making apologies for being too busy. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-23-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-23-f.png', 'Upon returning to the city after your latest adventure, you are approached by a high-ranking guard at the gate.\n\n"Ah. He slinks off in indignation.\n\nNo effect. The Vermlings still get in a few good attacks before they are slain, though.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. "So, can you help me? The man careens forward with his fist and knocks the Orchid to the ground.\n\nA gasp emerges from the crowd, but very quickly the attitude turns to excitement and encouragement. You wanna grab a drink before I take off? Come back when you do! But still, there is always the possibility that the guards may not be enough. Except these Lurkers don\'t appear to be hostile. It bolts away, but doesn\'t make it very far before collapsing. "', "{Spellweaver} {Triangles} {Circles}: Despite the early hour, you head down to the Inox's forge and get an incredibly strong fire going for him so he can complete his order. Something is off, however. You don't want anything weighing you down in battle. Things suddenly get very hot, however, when the drake begins spitting fire into the melee. ', "You watch as the men move past you toward the gibbet. "You snatch purses, you go to the Ghost Fortress. ', 'Without a second thought, you get back onto the main road and continue moving toward your destination.\n\nNo effect. "\n\nUnlock "Syndicate Hideout" 89 (C-17).\n\nParty Achievement: "Sin-Ra. You package it up and ship it off to the Tinkerer. "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-b-a.png', 'Claim you want nothing to do with this and walk away. ', 'You charge out of the trees and attack the Sun Demons. Caught off guard, they go down without much of a fight.\n\nAll start scenario with 1 damage.\n\nGain 5 gold each. It seems to be materializing the water out of thin air, possibly channeling it from another plane of existence. \"They call me Fish, and that there is a key, friend a key of the ancient sort.\"\n\nBefore you can ask, Fish pulls out a similar black sphere atop a metal rod. "I don\'t know. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-f.png', '"You there! One change here from the original game is that none of these cards are meant to be destroyed or removed from the game. It is a long, brutal battle, and you continue on in your adventure greatly wounded and bloody.\n\nAll start scenario with {Muddle}.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. A nervous looking man stands in front of your table at the Sleeping lion. "', 'You decide to indulge in the unknown and see what the Quatryl is offering. Other more curious onlookers inch closer, trying to get a better view of the grotesque scene. You ask about the fight, but she just shakes her head. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-66-b-a.png', 'You attack the large group of Inox while they are distracted by the giant creature above you. In this event, a man will be rambling about a vermling with a staff that shoots lightning. The rift in the middle room is now dormant, thanks to the Shield Syndicate disrupting the cultists' dark ritual. I thought I\'d heard of everything! ', 'The song must serve some nefarious purpose. "\n\nOTHERWISE: "Oh. Slinking around to an abandoned shop, you find a way in and pilfer the safe. "\n\nHe looks over at you. Within a matter of minutes, your coin purses are much heavier.\n\nGain 10 collective gold.\n\nOTHERWISE: You attempt to lighten some purses, but even in the dark, you find the task a little outside your skill set. You retrieve it, pluck it, cook it, and eat it. ', 'Criminals deserve freedom as much as the next man. "I thought you were going to do something stupid there for a second. By the end of the day, it hardly feels like you've worked at all.\n\nGain 1 prosperity.\n\nGain 1 reputation. ', "Against your better judgment, you approach the skull, which looks suspiciously like the Sin-Ras calling card. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-79-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-79-f.png', 'As you prepare to leave the city on another journey, you are suddenly surrounded by a large group of guards near the west gate.\n\n"We hear you\'ve been spreading rumors," one of them says. Gloomholdin' is a free print-and-play game that replaces Gloomhaven's hex-based exploration and combat . ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-39-b-a.png', 'This is clearly some sort of plague. And inside there are certainly a lot of rats. After some backward progress, you find another path through the foothills and work your way through it. You seem to have a natural skill with it, probably due to all the practice you get swinging a blade. You fend them off, but they leave you wounded.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}. It is hard to focus your vision, as if the space in front of you is only half there. You push him away and go back to your drink.\n\nNo effect. You could say his day just went from bad to worse, but that s not your problem.\n\nGain 10 collective gold.\n\nLose 1 reputation. ', 'Take the risk to climb tbe ridge and investigate the rocks. ', "{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse}: The job proves easy enough with the proper expertise. Luckily the guard is familiar with your reputation and believes your story. It should be easy money. Pie after pie, your willpower cannot be broken, and eventually the sailors are forced to concede. "You wouldn\'t happen to have a potion or something you wouId be willing to give me? Frozen Hollow+ - Complete scenario 5, 8, or 18 Treasure: 20g Reward: Unlocks enhancement 15. Fair warning though, it has every card in Gloomhaven, Forgotten Circles, and Jaws of the Lion. You encounter some dangers throughout the day, but nothing you cannot handle.\n\nGain 1 prosperity. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-f.png', 'In the very early morning, you are wakened by a knock at your door. This should be enough to put this mess behind me and finally allow me to live free. There you find a wooden chest half buried under the rocks. They must have been feasting on something, so you decide to investigate.\n\nAfter a short walk, you come upon a man's corpse, badly decayed and mangled, lying in the dirt. "Sir, this note has traveled a long distance to get to you. I\'m headed toward Gloomhaven, but I\'ve just come such a long way and I\'m not feeling too good about the stretch I have left. good, I\'m glad to have caught you, the guard begins. This lot gets a pass. ', 'You force the Quatryl to slow down and talk to you, but his eyes keep darting around in a panic. "\n\nGain 1 prosperity. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-60-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-60-f.png', "The day proves uneventful until you head back to your room in the evening to find a small package waiting at your doorstep. "String it up"\n\nGlancing behind you to where the crowd appears to be headed, you see a disused gibbet in the market square.