The research aims to identify the effectiveness of using the blended learning strategy on achievement among students of higher colleges of technology in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), through the answer to the following question: Is there a statistically significant difference at the significance level (a = 0.05) in students' achievements in general studies courses at higher education . The effectiveness of the LMS was rated at 79% by learners reporting that they found it useful (89%) and using it makes their learning activities much easier (75.2%). Face-to-face sessions should continue on a monthly basis as noted here and is in agreement with Marriot et al. Blended learning provides the necessary communication, collaboration, and learning technology to quickly and efficiently keep employees up-to-date on new procedures and offerings without taking them out of the field. Blended 82 Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. Maidenhead: OUP McGraw-Hill. In blended learning set ups, face-to-face experiences form part of the blend and learner positive attitudes to such sessions could mean blended learning effectiveness. Ann Transl Med. In Neuwe Medien in Unterricht, Aus-und Weiterbildung Waxmann Munster, New York. Correspondence to Other self-developed instruments were used for the other remaining variables of attitudes, computer competence, workload management, social and family support, satisfaction, knowledge construction, technology quality, interactions, learning management system tools and resources and face-to-face support. Persistence of masters students in the United States: Developing and testing of a conceptual model. The study suggests that the characteristics and design features examined are good drivers towards an effective blended learning environment though a few of them predicted learning outcomes in blended learning. An e-learning approach to secondary education in Palestine: opportunities and challenges. Cronbachs alpha was used to test reliability and the table below gives the results. The learners perceived usefulness/satisfaction with online system, tools, and resources was at 81% as the LMS tools helped them to communicate, work with peers and reflect on their learning (74%). Springer Nature. Retrieved 18 Aug 2015. Studies comparing blended learning with traditional face-to-face have indicated that learners perform equally well in blended learning and their performance is unaffected by the delivery method (Kwak, Menezes, & Sherwood, 2013). Evaluate post-coaching data to supervise coaching effectiveness, provide insights and action . Beard, Harper and Riley (2004) shows that some learners are successful while in a personal interaction with teachers and peers thus prefer face-to-face in the blend. Find out more here . Methods: JAMA. 2022 Dec;10(23):1270. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-5112. Shraim and Khlaif (2010) note in their research that 75% of students and 72% of teachers were lacking in skills to utilize ICT based learning components due to insufficient skills and experience in computer and internet applications and this may lead to failure in e-learning and blended learning. Blended Learning Social Sciences teacher Social Sciences The conceptual model for our study is depicted as follows (Fig. (2003). It is again noted that a system with poor response time cannot be taken to be useful for e-learning and blended learning especially in cases of limited bandwidth (Anderson, 2004). Create blended learning materials and validate content to ensure accuracy and appropriate context ; . A standard multiple regression analysis was done taking learner characteristics/background and design features as predictor variables and learning outcomes as criterion variables. A value flow model for the evaluation of an e-learning service. Key Words: Blended learning, knowledge management, technology, strategic solution, Content management, e-learning, effectiveness Peer support is required by learners who have no or little knowledge of technology, especially computers, to help them overcome fears. Accessibility Motivation is seen here as an outcome because, much as cognitive factors such as course grades are used in measuring learning outcomes, affective factors like intrinsic motivation may also be used to indicate outcomes of learning (Kuo, Walker, Belland, & Schroder, 2013). Swan, K. (2001). Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. This part of our study seeks to establish the learner characteristics/backgrounds and design features that predict blended learning effectiveness with regard to satisfaction, outcomes, motivation and knowledge construction. Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features and outcomes,, Learning outcomes and significant predictors, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,,,,, The work will encompass risk management framework . blended learning; effectiveness; health professions; knowledge; meta-analysis. The indicators of self regulation exist as well as positive attitudes towards blended learning. According to research and reputable studies, blended learning courses and techniques offer companies a more cost-effective and efficient way to deliver engaging and successful learning content to their employees.1 But how should learners taking blended learning courses be evaluated so you know that real learning is actually taking place both inside and outside of the [] Before Evaluating student satisfaction with blended learning in a gender-segregated environment. 1994 Aug;37(8):7682. Islam, A. K. M. N. (2014). We aimed to assess the effectiveness of blended learning for health professional learners compared with no intervention and with nonblended learning. Learner satisfaction was noted as a strong factor for effectiveness of blended and online courses (Wilging & Johnson, 2009) and dissatisfaction may result from learners incompetence in the use of the learning management system as an effective learning tool since, as Islam (2014) puts it, users may be dissatisfied with an information system due to ease of use. Cookies policy. 