I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. Its almost more insulting to watch advertisers paint their own picture of dark skin people living a prosperous life in the suburbs or even on a ranch with a pickup yes Ive seen that. Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. But for what I think is the real reason, I would suggest that everybody read American Marxism by Mark Levin. Representation in advertising had already started to become untethered from reality prior to August 2014, when the Ferguson, Missouri riots erupted following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. Shopping malls and soft drinks over index with black customers, so feature higher percentage black actors in those ads. And luxury car commercials. As a guy who runs a blog focused on advertising, I feel compelled to follow the social media accounts of industry trade publications such as Ad Age, Adweek, and Digiday. But its the talking-about-it part thats hard. What is driving this discrimination? As Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire recently acknowledged, there arent a lot of options for disenfranchised consumers who dont want to give their money to woke corporations. Therefore, not only does the new definition fail to capture the full meaning of racism; the definition is itself an example of the anti-white racism being taught to our children.. That is their target. Id like to add some thoughts to some specific points Advertising Agencies are still mostly filled with college-degreed White males, and although this is changing they still have ideologies motivated toward the Left. And I dare say that all but one or two comments have been from people who agree with the premise of the post boiled down simply, that blacks are conspicuously overrepresented in U.S. television commercials at the expense of other racial groups, and that todays advertisers are duplicitous asshats whose anti-white and anti-white male agendas are driven by propaganda either their own programming, or a desire to program others. And the BIGGER and OLDER the ORGANIZATION, the MORE EXTREME their wants. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. Theyre just trying to make them appear as white families. I just finished a rather long article about the Frankford School and their agendas. And third, inner city public school systems are often limited by teachers unions. As you say, if television ads did a better job of reflecting real life, there would be a lot fewer people complaining that advertisers are pushing an agenda. Its reverse discrimination! I just press the mute button and minimize the picture in the corner of the screen until it is over. wowi mean, ZING! And the matchmaking app ads show black people or gays. Awakening normies are providing me with much merriment. Now that you are aware, youll start to notice it yourself. I think they may be right up your alley. Forced Diversity is a buzzword thrown by bigots to rationalize critiques against works featuring diverse people on the merit that diverse people make a work "worse." blacks commit crime at higher rates Its usually because no one on the marketing campaign asked POC hikers about their hiking experiences. There are those of us on the left who are also fed up with the not so veiled attempt by the Uber-left to vilify and demonize white males. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? Which I guess should come as no surprise, as insulting peoples intelligence seems to be about all most advertisers are good for anymore. Wish we could go back to the 90s.. when America had a backbone and when the cops could beat the crap out of the criminals without the cops going to jail for doing their jobs and the criminals being made into heroes. Hit them where it hurts their profit margins and tell them why youre leaving. Thanks for the insightful post. They are trying to do this to push off the negative view of investment houses after the crash. What youre seeing in many of these ads that are pushing the black person/actor to the forefront are the writers and directors who are predominantly black. It explains the Who, How, and Why of all these social issues. Well, the fair-minded ones do, anyway. Isnt that interesting? Far from it. Most every person shown now has black or brown skin. 2. because thats racist.. 20% are agnostic, but celebrate Christmas. I cant help wonder if there isnt some political manipulation going on here. That equates to about 3% of the poster images. its discrimination. Different strokes for different folks, Bob, but you have to admit, the man knows the Constitution. Execs want to cover their asses when blacks take to social media to yell about how racist their ads are. Companies will be forced to address their . I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. Nor would I expect people there to avoid saying happy Ramadan because there are 10% Christian. This diversity crap has to end but it seems to be caused by companies so they promote ethnic groups in fear of retaliation that they are not representing other communities. T his report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry. Eventually this transformed into the black sidekick or partnerand then eventually the white male lead was replacedand Will Smith and Denzel Washingtons son became the lead. I agree there is an over representation of POC and a not so subtle effort to marginalize whites men but it goes way beyond Obama (whom I respect and admire). They refuse to think critically for themselves; they just believe what theyre told. I realize there is a lot of hate in this world and people in high places are trying to fix that, however, is it fair to the white actors, models and any other white males for that matter to be ostracized? Ironically I feel a little safer knowing hes a little less tolerant of bull crap than he probably should be. (Snake oil, anyone?). I feel terrible Im starting to feel this way. You should have a problem. Its the only effect Ive personally seen. What is going to happen to white children that are not being represented? Get society to abandon the white male by removing him from every situation. Use the right people for the message you convey. I call it Clown World and were all living in it. Even worse than all these commercials nowadays putting black men in $1,000 shoes driving $100,000 cars living in million dollar homes and being depicted as superior to the overweight balding white guy who looks like a complete buffoon. How many movies are made now