\n\nThe men clearly not guards move closer. It doesn\'t surprise you as you walk through to see a scraggly Vermling approach with a small sack.\n\n"A potion for the big, strong adventurers!" ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-47-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-47-f.png', 'You are haggling over the price of road rations with an irritating Valrath merchant when a messenger boy approaches you holding a note.\n\n"Sir, I have a pressing letter from an important Valrath Sunkeeper," the messenger says. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-45-b-a.png', 'The bandits seem a little disappointed as they form up and ride off in the opposite direction.\n\nNo effect. The proprietor seems very impressed by your work and gives free drinks all around in your name.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\nOTHERWISE: You fumble about magnanimously for a while before concluding that you have no idea what you're doing. I Just need a little extra energy to make it back to Gloomhaven. It reaches out to grab the coin, but you take hold of its arm and demand a proper payment. In essence you can get the prosperity ticks by something you will discover after opening envelope B - you are getting a "minor-tick". With enough effort, you are able to extricate yourself from the pit and get as far away as possible before the situation gets worse. "\n\nYou wander around the pavilion for a while, looking at all signs for manner of improbable creatures. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-36-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-36-f.png', "What starts as a light rain quickly turns into something much worse, with torrents of water battering your skin and lightning piercing the sky.\n\nYou're able to find a small rock outcropping and rush under it as thunder shakes the ground. Up to four players pick from the six starting clas ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-21-b-a.png', 'The man thanks you profusely and gives a detailed description of his brother "If you find him, no matter the condition, please let me know right away. No matter what we tell those savages, they\'re convinced were going to take over their forest. The guards are more than happy to oblige.\n\nLuckily your foes sustain only some minor injuries in the time it takes for another squad of guards to arrive and break up the scuffle. Fish directs you to pull out your rod and both you and he hold your respective rods over the table.\n\nA specific location on the map glows brightly and Fish laughs. "We always welcome our friends to come and see the wondrous sights! - Gloomhaven hand management guide MandatoryQuest 8.85K subscribers Subscribe 1.5K Share 63K views 1 year ago BoardGameMath stamina calculator: My GH. His excited face immediately turns to one of disappointment. Only someone of great strength and skill could clear a path efficiently. ', "Offer to fix the lamps. ', 'Attempt to clear the stones from the path. It sounds vaguely like wolves howling, but higher pitched, and there is a rhythm and a melody to it.\n\nYou crest a nearby hill and survey the area, spying a pack of Vermlings standing in a circle and singing. You get all the excitement you need fighting toe-to-toe against vicious monsters. Reading one, you learn that the Sanctuary of the Great Oak is laying down the foundation for a new building on the east side of Gloomhaven. Then two or three choices are given: Option A) Go help lay the foundation. While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Jaws of the Lion, the exact content of which is yet to be announced. Often considered the "fireball" of the Gloomhaven board game. ', "{Cragheart}: The Cragheart's combination of raw strength and an affinity for stonework is perfect for this task. I\'m trying to stop them, and somehow they found out you and I were friends. As the "bard" of Gloomhaven, the Soothsinger singer class revolves around boosting your allies and crippling your enemies. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-41-b-a.png', "Move along. ", '"A downright shame, I say," Nick shakes his head. "\n\nYou look up from your table at the Sleeping Lion to see a rustic man in leather armor standing in front of you.\n\nThis tavern may as well be your office, due to the number of people coming through the doors looking for your help. You are more than happy to move along and put some distance between you.\n\nNo effect. The skull looks pretty fresh. You charge forward and meet the threat head-on, hacking away at their carapaces until they scuttle off the dock and back into the water.\n\nGain 10 experience each. There is a shadow around you a Gloom. Which explains why you are bit surprised when you find yourself standing before three Harrowers in ornate robes unlike any you\'ve ever seen.\n\n"We require spices from across the sea," one chitters at you. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-a.png', 'Approach the Lurkers cautiously and attempt to communicate with them. "Please, accept this with my apologies. The first thing you do is gag him, because he is a talker. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-02-b-a.png', 'You laugh and gesture the Vermling away. It was so large, however, there was nowhere to run.\n\n"City-dwelling scum!" It shouldn't be too hard with a bit of technical know-how. The man describes his brother and hands you a small coin pouch.\n\nGain 5 collective gold.\n\nAdd Road Event 65 to the deck.\n\nOTHERWISE: The man puffs up in indignation, letting you know he is insulted by your behavior. I\'II be sure to tell everyone back in the capital that Gloomhaven is a safe place to do business. And that piece of garbage was justfoul.\n\nNo effect. This city will feel our wrath! You are the talk of the town.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\nREPUTATION < 10, PAY 20 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You bring a very expensive vase as a gift, but you can't seem to catch the father of the bride's eve to present it at the right time.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE:\n\nRead outcome B. Rift Events have been added in the Forgotten Circles expansion. Surely much good will be done here healing the sick and wounded. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-08-b-a.png', "Wary of the merchant's overly exuberant nature, you politely decline his offer and go about your intended business.\n\nNo effect. ', 'PAY 20 (reputation < 10) or 15 (reputation > 9) COLLECTIVE GOLD: After some amount of haggling back and forth, you settle on a price and pay for the map. Very useful app for playing Gloomhaven with multiple groups with separate road and city event decks. It really was my pleasure after all you have done for me. ', 'After restraining the enraged Inox and offering to replace the drinks of a few of the more belligerent patrons, you calm the place down a bit. Reaching the top, you approach the unnatural rock formation, a giant mound of stones stacked one on top of another. We will deal with this ourselves.

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