3(2001). The Delone and McLean model of information systems success: A Ten-year update. The learner characteristics/backgrounds being investigated for blended learning effectiveness include self-regulation, computer competence, workload management, social and family support, attitude to blended learning, gender and age. Pallant, J. A questionnaire with items on student characteristics, design features and learning outcomes was distributed among students from three schools and one directorate of postgraduate studies. (2012) regarding technology as a predictor of learner satisfaction. Article Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 4(2), 215235. Knowledge of online Learning technologies and their application in Blended Learning Environments. Part of (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). Poptropica English Islands, a more intensive version of Poptropica English, allows pupils to enter a fun world of adventure where they develop solid English Language skills and are prepared for . Its effectiveness is tested by a 12-week experiment of joint learning for CET-4. Then the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was given feedback by the state and offered a contract to continue with the study in the year 2010. . Continued navigation through a learning management system increases use and is an indicator of success in blended learning (Delone & McLean, 2003). Communications of the ACM. Outliers were no cause for concern in our data since we had only 1% of all cases falling outside 3.0 thus proving the data as a normally distributed sample. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer. Factors such as learners hours of employment and family responsibilities are known to impede learners process of learning, blended learning inclusive (Cohen, Stage, Hammack, & Marcus, 2012). Time conflict, as compounded by family, employment status and management support (Packham et al., 2004) were noted as causes of learner failure and drop out of online courses. Studies indicate that student characteristics such as gender play significant roles in academic achievement (Oxford Group, 2013), but no study examines performance of male and female as an important factor in blended learning effectiveness. We investigate the blended learning design features of learner interactions, face-to-face support, learning management system tools and technology quality while the outcomes considered include satisfaction, performance, intrinsic motivation and knowledge construction. Learners need to seek helpful assistance from peers and teachers through chats, email and face-to-face meetings for effectiveness (Lynch & Dembo, 2004). Lin and Vassar, (2009) indicated that learner success is dependent on ability to cope with technical difficulty as well as technical skills in computer operations and internet navigation. PMC It also gives the factors that are considered to be significant for blended learning effectiveness. EK did the proof-reading of the article as well as language editing. Technology quality and interactions are the only design features predicting learner knowledge construction, while social support, among the learner backgrounds, is a predictor of knowledge construction. Rovai, A. P. (2003). Blended learning is meant to increase learners levels of knowledge construction in order to create analytical skills in them. From these, one course unit was selected from each school and all the learners following the course unit were surveyed. Despite the increase in 1:1 computing initiatives in K-12 schools and increased technology use in higher education for blended learning, there is little empirical evidence of significant gains in learning outcomes. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. We applied the online self regulatory learning questionnaire for data on learner self regulation, the intrinsic motivation inventory for data on intrinsic motivation and other self-developed instruments for measuring the other constructs. Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Developing tools for analysing CSCL process. 82% of students prefer blended teaching to classic teaching environments. A study by Blocker and Tucker (2001) also showed that learners had difficulties with technology and inadequate group participation by peers leading to dissatisfaction within these design features. We conducted a search of citations in Medline, CINAHL, Science Direct, Ovid Embase, Web of Science, CENTRAL, and ERIC through September 2014. USA: PhD Dissertation, New York University. Eom, Wen, and Ashill (2006) using a survey found out that interaction, among other factors, was significant for learner satisfaction. Shapiro-Wilk test was done to test normality of the data for it to qualify for parametric tests. Astleitner, H. (2000) Dropout and distance education. The design features under study here include interactions, technology with its quality, face-to-face support and learning management system tools and resources. Research shows that absence of learner interaction causes failure and eventual drop-out in online courses (Willging & Johnson, 2009) and the lack of learner connectedness was noted as an internal factor leading to learner drop-out in online courses (Zielinski, 2000). Score 50 and above is considered a pass in this studys setting and learners scoring this and above will be considered to have passed. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1982). Microlearning videos can be an effective way to engage learners and help them retain information. Therefore, further well-designed randomized controlled trials should be done. Information Technology for Development, 16(3), 159173. This can go a long way in producing skilled learners who can be innovative graduates enough to satisfy employment demands through creativity and innovativeness. The advantage found by Beard is all the same relevant here because learners in blended learning express attitude to both online and face-to-face for an effective blend. 