featuring men (and some women) in their 70s as the action hero lead? Married to blonde white models. Walt is rolling in his grave.. The black women get the white men, or a woman of any color, and thats another culture that we are bombarded with gender-less actors hmmm is it a male or a female. Having Expectations to achieve as much as possible with persistence in spite of the obstacles and the snags that life presents. Because 75% of black women are on welfare with a bunch of kids and no father in the house. Is this social engineering or some type of reparations for past indiscretions? Google it, its a fascinating story of how they duped consumers into believing they NEEDED cereal to be healthy. Even if they use a purple clown. You could also throw in guilt and reparations as other potential motives. I was going to get rid of Netflix but there are no commercials so Im keeping it. I have no reason to protest but seeing it recognized and discussed just made my day! I mute the commercials and think to myself this is all but nothing but clown commercials, fake and actually racist against whites. Were the ignorant ones working for minimum wage, a 2% raise and paying the full mortgage on a house/apartment we dont own while the CEOs who approve the companys doings fly off on their personal jet to their 12th vacation of the year. Do the stories you read there measure up to the advertising portrayal? Back in the 1980s, I read several papers on how Americas changing demographics was going to leave any corporate players who didnt get on board with the new normal of the time at a distinct disadvantage in this profitable market segment. It truly boggles the mind. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. Whats racist is the over representation of minorities in tv now. 'Forced Diversity' In Movies Is Not a Thing - But Here's Why Some Diversity in Advertising: Where Are We Now? - ClickGUARD Hey, dont get me wrong. Keep it coming. Slavery is bad, period! Thank you for your candor, Elizabeth. There was an exception made for John Wayne and Errol Flynn but some of it had to do with a desire by Hollywood to promote the war. Its just around the corner if we dont do something now. It is pretty pathetic. First African Americans suffer from a 74% illegitimacy rate where about three out of every four children grow up without the love, discipline, and example of a father. Even more telling, the. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. I have cancelled my AMEx card. However, the. New Jake is the obvious example in advertising, but examples abound in other media, from film and TV to comic books. Also, diversity does not only mean blackswhere are the Latinos especially? Mainly in the USA is Black pushed so hard. So while these Ad people pat their own backs about breaking racial boundaries.. they are not being as innovative as they think because they are ALL doing it. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. These points are not racist at all. Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report! Take this recent tweet from Adweek promoting an article condemning Western brands and advertisers for overlooking the vast and diverse Muslim population and thus contributing to the proliferation of stereotypes and prejudice. Not to mention these brands begin to be perceived as followers rather than leaders so innovation, creative thinking and originality fades away too. 61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important. You drive by every day and dont notice it. (Hopefully I can post the YouTube link), [The Cranky Creative says: YouTube is playing games with the link below. An example. Always point the finger at some one else and never accepting responsibility for their actions. Diversity is not forced because it's bad; it's forced because movie studios are trying to seem "woke" and are profiting off minorities' hopes to see themselves onscreen. Well, right now there is nothing authentic about the way advertisers are representing or not representing different races and cultures in commercials. I think they must have passed a law, or something. Im not aware of any formal study, which I imagine would be difficult to do and the results may vary widely depending on the networks and shows surveyed. We expect this from brands (like PETA) whose missions are tied closely to such issues. Diversity is great and was much needed in the entertainment industry. Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. Agreed on all points! Black people put the word out to lie on census to keep population % low. I have been digging into the people behind this for nearly three years now, trying to understand who they are and what their plans are, and the phrase truth is stranger than fiction doesnt even begin to describe it. Tokenism is real. I too am a die hard liberal when it comes to social issues but bristle at the not so subtle attempts to disenfranchise the white race and even the male gender. This must stop before it escalates beyond any controlled means. Only virtue-signaling organizations do.). "A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021)." I came across this post as a result of a duckduckgo search specifically asking about the subject because for this reason and many others, I no longer use Google services unless absolutely necessary. I see them small as ignorant tools. If youre catering ads towards the people that are actually buying the product it would make sense to include those people when considering creating the ads and especially casting. The only good Lia has done is prove without a doubt that males are stronger than females. Thanks for sharing your comment and Im glad you liked the post. Im starting to say words I never dreamed Id say a few years ago when I once again see these commercials. As to the why of it all, Im still looking for a good answer myself. It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. Thanks for your comment! The folks behind these changes can print all the money they wishand have been able to do so since 1913. Walking into stores and walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise and doing smashing grabs at high-end jewelry stores and theyre always talking about how everybody trash talks them and they dont get any respect and they still blame Whitey for keeping them down. Never mentioned is the fact more white folk are shot and killed by the police than are black folk. I used to work in IT and whenever there was a black hiring manager, theyd hire 75-80% black employees. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. [They] have made us afraid to question the narratives and agendas that we can clearly see them pushing upon us, in an effort to neutralize us until their work is done. Is this some sort of mad over-correction from that year when someone noticed that there were no black actors or movies nominated for the Oscars? Its much, much bigger. And sorry, they were NOT rich white guys. I am so sick of seeing this. Im attaching the link below, as it is a very enlightening read. The only thing I can guess is advertisers are trying to social engineer society. I also firmly believe my feedback would get screened out by a cube dwelling liberal. Here in the East of England in the county of Norfolk I hardly come across any mixed race couples in my town. CTV Advertising Means Diversity. That is the main problem. And I see it clear as day and constantly find myself defending straight White men. option. find one blue eyed blonde male on tv or movies anymore. Or provide up to five specific focuses on diversity and do a Twitter poll or a poll via social asking peoplereal peoplewhat matters to them. For most of us, the reality we see in our daily lives looks nothing like the contrived bullshit we see on our TV screens, and while the endless assault has gotten very tiring, very fast, Im not sure that any amount of protest, boycotting, or letter-writing is going to change a thing. And the corporate media including Big Tech are not just complicit, theyve been captured completely. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. They have been totally emboldened and safe feeling, they dont need to wear a mask. Astute readers have shared their well-considered opinions all over this page. We see it all the time: the upper-middle-class family wearing upper-middle-class clothes, living in an upper-middle-class home and doing upper-middle-class things, like attending piano recitals, or gaming with pals on razor-thin laptops, or having a backyard birthday party complete with pink princess decorations and a tent and giant bounce-house. Your comment reminds me of the former Levis jeans executive who just published a book about how woke capitalism at the company got her ousted from her dream job. Thank you. Every victim needs a villain. But it would be naive to think that many brands and advertisers arent also being driven by other factors, including a fear of being labeled racist and canceled. Making them susceptible to the rants off the conservative right. It is actually quite embarrassing. Ill try it some night when I want to get rip-roaring drunk! Can I interest you in a Jeremys razor? Its annoying to see so much over representation. The worst part, however, is that the vast majority of the sleeping populace goes right along with it, happily complying with the activists demands and parroting the inclusive propaganda. I think it is multifactorial but I see globalist propaganda as the main force. watching youtube just nowNavy Credit Union commercialno white males2 POC males and an Asian lady. Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. If you get a chance, tell them what you think on social media, too . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Its all a way to appease them. Corporate ads said Black Lives Matter. But the industry creating them but lets remember its not all of they. Also almost never see Asians either. Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? Forced diversity. Also, why is it that your kind always resorts to ad hominem attacks and calling people Hitler? :p. Scratch Duck Duck Go. 100% agree with your perspective. I know you are being sarcastic, but anyone who WOULD believe this is simply not living in reality. In addition, they are the highest paid athletes in the world (basketball and football) and take home 75% of the coveted music awards each year. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. What marketing genius came up with that concept? Clearly, this is a topic that people want to talk about. I was not brought up like that. Thus, transforming it into whatever ad execs need to do the tick the box for corporate. But in sum, they were extremely sinister. When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. Also, try to find episodes of Max Headroom from the 1980s, early 90s. . Its all such a bunch of crap because the WOKE folks have taken over. Make it a party game One drink for a white couple; two drinks for a mixed-race couple; three drinks for a mixed-raced couple with an Asian kid; etc You make the rules! Have fun! Instead of being objective purveyors of information, these companies selectively pick and choose the info we see based on their politics and agendas. Likewise, movies and TV shows should be about stories, not propaganda, and the same goes there. Feminized males are in. Considering how many Jewish people are said to own and run media companies, the lack of Jewish representation does indeed strike one as odd. . Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. You cant change chromosomes. Sadly, this is happening not just in advertising, but everywhere. Predictably, not one person had the courage to comment. Today, long after the end of segregation, long after the Civil Rights Act, we still have black churches, black schools, black magazines, black television stations, and more. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. There was a shooting today in a predominantly black neighborhood where 13 people were shot by a young white male, the white male is claiming he was driven by the great replacement theory, of course I dont condone his violent act but it doesnt take much for The Fringe to react, these commercials that have erased the strong white male in our society will push many white males over the edge and into acts of violence against those they feel replaced by. In the 1930s, the big movies studios often promoted effeminate men as their leadsDavid Manners Leslie Howard. Excerpt: Woke capitalism is corporate Americas attempt to profit off of Millennial and Gen Z activism, often passive keyboard activism . Yes, I too believe this is an agenda for some, and not just in advertising, either. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/diversity-in-commercials/76279/, Thanks, Robert. My wife and I often wonder doesnt this also have an immediate negative effect? In answer to your question, its both. Or they have a political agenda better served by a belief there are more minorities. A group of atheistic supporters of chaos to brainwash and control all human society. I feel advertising should be proportionate with the population. And not only that tell these companies youll be taking your business elsewhere; perhaps to a competitor that doesnt wear its politics on its sleeve. Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? White men are portrayed as imbeciles, weak, and foolish. Thats . One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. No masculine role models or father/son interaction in commercials. What people do on their own time is fine with me just dont try to indoctrinate the populace to their unrealistic commercial portrayals. They want us at each others throatsas they work towards their planned paradise on earthwith most of us cattle (their word, not mine) eliminated. Totally agree. Take a moment to write a quick email, tweet, or Facebook post to some of these companies who are pushing this forced-diversity agenda. Not only are advertisements being infiltrated by blacks, but remakes of movies putting in blacks where whites use to be. 1. Explore ANA products, services, and unique marketing insights by your area of interest. Im pretty sure we have the George Floyd BLM protesters to thank for this. The findings are simply not believable. We are living the nightmare of Atlas Shrugged whodathunkit? Hes worried about missing his bubble bath and pedicure. For example, Sprite is popular with blacks and has been since the 90s when the companys marketing tapped into hip-hop and sports culture. I call these internalized values the Five Es and they are presented here: 1. And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. Because if brands and advertisers really cared about diversity and inclusivity and representing all races and cultures equitably, then they would put an honest effort into giving everyone their fair shake and especially into recognizing and respecting the differences in our cultures while bringing us together in our love for their brands. Im not watching and Im not buying. Its safe, but it will take you away from this site to show you the video on YouTube. Remember in this country there re 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim and 2% other religions. We the buying public are born with pretty good BS detectors. You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. Overcasting Black folks is simply an effort to keep themselves employed. I find the media, the big corps, anti-social media, etc., quite nauseating. Theyre starting to wonder if pushing all of these agendas might just be costing them money. Being neutral isnt going to change anything. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. Yes, everything has to have an urban feel to it now, as if that is something to aspire to. Along with blacks dominating advertisements and all the new sitcoms, they have black only cable channels, black award shows, black history month, black music appreciation month, Martin Luther King day (instead of honoring all civil rights marchers). I agree with the commenter who said Maybe use no actors, there are some out there that are well made and entertaining.. Rachel Montague, Gourmet Services, Inc. Its all well and good to proclaim a desire for diversity, but companies need to be careful they arent treating it flippantly, because their audience will see right through it. To validate their superior socioeconomic positions above us of course. Its going to have an impact on how people vote. . If many of us do, I wonder what their reaction would be. The only time I saw a woman with my body type, it was a prescription medicine ad, the actress was Black, and she was power-walking and doing healthy activities to lose weight. Thx again for bringing me back to the reality of the situation. Etc, etc Today, I dont understand what they are doing from a marketing perspective. Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. The second reason is the more we insult and lampoon strong male role models, the more our children will suffer. I guarantee that 90%+ of Lowes products are purchased by people that celebrate Christmas. And it is almost assumed at this point that every other couple is either interracial or gay. Show men of color as successful and attractive while white men if you show them at all are fat and stupid. as when car company Acura was forced to apologize in 2012 after putting out a casting call for a Super Bowl ad featuring a Black . And it goes beyond just media. Others wield it as a club. Wrong. They were landed, like me. We all get that the world is changing, that Americas demographics are changing. Then again, we live in an age of extremes the very rich, the very poor and a rapidly shrinking middle. Its just where we are. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. Thank you for your comment. I dont even want to look at another Black person on TV, and this is coming from someone who has had many Black friends in life. The ANA asks you to accept cookies for performance, social media and advertising purposes. . Yes it is the Democrats doing this because all white people are racist. Not true. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. . All men are demeaned in commercials and have been for a long time but especially Black men lately. When you see it in TV, you would assume black/white interracial marriages are 95% of all marriages. Explaining why many of our business leaders and politicians are in favor of these things. I keep my business behind closed doors where it belongs!!! Toxic masculinity is out. I cant help but notice the blatancy of this and it feels so forced and ingenuine. As others have pointed out, its actually exacerbating racism. Check out this tweet sent by the NHL regarding the Trans Draft Tournament that just took place in Middleton, Wisconsin (about 10 miles from my old home). For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. Not sure how its Obamas doing but whatever. Thighlander, I think you and I have been reading similar things and doing similar research. If you notice, the actors playing Bond have gotten shorter and less masculine over time. Thank you so much Cranky for your article. This is propaganda. Im talking about the new discrimination against whites, men, Christians and women, if we include all of the trans males that are now invading womens rest rooms, womens sports, and every other area traditionally held by biological females.

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forced diversity in advertising