You remember practically every word that Mrs. Routier said to you, but not much that Sergeant Walling said; is that right? The location of the vacuum cleaner was another detail that caused investigators to suspect staging. Court reporter Sandra Halsey pled the 5th when questioned about the errors in the trial transcripts and the missing audio tapes. Answer: AFIS is the automated fingerprint identification system that was implemented in 1999. If anyone doesn't care to take my word for it, they can always feel free to contact Mountain View and request Darlie's visitor logs, which I believe are public record. Maybe one of them jumped on her while she was on the couch and they began fighting. The judge also ordered DNA profiles from each member of the Routier family also be sent to the California lab for comparison purposes. Okay. Well, were you there with him in her presence before the paramedics arrived? These worms keep telling lies. There are those that steadfastly claim she could have feasibly done it, but it's just too much of a reach, as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe that the dog heard a damn thing. In the letter, Karl, who was then incarcerated at The Potter County Jail, described an argument he had heard between two other inmates in late fall of 1996 as they were coming in from the rec yard. The police and lead prosecutors Greg Davis and Toby Shook claimed that the crime scene was staged and that Darlie inflicted her injuries upon herself. I do not doubt Gorsuch's testimony; to me, it proves that when he saw Darin and Waddell go into the house, it was several minutes after Waddell first arrived. Rickels went to the door and looked out the peephole. darlie routier dna resultsfunny counselor gifts. Okay. The examiner must then evaluate whether or not the print meets the standards to scan and upload it; if enhancement is required, the examiner must do that first. However, after reading all of the incident reports from the guards on duty that day, the affidavits of the inmate witnesses, and his three prior suicide attempts, I am satisfied that his death was indeed a suicide. Do you think the jury would of still voted guilty if they had saw all of the pics of her injuries? The prosecution asserted that Darlie had enough time to commit the murders, run 75 yards down the alley to deposit the sock daubed with Devon's and Damon's blood, run back to the house, slash her throat, inflict her other injuries, and stage the scene. In a move that would turn out to be an epic fail, defense attorney Doug Mulder used this as an excuse to blast the detectives and insinuate to the jury that they had broken the law with their graveyard surveillance. The prosecution called a number of so-called experts and analysts to the stand. Karl was never able to pick out the other man, but sent a note back to Quinncy with one of the mugshots: "This is Arkansas.". The 2021 DNA came back with "foreign eligible profile" has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. My theory is that there was no direct communication between Darin and the assailants; I feel like he would have preferred not to know the details. So why is he testifying under oath about a conversation that never happened? A. Personally, I would lean more toward there being a middle man from Rowlett or nearby that set this whole thing up. The results from the system are then evaluated by the examiner, requiring a combination of experience, training, and visual inspection. That's funny, Laurie! I know the police wanted his bloody clothing while he was at the hospital, and he was given scrubs to wear. What about road rage incidents? Arkansas was known for his quick violent temper and substance abuse issues. A song about violence and death at the funeral of two slain little boys? When she wrote those letters, she fully believed that what she was saying was true. It should be noted that not every nurse who treated Darlie was called to testify. I predict that the first one to talk will get immunity. It's been said that it was impossible to dislodge the glass by accident, as there was a built-in mechanism in the glass holders to prevent that. JustinCase976 (author) on November 28, 2019: Perhaps. I live in the real world and I know all too well that these things happen; I just don't believe that it happened in the case of Darlie Routier. His car out - her car in street - big kids downstairs- doesnt hear a struggle - lost pants - ran across street- and more.. maybe he was the only one that actually knew that THEY WOULD BE HOME???? The software will then compare that print to all other prints stored in the database. The whole article is misleading as hell. They just stabbed me and my children!" No, I don't feel as if the nurses were part of a conspiracy. It is in the toxicology report, but Greg Davis lied and would not turn over the results to th edefense during the trial. There are no photos of the Routier sink after Luminol was applied. Two police officers were asked if they saw it on the kitchen floor. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her . Q. The great news is that Darlie will finally be free. JMO. For me, Im so excited!!!!!! Have you ever read "The Disputed Conviction of Darlie Routier" by S Clemmons? There was no valid reason for this; these nurses did not attend to Damon or Devon and would not be testifying about their injuries or autopsies. Because they thought the house was empty, and were taken by surprise. Did you ever tell her to do that after Sergeant Walling arrived? Steve Cooper has known about this evidence for many years but that maggot has not got Texas to look at it. However, Officer David Mayne, who was responsible for the collection of evidence at the crime scene, used the phrase "I'm not for sure" 48 times during his cross-examination, and "I don't recall" exactly 25 times, for a whopping total of 73 times. How do you know if the bedroom door was closed with the dog in there? Investigators (and guilters) claim that Darlie's bloody footprints under the broken glass on the floor is further evidence of a staged crime scene. Suppose he had trouble sleeping and came down the stairs for a glass of water while she was doing all this? Ah that makes a comment I saw on Facebook make sense now. Question: If the police officer committed perjury like you say, why hasn't the conviction been overturned? I do agree with you that he was involved along with several associates. Can you explain that? Darins pants are a problem. It would have to be proven that: the witness knowingly gave false testimony; this testimony had a direct influence on the court decisions and/or verdict; and that the prosecution was aware of the false nature of the testimony--which even I have to concede that they may not have been. That does not, and never will, fall under the category of lying. He testified that on the morning of June 6, 1996, he had just settled into bed and drifted off when his sleep was broken by some kind of noise or commotion. One, two, donewitness dispatched. It's been ages since I saw that and I honestly can't cite the source, nor do I put much stock in it. Okay. Did Darin shed a tear ? I have a pretty good idea of who was in there with Arkansas but I don't think it would be wise to speculate in an online forum. When it comes to criminal investigations, there are three main indexes utilized by law enforcement: offender profiles of those convicted of crimes; arrestee profiles of suspects, and forensic profiles collected from crime scenes. If hes upstairs sleeping with the new baby and its 2:30 in the morning, why did he put his pants on? In the event that Darlie is fully exonerated, I guess it would be up to the DA's office whether or not they have enough evidence to pursue charges. That's the kind of thing you just don't miss; it's a large, incongruous object that clearly doesn't belong there. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). I knew Darin liked his nose candy, but never heard anything about meth use. When the 911 dispatcher picked up, Darlie was just blurting out the words, trying to get it all out. There's just too many variables. She grasped onto what they told her like a lifeline, desperate to believe that the real killer would be found. Again, he wasn't about to flee with anything at all that could link him to this house or this crime. During the police investigation, one of the mistakes that hurt Darlie the most was giving several accounts and timelines of how the events occurred. That plan was still in place on the night of the murders, although it certainly raises the possibility that the men got the date wrong and were counting on the house being empty. She actually named a couple of different suspects in her letters. Ah, I stand corrected - the IP was finally mentioned in msm in October 2021, after the motion linked upthread was granted. It is estimated that there are over 13 million offender profiles, more than 3 million arrestee profiles, and 840,000 forensic profiles in the system as of 2018. Square Feet: 2,740 sqft. That's actually in Kathy Cruz's book. There were no lies in those letters, only misinformation. It's laughable. I beg to differ. and we do tend to presume it is a male unconsciously i though male intruder up until you mentioned what the psychic said about been a female. The public Facebook page for Darlie just locked down - accepting no new members. The officer, of course, is Matt Walling. Expert testimony typically plays well with juries, but a considerable amount of the analysis presented during Darlie's trial was problematic at best. Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. You gotta be kidding. Darin and Darlie purchased the house toward the end of 1992 and moved in at the beginning of 1993. It is very possible when Darlie was wetting the towels if they were big towels and they drapped down infront of the sink cupboards then could have rubbed against the front of the kitchen sink cupboards and this is why it looked like an attempted clean up. Darile will be home for Christmas this year, mark my words. This whole case reeks of corruption! Her mother, Halina, had just been hired as a housekeeper but only worked 3 days before the murders occurred. Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. But it may not have to go that far. Had Bevel been on the other side of the case, I firmly believe Tolle would have ruled differently. JustinCase976 (author) on October 29, 2019: Heather Rose, I agree with you completely. There's no need for the good doctor to facilitate any DNA testing, either; that's ongoing as it is. LOL Fern! Another thing i would like to mention the police accused the clean up at the kitchen sink when they sprayed luminol. Linch was instructed by the prosecution team to avoid recording his findings in a written report. I have never believed this crime was personal; I think the attackers saw an opportunity to make a quick buck, believed the house was empty, and when they realized it wasn't, it all went bad. Evidence was placed into paper grocery bags and cross-contaminated. JustinCase976 (author) on February 03, 2020: Thank you for your email and the information you sent over. 3) I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you've never been to Eagle Drive. He testified that he repeatedly instructed Darlie to put towels on Damon while he was standing right beside her; why do we not hear him say this on the 911 tape? "Tell me what's going on?" Defense attorneys have fought for years to obtain court approval for DNA testing of the blood spatter evidence that was found throughout the lower floor of the Routier home, but progress on the federal court case has been on hold for more than a decade. There were also cleaning supplies kept under the sink. Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. SOMEONE had to have left that fingerprint in blood; the blood was still wet and fresh when the print was left. Q. Glenn Mize was the only person Darlie could think of that she had a problem with, and Gary Austin's own wife threw him under the bus as a person of interest. Judge Audra Riley of Dallas County signed on order on Sept. 30 instructing multiple agencies including the Dallas County District Clerk, the Rowlett Police Department, the Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the University of North Texas Center for Human Identification to collect their evidence from the Routier case and send it to the Forensic Analytical Crime Laboratory in Hayward, Calif. If you had, you would know that the motion light was located by the spa, at the BACK of the yard. After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. DNA evidence in her case is being tested this. He did not have a conversation with her; she was already at the hospital when he got to the house. I really hope the whole truth comes out, sooner rather than later. Darin and Neal had planned this for months against Darlie. Ive read a lot about this case. The Innocence Project is paying for the shipment of evidence between laboratories, according to the judges orders. I have to agree with you that he would not have taken the time to put on his jeans if he truly heard things breaking and Darlie screaming. ], Tom Bevel, the state's blood spatter "expert," has come under fire in recent years, and his inaccurate testimonies have been linked to several other controversial, potentially wrongful convictions (Jason Payne, Warren Horinek, David Camm, Tim Masters, and Julie Rea-Harper, to name a few.). If you know Arkansas real name then you know I'm right. A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. Cron certainly had an impressive resume and over 30 years of experience, but sometimes this can work against a person. Damon was breathing on his own; all they could do for him was pray that he could hang on long enough for help to arrive. And then were awakenedwhat awakened you the second time, do you know? He never submitted a report, becauseyou guessed ithe was instructed not to. Where is Teresa Powers affidavit? An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued last week in Dallas County ordering additional DNA testing of the massive amount of evidence collected in the case. The majority of the public felt that Susan Smith should have gotten the death penalty and were outraged when she did not. Patterson. Q. She called Darin at work, who could tell by her voice that something was wrong and she needed him. Let's think about this claim for a minute. I think she was a bit of a drama queen that made a big deal out of absolutely nothing. What do four of the world's top body language, behavior, and interrogation experts weigh in their personal opinions on behavior w. Could it be that his superiors strongly encouraged him to tweak his testimony to support the department's need to portray Darlie as the killer? Really, Alan? Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. The prosecution held a mock trial prior to the nurses testifying, a bit of a dress rehearsal, you might say. They just try and muddy the waters and confuse people with untruths that cannot be proven. Justice will be served. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: not even the most hardened criminals would go around talking about stabbing little kids if it never happened. For the love of God, think of the children! Darlie Routier Net Worth: At the time on her conviction she had some credit card debt and they were behind in their mortgage. What kind of mother wears such revealing clothing, all that flashy jewelry, and a ring on each finger? A. I walked back over to where she was, and I asked her again who had done it, and if there had been any problems in the house, or if they had had any problems with anybody that she might think would have done it, and she told me no, and she kept telling me, that the guy was still in the house. Was it Officer Waddell? When it comes to this case, I have never been confident with either the crime scene preservation or the collection of the evidence. He reiterated the time during cross-examination, and was adamant that his clock is set for the actual, precise time, and not a few minutes fast as some people are prone to do. It certainly isn't impossible, but I formed my opinion based on verifiable facts, and I just haven't seen anything that points to a woman's involvement. It made them want someone to be punished and added a degree of hostility toward Darlie in their testimony. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? Some of these errors were minor; many were not. Hardly. The same reasoning applies to Darlie's interchanging usage of the pronouns "he" and "they." What the prosecution does not say is that there was no evidence of Devon's blood present on the knife that was recovered from the Routier home; only Damon's and Darlie's blood were present. A dog will only bark at an intruder if the dog is aware of his presence. Attorneys for Routier, including Smith and J. Stephen Cooper of Dallas, Richard Burr of Houston and Jane Pucher and Vanessa Potkin of the Innocence Project, all agreed to the procedure as outlined by the judge. CODIS differs from AFIS with regard to privacy: there are no personal identifiers, no names attached to these profiles. She has also been widely criticized for not calling the police that night. Q. I have a diary. Q. Water and her