2. Abstract and Figures The object of this experimental study is to measure the effectiveness of a blended learning environment which is laid out on the basis of features for face to face and. A study by Thompson (2004) shows that work, family, insufficient time and study load made learners withdraw from online courses. Mountains of the Moon University, P.O. Advanced experience developing blended learning programs, including . The results indicated that the type of blended learning in use predicted 40.4% of student learning outcomes. Students of blended learning group employed all motivational and learning strategies more often than students of the didactic and web- based e-learning groups except strategies of intrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning belief and help seeking. What are the student characteristics and blended learning design features for an effective blended learning environment? They however met oftentimes online (60%) and organized how they would work together in study during the face-to-face meetings (69%). Picciano, A., & Seaman, J. Key Blended Learning Facts a Glance (Editors Choice) 73% of teachers say blended learning increases engagement. Assessing the acceptance of a blended learning university course. In the study, the author has constructed a blended translation course and has conducted a survey to determine the effectiveness of blended learning to improve learner autonomy. Oxford Group, (2013). (2014). This evaluates the extent of an e-learning system usage and the educational effectiveness. Packham, G., Jones, P., Miller, C., & Thomas, B. Kintu, M. J., & Zhu, C. (2016). Learners in the study found Moodle to be an effective educational tool. E-Leader Krakow, 2008. Sun P, Tsai RJ, Finger G, Chen Y, Yeh D. What drives a successful e-Learning? The test results for normality of our data before the t-test resulted into significant levels (Male=.003, female=.000) thereby violating the normality assumption. . Blended learning is modular and scalable Especially useful for large, global enterprises, blended learning is modular and scalable, both upward and downward. In the school of Education (n=70) and Business and Management Studies (n=133), sophomore students were involved due to the fact that they have been introduced to ICT basics during their first year of study. The 2003 Sloan Survey of Online Learning (Allen & Seaman, 2003) provided somewhat more detail, defining blended learning as a "course that is a blend of the online and face-to-face course. An effective blended learning environment is necessary in undertaking innovative pedagogical approaches through the use of technology in teaching and learning. 3. Computers & Education. It was also noted that learners may not continue in e- and blended learning if they are unable to make friends thereby being disconnected and developing feelings of isolation during their blended learning experiences (Willging & Johnson, 2009). E-learning and retention key factors influencing student withdrawal. Questions This research mainly answered the following two questions: (1) In the process of joint learning for Research shows that the failure of learners to continue their online education in some cases has been due to family support or increased workload leading to learner dropout (Park & Choi, 2009) as well as little time for study. This innovative pedagogical approach has been embraced rapidly though it goes through a process. Stacey, E., & Gerbic, P. (2007). Background: 2008 Sep 10;300(10):1181-96. doi: 10.1001/jama.300.10.1181. The objective of the current study is to investigate the effectiveness of blended learning in view of student satisfaction, knowledge construction, performance and intrinsic motivation and how they are related to student characteristics and blended learning design features in a blended learning environment. Learner interactions at all levels are good enough and contrary to Astleitner, (2000) that their absence makes learners withdraw, they are a drive factor here. Blended learning has the potential to be more economical than traditional face-to-face learning as it requires fewer teachers' load to supervise students. Adding group activities can significantly enhance the overall effect of blended learning. Why Blended Learning Really Works for Busy Professionals. 2013;13:57. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-13-57. Google Scholar. The levels of family and social support for learners stand at 61 and 75% respectively, indicating potential for blended learning to be effective. It is aimed at determining the significant predictors of blended learning effectiveness taking student characteristics/background and design features as independent variables and learning outcomes as dependent variables. Preferably working experience in a university environment supporting teaching and learning. Although significant publication bias was found, the trim and fill method showed that the effect size changed to 0.26 (95% CI -0.01 to 0.54) after adjustment. ED 457 822. It was found that male learners performed slightly better (M=62.5) than their female counterparts (M=61.1). Osgerby, J. Business Communication Quarterly, 63(4), 918. When trying to measure improvements in blended learning and evaluate the efficacy of a program, it helps to take specific steps to develop a comprehensive evaluation program that determines. The final semester evaluation results were used as a measure for performance as an outcome. Learners do well with word processing, e-mail, spreadsheets and web browsers but still lag below average in html tools. We however note that Coldwel, et al dealt with young, middle-aged and old above 45years whereas we dealt with young and middle aged only. 5. 6 while some colleges and universities have clear mandates for the percentage of time allowed online versus face-to-face for instruction in order to be called "blended," others are less prescriptive They have dealt with emotional intelligence, resilience, personality type and success in an online learning context (Berenson, Boyles, & Weaver, 2008). From Average collaborative, cognitive learning as well as learner-teacher interactions exist as important factors. Summary: Effectively evaluating your blended learning program is a crucial part of the learning process. The design features (technology quality, interactions) and learner characteristics (self regulation and social support), were found to be significant predictors of learner knowledge construction. This implies that learners capacity to go on their work by themselves supported by peers and high levels of interaction using the quality technology led them to construct their own ideas in blended learning. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of BL in improving knowledge and skill in pharmacy education. (2009). volume14, Articlenumber:7 (2017) and transmitted securely. Researchers indicate that teacher presence in face-to-face sessions lessens psychological distance between them and the learners and leads to greater learning. Blended Learning: The Convergence of Online and . Available from The high computer competences and confidence is an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness as noted by Hadad (2007) and this study finds learners confident and competent enough for the effectiveness of blended learning. K-12 online learning: A survey of U.S. school district administrators. In Wasson, B. Ludvigsen, S. & Hoppe, V. (eds), Designing for change in networked learning environments (pp 333342). Theory and Practice of Online Learning. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2015 Jan;13(1):52-64. doi: 10.11124/jbisrir-2015-1919. Clinical Medicine. Again, the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework can guide you in considering the full range of these dimensions. In other words, hybrid classrooms on the Internet can reach and engage students in a truly customizable way. As part of the University's Risk Assurance team, the role of the Senior Internal Auditor is to undertake and contribute towards the full internal audit cycle, to evaluate and improve the design and operating effectiveness of the University's risk management, control and governance processes. Contrary to Cohen et al. Design features (technology quality, online tools and resources as well as learner interactions) and learner characteristics (self regulation), significantly predicted the learners intrinsic motivation in blended learning suggesting that good technology, tools and high interaction levels with independence in learning led to learners being highly motivated. This workbook provides hands-on training exercises that help you design and implement an effective program with practical guidance from the experts. Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russell, J. D., & Smaldino, S. E. (2001). Funnel plot of blended learning versus no intervention. By using this website, you agree to our Some researchers stated that blended learning can enhance students' learning outcomes, improve students' motivation , and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives [4,5,14,15]. A t-test was carried out to establish the performance of male and female learners in the blended learning set up. Bediang G, Stoll B, Geissbuhler A, Klohn AM, Stuckelberger A, Nko'o S, Chastonay P. Computer literacy and E-learning perception in Cameroon: the case of Yaounde Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Learners preferred face-to-face sessions after every month in the semester (33.6%) and at the beginning of the blended learning session only (27.7%). This is because there are verbal aspects like giving praise, soliciting for viewpoints, humor, etc and non-verbal expressions like eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, etc which make teachers to be closer to learners psychologically (Kelley & Gorham, 2009). Learner satisfaction was reported at 81% especially with instructors (85%) high percentage reported on encouraging learner participation during the course of study 93%, course content (83%) with the highest being satisfaction with the good relationship between the objectives of the course units and the content (90%), technology (71%) with a high percentage on the fact that the platform was adequate for the online part of the learning (76%), interactions (75%) with participation in class at 79%, and face-to-face sessions (91%) with learner satisfaction high on face-to-face sessions being good enough for interaction and giving an overview of the courses when objectives were introduced at 92%. International Education Journal, 7(4), 534546. Postgrad Med J. (2006) who found learner interactions as predictors of learner satisfaction but agrees with Naaj et al. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. InfoDev. Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 282293. Blended learning can beneficial for any student, but it is especially effective for nursing students. 60% of teachers notice blended learning improves academic ability. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 8(2), 488492. In this study we have investigated learning outcomes as dependent variables to establish if particular learner characteristics/backgrounds and design features are related to the outcomes for blended learning effectiveness and if they predict learning outcomes in blended learning. 2007 Jan 01;7(1):3742. Virtual interactivity: design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses. ), Distance education. Accessed 2 Aug 2016. There is high intrinsic motivation, satisfaction and knowledge construction as well as good performance in examinations (M=62%, SD=7.5); which indicates potentiality for blended learning effectiveness. Learners eventually found it easy to download necessary materials for study in their blended learning experiences (71%).

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effectiveness of blended learning