hands? JustinCase976 (author) on January 31, 2020: Excellent point, Anonna Miss. Darlie, who doesn't know what to do, is simply doing as she has been instructed. The sock had drops of Devon's and Damon's blood on it, but none of Darlie's blood. So then they went to plan B and used a hunting knife to slice open the screen. The bottom line is, I feel that Czaban's entire testimony should be taken with a pillar of salt. Id be on the hunt if I were Darlie Lynn Routier .. Timothy gene harris dead but I think I read somewhere theres another guy thats walking around .. if hes approached hell be singing like bird lions and tigers and bears oh my! He may have been an experienced police officer, but he was still a parent, and I believe the man just plain froze. Yet, there were towels collected as evidence, and towels are also visible in the crime scene photos. If the DNA matches the suspect or suspects, an arrest should be imminent. However, considering that he has a history of this kind of scam when he needs quick cash, I believe it makes perfect sense. I could see that he was actively trying to get those drops on the back of the shirt, and he had to work pretty hard to accomplish it. I will never believe that he actually stabbed Darlie or the kids, nor do I believe he hired people to kill his family. Price: $355,000 (sold after the murder for an unknown price) Darlie Routier Address: 801 Eagle Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088. Everything that points to Darlie's guilt is in the transcripts." Why would she deliberately torture herself by having to hear those soul-crushing words again? Darlie's bloody footprints were photographed underneath some of the glass, causing them to believe she broke the glass after the fact to make it look like there had been a struggle. Although the medical examiner found this to be highly suspicious, in the end, his death was classified as a suicide. A. I guess, I'm not sure on how long it took him. And then I directed my attentionshe pointed to the garage, and told me that somebody had ran out into the garage. This resulted in both men invoking their 5th amendment right against self-incrimination; it also effectively robbed Darlie of her own 6th amendment right to cross-examine her accuser, since Patterson was the one who drafted her arrest warrant and filed charges of capital murder. Darlie's blood was found to have dripped onto it, and there were wheel marks where it appeared the vacuum had been rolled through wet blood. I have to echo the same sentiment expressed by Marcia Clark when she described the OJ jury seeing pictures of a bruised and battered Nicole: they saw it, they understood itAND THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE. Darin wasn't hurt and the baby was with Darin. The examiner makes the final judgment as to whether a match has been found. Bill Gorsuch was a neighbor who lived across the street and worked nights. She had some over-the-counter sleeping pills on hand, but as she was writing the note, she abandoned the idea and did the healthiest thing possible: she reached out for help. I did point this out in a comment, but the author chose not to publish the comment. If Halina Czaban really believed the baby was in any danger from his mother then she is negligent for not calling the police or CPS right then and there. Even now, over 25 years later, Darlie Routier still maintains her innocence, asserting that someone broke into the home and attacked her and her children. Could you tell us what that conversation was? In one account, she fought with the intruder. Did you look at the clock when you woke up? October 15, 2021 11:56 am. I agree completely. According to Jovell, I believe she said the accomplice was a friend of her daughter's and that they took the car to a farm in Oklahoma to hide it. The ambulance that was directly in front of Walling parked along a curve on Eagle Drive, across from the Routier's house and directly underneath where Gorsuch was standing. If she was laying on the couch, and a man with a knife mounted her, the first thing anyone would do would be to raise their arms up defensively, thus accounting for the black-and-blue bruising up and down her arms. Sucker!". No more so than the idea of Darlie as the killer, in my opinion. They were desperately trying to get oxygen flowing into him so that he would not be brain damaged if he were to be revived. JustinCase976 (author) on September 01, 2019: Actually, the NY Innocence Project has indeed become involved with her case. Two things to keep in mind: 1) The Innocence Project normally does not become involved with any defendant that already has counsel in place, so that right there ought to tell you something; 2) They also don't accept cases where there is no exculpatory DNA evidence. What do you think of Halina Czabens evidence the part about suffocating baby Drake the day before the murders? Every word spoken between Darlie and Waddell is recorded on the 911 call, and she never once says anything to him about a struggle. Or perhaps the glass on the footprints truly was staged after Darlie was taken to the hospital. She turned on the porch light and the men ran off. Like cortisol, these hormones disrupt the process by which the brain collects and stores memories. At this point the second guy grabs the butcher knife from the kitchen so now he's armed too. I can understand that, except that I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. Immediately, she "snapped back," came to her senses and had the presence of mind to do all this staging. You never told him that any time he was in your house? Nothing new in the DNA. Rickels turned on the bedroom light and once again, the men ran off.

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darlie routier dna results 2021